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Realistic or Modern A new beginning ~ High School rp

Anne Lind

You can be King, again.

A new beginning


A new beginning

Time for a new beginning has come! You are a freshman at Timberline High School! You'll meet tons of new people and make loads of friends. Perhaps love will blossom

This is a pretty typical High School role play, but I am totally up for plot-ideas and developments!


Please to not post here yet! :)
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Aliya climbed out of the bus. Her heart was racing. New school, new grade... It was like starting a new life. Which would be nice. But her home life made school difficult. She shook that thought away. As long as she didn't act out, she would be totally fine. How hard could this be?

Freya Iparis

Freya stepped out on her balcony with a cup of tea in her hand. She still hadn’t gotten used to the sounds and pace of New York City. After all, it is quite different than living on the country side. She didn’t complain though, she loved it here! Her new room was awesome and so was the rest of the apartment. But it was no surprise that it would be difficult moving. Freya was positive though, they just needed to adapt to this new way of life and everything would be fine again.

After she finished her tea she got ready for school. She wore a pretty casual outfit but still tried to look somewhat classy. This was after all her first day at the new school. She grabbed her bag, stepped out of the front door and headed for school. She’d always enjoyed walking at her old home, she loved the quietness of it. But this was totally different. There were people everywhere! She sighed, another thing to get used to.

As she approached the school her nerves caught up to her. Her palms started sweating and her heart was slowly racing.

When she entered the school she noticed the auditorium. It was huge! She spotted a grand piano on the stage. She’d always wanted to play on one of those. As she continued down the hallway she decided to pay it a visit later. She stopped at her new locker where she dropped of her bag. She had some time to kill before classes started to she decided to read in a magazine she had brought with her.

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Metias Clarkson

Metias woke to the sound of his alarm. Half awake, half asleep he realized it. He was running late! He rushed out of bed nearly falling. He took on the first clothes he could find.
I can’t be late on the first day after summer! He thought. He quickly grabbed his bag and rushed out of the door, not even thinking about breakfast. He grabbed his skateboard and rushed to school. When he arrived he realized he had a few minutes until lessons started. He sighed in relief immediately feeling the lack of food. He growled in annoyance and walked towards the chemistry classroom.

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~~Danny McKane~~

Danny groaned when he heard the sound of his alarm clock. He sluggishly hit the off button and sat up with a sigh. 'Today I'm a high schooler.' McKane thought and it put a smile on his lips. With that thought in mind, Danny stood up and began getting ready. The outfit he chose was a white dress shirt, blue blazer, and some brown dress pants. "Gotta dress to impress on the first day." He said with a smirk as he adjusted his collar in front of his mirror.

When Danny was ready, he went downstairs to be presented with a plate of toast and a note. 'Sorry hun we couldn't be here for you first day. We're totally going to make it up for you! Love you and have fun ~Mom and Dad'. "Sweet, not only am I a freshman but I get to buy something." Danny set the note back down and ate the toast. Once he was finished, Danny grabbed his designer backpack that had his name printed on it and left his house.

Thankfully, the school was only a ten minute walk from his house. The arrogant boy refused to be seen on a rowdy common school bus and so he began walking. Finally making it to the frint door of the school, Danny looked it over with a smirk. 'Let's do this.' With that thought, he opened the door and took a look around.
Heejae Park and Jieun Park

Sunlight peeked through the blinds, causing a groan to slip past Heejae's lips. He had to force himself out of bed, a hand raking through his hair as he stood upright. As if in a trance, he shuffled his feet into slippers and walked downstairs, where his sister was eating breakfast.

Jieun was already dressed for the day. Wearing a pair of light jean shorts, a cute flowy t-shirt with a tank top under it, and her typical blue headphones, she was lounging in a dining room chair. When she looked up at her brother's disarray she gasped, nearly dropping the apple she was munching on in the process. "Heejae! The bus will be here in a few minutes and you're not even dressed?!"

Now seeming much more awake, Heejae ran back up the stairs, disappearing from his sister's sight before coming back down dressed in casual wear. Ignoring his sister's victorious grin, he headed out toward where the bus would be stopping on their street.


Upon their arrival at school, both siblings stuck close to one another. Jieun lead the way, her eyes bright and a spring in her step as she seemed to only look ahead. She licked her lips soft and tucked a curl of hair behind her ear. "Wow, it's actually really nice in here! Way prettier than our old school." Jieun gushed, turning to look at the other students around her as the hallway seemed to fill up further by the minute.

Behind her Heejae began to trail off. He pulled his class schedule out of his pocket, finger tracing down the list to figure out where he would be going through out the day. Taller students brushed against his shoulders, barely seeming to pay any mind to him being there, but he didn't mind. This was normal, right? He reached up to pinch the bridge of his nose, looking up only to realize his sister had seemingly vanished into the crowd, leaving him behind.

Allison awoke to screaming and yelling. She attempted to cover her ears with pillows, but they did little to nothing. She knew it was her foster parents again. They were screaming at each other about bills again no doubt. The only thing good that came out of these parents were that they didn't care much for her. Unlike others she's had prior, they don't care where she is or what time it may be. They didn't pay attention to her, which meant she isn't abused like he used to be. Nevertheless, they scare her and she still tries to fade into the walls.

As quickly and quietly as possible, she took her shower, applied her make up, and got dressed. She decided on an outfit that consisted of a white tank with the word 'Meow' across her chest with a kitten nose and whiskers underneath, back leggings, and white converse. It was embarrassing how long it took her to have a
decent wardrobe. Her hair was straight, and her makeup was natural with a winged eyeliner. She slung a black messenger styled back over her shoulder and tiptoed out of the house.


After ten minutes of walking she entered the huge high school with a racing heart and sweaty palms. She slipped her hand into her bag and pulled out her schedule that was mailed to her the previous week.
'Locker 226' she read to herself. She looked around, but there were so many people in the hallway and she was shorter than most of them. With a gulp she slowly made her way through the wide hallway, reading locker numbers when she was able to get a glance at them.



Lukas awoke to his mom shaking his shoulders and saying,

"Honey, you're going to be late if you don't wake up." She spoke in her sweet motherly voice.

He forced his sleepy eyes awake. He groaned and sat up, shivering when his bare chest met the cool air. He silently cursed their air conditioner.

"Thanks, mom." He muttered, his voice a little groggy.

Since he was a typical teenage guy, he was up and ready within 15 minutes. He wore a grey button up shirt with black sleeves that were folded just above his elbows, black skinny jeans, and grey vans. His hair had something about it that screamed, 'I didn't really try' but he actually did put some effort into it. It was the same style he's been doing for years.


In about 20 minutes Lukas pulled into the schools parking lot in his blue Honda Civic.

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