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A Heartfelt Search

Castiel blushed in embarrassment. "I didn't realize I was supposed to vocalize." He said softly, blinking up at the hunter, all the while keeping his fingers against Dean's skin, tracing his underlying anatomy. Castiel almost trembled in his pleasure, having had nothing even close to this ever happen. It was all new, and it was all amazing.

"You did not just ask me to have sex with you. Because it isn't happening." Sam said, raising a brow and stepping back, eyes flickering to Gabriel's hands in case he tried to cop a feel or something.

Biting back a huff of laughter, Dean grinned, "S'okay, Cas. You're not supposed to do anything," he answered, before kissing a long line from the top of Cas' neck, all the way to under his navel, moving his hips forward with each contact of lips to skin. It almost seemed like the angel was a temple of worship, and Dean a devoted man.

Raising his hands up in surrender, Gabriel laughed, "Hahaha. I'm only joking, Sam. And you said no, so I'm not gonna try and feel you up. But seriously, I'm hungry."
Castiel felt his blush grow past his cheeks and into his neck, and slightly his collarbone. But that was soon forgotten, as the angel focused in the hunter's lips against his skin. He once again wound his fingers into his partner's hair.

Sam backed away with a frown and sighed. "Fine."

The threading of long fingers wound his in hair making him go faster and more passionate, Dean pressed his mouth against every available space along the angel's skin, relishing in the taste and warmth beneath his lips. His whole body felt on fire, buzzing with energy and pleasure.

Smirking in triumph, Gabriel snapped his fingers, and immediately, the room around them changed into what looked like a fine, but empty dining room. A glass chandelier hung from above, the white crystals glowing. Mahogany chairs framed a long table with fancy plates and silverware on top. Velvet curtains hung in front of large-pane windows, a warm evening glowing through. Food of all sorts lined the table also, steaming and inviting.

"Am I good? Or am I good?" the archangel gloated.
Castiel was a while later halfway curled up on his side, facing Dean and smiling softly at him. He gently traced the edge of the hunter's jaw and his bright blue eyes focused on his partner's green.

Sam glanced up at the chandelier, and then at the room itself. He laughed softly at the sight of a cherry pie at the end of the table, thinking of Dean. He then started to hum the song by Warrant, and stopped, heart aching at the memory of Dean again.

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Locking their mouths in a kiss once more, this time slow and gentle, Dean soon pulled back before smiling lightly, "You're gonna be the death of me, Cas."

Not noticing Sam's humming or small frown, Gabriel sat himself down before digging in. Looking up from his plate, the golden-eyed man patted the seat next to him, "Come on, kiddo!"
Castiel grinned, blue eyes shining. "Am I?" He asked softly, shifting slightly closer to the hunter.

Sam looked at Gabriel and pointedly sat directly across from the archangel before grabbing some food for himself.

"Yeah, you are. You're amazing," the hunter whispered, feeling loose and on air. Once Cas had shifted closer to him, Dean curled an arm around him, the urge to remain in close contact still lingering.

Rolling his eyes, Gabriel kept on eating before saying, "You know, it looks more like a date when you sit across from someone." Should've sat next to the archangel.
Castiel let himself press against Dean and he rested his dark head in the hollow of Dean's shoulder.

"At least then you can't just reach over and touch me with ease." Sam retorted, taking an angry bite of his food.

Closing his eyes in bliss, Dean drifted off, only thinking about being on top of the world and an angel beside him.

The shorter huffed, "I told you, Sam. You said no, so I'm not gonna make a pass at you."
Castiel closed his eyes as well, and absently ran his fingertips down the center of Dean's chest as he relaxed.

"I don't know that." Sam said.

A few hours later, Dean awoke with both his frame and the angel's curled around each other perfectly. It seemed like they were, in a way, physical representations of two souls coming together and becoming one. A rather romantic thought, the hunter characteristically both pushed it away and smiled softly at it.

Running his fingers along Cas' jawline, the green-eyed man hummed a meaningless tune to himself.

Giving up, Gabriel finished his dinner and later sighed in content. He really knew when to conjure up something good; literally. Waiting until Sam was finished, (he was a bit rude sometimes, but he knew when to be a good host), the archangel snapped his fingers once more and they returned back to their room before, fancy curtains and steaming food vanishing.
Castiel had still been dozing, until the hunter's touch woke him and he blinked himself awake, looking up at Dean. He noticed both how close they were and how they fit perfectly in the same instant. He smiled a small, sleepy and lazy smile at the thought.

Sam sighed. Well, he'd had a break from this god damn room for twenty minutes.

"We might have to get downstairs soon, Cas. Bobby's gonna be wondering what we were doing," the hunter said, voice rough from sleep. The paranoid elder was probably wondering what the two had been doing for the past few hours. Or not caring at all. With Bobby, it could go either way.

Looking up at Sam's sigh, the shorter quirked a brow, "What's the long sigh for, kiddo? At least you can go to sleep here, the other room you couldn't." Gabriel justified his point by gesturing to the large, comfortable-looking bed tucked in one corner.
Castiel laughed, then realized what they had been doing. He looked up at Dean, and half wondered if he would tell Bobby or not. The angel knew the whole idea of being so-called 'gay' was not accepted in this day and age, and never had been. But he'd never cared for the whole idea of society, because it was merely meaningless rules that no one followed anyway, based on the opinions of a single person without the input of anyone else.

But the angel didn't ask, and therefore didn't get a return. He merely nodded and yawned in the slightest, stifling it as best he could.

Sam rolled his eyes, though the bed did look quite comfortable. He wasn't tired, though, and didn't care much for sleeping while Gabriel most likely watched as if he was some weirdo. But he was, in Sam's opinion, and that didn't make much difference, apparently.
Knowing exactly the angel was thinking about, Dean frowned slightly. "It's okay, seriously. Bobby honestly doesn't care when it comes to that kind of stuff." For a long time the hunter wondered the same thing, until the conversation one time occurred, that if either brother happened to fall in love with a boy, Bobby didn't care. So long as they weren't horrible and treated them right.

"Your eyes are gonna roll out of your head, Sam, if you keep doin' that."
Castiel looked up at the hunter and nodded. "Alright, if you say so." He said in a soft murmur. He trusted the man, and so trusted his word, even if about another.

"Then I guess I can't glare at you anymore." Sam retorted.
Eventually sitting up, and rubbing the stale, sleepy feeling from his face, Dean took Castiel's hand an pulled him up, before holding him around the waist and kissing him once more. The taste of sleep and salt coating his lips.

The golden-haired man smirked, "I'll give it to ya, kiddo. You're witty."
Castiel smiled, kissing the hunter gently, hand raising to his cheek. He ran his thumb across Dean's cheek and closed his eyes.

Sam snorted. "Yeah. Thanks." He said in a sarcastic tone.

Pulling back, but rest his forehead against Cas', Dean placed his hand over the angel and rubbed small circles over it, "Ready to go downstairs?"

"You're welcome!" the archangel replied in an annoyingly cheery tone. Twirling around on his feet, Gabriel headed back to his chair before selecting a different magazine, this one for Bath and Body Works. The golden-eyed man had a soft spot for that.
Castiel smiled softly and nodded. "We should probably get dressed again though." He said with a small laugh.

Sam scowled and sat in a chair on the opposite side of the room from the archangel.

Nodding his head and huffing a laugh, Dean murmured, "Yeah. We should." Getting their clothes together and back on, after a few more light touches and solid kisses, the two looked on fondly at one another before going downstairs.

Finding a few candles he liked, the golden-eyed man snapped his fingers and they appeared. Lighting a vanilla-scented one, Gabriel breathed in satisfaction and leaned back before closing his eyes.
Castiel headed downstairs with Dean and his hand gently touched the hunter's as he walked into the room where Bobby was, researching. Since Sam wasn't there and he was usually the one to do so, Bobby took over the job while Castiel and Dean did whatever the Hell they'd been doing upstairs.

The man looked up and asked, "Finally decided to come down, eh? What were you two doing up there anyway? It's getting late." And it was; the sky had turned dark and the stars weren't yet out.

Sam glanced over at the candle and raised a brow, but ignored Gabriel for the moment, sighing, wishing he'd something to do.

A blush creeping along his cheeks, making him feel like a teenager talking about his date to the prom, Dean rubbed the back of his next before saying, "Uh, Bobby? We got something to tell you."

Cracking an eye open, Gabriel saw that Sam was thoroughly bored, and snapped his fingers once more, using his mojo to conjure up a bookcase, filled to the brim with books of any genre.
Bobby looked between them, setting down his current book he was using for research, and looking at them. "What is it?" He asked.

Castiel looked up at Dean with a shy glance, shifting and waiting for him to explain.

Sam looked up and then at Gabriel, raising a brow, a slow grin spreading across his face. "You serious?"


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