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Realistic or Modern A New Life

Angelina woke up the next morning and walked over to the dance studio. "Hello?" Angelina's voice echoed through the big empt building. "Who's there. Oh it's you. Nice to meet you again." Camilia smiled warmly. "It's Angelina. Sorry I didn't tell you my name yesterday, but I'm aloud to join dance class. I was wondering if I could try hip hop maybe?" Angelina asked. "Of course you can! Here all I need you to do is to fill this form out so I can get you a hip hop outfit and some shoes for the lessons. Then if you want we can start Tuesday at 1:00." Camilia smiled. Angelina filled out the forum and gave it back to her. "Thank you very much I'll order the stuff and see you Tuesday. "Camilia said. "Thank you very much." Angelina smiled. She turned around and left. When she got home her brother was sitting being lazy as ever. "Hey Tuesday 1:00 I need you to drive me to the dance studio." Angelina said unplugging the game Max was playing.
max: "hey what was that for I was just about to kill those men. you know you shouldn't mess with my things." I said angered eating some cheese doodles


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Jasper woke up to the sound of classical music in the late hours of the morning, being as he didn't have to be at the collage until 1:30 for his 2:00 class. "mmmmm" he groaned as he got up, and went to the kitchen to brew coffee. When that was done, he stepped outside to watch people walk bye.
Angelina rolled her eyes. "You know if you play any longer in the dark the lights going to hit you and your going to die. I mean sierously it's a beautiful day. Why don't you ride your bike with me or go for a walk around the park. Some light would do you good." Angelina said opening the curtains letting the sunshine in his room.
"what do you want and what ever it is cant you take it up with your sister." I said sorta being blinded by the sun "this is my house and im letting you stay in it. now why did you unplug my thing"

Wendy went to sleep, and woke up. In the morning. She got dressed into a tank top, leather brown jacket, and short. She went down stairs she went into the kitchen. She ate breakfast and woke up Princess. She smiled and grabbed her purse. She put her hair in a ballet bun and went out the door and started walking down the street.
"I unplugged your thing because all you ever do in here is play video games slowly turning into a zombie. Literally!! I need you to take me to the dance studio Tuesday 1:00 please. Cordelia can't take me because she's busy working. You on the other hand aren't. " Angelina said a bit angry.
"uggg why did she have to work. fine just don't do that again. and it is getting late you should head to bed." I went upstairs and went to bed with the lights on still downstairs
Cordilia: I got up and when downstairs made some coffee for max and I and hot tea for Angelina. I also made everyone some eggs. I thought I think I know how to not have him on the tv so I unplugged every cored wrote it down on a piece of paper and hid it. I grabbed my script and started to read some more of it. MAX: I went downstairs and kissed my sister on the cheek and sat down to eat.
"Thanks sis for the tea." Angelina smiled. When she then saw her brother come downstair "Good morning Max!" I said with an evil grin. Angelina knew about her sister hiding his cords and stuff. Lucky her she got to stay home and enjoy the show.
"no problem. im have an audition today so max I need you to take care of angelinea for me." I got into a cute outfit

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/outfit.jpg.8d97835cd832ae50f14265ed58619ce2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39053" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/outfit.jpg.8d97835cd832ae50f14265ed58619ce2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Jasper had the day off today, and he happened to enjoy plays, and live action movies. He was a part of many different plays, shows, and movies that never made it to the theatre. He didn't like to act, but he was a great director, and was a great juge, especially when it came to details and character. So, he headed off to the theatre where auditions were being held.
In Wendy's bag was her laptop, Note book, a pen, and iPad. She loves to write songs, and regular writing too. She walked to the park and sat on a bench. She opened her Laptop and started writing.
"well if you need me im going to play some video games " got up went to my room to grab a new game I got and headed back downstairs
Angelina tried to keep her laughter in. "Know she did what?" Angelina said having a confused look on her face.
"Oooh what kind of big game. You mean like football? Nerds vs my geek brother who loves video games?" Angelina said rolling her eyes.
"Yes I did, and I'm glad she did it. I wish she did it sooner. You needed to get off that thing and just.... Enjoy life for once! I mean your single, your by yourself most of the time, and you hibernate in your room and living room playing video games and watching tv. It's pethedic!" Angelina said starting to get mad.

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