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Fandom A Light in the Dark *under new management


oh yeah, mr. krabs
Alright guys, this is it. Let's decide where we want to go from here and discuss future plot. Just to keep track, would you mind just putting your character's names in the character sign up? You don't have to describe them unless they're new, just so we can see who is still playing.
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First to Copy Paste my Character Sheet ( :) )
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@Brokenbri it's okay with me. What does everyone else think?

Also, we need someone to play Lucas if we want to get up and running. If you want, I could play him as an NPC but I think we should all have a chance to discuss our ideas.
Alrighty, let's get down to business. Do we want to start over from the beginning or go from where we last left off? Also, we still need someone to play Lucas.

@DefendKebab1918 @Ami the breadling @Brokenbri (these are all the peeps that I know 4sure are doing this)
Well........ I'm not thinking of playing as Lucas.......

We've got a problem. Maybe we can make him some sort of NPC and everyone can take turn getting him into trouble?
Well..... If Lucas dies, making the plot advance would be hard. Sooooo.......

Have him as an NPC perhaps?

Wait what
The original plot seems to revolve around Lucas and the King's conflict.

Well........ That means Lucas must be involved in the main plot...........

Since not much people seems interested in taking full control, I suggest we have him as an NPC.

Waaait a minute, I've been saying that for weeks! I'm just being a baby!

Wait what

Anyways. If using Lucas is a bit hard, we could change the plot a bit....

Any ideas?
I agree. Having him be an NPC makes sense. We want the story to progress fast, though, so we probably want one person to do it. If we can't find anyone else to play him as an NPC, I'll do it. I don't particularly want to give up Alistair (since i like his character xD ) but I can reduce his playing time if we really need it. Although, if anyone else wants to do it, I'd be grateful. And if not, we can begin RPing from the beginning ASAP!

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