A Letter From Those Lost to Fantasy... (Prologue)

Count Gensokyo

Super Smash Bros. Melee is a Fair & Balanced Game
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

January 5th, 2017 A.D.


    For the students of Nise High School, the final term of school had only just begun. What the students of class 01-B and 02-A hadn't expected, however, was that their homeroom teachers, Ms. Yukio and Ms. Ebina, their Meiji-history teacher, Mr. Noda, and their geology teacher, Mr. Shinkai, had all organized a beginning-of-the-trimester school trip to the Yatsugatake mountain range for a joint series of geology/history hands-on lectures. 



    The bus trip was really long, as expected. Regardless of how anyone felt about the potential entertainment value of this trip, there was still going to be an hours-long bus ride ahead of everyone. Some chose to sleep the whole way or just chat with those friends they'd known since they were kids, or for some other students, people they'd only met a few months ago. Phone service completely died a little less than halfway through the roadtrip, making some of the students groan in protest as whatever they were so fixated on ground to a halt, forcing them to either talk or nap.

    Many hours later, the long bus came to a stop at a surprisingly decent-looking hotel sitting off to the side of the curvy road the bus had just travelled up. The kids all got out in single-file, waiting just outside the automobile and waiting for the baggage doors to be opened up. Some of them had the misfortune of getting motion sickness during the ride or being woken up while in deep sleep, which led to some less-than-happy attitudes. Still, there were also those who were genuinely pleased that a school trip was happening, albeit a pretty normal one. 

    One-by-one, each student grabbed his or her bag full of just the essentials and went into the establishment. 

    In actuality, there weren't too many people who were on the trip. Since Nise High was a relatively small school and only a couple of classes were going, there couldn't have been more than thirty students who had gone. The four teachers were also there, which was pretty self-explanatory.

    The two class' respective homeroom teachers had both made it clear that since it was nearly dark, it'd make sense to get an adequate amount of sleep before taking a small hike the next morning. Curfew was generously set for 10:30, and since it was about 7:30 now, it gave plenty of free time for students to visit their rooms, unpack their things, and explore and hang around the hotel for a while before they needed to at least stay inside their rooms for the night. Night owls could potentially stay up the whole night if they wanted to, but everyone was required to be in their rooms by 10:30. 



    Now, here you are, walking up the stairs alongside a big group of people who you've at least known for a while. They're all your classmates, each with their own thoughts on the whole trip. Nevertheless, it's pretty cool that three students each get a room to themselves while on the trip. The teachers were really nice to their students about room assignments—they initially let students decide whom they wanted to room with. Some people had their groups formed before the announcement was even made, and some had no idea what to do at the time.

    All this generosity regarding the trip wouldn't matter if the place they were staying at wasn't at least decent on the inside, too. Let's see how the rooms look...



    The room's decor seemed pretty old-fashioned, but it was actually kind-of nice. There was a conspicuously placed sitting area in the middle of the room, and there were probably some beds behind those closed screen-doors in the back, too. The room looks like it was designed for two people, but with the addition of a few futons that students brought from home, that wouldn't be an issue. Due to the two-person room format, one person would have to sleep on a futon. 

    After getting a look and feel for the room,  you plop your bag down on the ground and begin sifting through your stuff. What is in your bag, though, and who are the people rooming with you? What are you going to do before the early-morning-wakeup call tomorrow?

@Venom Adhamm @CrystalYoshi @Shelter @Kira Times @Raizel
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Alex wasn't fond of travels. His travel to Japan from Brazil took 23 hours, and he managed to sleep 15 of them. The others were occupied with phone games, the in-flight movies and the occasional meal, which he absolutely hated. It was something with the packaging or the storage, he wasn't sure. The arrival to Japan was as tiresome as the flight itself: Customs, bureaucracy, it was hard for someone his age to go through all that without an adult to help. But the travel was a test to himself that he was capable of handling himself alone, and much to his surprise, he managed to pass with flying colors.

It was about a year since Alexandre arrived in Japan. His school in Brazil set his lodgings and the school where he studied - money was sent to him from his parents, and he liked to work part time jobs sometime, pull his own weight. His arrival was riddled with awe, both from himself and his classmates, the cultural shock was evident in both of them. The first 2 months were full of questions, from the classic "Do you like soccer?" to more complex "How's school in Brazil?". He answered all of them, several times, and after a while, the questions died down. He started to integrate into the community, and his life of a normal japanese student went by nicely.

As with his flight, most of the trip was spent asleep, with the other being occupied talking to his classmates and eating (significantly tastier) meals. It wasn't a full course dinner, but the company of his friends made it much more enjoyable. When they arrived, Alex was amazed. The landscape was so pretty, he took several photos from inside the bus. He had to send it to his parents, who would visit him in about 6 months. He couldn't wait to show them everywhere. The lines were formed, the teachers gave their instructions and warnings, but Alex didn't pay much attention. He was already having a blast. So much that he almost forgot his bag on the bus.

His bag wasn't all that light, and Alex had to use both hands to haul it over to his room. As soon as he arrived, he plopped the bag next to a space and unrolled the futon that was on his bag. A fluffy pillow, a portable lamp for when he wasn't asleep and wanted some night time reading... "All set!" he said, as he grabbed some chocolate from his backpack and started eating, just when someone else entered the room. He paid no mind as he finished his unpacking, chocolate on his mouth and hands busy.
Sakurako awoke to everyone leaving the bus, her body felt numb and still but she didn't sleep deeply, hardly dreamed. She hands clasped around a book about astral projection with a bland, yellowed cover she could vaguely remember reading it while everyone was on their phone, someone even asked what she was reading but she remained quiet. She grabbed her carrying bag and followed everyone to the outside of the bus, in front of them was the hotel they would be sleeping. Her brain was still asleep in many ways, struggling to pick up the instructions of the teacher and who they would spend the night with. She already knew the answer: she would probably room with a teacher next door to make sure she didn't die the next morning, near the bathrooms and an open window in case she needed fresh air. Many students viewed this as a special privilege to have your entire day coddled and baby-proofed by teachers, clearly, they never experienced a situation where a teacher walked in to see you changing and it's considered customary.

The teacher's mouths stopped moving and everyone moves in a straight line towards the hotel, some were coupled with at the hip and moved in groups. Sakurako assumed she was supposed to find her partner or whoever they paired her with, she waited to see which student was chosen to carry her things. Begrudgingly, they walked up the stairs together while she kept reading her book. She wondered how wonderful it would feel to float in the air, having escaped her heavy, useless body. It made her remember that she tried the technique of closing her eyes and shaking her spiritual body like escaping a tight hug. Maybe, she wondered, that she didn;t dream because she flying inside the bus and trying the find the gap that will release her into the sky. The student dropped her bags harshly onto the ground in front of her door. Before she turned to see him, he was already running towards his friends, free from taking care of the special needs girl.

She sighed and carried the bags into the room, they weren't that heavy where a student needed to help her. She inferred that maybe her sluggish appearance made the teachers wonder if the long ride had a toll or her, or whatever they wanted to believe. She set her bags near the bed and sat on the bed and continued reading, waiting for her roommate to arrive.
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Koharu was very happy just sleeping on the way towards their destination since she hadn't gotten much sleep the day before, her adrenaline high in anticipation. That was before she was awoken by the teachers telling them to get off the bus and other things that was being blocked out,by choice, by the student and she stood before stretching some. She picked up her bag, which wasn't very big in the first place so that way it didn't take up a lot of space, and she go off the bus alongside everyone else who was groaning and complaining about their room assignments, even though most of them got to choose their roommates, Koharu was left in the dark but she did find out her room number so she was about to meet the people she was rooming with.

She grabbed her bags and started making her way up the stairs by herself, although she secretly preferred it that way, and she stopped halfway there to catch her breath before finally making it to the door. She set down her bags and opened the door before walking inside, not seeing that there was already someone in the room. She set down her bags down and closed the door again before finally noticing who she was rooming with. She gave a small smile and set her stuff on the other side of the other bed, which she assumed was being unoccupied at the moment.

Kira Kujo

The average person will sleep for eight hours each day, shutting their eyes and mind only when it's required, only when they're actually tired. Others don't get enough sleep, for whatever reason, be it night terrors, inability to settle down, fear of monsters in the dark, so on. Others still get too much sleep, and there's a wide variety of reasons for that too. Sleeping is one of the few ways available to animals for passing through time without having to maintain the perception of it. It's for that reason, and that reason alone, that I'm able to sleep so much. Often times, being awake is just too painful.

It was that line of thinking that led to the way I spent the entirety of my bus trip. I had, somehow, managed to go through what I've completed of high school without making a single friend, try as I might. As an obvious result, I was sat alone in the back of the bus without a soul to speak to. My transition from being awake to being asleep was a swift and instantaneous one. Ms. Yukio was the one who had to wake me up when we arrived at the Yatsugake Mountain Range. It took roughly fifteen seconds for me to fully wake up and exit the bus.

I recall everyone talking about who they were rooming with and what they'd do together at night. Saddening to me. Others talked about their plans to sneak out of their room after curfew to go visit their girlfriends. Even sadder to me. It's a horrible weight I bear, for every smile and every happy couple I see to be converted into a tear from my eye that same night. Many philosophers believe that it is envy that drives Man to seek greatness for himself. Seeking greatness, however, doesn't guarantee you'll be able to find it.

I had to, of course, be roomed with people at random. And here I was now, alone in that room. I was sure my roommates would be by soon, I wasn't sure how I'd handle that. Do I wait and try to awkwardly interact with them, screwing up like I always do? Or, do I leave immediately and only return when it's time to sleep again? I thought about this quandary as I set my bag down and looked through it to make sure I had everything I needed. Not very much. I had only spare clothes, which were the exact same as the clothes I'm currently wearing, and a wallet with some money. Nothing else at all. I didn't bring my phone with me, I had no reason to. In fact, the only reason I even have a phone is so my mother can call me if there's some kind of emergency. The only two contacts I have are "Mom" and "Cell Phone Service/Billing."

I zip my bag back up and move it to the corner of the room, having now decided what I'd do. I've always striven towards be kind to all people, though none of them seem really to appreciate it, that doesn't diminish my wanting to be generous, and my hope that it'll some day pay off in this life. With that in mind and heart, I left the room with my wallet to head to one of the vending machines I'd passed previously on my way to the room. Once there, I purchased a variety of snacks and drinks, then laboriously and clumsily carried them back to the room, setting them down on the table for my roommates to enjoy whenever they arrived. With that done, I decided to head back out and make my way to the sauna to try to relax myself before curfew came around.
"All set!" he said, as he grabbed some chocolate from his backpack and started eating, just when someone else entered the room. He paid no mind as he finished his unpacking, chocolate on his mouth and hands busy.

    "Here earlier than the rest of us, I see," Takuma said as his bag slammed onto the wooden floor of the room. What was in that thing, anyway? 

    The guy had blonde hair and green eyes. He had an average, slightly tall build and was still dressed in his mostly white school uniform. 

     He took the liberty of dragging his bag over to the set of screen doors, refusing to pick the thing up. It lay flat down on the ground when he let it go, and he seemed relatively satisfied after that.

     Takuma turned his head to Alex, eying the chocolate. "So, you got more of that, or...?" He asked hopefully.

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She sighed and carried the bags into the room, they weren't that heavy where a student needed to help her. She inferred that maybe her sluggish appearance made the teachers wonder if the long ride had a toll or her, or whatever they wanted to believe. She set her bags near the bed and sat on the bed and continued reading, waiting for her roommate to arrive.

She grabbed her bags and started making her way up the stairs by herself, although she secretly preferred it that way, and she stopped halfway there to catch her breath before finally making it to the door. She set down her bags and opened the door before walking inside, not seeing that there was already someone in the room. She set down her bags down and closed the door again before finally noticing who she was rooming with. She gave a small smile and set her stuff on the other side of the other bed, which she assumed was being unoccupied at the moment.

    "Ahh~!" Nanase sighed contentedly as she finally reached her long-awaited sanctuary from the bus trip.

    The redhead walked on over to the back of the room where her roommates were, peaking her head through the open doorway. 

    "Hey, Sakurako, Koharu!" She greeted as she stepped through. 

    The girl seemed to be full of energy again after the long bus trip. For whatever reason, Nanase was usually one of those kids who was associated with helping out special needs students and volunteer work in general—for all intents and purposes, it was likely that she volunteered to make sure that Sakurako didn't go through any bad issues during the trip. Sure, she didn't usually, but what with her physical condition, it was probably a good idea for the teachers to keep some kind of watch on her during the trip, especially since hiking was one of the "selling points" of this school trip.

    "Are guys planning to do anything, or are you both tired right now?" She asked them.

@Shelter @CrystalYoshi
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With that in mind and heart, I left the room with my wallet to head to one of the vending machines I'd passed previously on my way to the room. Once there, I purchased a variety of snacks and drinks...



...then laboriously and clumsily carried them back to the room, setting them down on the table for my roommates to enjoy whenever they arrived.

With that done, I decided to head back out and make my way to the sauna to try to relax myself before curfew came around.



    By now, the halls were far less crowded for Kira. Noise could easily be heard through the surrounding walls, although muffled. 

    When Kira began walking down the stairs, a couple of guys walked up from the other side, almost moving past him before one of them stopped. 

     "Hey, do you live in 223?" One of them asked offhandedly. 

[Yes, 223 is the room Kira is roomed in.]

@Venom Adhamm
Kira Kujo

"Hey, do you live in 223?" One of them asked offhandedly. 

It was rare that people spoke to me, and thus, it was rare that I spoke to people. Still, I never had trouble with the physical act of speaking. Rarely would I stammer, stutter, or sputter. I attribute that due to the fact that I usually worked alone in group projects, so I was the one that had to do all the talking while presenting those projects. Be that as it may, speaking is not a gift. I have no particular eloquence with words, no soothingly sweet voice, nor sexily deep one. It's a shame, but what can we do?

"For now," I answer, turning my gaze to meet the guy's eyes. I don't think he recognizes me from anywhere. Nobody ever really recognizes me. He must've seen me take egress from the room, then. Maybe he has a friend in Room 223 that he got separated from by stroke of chance.

"For now," I answer, turning my gaze to meet the guy's eyes. I don't think he recognizes me from anywhere. Nobody ever really recognizes me. He must've seen me take egress from the room, then. Maybe he has a friend in Room 223 that he got separated from by stroke of chance.


    Now that Kira was face-to-face with him, he was able to take in the guy's features. His eyes were a turquoise blue, and he had short, dusty-blue hair. He had a light complexion, and he was a bit taller than Kira himself. He was currently wearing a white t-shirt with some kind of simple logo on it untucked over a pair of black business slacks—a rather odd combination. 

    "Ah, so you're the guy who did that! OK, so get this: we walked in, left our stuff in the room, the usual. Of course, there was this massive pile of drinks and stuff on the table, so we went over to some other people in the hall and talked with them about it. They said the hotel didn't set anything up like that, so the only logical conclusion was that someone from our school did," he stated. "Who was the most likely suspect? The random person we're rooming with that we haven't met yet! And since you just said you live in 223..." he began his conclusion.

    The other guy with him, a guy around Kira's height with lime-green hair and red eyes who wore a white button-down shirt over a t-shirt with chibi anime characters lined up on the front of it, interrupted the other's monologue. "Did you bring all that stuff with you, or did you buy it from the machine downstairs? ...How much money do you have, dude?" He asked with genuine curiosity. 

    "More importantly, do you think we could have a little when you're all done with it? There's no way I'm eating the trash that this guy brings with him to snack on," the blue-haired student said with mock scorn for the green-haired one.

     "Hey, at least I won't have to worry about my health down the line," the green-haired guy said as the two scooted over on the stairs to let some people through.

     "Whatever, man. You eat dry cereal, and it tastes like tree bark," the blue-haired guy said.

     "Oh, sorry," the blue-haired guy said with embarrassment, looking back over to Kira. "We've seen you around in school, but y'know, you're in 1-B, and we're part of 2-A. Anyways, good to meet you. I'm Kiyotaka," he said with a nod of his head.

@Venom Adhamm 
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Alex eyed Takuma, from bottom to top. "Deus ajuda quem cedo madruga," he said while smiling. "That means that God helps whoever is early. So yeah, to pick the best place, I gotta be the first." He reached his backpack and threw a small chocolate bar to Takuma. "Good thing I come prepared, eh?" He then gave quick look over to the room he was. It was plain, but quite pleasant and comfortable. "What did you bring on this bag, lead?" He said while laughing. "It sure sounded metallic, is there a gun or something like that in there?" Alex then opened his bag and took out the clothes he brought. Three t-shirts, two pants, some underwear, socks, everything he needed to spend a good amount of time. "Okay, now that everythings checked, I'm gonna see myself to the sauna. I never went to one, and all clubs I was in Brazil had a crazy rule that only people over 18 would be able to enter. So yeah, see you later!" He said while waving and going out, and down the stairs.

The sauna thing is true, by the way.
Kira Kujo

I stand at attention in front of the blue-haired guy, listening attentively as he speaks. My gaze almost immediately turns when the green-haired one starts to speak, turning again once the blue-haired guy talks again.

"Oh... well... I bought those snacks and drinks..." I tell the two of them, my voice reaching a quieter volume as I continue.

"They're for the two of you to share..."  I say, my voice only barely able to be heard, and my posture shrinking a bit. I've always felt uncomfortable when being directly confronted about something I've done, no matter what that thing is, and no matter for what purpose that thing was done.

I recall now the money I'd used to buy from the vending machine came from my mother. She had given me the money to buy souvenirs, apparently not aware of the fact that I never buy souvenirs. They're mementos that encapsulate memories, but being that all memories I form are inevitably bad ones, I have no reason to seek out material possessions to serve as constant reminders of the past. I hate to dwell on the past, but at the same time, I hate to walk the path of the present or to look at the uncertain future ahead.

My mom would always give me some money for souvenirs whenever I went on a trip. She has a kind heart, I'm sure, but she never really takes much notice of me, my activities, or what I'm like. Otherwise she'd know by now that I don't buy souvenirs. Regardless, the money she gives me is usually put to good use. I usually spend the money on edibles or to get into places that require a fee, then at the end of the trip, donate the remaining money to local charities in the area. My thoughts soon move back to the situation at hand.

"I'm... Kira..." I tell my roommates after Kiyotaka introduces himself.

"And... I was just going... to the sauna..." I explain as I begin nervously twiddling my thumbs.

@Captain Gensokyo
Sakuroko looked at the two new people that entered the room, trying to put names to faces that she probably should know. She flipped back and forth the pages of her book and then looked back at them. She began formulating ways of telling them to leave without having to say a word: maybe a thumbs up or simply ignoring them will do. She was worried that any of these actions will lead to instant questioning or the dreaded "Are you okay?" As recently as it was, she closed the book and gave them an answer. "I'm fine, I'll probably stay here for the night. "

@Captain Gensokyo


Alex walked to the stairs, eyeing up the whole architecture of the place. He was fascinated on how simple yet elegant the place could be, and the traditional aura the hotel gave. The sliding doors and the kotatsus on the common areas, the calm sense that the outdoors transmitted, it was all beautiful. So beautiful that he forgot to look where he was walking, and ended up bumping into the people that were on the stairs. He reeled backwards and ended up falling on the step behind him, his sight blurry for a second. He then looked at the students and gave an awkward laugh, feeling his face getting red. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going. Are you guys okay?"

@Venom Adhamm
Alex eyed Takuma, from bottom to top. "Deus ajuda quem cedo madruga," he said while smiling. "That means that God helps whoever is early. So yeah, to pick the best place, I gotta be the first." He reached his backpack and threw a small chocolate bar to Takuma. "Good thing I come prepared, eh?"

    Takuma deftly caught the chocolate bar in midair, giving it a quick glance before he looked back up at Alex. "Hey, thanks!" He said as he decided to open it up right away.

He then gave quick look over to the room he was. It was plain, but quite pleasant and comfortable. "What did you bring on this bag, lead?" He said while laughing. "It sure sounded metallic, is there a gun or something like that in there?"

    "A gun? Are you pulling my leg? Do I look like a criminal to you?" He said jokingly. 

Alex then opened his bag and took out the clothes he brought. Three t-shirts, two pants, some underwear, socks, everything he needed to spend a good amount of time. "Okay, now that everythings checked, I'm gonna see myself to the sauna. I never went to one, and all clubs I was in Brazil had a crazy rule that only people over 18 would be able to enter. So yeah, see you later!" He said while waving and going out, and down the stairs.

    "Yeah, see you," Takuma said with a casual wave of his hand as he continued crinkling the wrapper. "18 for something as small as that?" He thought to himself. There're some things that he just couldn't understand, and this was one of them.

I stand at attention in front of the blue-haired guy, listening attentively as he speaks.

"Ah, so you're the guy who did that! OK, so get this: we walked in, left our stuff in the room, the usual. Of course, there was this massive pile of drinks and stuff on the table, so we went over to some other people in the hall and talked with them about it. They said the hotel didn't set anything up like that, so the only logical conclusion was that someone from our school did," he stated. "Who was the most likely suspect? The random person we're rooming with that we haven't met yet! And since you just said you live in 223..." he began his conclusion.

My gaze almost immediately turns when the green-haired one starts to speak,

"Did you bring all that stuff with you, or did you buy it from the machine downstairs? ...How much money do you have, dude?" He asked with genuine curiosity. 

turning again once the blue-haired guy talks again.

"More importantly, do you think we could have a little when you're all done with it? There's no way I'm eating the trash that this guy brings with him to snack on," the blue-haired student said with mock scorn for the green-haired one.

     "Hey, at least I won't have to worry about my health down the line," the green-haired guy said as the two scooted over on the stairs to let some people through.

     "Whatever, man. You eat dry cereal, and it tastes like tree bark," the blue-haired guy said.

"Oh... well... I bought those snacks and drinks..." I tell the two of them, my voice reaching a quieter volume as I continue.

"They're for the two of you to share..."  I say, my voice only barely able to be heard, and my posture shrinking a bit. I've always felt uncomfortable when being directly confronted about something I've done, no matter what that thing is, and no matter for what purpose that thing was done.

"Oh, sorry," the blue-haired guy said with embarrassment, looking back over to Kira. "We've seen you around in school, but y'know, you're in 1-B, and we're part of 2-A. Anyways, good to meet you. I'm Kiyotaka," he said with a nod of his head.

"I'm... Kira..." I tell my roommates after Kiyotaka introduces himself.

    The green-haired guy, who could clearly be identified as an otaku thanks to his obvious shirt, decided to introduce himself at last. "And I'm Yutaka. Yeah, I know, double taka's? Kind of weird, if you ask me," he casually remarked.

"I was just going... to the sauna..." I explain as I begin nervously twiddling my thumbs.

he forgot to look where he was walking, and ended up bumping into the people that were on the stairs. He reeled backwards and ended up falling on the step behind him, his sight blurry for a second.

    Alex bumped right into Yutaka due to his negligence, making him lose balance and topple down about four stairs onto the midway platform of the stairway. He instinctively reached his arms out as he dropped forward, scraping up his hands but taking the majority of the impact at the same time.

He then looked at the students and gave an awkward laugh, feeling his face getting red. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going. Are you guys okay?"

    Yutaka let out a fit of slightly pained laughter from below the three, indicating he wasn't seriously injured. For some reason, he thought this was funny. Kiyotaka also couldn't help but chuckle at his misfortune, and he went down to get a better look at him. "Yeah, yeah, I'm good," Yutaka said as his laughter got more contagious.

@Venom Adhamm @Raizel
Kira Kujo

I recoil a bit in shock as Yutaka falls down the first few steps. I start to take a step forward to check on the unfortunate soul, though I stop once I see Kiyotaka move to take a look instead. I then turn my attention slowly towards the person who had caused the commotion.

"Huh...?" I question as I stare blankly at the somewhat clumsy guy. I knew his accent sounded a bit off, but... well, it's obvious he's not from here. There's no problem with that to me, though his nationality did catch me off-guard. I feel like I would've noticed him at some point amidst everyone else at school. Maybe I just don't pay enough attention to strangers minding their own business at school. Actually, that's exactly right. Since I started high school, I made a great effort to try not to notice people if I'm not spoken to first.

That's been very important to my mental well-being. I discovered that if I spend time people-watching, or even just people-glancing, I end up seeing a lot of happy couples, which is depressing. Alternatively, I may notice a girl who glances in my general direction for .05 seconds, which causes me to start interpreting any small actions of attention as signs of affection from that girl, causing a nearly unending maelstrom of alternating feelings of hope, despair, hope again, and then complete despair. Thus, I'm more often than not walking with my hands in my pockets, and my head dipped slightly down. Never dipped down enough so as not to notice potential people and physical obstacles in front of me though. Speaking of which...

I soon notice I'm currently staring at the guy who bumped into Yutaka.

"Oh! Sprry, no, it's okay, I mean... um, I was staring and... that's a little... No, not a little, just a plain amount of rude..." I say, bumbling and mumbling as I attempt to reach the ultimate meaning of my sentence, which I go on to repeat for emphasis.

"Sorry for staring..."

I look down at the ground, like a dog who thinks he did something bad.

"I hope you're okay... but please be more careful," I say quietly to the foreigner as I begin to turn around and slowly make my way to the sauna.

@Captain Gensokyo @Raizel
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Kaharu turned around when she heard her name and she looked over at Nanase and she smiled. "Hey Nanase, I was thinking about doing something but there is quite a bit that we can do here." She sat down on the bed and stretched before placing her hands on both sides of her body. " What were you going to do because I might just go with you if you were going to do something." Koharu watched Nanase and she was always fascinated by the other girl's red hair, it was always well-maintained and just looked pretty no matter what she did. Koharu then looked over at Sakurako and then looked at the book that the girl was reading, noticing the yellow cover. She must really like that book, she's been reading it nonstop since we got on the bus. "I don't blame you for wanting to stay in for the night Sakurako, we do have a long day ahead of us tomorrow."

@Captain Gensokyo @Shelter
"I hope you're okay... but please be more careful," I say quietly to the foreigner as I begin to turn around and slowly make my way to the sauna.

    As Kira reached the first floor, he could see small clumps of students gathered around in different sections of the large lobby area, taking up many seating areas in the process. The way to the sauna was in back, and paying no heed to everyone else, headed that way.



   He was now staring out at a surprisingly nice, natural-looking hot spring from the other side of the door. Plenty of people were either soaking their feet or becoming fully immersed in the steaming water, letting it melt away whatever stress they had left. There were places to change, pre-wash, and store shoes on either side in front of the entrance to the sauna, with one being designated for men and the other being designated for women. After the initial scouting trip, Kira confirmed that he'd need some things from his room before he could enter—namely something to change into and the key to his temporary locker.

@Venom Adhamm
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Kira Kujo

Oh... I didn't think there would be any people around here. Well, I'm sure none of them will notice me if I just mind myself. The sauna looks really nice though, and I don't know if I'll have much time later to relax in it if we're going out hiking tomorrow. With a fairly quick pace, I return to my room, grabbing a change of clothes (which look exactly like what I'm wearing now, all the clothes I brought are the same) as well as my locker key. As I sift through my bag, I come to a small realization. I've never been in a public sauna before, and I'm not sure what I should be wearing there. Maybe just... swimwear? Did I pack anything like that? I might have...

Sure enough, upon looking further through my bag, I manage to withdraw a pair of plain-blue swimtrunks. I dig a bit more, and grab my plain white towel that has the name "Kira" embroidered in the corner. I never leave home on a trip without bringing a towel. Towels are a highly practical tool, useful in many situations. I better make sure to bring it with me on the hiking trip tomorrow.

Once I've gotten all I need, I zip up my bag and head back to the sauna, entering the men's area to prewash (so as not to upset others by the fact that I might smell bad right now), store my items in my locker, then get changed. Once all's done, I finally head out and sit down at a quiet spot in the sauna, sinking into the hot water and shutting my eyes as I relax.
Kaharu turned around when she heard her name and she looked over at Nanase and she smiled. "Hey Nanase, I was thinking about doing something but there is quite a bit that we can do here." She sat down on the bed and stretched before placing her hands on both sides of her body. " What were you going to do because I might just go with you if you were going to do something."

    "I was thinking about going to the game room downstairs, actually! I think they've got air hockey and some other stuff, too. I might even try one of those claw machines, but I've never really been any good at them," Nanase said with a huff. "Do either of you wanna come with me?" She asked, trying to be inclusive.

Koharu watched Nanase and she was always fascinated by the other girl's red hair, it was always well-maintained and just looked pretty no matter what she did.

Sakuroko looked at the two new people that entered the room, trying to put names to faces that she probably should know. She flipped back and forth the pages of her book and then looked back at them. She began formulating ways of telling them to leave without having to say a word: maybe a thumbs up or simply ignoring them will do. She was worried that any of these actions will lead to instant questioning or the dreaded "Are you okay?" As recently as it was, she closed the book and gave them an answer. "I'm fine, I'll probably stay here for the night. "

Koharu then looked over at Sakurako and then looked at the book that the girl was reading, noticing the yellow cover. She must really like that book, she's been reading it nonstop since we got on the bus. "I don't blame you for wanting to stay in for the night Sakurako, we do have a long day ahead of us tomorrow."

    "Yeah, it has been a pretty long day, after all," Nanase said as she crossed her arms. "I can't blame you either. Well, if you're calling it a night already, Sakurako, then I guess I can stay here, too. Maybe it'd be a great idea to actually get some sleep before 12:00!" She said, giggling at her own habits.

@CrystalYoshi @Shelter
Oh... I didn't think there would be any people around here. Well, I'm sure none of them will notice me if I just mind myself. The sauna looks really nice though, and I don't know if I'll have much time later to relax in it if we're going out hiking tomorrow. With a fairly quick pace, I return to my room, grabbing a change of clothes (which look exactly like what I'm wearing now, all the clothes I brought are the same) as well as my locker key. As I sift through my bag, I come to a small realization. I've never been in a public sauna before, and I'm not sure what I should be wearing there. Maybe just... swimwear? Did I pack anything like that? I might have...

Sure enough, upon looking further through my bag, I manage to withdraw a pair of plain-blue swimtrunks. I dig a bit more, and grab my plain white towel that has the name "Kira" embroidered in the corner. I never leave home on a trip without bringing a towel. Towels are a highly practical tool, useful in many situations. I better make sure to bring it with me on the hiking trip tomorrow.

Once I've gotten all I need, I zip up my bag and head back to the sauna, entering the men's area to prewash (so as not to upset others by the fact that I might smell bad right now), store my items in my locker, then get changed. Once all's done, I finally head out and sit down at a quiet spot in the sauna, sinking into the hot water and shutting my eyes as I relax.

    Kira allowed himself to ease up and relax in the warm water, giving him some time to simply drift away and not have to focus so much on thinking. He almost would've taken a nap after staying in the water for a while if he wasn't disturbed by a splash of warm water on his face.

    Upon opening his eyes, Kira could see a mid-sized white ball floating in front of him on the water. "Oh, sorry, Kira!" A short-haired brunette--Fumiki from his homeroom class in 1B, he remembered--called out from across the water. She was with a few other girls from 1-B, and they were all looking in the direction of the ball. Why were there people throwing around a ball in a public sauna? Isn't that kind of stuff more suited to a swimming pool, anyway? 

@Venom Adhamm
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Kira Kujo

My eyes quickly open in shock as the ball lands. I look up over the ball towards Fumiki. It's really odd and surprising that people are playing with a ball in here. I feel like there's rules against that. Doesn't upset me too much or anything, I don't mind friends having fun. Most of the time, anyway. Couples having fun is a different story though.

Even more odd and surprising is the fact that girl knows my name. Have I ever spoken to her before? Maybe I picked up a pencil she dropped once, or maybe she just remembers my name from the morning roll-calls. In any case, I find myself feeling a bit touched that she knows my name. I'm certain I've never talked to her much, but maybe she's a nice girl. Maybe she'll let me play with her and her friends... I should ask. I should say 'Haha, no problem! Room for one more? I'd love to play with you!' That's what I should do. That's what I need to do if I want to make friends, especially female friends.

"Oh... it's no problem," I say in only a slightly raised voice to Fumiki across the water. I sit up a bit in the sauna and pick up the ball, tossing it lightly towards the girls. A long silence passes from me before I decide to try to speak up again.

"Can I... play with you?" I ask. Unfortunately, the question comes out in an extremely quiet, small, and weak voice that not even a blind man sitting right next to me would be able to properly hear. I sigh to myself and lower my posture in the sauna again.

@Captain Gensokyo
    "I was thinking about going to the game room downstairs, actually! I think they've got air hockey and some other stuff, too. I might even try one of those claw machines, but I've never really been any good at them," Nanase said with a huff. "Do either of you wanna come with me?" She asked, trying to be inclusive.

    "Yeah, it has been a pretty long day, after all," Nanase said as she crossed her arms. "I can't blame you either. Well, if you're calling it a night already, Sakurako, then I guess I can stay here, too. Maybe it'd be a great idea to actually get some sleep before 12:00!" She said, giggling at her own habits.

@CrystalYoshi @Shelter

Koharu smiled and she made her ways to the door before giving a small wave. "Well, I'm going down there and get myself something from the claw machine so I will see all of you before curfew." She left the room and locked the door after she got out of the room and made her ways downstairs to the gameroom. She had said hello to her classmates that she saw on the way down there and stopped to talk to some of them before finally making it to her destination with plenty of time left to mess around and to get back to the room before curfew.

@Captain Gensokyo
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My eyes quickly open in shock as the ball lands. I look up over the ball towards Fumiki. It's really odd and surprising that people are playing with a ball in here. I feel like there's rules against that. Doesn't upset me too much or anything, I don't mind friends having fun. Most of the time, anyway. Couples having fun is a different story though.

"Oh, sorry, Kira!" A short-haired brunette--Fumiki from his homeroom class in 1B, he remembered--called out from across the water. She was with a few other girls from 1-B, and they were all looking in the direction of the ball. Why were there people throwing around a ball in a public sauna? Isn't that kind of stuff more suited to a swimming pool, anyway? 

Even more odd and surprising is the fact that girl knows my name. Have I ever spoken to her before? Maybe I picked up a pencil she dropped once, or maybe she just remembers my name from the morning roll-calls. In any case, I find myself feeling a bit touched that she knows my name. I'm certain I've never talked to her much, but maybe she's a nice girl. Maybe she'll let me play with her and her friends... I should ask. I should say 'Haha, no problem! Room for one more? I'd love to play with you!' That's what I should do. That's what I need to do if I want to make friends, especially female friends.

"Oh... it's no problem," I say in only a slightly raised voice to Fumiki across the water. I sit up a bit in the sauna and pick up the ball, tossing it lightly towards the girls. A long silence passes from me before I decide to try to speak up again.

    "Thanks!" Fumiki shouted cheerfully from across the water as the ball plopped back over to the group. 

"Can I... play with you?" I ask. Unfortunately, the question comes out in an extremely quiet, small, and weak voice that not even a blind man sitting right next to me would be able to properly hear. I sigh to myself and lower my posture in the sauna again.

    While most of the girls seemed to get back into doing whatever they were doing earlier with the ball, Fumiki could have sworn that she heard something else that Kira added. "Wait, what was that? Sorry!" She shouted. If anything, this might have been a second chance for him to clarify what he had actually meant to say. 

@Venom Adhamm 
Koharu smiled and she made her ways to the door before giving a small wave. "Well, I'm going down there and get myself something from the claw machine so I will see all of you before curfew."

    "All right, but don't completely count me out. I might take you up on that!" Nanase replied as Koharu began to leave the room. 

She left the room and locked the door after she got out of the room and made her ways downstairs to the gameroom. She had said hello to her classmates that she saw on the way down there and stopped to talk to some of them before finally making it to her destination with plenty of time left to mess around and to get back to the room before curfew.



    It was getting dark outside, if the window was any indication. A quick glance at the clock showed that the time was now 8:20, which still left a little more than two hours before everyone needed to phone in for the night. When Koharu arrived there, she took note of the vending machine, the air-hockey table, a couple of arcade machines showing off a video game she didn't know anything about, and the claw machine she had been looking for. Right now, no one else was in the room, but that was probably going to change at some point.

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