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Fandom A New Age Character Sheets

Princess Kiyora
  • Basic Information
    Name - Kiyora
    Nickname(s) - Ki
    Title(s) - Councilwoman, Princess (secretly)
    Age - 17, nearly 18
    Sexuality - Demisexual heteroromantic

    Physical Appearance
    Kiyora wears her hair in a traditional Fire Nation style, with half of her long, black hair down and the other half up in a bun. Kiyora has the signature golden eyes of the Fire Nation royal family, so it's honestly a wonder that she has managed to go without being discovered for so long. She tends to wear a red and gold tunic with black combat leggings and black boots on a daily basis. She'll sometimes switch her outfit up to a more flowy and breathable combo, but it isn't often. Kiyora is on the taller side...I would say she's around 5'6 or 5'7. She has a rather athletic build.
    Fighting Style
    Kiyora has been trained in the art of firebending by the greatest masters in the Fire Nation since she could walk. She took to it naturally, and her technique is nearly flawless. She tends to take a more cautious approach to her bending, but she's still incredibly powerful. She can pull off moves that many wouldn't even dream of. At the time of her family's removal from the Royal City, Kiyora was working on perfecting her redirection of lightning. She sometimes practices this in private whenever she has the time, but hasn't made much progress with it.
    Although Kiyora was raised a royal and taught to have impeccable manners, she is very outspoken and opinionated. She will challenge anything that she doesn't agree with and will push her opinion until the other person acknowledges it. On a more positive note, Kiyora is very dedicated to her friends and family. She is very selfless and would give her life up in battle if it meant her friends and family had a chance of living a life that was a fraction better. Kiyora has slight anger issues, and for a time used these random bursts of anger to fuel her firebending. She's since learned that this isn't a very productive source of energy. Even though she was raised to be a proper lady, Kiyora is anything but. She interrupts people while they're talking, she can be loud at times, and she makes jokes that would make grown men blush.
    Princess Kiyora is not only a secret to the rest of the world, but a secret to the Fire Nation as well. Her mother, Princess Kokomi, had her out of wedlock, and, in an attempt to keep shame from being put on their family, they hid Kiyora from the world. Even still, Kiyora had a great childhood; she grew up in the Royal City with her uncles, mother, and cousins, and was raised the same way that they were. She received high quality training, and was well-loved. Kiyora has always felt a strong loyalty to her country, and admired her uncle's work as Fire Lord. Her life goal has always been to serve as one of the most well respected generals in the Fire Nation's army, and to serve her nation however she could. These dreams never came to fruition, however, because on the rainy night before her seventeenth birthday, her uncle was forcefully removed from the throne. Amongst the chaos that ensued the following day, Kiyora realized that (as she was a secret from the rest of the world) she was her family's secret weapon and the key to restoring peace and order to her nation. So, she set off to Republic City and climbed the social ladder, and in a matter of months was declared a junior councilwoman representing the Fire Nation and sent off with a group of other junior councilpeople on her first quest: to find the avatar.
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    Kona of the Northern Watertribe
  • Basic Information
    Name - Kona
    Nickname(s) -none, but his name is actually a type of cyclone
    Title(s) - Councilman
    Age - 19

    Physical Appearance
    Kona is around 6'3-6'5, though the number gets a little higher every time someone asks him about it. He has a muscular build. Kona's eyes are grey, and he has medium length dark brown hair that he keeps braided out of his face.
    Fighting Style

    Kona fights with a spear or a sword. He wasn't blessed with the gift of waterbending, so he makes do with what he has. He always has a plan, and a backup plan for that plan, and so on and so forth.
    Kona is pretty...humorless. He is serious in almost everything that he does. But he's a hard worker, and he is always good to his word. Kona is very observant, and can sense even the slightest shift in someone's emotions. Despite being a relatively serious person, he's very caring and does whatever he can to help.
    Backstory -

    Kona was born and mostly raised in the Northern Water Tribe and had a happy childhood. Unfortunately, when Kona was twelve, his father died in a freak boating accident. Distraught, his mother packed up him and his two younger sisters and moved them to Republic City, where he's lived ever since. He was appointed to the council at age 17, and has been working with the rest of the team to find the avatar.

    (adding him as kinda a background character? just for more depth)