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Fandom A Light in the Dark *under new management

Character sheet.

Appearance: (anime please)



Nickname:The Shadow

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Race:Human...If he still counts as one...

Social class:Serf/Servant (Which ever goes)

Class: Assasin

Weapon:Two Steel Daggers

Height: 4'11

Weight: 56ib

Eye Color: Brown

Hair color: Black






Weaknesses: (please have at least one)

-Mentaly Unstable

-Very Immature (Most of the time)


-Easy to Manipulate



Personality:Gill has an Disturbed personality,he enjoys killing people,has little to no morals,regards his job as an assasin as an 'Hobby'.When not on a Mission or a Physcopatic episode he is extremely childish,roaming streets with an ever present grin in his free time,Stealing candy and playing with kids.he rather choses to act as youthfull as he looks rather than his real age.

Biography:A war orphan,Gill never realy knew his parents.He was raised as a servant of the Royal Family,and later as an Assasin to get rid of potential threats aganist the King.While yes he was not really a 'Normal' boy ever.This was where he truly split bettwen being an Amoral Killing machine and an Child after costant mental and physsical abuse done to him by his 'Instructors'.Now a days he continues to Live as an Serveant Outcast who is ignored by most of the other Servants.


Extra:He is Insomniac so he can be found awake in odd hourds.

He really likes bandages,and often wears them both to hide scars and for fun.

There are ever present bags under his eyes
The first royal guard

"I stay loyal to the kingdom, not the king."

Full Name: Christina Tarmora

Nickname: Chris

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Height: 5,8

Social Class: Knight

Class: Commander of the Guard


Chris(tina) Tarmora




Chris usually acts very tough. Under her armor, she is mistaken as a man by everyone, which is what she wanted. A female would have never gotten into the guard and sure enough not the captain. Therefore she acts like a male around others, the armor muffles her voice enough to make it believable. But really interesting is the female down of the armor. Chris is very fragile as a person. She hates to get insulted and cries easily. Often, she sits in her room and cries, as she lets out all tears held back the whole day.

Strength and Weaknesses


-Chris is a great leader. Anyone who hears her speak, will gladly follow her to battle, even if death is ensured.

-Down of the armor, Chris is a great cook. She can make almost anything taste decent.

-Down of the armor, Chris also is a great singer. But she usually does not use that talent. Who would be there to listen?


-Chris lacks confidence. A few insults and she will feel bad. Her will can be broken easily, except she wears the armor.

-Chris is scared of magic. She will have trouble to fight a mage.

Chris always wanted to be a royal guard. She applied already as a small child. But she got declined. She got declined again and again. Her fighting was good and she was loyal. But the reason of decline was always the same. "Males only."

Chris did not want to let her dream end like that. She saved all her money up to buy the armor. With that, everyone thought of her as a male and she got accepted. Her pure skill made her rise quickly, until she became the captain of guard. Though she did not like the king, she was happy to serve her kingdom. She always thought of Lucas as the most sympathic and even talked to him. Yet, nobody in the castle knows, that she is a woman.



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Name: Tina Madelung

Nickname: Cuddles by her siblings

Age: 12

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Social class: Royal

Class: Princess

Weapon: None

Height: 4,3 feet

Strengths: Tina´s puppy-eyes are nearly irresistible.

Weaknesses: Tina is not really trained physically. She is neither strong nor does she have much dexterity

Personality: Her nickname suits her really good. Tina is a very touchy person, she usually can be found holding a siblings hand if possible. Her favorite is her brother Lucas, she loves him and stays around him as much as possible.

Tina is a kid and that can be seen in her actions. She can be stubborn and she easily cries. Tina is scared when she is alone.

Biography: Not much besides usual royal life. The only noticable is that she snuck after her brother Lucas when he left to fend off the rebels.


The king - father

Alistair Madelung - @enoc010201 - Brother
Appearance: (ignore the axe in the left)

Name: Darilus Curt

Nickname:mostly adressed as 'He who lacks memory', or 'the Knight of Stupidity'

Age: 35


Race: human

Social class: knight

Class: knight of Strength, formerly a magician

Weapon: A gigantic double bladed axe which was formerly his staff.(Darilus marked the smiles himself.) Also a short sword.

Height: 6 ft 6

Weight: 198 lbs

Eye Color: dark brown

Hair color: black

Strengths: close and mid range

Weaknesses: advanced magic, speeches, long range combat, running with armor on, stealth. Not so loyal as most knights would be.

Powers: Able to summon sparks. Small ones. So small you could hardly start a fire. If you try hard, your firewood will hopefully start burning.

Also able to identify one's gender by looking at you.(using this ability gives Darilus headache for the following few days)

Personality: Not so serious in most cases. He starts being serious in front of a royal member or someone like that, but always ends up messing things if there is any. Also loyal to the kingdom, yet has a small disagreement of the king's ideas of killing the second prince.

Biography: Darilus spent most of his childhood with his family in a cave, where his father studied magic and mother brought food. He learned a bit about magic until he reached twenty, when his father was killed, mistaken as a bandit. When his mother went out to check, she was also killed, mistaken as the backup for the bandit. When he went out, holding a staff, the group of travelers that killed his parents ran away. After modifying his staff into a trusty double bladed axe, he practiced fighting with it, forgetting most of the magic in process. Then he became a knight. His appearance is not well known, as he took all the tests and attended all the meetings with his armor on.

+Explanation for his nickname

When Darilus introduced himself as a former magician, the royal guards suggested him to show some magic, but all he could do was to make few fancy sparks that could hardly start a fire. Darilus claims that he could make a fireball big as a tree when he knew how to. After that, his nicknames were made.

Relationships: N/A

Extra: sorry for the bad drawing :( also I edited a few things from the original one.


(photo credit:
leejun35's DeviantArt gallery Lee-Chan on deviantart)

Name: Alistair Madelung

no slide
General Info

Nickname: Alex

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Social class: Royalty

Class: Crown Prince

Weapon: The Marrowstrike, a deadly halberd that Alistair made himself and infused with his magic.

Height: 6"3 feet

Weight: 180 lbs

Strengths and Weaknesses


Alistair is a tactical genius. His use of logic to determine how and where the Enemy will strike has allowed him to win almost every battle that he has fought in. He has a calm demeanor when he is under duress, which allows him to think clearly.

Weaknesses: (please have at least one)

Despite his tactical wit, Alistair does not like to engage in battle because he doesn't really like dirt. He is vain and self centered. Often, he is disdainful towards his brother and his younger siblings. He also kisses up to his father and obeys his every whim.


The ability to imbue some of his soul power (aura/magic) into his weapons, giving them longer durability, increased attack and strength. These spells are preformed once on each weapon and usually last around a year. The spells can be renewed, but the weapon won't respond as well.

Personality and Biography


Alistair is a cold, cunning individual. He does not display much emotion except for a crisp, cold anger. He is vain and self centered so he does not care about anyone but himself. He seeks only to further his social position in society and is eagerly awaiting the death of his father, the King, so he can become the ruler. Taking a lot of traits from his father, his presence instills fear in his subordinates. He often threatens his servants with death if they do not perform up to his standard. He believes fear is the best motivator.


Born to the Queen, he is the eldest of all the princes and is the heir to the throne. Since birth, he was treated with high esteem because he was the Crown Prince. When he was around four, there was a plot by some members in the King's army to assassinate him and use the vacuum to install themselves. Alistair had to flee the castle and after that he vowed that he would become the most powerful and the most feared person so that no one would threaten him ever again. He began training in the art of swordsmanship at age 6 and at age 7 he received his first Halberd. He also voraciously read all the books he could find on military tactics and when he was 9 years old, he was advising the High Generals on military technique.

When he was 8 years old, he was told for the first time that he had other siblings. Alistair had been brought up alone, so the concept of having siblings was foreign to him. He was a shy and timid boy and was very quiet when he went to go meet Lucas. He found that he liked the boy and decided that he wanted to spend more time with him.

However, his mother then fell ill and after a while, she passed away. He had heard rumors that it was the stress of Lucas and his illegitimate blood that caused his mother to fall ill and die. He began a wretched hatred of Lucas and all of his younger siblings. He declined to talk to them and spent most of his time with the King. He decided that he would win his father over so that he could know all his plans. Yet, since he is the crown prince, he wants his father to die as soon as possible so he can ascend the throne. Because of this, he plans to assassinate his father on his 23rd birthday and then take control of the throne.

Relationships and extra info


Fargus- guard

Lucas- brother


Character sheet.


Name: Kathrina Rain Madelung

Nickname: Kat

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Social class: Royal

Class: Princess


Height: 5'8

Eye Color: Bright gold/yellow

Hair color: Black


Very smart, good at strategy

Silver tongue


The dark



When used against her- siblings

The king


Not enough time to think out a plan

Powers: None


Kathrina was born with the brains. She always was witty and very smart, always exceeding at education, etc. Kathrina always thinks before she says or does anything, unless you make her angry, which is very easy to do for her sake, and once you do make her angry, careful cause she got the tongue of a snake. She's generally serious, and when it comes to her siblings she always stands for them, rather protective over them. Kathrina is also a very good liar and is great at manipulation and persuasion and intimidation is her second hand nature. When she's with people she has the likes of, she is sarcastic and but still has a high level of maturity. Kathrina is also strong and stubborn and not easily broken.


Kathrina was always smart enough to know what her father did to the land was wrong. She grew up resenting him for the way Lucas was raised and what he did to the land. Kathrina was strong but could never find the strength to stand up to her own father. She was a great liar and often did lie to him, she just couldn't find the strength to do so unlike Lucas. Kathrina often went out of the castle and so, just to escape him, often finding places nobody else had been too. She would secretly train with a certain gaurd in combat, and was t bad at it at all


Brother- Alex

Father- The king




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