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Realistic or Modern A new beginning for Anomalous Children OOC

Bruh, rlly? I have to respond for 'Ari leaves with Maria to go and get her things' and an optional 'Ari comes back from getting her things'?

I literally thought I was just put to the side for a moment so the others could go get adopted 😶
I'm sorry that I didn't see it till now. My alerts didn't pop up that you had responded.
ok so for my character, how about no one knows i can look into others past. they just know i can look through someone elses eyes.
I hate to be that person but I feel like this is has pretty much died off now or is going to very soon for some reason. I don't know why feel like this but I just have a feeling that it has or going to very soon.
I might actually leave this role play. I am thinking about it
I’m done sugarcoating things
Since WARWOLF01 WARWOLF01 hasnt responded in like a week and we were sitting for him it died
There it’s out there. Disagree if u want but it’s the truth. And I’m tired of sugarcoating things

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