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A Hint For Love


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
A romance between a Teacher and Student

With @SilverBlack , @animeloulou

(Pardon for my horrible roleplay title naming skills, I have to go and am making up a name quickly. Feel free to come up with one so I can change it. T-T)

A breeze, and he watched as a few leaves danced with the winds, slowly landing onto the ground, its color a fainting yellow, turning brown.

Lee Jun Hyung let out a sigh, his eyes eventually landed onto the high school building in front of him. Checking the time, he knew he's not late--rather, a bit early too. It's not too far into autumn since school started that he, quite the new teacher, was asked to substitute for another regular one, who for some reasons will be absent for a while due to some personal affairs. Of course, it's not like he's unwilling to help--however, he did feel a little anxious. He will be facing a class with students he hasn't known before. As someone who has not yet excelled at his job, he secretly wished to himself that he will do fine.

He began walking into the school then, going with his usual routes and pace as he usually would use. He has been working in here for a while enough for him to grow accustomed as how the school is structured and is built. In his hands, he held the class materials and document as well as several paperworks that contained the previous teacher's message to him along with directions to the classroom he was about to enter. It wasn't that hard--Jun Hyung located the classroom quickly once stepping up the stairs. He let in a deep breath then as he eventually found himself stepping in front of the classroom door, not to calm himself or something since he's not feeling particularly nervous or anything, but to be ready to deal with whatever mess or commotion or ridiculous questions or whatever that some, especially difficult students, can throw over.

Jun Hyung made his way into the classroom finally, his entrance stopping the students from their talks as they turned around to look at the unfamiliar face. The young man walked to the front of the teacher's desk in spite of the students reaction, and with a clear of a throat and a charming friendly smile he usually use to greet new people, he introduced himself,

"Everyone, please quiet down. As you can see, your regular teacher is not here. For a while I'll be substituting, my name is Lee Jun Hyung, I don't care how you guys call me as long as it's not disrespectful. I look forward to working with you all!"

He braced himself for the different types of responds some students might give.
Park Bo Young's eyebrow raised slightly as the new teacher introduced himself.

He didn't seem to be too much older than a lot of the students, plus he had a friendly smile.

Standing up, she bowed slightly in greeting before speaking.

"Welcome... My name is Park Bo Young, the class president."
The first response has been a graceful, female student who stood up and introduced herself as the class president. It took Jun Hyung a little by surprise, in a positive way.

Looking toward her with the same smile he wore he gave a little nod of delight. "That so, I look forward to working with you then, Park Bo Young. Considering I've yet to be skilled at this job, I might need more of your help then you need mine," he said in the joking manner.

Other questions were thrown in eventually, and he managed to respond to each of them. "Should we begin class then?" He said eventually, and with his light-hearted, chill attitude he continued while opening the book. "Who's the smartest person in the class by the way?"
Park Bo Young looked up at his question, just in time to see nearly all of the other students point in her direction.

Blushing slightly, she bowed slightly in thanks, her eyes meeting for a moment with Jun Hyung's, before returning to her notes.

The rest of the class passed without incident, the young substitute getting along well with the class. Once the bell for morning break rang, Bo Young waited for the bulk of students to leave before approaching Jun Hyung.

"If you need any help, don't be afraid to ask me..."

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