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"What's your favorite scary movie...?"

"Welcome, welcome! My name is Umlaut! I'm the host for all you boils and ghouls!! Go ahead and post your character sheets here! I can't wait to get to know all the new meat! Hahahaha!"


Name: 'The Kid."

Age: 11-12

Personality: Cocky little punk, often gets himself in trouble at school to try and impress his peers. His teachers aren't impressed, and his parents often wonder where they went wrong. May or may not have something of an inferiority complex against their older brother who's a junior in highschool. Often encloses himself in the things he enjoys like horror movies and comics. Had a superhero interest when he was younger but he's mostly grown out of it at this point. Something about Carnevil has caught his interest. It might just be the outlet he needs to get his frustrations out...

Fears: Horror movies are well and good but fighting or seeing an ACTUAL monster? Gives him the chills, man, chills. That or threatening his friends or family. Mostly his older brother. Not that the Kid would ever admit to any of this aloud. Gotta keep up the cool dude persona after all.

Favorite horror movie: (this RP takes place in the late 90s so just keep that in mind!): Return of the Living Dead!

Bio: 'The Kid' as he'd ultimately end up referred to as by many of Carnevil's forces wasn't anything special. Just a kid trying to impress all the wrong people and find attention and approval in all the wrong places to boot. He wasn't Albert Einstein or anything but his English teacher always told him that if he'd kept his nose out of his comics and focused more on his studies he'd be able to actually make something of himself. Really he wasn't convinced. Having moved here with an annoying older sibling and an older brother that he was CONSTANTLY compared to, the Kid struggled to find much to do in boring Greely Valley, Iowa.

Why couldn't they have moved somewhere cool? Like New York or L.A.? That's where ALL the action was! Or least that was the case in the movies.

For as much as he despised his home situation, the Kid wasn't shy about making friends. Bonding over common interests and a need for attention, The Kid became known amongst his circle for being the KING of pranks! Leaving a whoopee cushion on the teacher's chair, flooding the bathroom, spraypainting the principal's car. All of it was a blast but it was a vicious circle he just couldn't seem to work up the urge to ever wanna break. He'd act out, get laughs and praise, be punished, go home, get disciplined, rinse and repeat.

All this monster and horror stuff was fine in the movies but now that it's real?

Well, time to put his money where his mouth is and see if he can really be the hero of the night and fix the mess he made!

Equipment: a BB gun, a yo-yo, and $5 dollars in change. Or otherwise, not much.
Name: Beauty "Beaut" Romane

Age: 11

Personality: A complete creep with no friends, Beaut is remarkably intelligent for her age, but has no sense of charisma to speak of and according to her brother and the other neighborhood kids "Is a total weirdo." She reads and studies above her grade level and if she weren't so clearly demented, Beaut would probably at least have being a great student going for her, but even her teachers think she's a freak (Except for Mr. Raker, the overly eccentric art teacher, who is probably the only person weirder than her in the general vicinity of Greely Valley Iowa.) Rightfully so (there's a reason we don't let her have pets anymore.) Her tendency towards the macabre is alarming for a girl of her age. Her ability to understand the macabre is even moreso. She watched a lot of her Dad's old movie tapes as he was somewhat of a film buff, including some imports from Japan, Korea, and Italy. Though she doesn't get to watch anything that doesn't come on Saturday morning on Fox Kids because her mom is worried that it's been "Effecting her moral character" (as if her taste in films is the core thing that's wrong with her.) There are a lot of things that could go wrong in Beaut's life that could probably lead to some unsavory situations later on. Best case scenario for her later on in life? Her art teacher Mr. Raker convinces her to pursue her passions, and she becomes a film director like her "idol" David Lynch. Worst case? Lets just say she'd make her own personal horror movie a reality, and I don't see her as the type to be the protagonist.

Fears: Cameras, she hates having her picture taken. Every time someone takes her picture, it always shows her crying, even if she wasn't. Nobody knows why.

Allergies: Hawthorne Trees (She breaks out into hives if their wood touches her.)

Favorite horror movie: (this RP takes place in the late 90s so just keep that in mind!): David Lynch's Eraserhead (We don't let her around the VHS tapes anymore after she started drawing "fanart" of the movie and pinning it on her wall.)

Favorite Song: Burning Down The House by The Talking Heads

Favorite Book: The collected annotated works of H.P. Lovecraft

Favorite Cartoon: She seems to sit in front of the family television every Saturday for 30 minutes staring at nothing but static. She says it's her favorite "cartoon and puppet show" called "Ticky Tocky Toffee Land" and she has a hissy fit whenever anyone changes the channel. We've just stopped questioning it.

Favorite Television Show then?: The Twilight Zone. She has the uncanny ability to guess the twist endings right at the start watching an episode though...

Least favorite activity: Tying her shoes

Bio: Born the second child in a loving home, it's a complete and utter wonder why Beaut is so demented, screwed up, and seemingly monstrous for a child. Her obsession with the dark, dead, and Macabre, is totally creepy and probably not very healthy. Especially since goth girls are still generally considered weirdos. She's always been a bit of a praying mantis, though, from a distance in relationship she might take advantage of adults she doesn't know, but hidden behind her act of seemingly like an innocent little girl, she is a child of darkness. She wasn't always like this, it only started whenever she was 5 or so, but nobody knows why. She's had at least 3 therapists quit on her case. If anyone is in there element in Carnevil though, it's her.

Equipment: A steak-knife she stole from the kitchen drawer, a box of matches she's been hiding under her bed, a dead rat that she found on the ground earlier that day while trick or treating, a 10 dollar bill that she definitely didn't steal, her halloween costume (she's dressed up as the "Red Death" from the Masque of the Red Death by Edgar Allen Poe.)

Tiffany 2.png

Name: Tiffany

Age: 11

Being an only child to two loving parents, Tiffany is, well.. How do I put it? A little bit of a spoiled brat. At school she’s known as one of the queen bees, never seeming to get in trouble no matter what she does, because Tiffany would totally never do anything wrong. She’s not all that nice to her classmates, but despite being annoying at times Tiffany is a loyal friend at heart and wouldn’t want to see anybody come to harm, even if she doesn’t act like it.

More than absolutely anything, spiders are her worst nightmare. Tiffany can’t handle anything to do with bugs. There isn’t a lot she’s not scared of, apart from animals which she loves with all her heart. [why do I get the feeling this question is setting us up for something?]

Tiffany wouldn’t dream of watching a horror movie. She loves The Little Mermaid and Care Bears though. And Space Jam!


Tiffany had lived in Greely Valley her whole life, born in an affluent family to a defence attorney mother and politician father. She'd heard of the rumours of the Tokkentaker and all the spooky things that lurked in that end of town. Heck, one of her favourite things to do was tease other kids her age for being scared of it, unbeknownst to them she was the biggest scaredy cat of them all.

That night, Tiffany was supposed meeting her best friend Ashley along with the rest of the gang at the cemetery - the "cool kids", if you will. That was what she thought at least, but Ashley didn't show up despite being the one that convinced her to come all the way to that creepy old place. She didn't want to look like a wuss puss in front of her friends, though, so going home early wasn't an option for Tiffany. Especially after seeing that kid from school snooping around the gravestones. Hey, what is that over there, anyway?

A rather shiny hand-held mirror and a small bag containing house keys, her mom's stolen lipstick and a note with her home telephone number on it. Also tangled up inside her bag, occupying the last bit of space in there, is both her and Ashley's jump ropes that they'd been playing with the day before.
After I was already finished designing my character I realised I could've had a cool Coraline PC, but alas :33:
That is an absolutely lovely character/fits the setting perfectly! ❤️
I wanted to do the resident creepy weirdo girl who doesn’t mind the fact that she doesn’t have any friends and whom it might be better off for everyone/who’s best ending is just staying in Carnevil with the rest of the total freaks that live there. If you couldn’t tell, she borrows heavily from the works of Junji Ito, but there are more than a few things about her that are offhand references to modern internet horror (SCP, Spooky’s Jumpscare Mansion, and Candle Cove among other things)

I had a few other ideas while I was workshopping this one. Namely a character who was a parody of contemporary young adult novels like “Tangerine” or “Wonder” which constantly get assigned for reading lists in grade school. Mainly because I want more than anything to get my revenge on those kinds of “real kid who is way too literate and not nearly crude enough to be a real kid” type of protagonists.

I also had an idea for a deadpan snarker goth teenager with piercings, who is generally cool and collected and acts like she doesn’t care but is genuinely being pushed to her limit whenever shit hits the fan. But I decided that was probably going to get old after a while, and that there’s a more concrete basis for a character like Beaut (and I wanted to snag the resident creepy PC before anyone else could.)

My final idea before coming on to Beaut was a naive flowery girl ala Clarisse McLellan if she were about 13, for wholesome points or if the story needed to do some “break the cutie” stuff.

Ultimately I decided that it would be the most fun to play a character who could probably die a few times and see not much of a significant change due to already being tentatively insane. Though expect her to be swinging that knife around a lot more after a few goes.

Welcome to Wonderland

Anson Seabra





Olivia Marie Hawthorne


11 years old


Female | She/Her


4'5" | 135 cm


80 lbs | 36 kg



Olivia can come across as timid or shy towards strangers, but she is simply withdraw, afraid of letting her true personality show for fear that it will be ill-received. Until she has a chance of warming up to someone, she remains distant but polite.

A kind-hearted soul by nature, Olivia's empathetic tendencies lead her to lending a helping hand whenever she is able and she is unable to turn away from a person in need of help. She can be quite gullible at times, which when combined with her empathetic nature, can lead her to being fooled by those with ill-intentions.

She can also be a bit of a perfectionist; she tends to be very hard on herself when she is unable to complete a task to her satisfaction and she has a bad habit of comparing her accomplishments (or lack there of) to the accomplishments of others. Due to her masking her emotions at times, instead of confronting her negative emotions in a healthy way, Olivia bottles them up until she is eventually over-whelmed by them.


The dark and enclosed spaces.

favorite movie.

Olivia doesn't enjoy many things related to horror, but Beauty and the Beast is her favorite movie (though mostly just because of the library).


$15 that she snuck from her allowance money, a small flashlight for when it gets dark, and a hair-tie.



Growing up as an only child, Olivia rarely saw her parents as they traveled quite often for work. She was either left with a baby-sitter or by herself and though it got lonely sometimes, Olivia found comfort and solace in the stories she would read about in the books she checked out from the town library.

Olivia wasn't all that keen on anything spooky, but her friends managed to convince her to go on the hay-bale ride with them. It was fairly easy to convince her baby-sitter to let her go out and after pocketing some items she thought would be useful, Olivia headed out in the fading twilight.



♡coded by uxie♡
(Sorry for the lack of aesthetics! I will code something later. ^ ^ ;; )


Name: Pietro "Petey" Rossi

Age: 12

Personality: A rather impulsive and naive young lad, Petey is the type of person to act now and apologize later. He sticks to his gut instincts and follows them, logic always dawning in hindsight. Naturally outgoing and outwardly friendly, Petey isn't one to shy away from stranger much to his mother's charging. 'That boy will be the death of me,' a thought that's crossed over her mind one to many times as she mends away at the scrapes and bruises he brings from his little adventures. Most often than not, Petey likes to explore the world of the sensory. He has a great need to touch, to feel, to experience things. Being cooped up for too long or sitting still isn't his strong suit. While he's not a hyperactive kid, in a sense that one might be bouncing off the walls like crazy, he has that glint of adventure shining out of the corners of his eyes.

While adults often assume that he's simply a trouble-maker in the making, Petey actually recognizes the importance of rules. He doesn't set to break them intentionally, if only to do something that his conscience is telling him to do. Like the one time, he could hear a bird's call in pain and he snuck out the window at night only to fall and break his hands while trying to reach out to comfort that crying baby bird. His mother in tears, crying out loud for her baby while scolding him for doing something so idiotic.. And yet.. She couldn't punish him to the fullest knowing he only wanted to help.

Fears: Helplessness and being lonely are the things that scare him. Because he doesn't want to feel alone. The lost of his twin sister have already clawed into a part of his youthfulness that he couldn't bear losing another friend. Outside of that, Petey isn't really keen on pools or murky waters. His dad playfully grabbed his ankles once and tried to pull into the sea when he was young. While to his elder, it was a joke. To him, it caused trauma and a great distrust of bodies of water and sea creatures. He gets anxious at the sight of anything larger than a goldfish.

Favorite horror movie: Creepshow, Tales of the Cryptkeeper, Nightmare on Elm Street, and Jaws. The latter isn't so much horror in the typical sense, but it scares him nonetheless. He's very much into the tamer and more "popular" side of horror. He's not the type of kid to have watched Night of the Living Dead by Romero, but he wouldn't say no to a good scare film either.. Well.. As long as he's not alone anyways.

Bio: Petey is the new kid in town. His parents moved from their apartment in Brooklyn to a rather sleepy town of Greely Valley around the final days of summer, just before the new school year began. As such, he's not particularly aware of the town history or it's citizens as much. In his eyes, their new place was nice enough with a huge yard that he can play fetch with his Labrador, Ringo. His dad even showed him around the local theaters and arcades close-by. But it was eerily quiet, like the townsfolk were hiding this huge mystery to prevent the newcomers from simply up and leaving. It's weird. But Petey never discloses this to his folks knowing that they want a brand start after Sienna's (his sister's) passing.
I wanted to do the resident creepy weirdo girl who doesn’t mind the fact that she doesn’t have any friends and whom it might be better off for everyone/who’s best ending is just staying in Carnevil with the rest of the total freaks that live there. If you couldn’t tell, she borrows heavily from the works of Junji Ito, but there are more than a few things about her that are offhand references to modern internet horror (SCP, Spooky’s Jumpscare Mansion, and Candle Cove among other things)

I had a few other ideas while I was workshopping this one. Namely a character who was a parody of contemporary young adult novels like “Tangerine” or “Wonder” which constantly get assigned for reading lists in grade school. Mainly because I want more than anything to get my revenge on those kinds of “real kid who is way too literate and not nearly crude enough to be a real kid” type of protagonists.

I also had an idea for a deadpan snarker goth teenager with piercings, who is generally cool and collected and acts like she doesn’t care but is genuinely being pushed to her limit whenever shit hits the fan. But I decided that was probably going to get old after a while, and that there’s a more concrete basis for a character like Beaut (and I wanted to snag the resident creepy PC before anyone else could.)

My final idea before coming on to Beaut was a naive flowery girl ala Clarisse McLellan if she were about 13, for wholesome points or if the story needed to do some “break the cutie” stuff.

Ultimately I decided that it would be the most fun to play a character who could probably die a few times and see not much of a significant change due to already being tentatively insane. Though expect her to be swinging that knife around a lot more after a few goes.

I could totally see the inspiration from Junji Ito's characters - Souichi mainly comes to mind (although I can see Mari from Tomb Town as the FC. XD )
Name: Carrol Dreemurr

Age: 17

Personality: The traditional stoic and moody Teenager. Carrol Dreemurr tries to play it cool, but is really terrified by the prospect of Carnevil as a concept. She finds herself constantly being tortured by the general design of the carnival, and the constant calliope music blaring dryly over the speakers. She swears if she ever finds who's playing the calliope she's going to strangle them, but whether she actually means that or if she'd just get scared and run away is probably between her and god. She's your classic moody goth with parental issues. The only good thing about Carnevil is that she doesn't have to babysit her little brother while she's there, and there's no-one to stop her from smoking the pack of cigarettes that she stole from her grandfather's home office.

Fears: Calliope Music, Clowns

Allergies: No, Carrol, you're not "allergic to stupid people and narcs."

Favorite horror movie: David Lynch's Eraserhead (She thinks it's "Metal as hell" Maybe she'll get along with Beaut)

Favorite Song: Megalomania by Black Sabbath

Favorite Book: Pff, reading is for nerds

Favorite Cartoon: Despite what she insists, her guilty pleasure is watching Garfield.

Least Favorite Activity: Obeying rules

Body Mods: Her ears are pierced and she dyed her hair red, much to the dismay of her parents.

Bio: Carrol doesn't like to talk about her life much to the other kids, but if pressed you'd learn that she was born in Seattle and her family moved to Greely to help take care of her aging grandfather Murphy Dreemurr. Carrol hates the attention that's dedicated to her younger brother, and feels inadequate and neglected because of her older age. Because of this, she acts out in a desperate bid for attention, and has taken up smoking, to flip the finger to the establishment, even though she doesn't actually enjoy smoking and just knows that it "looks cool" by 90s standards.

Equipment: Her most prized possession is a switchblade she bought herself and has been hiding from her parents, She has a lighter that she's unaware is empty, a pack of cigarettes that she stole from her grandfather's home office, and a lazy "halloween costume" consisting of a pair of fake red horns that she wears on her head.

Mamimi Lordgenome.png
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Lovely character, Paroe!!

Aww, thank you!! I figured Petey was probably walking his dog Ringo when he came off his leash and ran into the cementary as if something was beckoning his dog to come. Then, he bumped into the other kids who knew about the hay ride, not fully aware of what happened. Like, "Why the shocked faces you guys?? I'm not that terrible looking, am I??" XD

Name: Naomi “The Buzzkill”

Relations: Jacob’s Older Sister (The Kid’s Older Sister)

Age: 17

Personality: Despite the purple streaks in her hair and her rebellious looking appearance, Naomi is actually quite the deep thinker. Her ideals surround what would make society a better place challenge the norm. In fact, she relishes in discussing rather taboo topics such as current social constructs and policies that concern people’s rights. It’s better to have a discourse (as ugly as it may turn out) for the sake of learning the other side rather than be blatant ignorance. Naturally, for a rather “grungy” looking teen, she’s quite aware and socially conscious. Perhaps it’s all influenced by the music she chooses to play, old punk bands like Dead Kennedys, Black Flag, The Clash, Jefferson Airplane, and so many more. It was as if the chords were the battle cries played in marches to catalyze change. Songs about war, poverty, censorship, and most of all, liberation from oppression. She wasn’t merely a rebel for anarchy’s sake. She stood for something.

If you can get past the slight air of intimidation, you’ll find a rather softer person than you’d recognize. Naomi, like most teens, is still trying to find her footing in the world. She can be quite vulnerable, but only to her close friends, and only if they double-swear-pinky-promise never to let her secrets be known. She’s a responsible child, for the most part, knowing when to test her limits with her elders. Being the eldest had it’s fair share of burdens. This looming pressure to be perfect to live up to her parent’s expectations definitely enhances her bouts of moodiness. But at the end of the day, everyone would say that she’s got a rather good head on her shoulders. In fact, she loves her family and friends with such fierce loyalty that anyone who chooses to harm them should be warned. If push came to shove, she’d rather punch.

Fears: Clowns and Creepy Porcelain Dolls. She’s always felt a bit uneasy with clowns. Their painted smiles and outlandish costumes felt predatory her, even as a child. At one point, when she was five, she’s slapped a clown so hard for suddenly patting her head that his nose and party hat fell off. As for the porcelain dolls, she was always scared they housed undead souls of their own with how life-like the were.

Favorite horror movie: Carrie, The Pet Sematary, and The Shining. She’s always been a Stephen King kind of girl. Perhaps, it’s got something to do with his writing rather than the films itself. She does enjoy comparing literary notes to screen interpretation.

Bio: Up until Naomi was ten, her parents considered her their perfect little child. She did as she was asked. She tried her best in school. She even acted a little bit their mom, picking up phrases like, “I’m not mad. I’m disappointed.”, if only to echo their mother’s discontent to her younger brothers. But all of this would change once they moved. No one was truly happy about living in this unknown town in the middle nowhere and yet there they were.

Her brothers coped with the situation the best they could, but for Naomi, this meant more than a simple change of location. She already had her established group of friends. She already developed plans and already knew most of the local “cool kid” hotspots. Hell, she was even beginning to develop a little crush with that dreamy boy sitting two seats to her right in homeroom. Needless to say, it took her more time to adjust.

And even when she did, she wasn’t as bright eyed as her former self was. She leaned in on music, books, and anything that would keep her mind off what she could’ve been doing with her old friends. In a way, all those little changes fostered her identity into who she was today. Both a thinker and a rebel. A lover and a fighter. Paradox dressed in black tank tops and fingerless gloves.


Name: Lawrence 'The Bogeyman' Burns

Age: 30

Personality: Comes with the territory of being an established criminal: you're not gonna be the nicest person around. Still, you've gotta be able to put on the charm when it's called for. Whether it's schmoozing over potential business partners or getting with the ladies. Certainly wouldn't think twice about blowing away any of the innocent civilians that had the misfortune to get pulled inside Carnevil with him as well. Business always comes first and if he ain't around to profit off it, then why should anyone else get to walk away scot free?

Fears: Being busted by the bigger fish that he can't just bribe away(think FBI/CIA/DEA Agents. The feds basically.) or being done in over something stupid (getting shot or shanked over one of his subordinates running their mouth and starting trouble where there shouldn't be any.) The public finding out the kind of man he truly is.

Favorite horror movie: (this RP takes place in the late 90s so just keep that in mind!): Funny Games (the original Austrian version)

Bio: Not much is known to the general public about Lawrence's life and he prefers it that way. If you asked the old ladies nattering away at the nursing home, they'd think 'Little Larry' is the nicest young man to have ever blessed them/visits more than their own family! With how much money he puts back into the local community, you'd get an almost picturesque view of the man. If he were any kinder, you'd think him a saint! But that's not the whole picture or even a clear one. He's a member of the local crime syndicate, having his fingers in all kinds of pies. Prostitution, drugs, illegal betting, etc. Having been raised by an extremely abusive father-both physically and emotionally-Lawrence learned to try and put on a mask in front of others. To never let himself come off as vulnerable ever again. To be vulnerable was to lay everything on the table for nothing and that was a sucker's game. He was a lot of things but he wasn't no damn sucker. Eventually his mother, having finally gotten fed up with the torment her husband put her son and herself through, she took his revolver from the safe he usually kept it in and gunned him down after he came home, so inebriated that he barely realized what was going on until it was too late.

Killing him was the easy part. The process of disposing him...well...

Larry's mother had familial ties to the local gang and after making some promises behind closed doors, they agreed to help her out. Her husband's death would be presented as a suicide, the local coroner would be paid off to not make a fuss about the cause of death, and the two of them would be taken care of for the rest of their days.

That is of course if certain obligations were met. While not even being old enough to fully understand how his entire life had been flipped upside down, Larry was tasked with performing all kinds of illegal acts. Small stuff that nobody would generally suspect a kid of. Theft, sabotage, arson, and so on. His mother was absolutely horrified, not so much at the crimes themselves, it was an ugly neccesity. She didn't know what she'd do if the authorities took her son away from her/locked her up for murder. But it was uncomfortable to say the least to see how well Larry got on with the adult gangsters. It was as though he'd finally found friends! Adults who wouldn't scream at him, smash a glass over his head, or shove his ma around. They'd take care of them so long as he did right by them and he'd do right by them wouldn't he?

Why, if he didn't, then who's to say? Word might get out that Larry's old man didn't go and eat his gun....

Working his way up the ranks with the gang paying for his education, Larry eventually landed a position as captain! He'd been made! His colleagues couldn't have been happier! But as he came home to the only mansion in all of Greely Valley, that he'd specifically went out of his way to purchase for his mother, and told his mother of the great news, she seemed more perturbed than anything.

"This isn't the life I wanted for you, dear. Not at all..."
"But...Heh, but ma, look what it's done for me, for us! We were living in a complete shithole before! It may as well have been a fuckin roach motel-"
"Lawrence Burns! I did the best that I could to provide for us! Do NOT use that foul language with me!"

Larry had been no stranger to beating up people by this point. Knocking out teeth, breaking fingers, even whole limbs if the situation called for it. He'd even whacked a few pals that the rest had felt were getting a bit too chatty or dipping their hands in the figurative pot without telling anyone else. But he couldn't raise his voice at his mother, no matter how influence he brought upon himself.

"...sorry, ma. heat of the moment and all."
"...Please, Larry. I...I know it's too late for me, I could go tomorrow and I'd be fine with it. But you can still get out of here. Just go and never look back."
Larry looked absolutely dumbfounded. "...Run away??? You don't know what you're asking for, ma! I'd be throwing away YEARS of work! Years of effort! Everything that we've done up to this point would be for nothing! These people aren't just walking moneybags to me, they're my friends! They're my family, they're-"

"Criminals, Larry. Murderers."

Mother and son exchanged an uncomfortable silence. Adjusting the brim of his hat, Larry turned away and headed for the door. "...I got some business in town. If you need me then call around 5-6. Love you, mom."

"Larry....Larry please!"

Larry opened the door and shut it behind him as he stepped through.

Reaching for a cigarette out of the box he had stashed in his left pocket, he lit it and took a loooong drag on it. Taking it out and puffing out ring of smoke, he huffed and his shoulders slumped. "Everytime I come to this goddamn town. Always leaves me worse coming in that it does when I leave..." He hadn't been lying to his mother when he said he was here on business. One of the men he'd hired with watching over his mom's home had been suspected indirectly of stealing from the elderly woman while she slept. She hadn't called him out by name of course but it didn't take a mind reader to connect the dots in Larry's mind. He knew every single person who came in and walked out of that damned mansion. When his mom started noticing that some of her jewerley (that she'd gotten from her own parents) had gone missing, she chalked it up to bad memory/assumed that Larry's father must have pawned it years ago. But Larry knew better than that.

Somebody had gotten greedy.

Somebody was gonna pay.

Didn't take long to track the schmuck down. He'd hidden out in the cemetery. Larry thought it was fitting. He'd be able to kill him, bury him, and wash his hands of the mess all in the same place. Parking his car outside the gates, Larry grabbed a baseball bat from his trunk and headed inside, his handgun tucked away in a holster/obscured by his jacket. There was some kind of a hayride going on, probably for the kids. Nobody would notice a thing. As he walked among the tombstones, he turned his head and noticed the people climbing aboard the carriage.

That wormy cocksucker was hiding among the civilians! He looked nervous as hell, sweat rolling down his face, his hands in his pockets. He shifted among the crowd, inadeptly pushing some of the kids out of the way as he went to get on.

Only to freeze as he turned his head and saw a familiar face glowering at him from across the graveyard.

"Oh shit....ohshitshitshit!" He bolted away from the carriage, once again shoving over a few people in the process, even tripping over a baby stroller much to the mother's horror! Not wanting the crowd to notice him, Larry faded back among the trees. He'd have to track down this dirtbag and kill him one on one.

Before he could get to it though, something outrageous happened.

A carnival appeared! ....Out of nowhere....

"...What the fuck??"

Equipment: a big blocky cell phone (look up 90s cell-phone and you'll get a good idea of what I mean!), a Buck 120 hunting knife, his wallet, a lighter/cigarettes, keys to his black 1993 Lexus LS400, and a
M1911A1 and a good ol aluminum baseball bat!


Name: Ophelia Deveraux

Age: 17

Personality: Having never really gotten on with her family-it's the 90s and they didn't approve of the fact that their daughter was seeing another girl! Shocker! They're well off enough, the multiple cars in her driveway and the security cameras laden around the perimeter of the house were evidence enough. If Ophelia wanted something, there wasn't much that her parents couldn't get her. All it'd cost is for her to stop all this rebellious nonsense, ditch the black, the ear piercings, turn off that blasted music, and go find a nice young man.

Basically, stop being who she wanted to be and instead just plant herself right into the cookie cutter mold that her parents wanted from her.

It was a hard pass.

On her own, Ophelia LOOKS a lot less approachable than she actually is. If you approach her with honest intentions/aren't meaning to come by and stir up shit or ask ignorant questions, then she'd be more than happy to pop a squat and hold a conversation. It's the assholes and dicks of the world that she just doesn't have time for. Life's too short and all that. That said, depending on if she genuinely likes you or thinks you're just a guillable sap, don't be surprised if the next time she shoplifts, you end up taking the blame for it!

Fears: Having to conform to other's views. The death of self-autonomy. Being someone she isn't or has ever been.

Favorite horror movie: Scream! She thinks it's a masterpiece and the sequel is pretty fine too.

Bio: Ophelia grew up as part of a wealthy family that'd originally hailed from Louisiana/her father's side of the family had made their fortune through real estate, real estate, real estate! Took a real charmer to wanna get people to settle in the bayou after all. Even if it meant stretching the truth here and there. As a child, Ophelia never thought too much of it. Her family having money to throw around was just a part of life and as far as her parents were concerned? She was the apple of their eye, at least compared to her two older siblings.

It was just a shame then that as Ophelia grew up/formed a relationship with her grandmother on her mother's side, she began to develop a shared interest in the macabre. She'd capture spiders, keep them in jars, jot down the details, feed them a couple bugs or so and then let them go! She'd go with her grandmother on trips to the graveyard. Mostly to pay her respects to her departed grandfather but also just to take in the atmosphere. If nothing else, you could feel safe here. The dead wouldn't hurt you.

If you had to ask Ophelia who her role model was, it'd be her grandma without a doubt.

So it wasn't too much of a surprise for when her grandmother's health took a turn for the worse/she was rushed to the hospital, Ophelia wasn't left with much of a support system at home. Her mother felt that Ophelia's grandma had been sticking her nose in family business and had 'changed' Ophelia for the worse because of it. Her fashion, her makeup, even the way she did her hair! It was all the antithesis of what Ophelia's mom thought a proper young lady should look like. Arguments esclated throughout the days, months clicked by, years moved on. But Ophelia always made time to visit her grandmother in the hospital. She'd do her homework up there, keep her grandma updated on the goings on, etc.

Then on the last day she visited, her grandmother gave her a piece of advice she'd never forget.

"Ophelia, my dear. No matter what happens. No matter who says 'you can't do this' or if something gets in your way...You just keep on going. We only live once, as far as anyone knows, and I'd hate for you to waste it focused on what others expect from you."

Ophelia appreciated it but had just tucked it away as a piece of grandmotherly advice. Her grandmother had never judged her. When Ophelia had even worked up the courage to tell her that she had a crush on a girl at school, her grandmother merely nodded.

"...You don't hate me?"

"Don't be stupid, Ophelia. Why on Earth would I hate you?" Then she just went back to watching Jeopardy as though nothing had happened.

Overtime it may have just been another loving moment, Ophelia could look back on fondly.

But then she got the news after coming home from school. Her extended family had come over. Most of them had really thick Cajun accents and Ophelia could barely understand them, hell, she barely KNEW them and vice versa. She hadn't been told about any family get-togethers so what was the occasion? Glancing over at her parents, her father gently squeezed his wife's shoulder.

"Ophelia...it's your grandmother.....she's....passed on."

Ophelia felt her heart sink. If it went any further, she was sure it'd plummet straight into the center of the Earth. How could this have happened? Sure, her grandmother was sick but what gave anyone the right to end her life right then and there? She'd always complimented Ophelia. Told her that no matter what, no matter how old she got, she'd always be her grandma's little girl. She'd never even gotten to meet Ophelia's crush. Her family talked amongst themselves and her mother said something to her. Probably trying to comfort her. But it just couldn't be helped. This wasn't where Ophelia felt at home. This wasn't where she felt wanted or free to be who she wanted to be.

Racing out of the house, her backpack still slung over her shoulder, she grabbed the keys for her motorbike off the counter and raced out to the garage. As her father raced after her, yelling for her to 'stop this' and 'Ophelia, stop! Please! You're upsetting your mother!'. Upsetting her?? The one person who'd ever bothered to give Ophelia the time of day and see her for who she truly was had just departed the mortal coil. Ophelia couldn't be here. She had to go. Somewhere, anywhere, but here! Revving the handlebars on her bike, she raced off the driveway, her father's shouting dying down as she furthered the distance.

The gate at Greely Valley Cemetary was open. Surprising. Most of the time security or the groundskeeper kept it closed after a certain hour. Didn't want kids bored out of their minds messing around near the graves. Passing by a poster detailing 'SPOOKY SAM'S GHOST TOUR', Ophelia shook her head. The last thing she wanted was to be surrounded by a bunch of strangers. No, the company of the dead was just fine. Parking her bike on the trail and putting the kickstand down, Ophelia moved under a nearby tree and just let it all go. Her makeup was a mess after all the sobbing but it was worth it. She couldn't just let this go.


Tearing her head up from where she'd soaked her sleeve with her tears, she gripped onto a nearby headstone to steady herself. An earthquake?? But all the cars parked outside seemed absolutely fine! This had to have been some specific ass earthquake or....Watching as a amusement park/carnival sprouted out of the ground and the gates slammed shut, Ophelia watched in utter disbelief.

She'd seen some kid in a red jacket stumbling back from a weird looking tombstone. Did he have something to do with all this??

This was worse than any horror movie...

This was REAL!

Equipment: keys to her motorbike: 1684370413464.png , a switchblade, a lighter + cigarettes, and her wallet. Around her neck, she also has a necklace that'd belonged to her grandmother. On one of their many hospital sessions, her grandmother had handed it over. Ophelia hadn't had time to look inside before hearing of her grandmother's passing. She also has her school backpack still slung over her shoulder.

I think we're all good to go/start things off! I'm just gonna eat my dinner and get settled in and get the IC thread going in a bit!

I'm excited as hell to RP with y'all!

I think we're all good to go/start things off! I'm just gonna eat my dinner and get settled in and get the IC thread going in a bit!

I'm excited as hell to RP with y'all!
alright, I'll be there as soon as I'm finished studying (almost done). Its 2:30am for me as I'm in the UK but I'm extremely nocturnal so I should be good for a while

edit: I'm done now
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Yay! I’m also really excited to see these characters in action! Take your time though. No need to rush. ^ ^

I ended up falling asleep last night lol

Feeling like I got a bit more energy tonight so let's try again!
Okay! I'm ready whenever you are. Although I'm helping make the storyboards for a webcomic so my responses might not be perfectly immediate.
Yay! I will check tomorrow. I’ll also a little sleepy today. ^ ^

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