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A New World

"A map?" I looked at the trees, then pulled out my daggers. I approached them slowly and stabbed into the bark, pulling out some. After a few tries, I managed to find one that could be used clearly enough to make a "map". I carved the directions into it, and took flight to see where it was from above, then carved those directions in, before landing.

"So, good to go?" I asked the elf

Hammer heard a faint call from a female, placing his pickaxe on to his shoulder. He turned on his heel and walked out. Heading back the way he came, he saw her and shrugged.

"What?" Ham mer said gruffly.
Axel frowned as they reached the cave. he wasn't exactly overjoyed to be in a cave but he figure it wont be long. as they enter he started to yell for Elissa "HEY ELISSA! WE FOUND SOMETHING THAT YOU SHOULD LOOK AT AND THAT HAMMER GUY SHOULD LOOK AT TOO!" Axel figured it would be best to consult the expertise of hammer in this situation. All Axel could do was determine weather the metal were dangerous to someones health. But elissa and hammer could shed more light on the that stones acutely are. as they walk further into the cave you could hear the echo of Axel's wings fluttter and that gave him the creeps. he really just wanted to find those two so he could get out of this creepy place. @LaDyGrEy @Srion Receno @Nylana
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Sara wasn't one for caves and could see the Fae wasn't ether, but it seamed he was more nervous then she was. "maybe you shouldn't yell in here...you never know what could happen" she said looking at him with a nervous smile.

Hammer nodded. "Easy, brute strength can achieve that, simple stone will be perfect, " he said as he walked into the cave. Moving the others out of the way with his large frame, he looked at it. "I'm not magic, I don't sense what things are," he growled in annoyance as he looked at everyone else.
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Elissa laid a hand on Hammers arm as she looked at the metal. "Perhaps once we get a forge built you can see what can be done with this metal, Hammer? Nails would be a wonderful thing to have or even more tools." @LaDyGrEy. @loyalwolf @Srion Receno

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