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Futuristic A New Life

How dare you suggest such a thing? I have high standards! And a negative photo of a dog licking her nether regions... Uuuuuuuuhm... Not sure where I wanted to go with this so instead have a random picture of my hard drive.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/12004690_1237864986230671_4287116513751394243_n.jpg.e688fa362737d2aa85c7f6a457a815f4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="132913" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/12004690_1237864986230671_4287116513751394243_n.jpg.e688fa362737d2aa85c7f6a457a815f4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • 12004690_1237864986230671_4287116513751394243_n.jpg
    98.2 KB · Views: 51
I think you'd probably garner plenty of good will if you just made a post where all of your character's dialogue was replaced with "Meep."
'Valkyrie felt attracted to Rose and went full awkward mode and tried to contact Dhampir and Warlord. "Meep meep meep, meep meep meep meep meep!" She said over the comms and realized that she was unable to speak properly. Embarrassed she looked away from Meep and she meeped to herself "Meep..." Meep meep, meep meep meep Operator meep meep. "Meep meep, meep?" Meep meep meep.'
Cursed be the evil entities that have put me to this!

But seriously though, I was a bit caught up in work the last few days and probably have a post up by tomorrow. Is everybody waiting for me to post?
It is not what you did, it is what you DID NOT DO!

I posted a response, and you have not written back! le gasp!
don't mind me. I'm busy quiting a terrible job for a better one, and juggling a dozen things all the while. and ruining your fun forever, that's important.

...I'll see what I can do.
Ruining my fun forever.

Please excuse my kidding manner of bothering people (including you) about posting. Any sort of communication is fine, I just like to know what to expect from peeps. I don't need you cranking out a post if you have better things to do: RL takes precedence!
no, better to keep bugging us than die. I'm noticing this rp is starting to resemble a DND game in some senses, so it's fine for the gm to keep the game going.
I rolled a 1 on my inspiration d20 roll... Other words: fucking writer's block

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