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Futuristic A New Life

Alright, a few notes for the CS:

"First life" refers to your character before they accepted Dynamic Ideas' offer. "Second life" refers to your character while they were still in that new life, just doing jobs for Dynamic Ideas on the side. "Third life" is for when the character is working full time for Dynamic Ideas in a greatly-modified bio-robotic body.

Please update the Character Completion progress bar as you work on the CS. I'll take a look at CSes only when they say 100% completion, unless I'm specifically asked to take a look before then.

You'll notice a lack of "Name" spot in the Third Life. This is intended, as Dynamic Ideas removed each of our character's knowledge of their own names. The characters now go by numbers and nicknames.

Visually, I'm hoping to keep our characters close to the aesthetic of Warframes.


They're organic-looking, but definitely alien in nature. No one looks at these things and goes "oh yeah, that's a human!" We don't need food to survive, so unless we're focused on biting offensively, we don't need mouths. We use sensors for vision, so we don't need eyes/ears/noses. Try to find pictures that fit the category you were hoping for while also adhering to this visual style in some way if possible.
Inside this section:

[thinprogress=0]Character Completion : Just started[/thinprogress]

Change the 0 to something else, like so

[thinprogress=35]Character Completion : Finished First Life[/thinprogress]

Character Completion : Finished First Life
FancyKiddo said:
Ohoho, so there is! We especially need a mechanic on board, if you want to be super useful :P
Did I hear semi-crazy mechanic chick that can replace all your limbs with various weapons and parts in under a minute?(probably not that far..BUT EXAMPLE STANDS)

Sign meh up bruh
Alright, I joined and I've made my CS thus far. A pilot with some combat skills and maintenance skills. Could you check my CS whether it's okay with the setting @FancyKiddo ?
@Duke the Impossible Very good so far. I'd like to see the descriptive elements flesh out. For instance: how is her shotgun modified? Did moving to a new planet cause her any trouble? Why does she so desperately want to finish up at Fleet Academy? How does she feel about "artificial" skill with piloting from her enhancements, rather than relying only on her own practice and skill? How does she feel about Dynamic Ideas and how they've changed her life?

As for her usefulness for the team, I'll keep her engineering experience in mind, but I'm hoping that we get a pure engineer character. With such an emphasis on piloting, it's obvious that your character has experience with vehicles, but probably not much more.
Nice, I'll continue working on it :) Considering I got so far already on a first draft startled me a bit haha xD
Okay, I want to make my CS but I have no idea how to put it in the same format as everyone else's...

Is there some code somewhere that I've missed?
Gladius said:
Okay, I want to make my CS but I have no idea how to put it in the same format as everyone else's...
Is there some code somewhere that I've missed?
Quote the first post from FancyKiddo in that thread and remove the quote code from the total code and you'll have the sheet like we do ;)
Exactamundo! Or, I can put it into a <code> tag in a spoiler, if people are having that much trouble P:
I got it now :P Filling out my CS now.

Although, I'm also stuck on "Homeworld". Is there a list of possible planets somewhere, or are we just making this bit up?
@Duke the Impossible Almost there! Just a little clarification: DI has known about and specifically targeted characters' moral roadblocks, both to lord their position of power over the characters, to cause self-doubt in the characters, and to make sure that nothing will stand in the way of efficiency in their tasks. So yeah, Valkyrie has totally killed innocents before.
The homeworld bit was something I threw in to keep the sci fi element, and so that we can return to those planets later and have some fun introspection time :P ATM, they don't need to be described, but I will be getting with you peeps to get an understanding of these planets. They'll be added into an information symposium once we have all of them.
FancyKiddo said:
The homeworld bit was something I threw in to keep the sci fi element, and so that we can return to those planets later and have some fun introspection time :P ATM, they don't need to be described, but I will be getting with you peeps to get an understanding of these planets. They'll be added into an information symposium once we have all of them.
So I can just make up a name for them? Or leave it blank?

Just I notice that on the CS, other people have filled them out.

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