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Fantasy A New World Info and Other

Patients have grown up knowing very little of the world, living in the facility most their lives. As far as treatment goes, they were educated, cared for, and received various objects from the outside world; like electronics, modern clothes, various tools, and other entertainment. Testing didn't happen very often, but to protect them the scientists erased memories of the testing as some of the tests were rather..."sensitive". As such patients have all nearly all memory of their ability locked away, though not all abilities could be hampered, and some side effects still lingered.

They grew up together, and knew each other fairly well, with only a few exceptions. Testing days were the most difficult, with the patient testing being gone the entire day, but all in all they got by. There was very little interaction with adults, only the guards at the entrances, a few staff members for cooking, cleaning and the like; and the director, who checked in on each patient personally at least once a month.
A list of potential gadgets for a character to posses, pick one. Option to design your own gadget is available, but please run it by me first.

Smart Tech Watch: monitors the wearer's vitality and lets the wearer know if something out of the ordinary is in the air/in their body that they need be concerned about. Also pretty stellar at keeping time.
Data Pad: equip with a scanner it is a veritable encyclopedia of information. (Think tablet that can scan your surroundings then give you all the info on what you scanned, at least what it can find.)
Handheld Drone: pretty straightforward, highly maneuverable and compact, controller comes with screen to utilize the camera on board(drone can be aerial, land based, or water based, your choice)
Wiring kit: an advanced electronics kit that makes splicing and wiring easier for the user.
Bioware Glasses/Contact lenses: allows the wearer to see in various light spectrums and levels of light with the contacts being more effective than the glasses.
Various objects that could come in handy, any everyday objects that aren't on the list are fine but if it seems too outlandish to have run it by me.

Magnets of various sizes and strengths
Gaming console
Sketch pad & coloured pencils
Personal "journal"
Backpacks and basic school supplies
Various tools
Other various toys and everyday items
Asteroid strike locations:

1. A couple miles off the coast of Oahu, Hawaii, U.S.: after causing an initial tsunami that temporarily submerged the islands entirely and wrought untold destruction the asteroid fragmentized and spread itself across the seafloor around the islands. Research is still being conducted to examine its effects.
2. Somewhere in the middle of Siberia: the largest chunk, and only strike to have something good come out of it. The energy behind the strike Terra formed Siberia, making it liveable. A new colony has been made around the asteroid, allowing for scientists to study it. Everything seems to be moving along rather smoothly.
3. Venice, Italy: the strike nearly wiped the city off the map, not that nature wasn't already working on that anyway. Now a swampy mess of rubble and plant growth a village lies to the north, surviving off of diving for the remains of the city and selling them, as well as chunks of the asteroid.
4. 3 miles south of Toronto, Canada: the city remained largely unbothered, at least on the outside. The asteroid landed in lake Ontario, but in a shallow part, mitigating the damage. The current seems to flow around the area of the strike and most vessels avoid the area.
5. Hanoi, Vietnam: the smallest chunk of the asteroid, it landed in the river near city central and caused a minor amount of property damage, but nothing that would level the city. The city seems to be doing fine, but the river remains unchecked for debris from the strike.
March 28th, 2025: the asteroid enters atmosphere and strikes in various locations.
April 4th, 2026: the Ascendance facility's construction begins.
August 19th, 2029: the main research facility is completed
January 23rd, 2030: the first environmental effects of the asteroid strikes are felt
November 7th, 2031: Ascendance facility A is completed
July 7th, 2032: Callum Moore is born and begins his life at the Ascendance facility.
April 26th, 2034: Ascendance facility B is completed
February 27th, 2035: Christopher Erickson arrives at Ascendance facility A.
December 2nd, 2036: Sean Hayter arrives at Ascendance facility B
August 15th, 2038: Martin Funke arrives at Ascendance facility A.
November 13th, 2038: Patrick O'Brian arrives at Ascendance facility B.
July 18th, 2039, Todd Welsh arrives at Ascendance facility B.
October 8th, 2042: Anna Lasnum arrives at Ascendance facility A.
June 21st, 2043: Werner Alwin arrives at Ascendance facility B
March 1st, 2047: Cyrus Waylain arrives at Ascendance facility A.
May 2nd, 2050: the patients awaken to find a backpack at the base of their beds with ample supplies, and the facility they grew up in empty.
(This is not a truly complete timeline, but it does give some idea of who would know who at each facility)
The ascendance facility is actually a scattering of multiple facilities all across the former Hawaiian islands, each researching and studying different subjects. With such widespread coverage they have been able to monitor growth of flora and fauna, as well as study the asteroid itself and the ruins of the once great cities that remain.

The main facility: underwater_research_facility_by_yatzenty-d4xj2w3.jpg
Facility for studying the asteroid itself, it was built as close to the impact zone as possible, which means underwater. With filters that monitor the amount of residue in the water and drones going out to fetch pieces of the asteroid frequently it is the most frequented facility.

Facility A: Jungle_Research_Facility.jpg
Facility for those with abilities deemed more dangerous than others. Whether this is initially true or not is unknown, as abilities have a funny way of developing. Closed off with artificial windows, it has defenses designed to take down a rogue patient if need be, though they've never been used. Isolated out in the jungle, a final protection measure is to blow the jungle and facility sky high, though the hope is that this will never be necessary.

Facility B: 1a232cb5171e6ebd6aad08febc67558a.jpg
Facility for those with abilities deemed "manageable". Overall has less security and less restrictions, windows and monitored outside areas for patients to frequent. The dock is open to patients and there are designated times where swimming is allowed, usually based around the tide.
Map and explanation

Map: IMG_20170320_160338.jpg

Okay so eventually there will be more maps and more dots, expanding on certain areas. For now I have limited the map view to Hawaii, with the characters only being on Honolulu as of yet. As the story expands more locations will be added, and this reply will be edited.

Red dot: the X on each character's map
Green dot: Facility A(not visible to Facility B)
Blue dot: Facility B(not visible to Facility A)

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