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Fantasy A Knight's Charge


Sinker of Ships
The Order of the White Lance had acted as king's guard ever since the founding of the kingdom of Estoss. MC is a proud son of the one of the more prominent knights in the order. As a child MC was groomed and raised with the sole purpose of being one of the knights of the White Lance. Just a shy of his twentieth birthday the year of his induction into the order, the queens brother consumed by his ambitions and greed lead a coup to overthrow the king with his own personal army and mercenary companies he had hired in secret. Caught off guard the Order of the White Lance was overwhelmed and slaughtered, the King and Queen murdered, and the throne successfully seized by the Queens brother. Due to his fathers sacrifice during the coup MC was able to flee the castle and escape death. Ridden with guilt at the thought of not perishing with the Order he was destined to joined MC traveled to land aimlessly in an attempt to atone for his cowardice.

Six years after the initial coup the Kingdom of Estoss has been plunged into darkness and MC after years of hiding and aiding resistance forces must now flee the Kingdom to escape certain death. Outraged at learning a member of the White Lance still existed the new King sent assassins to deal with the issue fearful that a member of the almost forgotten order could unite a resistance against him. Fearful that the resistance he aided would be slaughtered like those of his order MC boards a ship to a distant land to distract the king. As the ship crosses the sea a storm capsizes the boat and MC is at the mercy of the sea. He awakens on an island unfamiliar to him to the sound of screams those of which belong to the character you with be playing! YC will be the daughter of a chieftain of an indigenous tribe that's just one of many of the tribes on the island. The tribal people are human in appearance but have a distinctly animalistic traits about them (think like thunder cat, Neko, or any other type animal people you prefer). MC saves YC from whatever it is attacking her and then her tribe comes rushing in to save and gets the wrong idea thinking MC is the assailant.

Alright I know that outline was vague but hopefully it was enough to get you interested! My reasoning behind it being vague is so don't set anything in stone and so if you have any ideas for the plot we could easily include them.

This plot will be MxF with me playing the male. I would say I'm average writer so I am looking with someone of comparable skill level. I'm 23 and only feel comfortable rping with people 18+ so yea that's a requirement xP I try to post once a day (or more if I can) but sometimes my work load will lower that to once a week. Ugh I think that's everything. I'm only really looking for one partner for this rp so pm with a character you have in mind for this rp and I'll go with first person I think I would be compatible to rp with. Thanks for reading! :3
Alright I believe I have found my partner for the rp! If you really liked this idea and wanted to do it, send me a pm and we might be able to work about another plot together that you would like equally as much.

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