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Fantasy A Pirates Life at Sea (always accepting!)

[QUOTE="Eden Smithe]Yes im sure it will be a love hate relationship xD . And yeah did! ...did i miss something?

not anymore. Most people have told me they read it and just didnt like it but I wasnt sure since u didnt say or like it but u did a bit ago?
Sorry if the image isn't big enough...

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpg.d74b73bfbd2bf6ffac0eb0bb2b6ba7b0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139050" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpg.d74b73bfbd2bf6ffac0eb0bb2b6ba7b0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: MacWatt

Nicknames: -MacWatt the Iceberg


Personality: MacWatt is a bitter old man. He's always there to rain on people's parade when he has the opportunity. He's the kind of guy who doesn't putt up with other people's stupidity, and really dislikes young people, specifically teenagers. He's extremely greedy and self-serving, and as a dirty old sea dog with a history in piracy, he is willing to do almost anything for money, even if it means putting up with a crew one last time. He's not the most agreeable or easy person to deal with, but he's an expert at his job of shooting people.





Crush: None (He could be most of the characters' father!)

Weapons: Seemingly endless amount of pistols, flintlock rifle, dagger


Bio: Full bio tbr but here's a summary based on rumors of him:

McWatt as kicked out of the Navy for gross misconduct (heehee > :D ). He joined a pirate crew because of the promised riches that was offered. On one of the or adventures, his crew went after a legendary gem that was supposed to have magical properties. After finding their prize, that very night the crew's ship hit an iceberg and was destroyed. MacWatt was the only known survivor, and the incident seemed to give him mysterious powers...


-"Stupid Brats"

-People who tell him what to do


-People who think real highly of themselves

-People who think they're smarter than they are

-Fellow crew members



Likes:-His pipe


-The Sea



-Being Lazy

-His Journal

Fighting Style: Long-range offensive

Signature Move: Enclose someone in ice, or impale with an ice shard

Quote: "Why don't yeh piss off, yeh bloody wallaper!"

"You all take yerselves so bloody seriously! Yeh think yer special? I've seen mollusks more intimidatin'!"

"There's only one thing I like more than money, an' it's more money!"

"I'm not afraid teh die. Everyone, human or not, is goin' teh die eventually. I'm goin' teh die laughin'!"

Magic: Water Manipulation, usually in the temperature. He can freeze or boil water at will, even salt water.

Race: Cursed Human

Other: He is from Scotland, so he speaks with a heavy accent and sometimes uses Scottish slang.



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Name: Gavreel Sol


Nick or Alias: "Ice Lord"


Gavreel is a fierce, but kind man, he is humble in many ways and likes to help people. He is a serious man and strict at some occasions.

He embraces the word 'justice' and 'peace' and would punish anyone who tries to disrupt them.





Crush:Admital Bernadette Contun

Choice of weapon(s):Dual-Sided Halberd And A Royal Sabier

Role: Navy Fleet Admiral


He has been raised on a noble family, his father is the head of the navy while his mother stays at their house. He joined the navy on the age of 16, and was climbing in the ranks easily due to his capabilities and magic. He excels at commanding and fighting. Many people respect him but some underestimates him because of his age, even when he was chosen as one of the admirals, some still doubt his skills.


People who disrupts peace


Unfair People

Corrupt officials


People who upholds justice

People who keeps peace

Navy Officers

Smart People

Kind People

Fighting style:

Both defensive and offensive, depending on the situation.

Signature Move:

His eyes would glow light blue and an aura would appear with the same color, the surrounding area would then begin to snow, and the gravity would increase 10 fold, pinning the enemy to the ground, while ice envelops him, then gavreel would deal the finaly blow with his weapon.

Signature saying:

"The thing called "justice" changes its shape... Depending on where you stand."

"I never fall down. I always fight"

"Justice shall prevail"

"Frozen hell awaits you"


Snow And Ice Manipulation-Gavreel Can Manipulate And Turns Into Snow/Ice

Gravity Manipulation-Gavreel Can Manipulate The Gravity anywhere around him in a radius of 200 meters.


Other:He Loves Ice cream
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XeroCantido said:
Sorry if the image isn't big enough...
View attachment 307859

Name: MacWatt

Nicknames: -MacWatt the Iceberg


Personality: MacWatt is a bitter old man. He's always there to rain on people's parade when he has the opportunity. He's the kind of guy who doesn't putt up with other people's stupidity, and really dislikes young people, specifically teenagers. He's extremely greedy and self-serving, and as a dirty old sea dog with a history in piracy, he is willing to do almost anything for money, even if it means putting up with a crew one last time.





Crush: None (He could be most of the characters' father!)

Weapons: Seemingly endless amount of pistols, flintlock rifle, dagger


Bio: Full bio tbr but here's a summary based on rumors of him:

McWatt as kicked out of the Navy for gross misconduct (heehee > :D ). He joined a pirate crew because of the promised riches that was offered. On one of the or adventures, his crew went after a legendary gem that was supposed to have magical properties. After finding their prize, that very night the crew's ship hit an iceberg and was destroyed. MacWatt was the only known survivor, and the incident seemed to give him mysterious powers...


-"Stupid Brats"

-People who tell him what to do


-People who think real highly of themselves



Likes:-His pipe


-The Sea



-Being Lazy

-His Journal

Fighting Style: Long-range offensive

Signature Move: Enclose someone in ice, or impale with an ice shard

Quote: "Why don't yeh piss off, yeh bloody wallaper!"

Magic: Water Manipulation, usually in the temperature. He can freeze or boil water at will, even salt water.

Race: Cursed Human

Other: He is from Scotland, so he speaks with a heavy accent and sometimes uses Scottish slang.
Wickedkent said:
Name: Gavreel Sol

Nick or Alias: "Ice Lord"


Gavreel is a fierce, but kind man, he is humble in many ways and likes to help people. He is a serious man and strict at some occasions.

He embraces the word 'justice' and 'peace' and would punish anyone who tries to disrupt them.






Choice of weapon(s):Dual-Sided Halberd And A Royal Sabier

Role: Navy Admiral


He has been raised on a noble family, his father is the head of the navy while his mother stays at their house. He joined the navy on the age of 16, and was climbing in the ranks easily due to his capabilities and magic. He excels at commanding and fighting. Many people respect him but some underestimates him because of his age, even when he was chosen as one of the admirals, some still doubt his skills.


People who disrupts peace


Unfair People

Corrupt officials


People who upholds justice

People who keeps peace

Navy Officers

Smart People

Kind People

Fighting style:

Both defensive and offensive, depending on the situation.

Signature Move:

Pinning the enemy on ice spikes and strikes at them with his weapon.

Signature saying:

"The thing called "justice" changes its shape... Depending on where you stand."

"I never fall down. I always fight"

"Justice shall prevail"

"Frozen hell awaits you"


Ice Manipulation. Gavreel Can Manipulate And Turns Into Ice(He rarely turns into ice, because he could harm innocent people around him)


Other:He Loves Ice cream
Both accepted!

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-6-30_23-48-22.png.d645676018d870cbe563c7e27c6b4484.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139309" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-6-30_23-48-22.png.d645676018d870cbe563c7e27c6b4484.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Eyes when not red)

Name: Alyssa Compton

Nick or Alias: The one with the cursed eyes (If you can think of a good name to go with that let me know)

Personality: Alyssa is very devious and cunning. Stealing was the only life she knows. She is very serious around new or people she doesn't trust, but after a while you find out that she is a very cool and nice person.



Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Crush: uh ,what's love?

Choice of weapon(s): sword or dagger

Role: crew (where ever you think she needs to be)

Bio: Alyssa grew up with a family of assassins. Being the youngest she was over looked by her older siblings. At the age of three the realized something was different with Alyssa. When she got super mad her eyes would turn a hot fire red. She injured many of the assassins, no one to this day knows how. Even after that she was still over looked. One man named Recon took an interest in her and made her his pupil. She learned how to be an assassin and how to control her power. When she turned 15 she felt as if something was missing from her life, so she left the assassin's clan to seek out that missing feeling. Who would of guessed it was to go and become a pirate.

Dislikes: dresses or skirts, know it alls, spiders, snow and ice, cloudy days

Likes: playing chess or checkers, reading, someone to make her smile, fighting{Likes to practice with fighters stronger than her}

Fighting style: Rogue, uses a sword or dagger, but rather sneak around and get the element of surprise.

(offensive or defense or both) Both Uh

Signature Move: Called the "Death Strike" when her powers are at max. Is very deadly and hard to control.

Signature saying: "This is going to be fun."

Magic: When he eyes glow red, she goes into attack mode and becomes stronger than when her eyes ae not glowing.

Race: human

Other: She has master some of her powers, but hasn't mastered them completly<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-1_0-3-31.png.baad81fc2b23d2835f72af3a6d436c33.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139310" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-1_0-3-31.png.baad81fc2b23d2835f72af3a6d436c33.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Elpis Hormey

Nick or Alias:

None yet


Always calm , introvert and clever


17 years old


164 cm






None yet

Choice of weapon(s):

Two dagger always hung at his/her belt




Runaway from family because they couldn't accept who he/she was . Love the ocean and water , start doing maps at 7 years old . Just want to discover new horizon and people . He/she met a little chick on the road and never leave it since .


-People who judge who he/she is

-closed space (have claustrophobia )

- Being alone



-drawings maps

-Good puns

-his/her chick

Fighting style:

Is not very good at fighting but can be discreet and stab person in the back . On big fight , she'll/he'll choose to stay safe and think of a strategy

Signature Move:

Doing the V of victory when he succeed a map or a fight

Signature saying:

"I'm not lazy , you're just hyperactive"






Very lazy , he/she search someone who can love him/her for who she/he is . Very romantic and is the most loyal of all when having a real , trusty friend or love .​
Mircure said:




Elpis Hormey

Nick or Alias:

None yet


Always calm , introvert and clever


17 years old


164 cm






None yet

Choice of weapon(s):

Two dagger always hung at his/her belt




Runaway from family because they couldn't accept who he/she was . Love the ocean and water , start doing maps at 7 years old . Just want to discover new horizon and people . He/she met a little chick on the road and never leave it since .


-People who judge who he/she is

-closed space (have claustrophobia )

- Being alone



-drawings maps

-Good puns

-his/her chick

Fighting style:

Is not very good at fighting but can be discreet and stab person in the back . On big fight , she'll/he'll choose to stay safe and think of a strategy

Signature Move:

Doing the V of victory when he succeed a map or a fight

Signature saying:

"I'm not lazy , you're just hyperactive"






Very lazy , he/she search someone who can love him/her for who she/he is . Very romantic and is the most loyal of all when having a real , trusty friend or love .​
Accepted! Join when u'd like!

Name: James Whitefeild

Personality: James is a very calm boy. He doesn't say much but is a good thief. He uses his talent to survive for himself. But he's usually a nice and sweet kid.

Age: 14

Height: 4'11

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Crush: Unknown

Choice of weapon(s): He uses his slingshot to stun an enemy to get time to run or if fatal situations he has a sharp dagger inside his coat pocket. He tries not to kill his opponent

Role: Thief For A Crew

Bio: James got kicked out from his stealing habit to buy new items from his parents. After he stole a large amount of money from them. They got fed up and removed him from their household. He lived off stealing food and money to purchase clean water. Now he's looking to find treasure and joining a crew to pursue his dream.


1. Judgmental people

2. Being threatened

3. Being deprived of food or shelter


1. Money and treasure

2. Stealing for his crew

3.Collecting items

Fighting style:

He attacks by using a slingshot usually aims towards the face or stomach. But if things get worse he'll jump and stab you in the chest with his dagger. He has no defense other than running or taking his chances by trying to stab his enemy. It can go wrong at times...

Signature Move: Shooting a steel ball into their eye from his slingshot

Signature saying: "No object is safe from my hands"

Magic: None

Race: Human
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Sedinger said:

Name: James Whitefeild

Personality: James is a very calm boy. He doesn't say much but is a good thief. He uses his talent to survive for himself. But he's usually a nice and sweet kid.

Age: 14

Height: 4'11

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Crush: Unknown

Choice of weapon(s): He uses his slingshot to stun an enemy to get time to run or if fatal situations he has a sharp dagger inside his coat pocket. He tries not to kill his opponent

Role: Thief For A Crew

Bio: James got kicked out from his stealing habit to buy new items from his parents. After he stole a large amount of money from them. They got fed up and removed him from their household. He lived off stealing food and money to purchase clean water. Now he's looking to find treasure and joining a crew to pursue his dream.


1. Judgmental people

2. Being threatened

3. Being deprived of food or shelter


1. Money and treasure

2. Stealing for his crew

3.Collecting items

Fighting style:

He attacks by using a slingshot usually aims towards the face or stomach. But if things get worse he'll jump and stab you in the chest with his dagger. He has no defense other than running or taking his chances by trying to stab his enemy. It can go wrong at times...

Signature Move: Shooting a steel ball into their eye from his slingshot

Signature saying: "No object is safe from my hands"

Magic: None

Race: Human
I know this sounds like weird but can you help me join with the RP. I'm really bad at joining when it's already started >__< I'm sorry @Libra259
MidnightStar said:
View attachment 308493

(Eyes when not red)

Name: Alyssa Compton

Nick or Alias: The one with the cursed eyes (If you can think of a good name to go with that let me know)

Personality: Alyssa is very devious and cunning. Stealing was the only life she knows. She is very serious around new or people she doesn't trust, but after a while you find out that she is a very cool and nice person.



Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Crush: uh ,what's love?

Choice of weapon(s): sword or dagger

Role: crew (where ever you think she needs to be)

Bio: Alyssa grew up with a family of assassins. Being the youngest she was over looked by her older siblings. At the age of three the realized something was different with Alyssa. When she got super mad her eyes would turn a hot fire red. She injured many of the assassins, no one to this day knows how. Even after that she was still over looked. One man named Recon took an interest in her and made her his pupil. She learned how to be an assassin and how to control her power. When she turned 15 she felt as if something was missing from her life, so she left the assassin's clan to seek out that missing feeling. Who would of guessed it was to go and become a pirate.

Dislikes: dresses or skirts, know it alls, spiders, snow and ice, cloudy days

Likes: playing chess or checkers, reading, someone to make her smile, fighting{Likes to practice with fighters stronger than her}

Fighting style: Rogue, uses a sword or dagger, but rather sneak around and get the element of surprise.

(offensive or defense or both) Both Uh

Signature Move: Called the "Death Strike" when her powers are at max. Is very deadly and hard to control.

Signature saying: "This is going to be fun."

Magic: When he eyes glow red, she goes into attack mode and becomes stronger than when her eyes ae not glowing.

Race: human

Other: She has master some of her powers, but hasn't mastered them completly
Oh im sorry i didnt see it! Ur accepted!

Name: Katherine Wilder

Nick or Alias: Mrs.Wild

Personality: Katherine is a very spunky kid. She loves to make people laugh and wants the world to be a better and safer place. She likes to joke around, but when it's time to get down to business she's your woman.

Age: 19


Gender: female

Sexuality: Straight

Crush: ...

Choice of weapon(s): He uses a long sword

Role: Navy Soldier (dreams to become a general or co general)

Bio: All Katherine's ever wanted was to join the navy. Generation after generation, the eldest of the family would join the family. She however was over looked my her brother Carter. Her mother wanted her home safe and her father though the navy was no place for a woman. Deciding her own fate Katherine leaves home to try out to be a navy soldier. She had training for many years and thought she was ready to join.

Dislikes: pirates, evil, people using magic for bad things, and gravy

Likes: helping people, doing her best, joking around, and making new friends

Fighting style: She uses a sword and shield. Classic sword fighting

(offensive or defense or both)

Signature Move: Double Slicer (She slices once then jumps in the air and slices again in the other direction)

Signature saying: "We do it for the people!"

Magic: she can use and manipulate fire. She make hers sword burst into flames or cast fire onto someone, but rather not hurt them.

Race: Human

Other:nope<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-1_23-37-9.png.d6eb0ad71e5f358a80548651f36cc47b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139562" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-1_23-37-9.png.d6eb0ad71e5f358a80548651f36cc47b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • upload_2016-7-1_23-37-9.png
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MidnightStar said:
Appearance:View attachment 309023
Name: Katherine Wilder

Nick or Alias: Mrs.Wild

Personality: Katherine is a very spunky kid. She loves to make people laugh and wants the world to be a better and safer place. She likes to joke around, but when it's time to get down to business she's your woman.

Age: 19


Gender: female

Sexuality: Straight

Crush: ...

Choice of weapon(s): He uses a long sword

Role: Navy Soldier (dreams to become a general or co general)

Bio: All Katherine's ever wanted was to join the navy. Generation after generation, the eldest of the family would join the family. She however was over looked my her brother Carter. Her mother wanted her home safe and her father though the navy was no place for a woman. Deciding her own fate Katherine leaves home to try out to be a navy soldier. She had training for many years and thought she was ready to join.

Dislikes: pirates, evil, magic, and gravy

Likes: helping people, doing her best, joking around, and making new friends

Fighting style: She uses a sword and shield. Classic sword fighting

(offensive or defense or both)

Signature Move: Double Slicer (She slices once then jumps in the air and slices again in the other direction)

Signature saying: "We do it for the people!"

Magic: none

Race: Human

MidnightStar said:
Appearance:View attachment 309023
Name: Katherine Wilder

Nick or Alias: Mrs.Wild

Personality: Katherine is a very spunky kid. She loves to make people laugh and wants the world to be a better and safer place. She likes to joke around, but when it's time to get down to business she's your woman.

Age: 19


Gender: female

Sexuality: Straight

Crush: ...

Choice of weapon(s): He uses a long sword

Role: Navy Soldier (dreams to become a general or co general)

Bio: All Katherine's ever wanted was to join the navy. Generation after generation, the eldest of the family would join the family. She however was over looked my her brother Carter. Her mother wanted her home safe and her father though the navy was no place for a woman. Deciding her own fate Katherine leaves home to try out to be a navy soldier. She had training for many years and thought she was ready to join.

Dislikes: pirates, evil, magic, and gravy

Likes: helping people, doing her best, joking around, and making new friends

Fighting style: She uses a sword and shield. Classic sword fighting

(offensive or defense or both)

Signature Move: Double Slicer (She slices once then jumps in the air and slices again in the other direction)

Signature saying: "We do it for the people!"

Magic: none

Race: Human

wait, what is your current rank in the navy?



Killian Jones

Nick or Alias



Hook is a completely smartass,sneaking at everyone in his path in a constant basis. He also tends to flirt with everyone with two legs,and sometimes he won't even be that pick. But Hook has a sweeter side to him that is usually hidden quite well,unless you are his close friend. He is always willing to listen to someone's problems,and once someone actually has the patience to seek his friendship they will have an ally for life.

His own,personal feelings are a different story. Hook is guarded into himself and hates to show weakness. Like any person,he is insecure from time to time. His stuborn and impulsive personality is also difficult to deal with,but they also mean that he will react quickly to any threat.











Choice of weapon(s)

Besides his short sword,Hook can also use...well,his hook.


Crew (major)


Like many pirates,Killian was born in a comfortable lifestyle. He had a completely common and regular life and was already promised to a sweet lady with a family that was even richer than his. Everything had been set for him even before he was born,so he could simply follow the path of his family and have a simple life.

The problem was that Killian didn't want anything to do with a normal and regular life. Even the sight of his wife made him completely bored,and he often felt the calling of the sea. His actual life was in the open world,and when Killian turned sixteen years old he ran away and never looked back. Life in the ships was difficult,but Killian was a complete natural. He rose quickly through the ranks,reaching high positions that were surprising for his age. He eventually reached the rank of Major.

And that was when everything went wrong.

Killian had been commanding an attack against some enemy pirates,but the men of the opposite ship had not only superior weapons but also the help of evil mermaids. Before Killian could even react,half of his crew was dead and his ship had started to skin. They found him in an island near the battlefield,barely alive and missing his right.


x Blood

x Fighting

x Loud Noises

x Waiting for the wind

x Answering to superiors


x Independence

x Singing

x The Sun

x The Wind

x Shows of strength

Fighting Style


Signature Move

Hook has a tendency to hit enemies with his hook.

Signature saying

Time flies when you're having rum!


Telepathy. Hook isn't sure how he acquired this ability,but after he woke up in the island he was able to reach others with his mind and project his thoughts. This power gets easier once he has familiarity with his target.



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