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A Heartfelt Search

Smiling beside himself, Dean leaning in to the touch against his jaw. And the hunter took a mental note of how bright Cas' eyes were, appearing ethereal. Breathing deeply and content, Dean murmured, "It's a good thing this didn't have to go a different way."

Albeit hurt by Sam's words, Gabriel pretended to brush it off. "Doesn't matter if you think I'm pretty or not, kiddo. Only matters if I think I'm pretty."
Castiel smiled and nodded very lightly. He pulled back his nightly-black wings and half folded them against his back, letting the bottom feathers of them splay outward like a fan. "I couldn't have imagined if it had." He whispered, and looked up into Dean's gaze; he was absolutely loving and getting lost in the green depths. He slowly ran the tip of his thumb along the hunter's skin and looked up at him with a smile as real as ever. He loved that he could now let his eyes hold the love for Dean he'd felt since he'd rescued the hunter from Hell. He could let him know now. He didn't have to hide himself anymore.

He had thought for the longest time that Dean would hate Castiel if he'd ever told the hunter his feelings. But he knew now that the thought itself was ridiculous and hypocritical. And for once Castiel actually felt like he had some purpose; he'd lost faith a few times in the past and had lacked sight of what he had to do.

"Oh, you don't care for my opinion? Nice to know. Further reference." Sam gave a criminal smile and laughed.

He was enjoying their having had switched roles. He was enjoying hurting the archangel, and he knew he was.

Even so, part of him asked if he was being cruel. He knew he was.

Like Dean when he came back from having been a demon.

His smile wavered in the slightest at the thought of his older brother, and he backed off.

He wasn't cruel. He wasn't going to act so. He wasn't that kind of man, even if Gabriel had taken him.

And maybe his words weren't so true. Maybe he was starting to get along with the archangel. A shudder nearly escaped him at the thought, but as he looked back into those golden eyes, he thought maybe he wasn't so bad. Maybe he was like Dean, and needed to be cracked before he'd show.

Sam's hazel gaze held none of these thoughts. He'd learned to keep them clean while his mind raced. He kept his glare on the archangel even with his doubting of what he thought he knew about Gabriel.

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Almost taken aback by how unbelievably bright Cas' eyes seemed to be, almost glowing in blue, Dean lost himself in them, feeling warm and loved beyond his belief. The hunter, for the longest time, didn't think he'd fall in love with anyone ever again...but that was quickly torn into pieces once an angel came along. Dean knew he could save Sam; save anyone, now that he had someone by his side forever, or they hoped forever.

Years from now, when Dean would be retired from hunting, much to his dismay, he'd tell you that he had never believed in true love; if somehow you managed to the green-eyed man to reach that topic. The kind in fairy tales, never-ending and unfaltering. Two souls intertwined with one another, becoming a whole. He didn't believe in that. It wasn't who he was.

But...today...maybe he did.

"Well, I wouldn't say that, Sam. It's nice to know you checked me out, either way." the archangel replied coolly, ending the sentence with a wink.

Sure Gabriel couldn't tell what was going on in that clever mind that was Sam Winchester's, but he did know that something was up. Maybe the hunter had taken back what he said. It did hit home in a bad way.

The golden-eyed man knew the taller was better than that, and soon brushed it off as best he could.

Though, that hazel glare was kinda cute.
Castiel could see in Dean's green gaze that the hunter felt what Castiel did. And he felt himself relax more at seeing so; the hunter finally believed. Dean believed on Castiel, believed in himself. The angel finally felt he'd done something right. He'd finally convinced the one person he'd ever wanted to do so to believe. And that made him the happiest he'd ever been. His breath was stolen away in his pleasure, and the angel smiled more, creases forming at the corner of his eyes.

"Wh-Who said I did?" Sam's composure faltered and his seemingly stony hazel gaze dissipated and was replaced with slight, half-hidden shock,maybe because he had subconsciously. But still, his brows furrowed and he did the best possible to hide himself. His hands twitched at his sides and he pressed them against his thighs to stop them.

(Aw, man that kinda sucked. I'll do better next post. >~< )

"You keep smiling like that, I'm gonna have to do something about it," Dean replied cheekily, eyes crinkling at the corners. He felt the buzzing, joyful energy around Castiel, and it made his nerves stand on end in the best way possible. It felt like ecstasy.

"You just said it, Sammoose." Gabriel chimed, composure growing more confident as he witnessed Sam's do the opposite. Now the hunter was really teasing him, looking doe-eyed and large hands twitching.

Edging a bit closer to the taller, the archangel said, "You'll be thinking I'm the hottest and greatest tamale in town. Don't try and stop yourself. But also don't let it be Stockholm Syndrome either, kiddo. That's weird."
"Oh, will you now?" Castiel teased the hunter, smile growing wider. He stepped closer and smirked, quirking a brow.

"You wish it was fucking Stockholm." Sam growled and spat at Gabriel.

Putting both hands on Cas' arms, Dean edged a bit closer, a sly smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth, "Maybe." Leaning forward, the hunter whispered in the angel's ear, love and lust coating his words, "Only if you're good."

Expression growing lighter at Sam's growl, Gabriel waved a theatrical hand, "No no no. I'm into some weird things, but that's a little too strange for me. Might want to write that down. Keep it stored in that ol' noggin of yours."
"Oh, me? Good?" Castiel whispered back, deep voice seductive, and grinned. He looked over at Dean though the hunter couldn't see his face at the moment; not exactly. He shivered at Dean's touch on his arms, and moved his own to the hunter's neck, fingertips brushing the soft, short dark blond hair at the nape of his neck. "Please." He responded, though they both knew it was far from true.

Castiel could sure as Hell try to be bad,but he was an angel; literally and figuratively. He was as good as it got, in almost every way.

But still the angel pretended to act as if he was bad, and a grin spread wider on his face.

His smile was an idiotic smirk that covered his whole expression, containing it entirely. His blue eyes held a barely existing spark of mischief.

"I refuse to believe that. You're more than just interested in me.

Don't think I haven't seen you staring." Sam said, looking up at Gabriel with a raised brow, seeming calm. Inside, though, his mind was racing with the possibility of Sam actually not hating Gabriel.

Maybe it wasn't such a bad idea.

Hell, Dean had grown used to Castiel. He'd grown closer to the angel than, sometimes, it seemed, even Sam.

He had hated Cas in the beginning.

Maybe Sam could do the same. Put his jealousies to rest about them.

But, of course, that was ridiculous.

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Albeit touched by Cas' attempts of being bad, even though the angel was incapable of doing so, Dean huffed a laugh as he shuddered at the long, nimble fingers gracing his neck, touching the soft hairs that lay.

Looking up and seeing a pair of blue orbs holding the smallest tinge of mischief, the hunter grinned even more as he slowly pushed Cas towards the bed in the room, closing the door behind them, using his heel, with a soft click.

It was going to be a while before either came back downstairs any time soon...

"Think of it as Monopoly, Sam. You're in jail," Gabriel chorused, gesturing to the space around them, "and you have to try and get out. Be patient, wait your turn, and maybe...just maybe, the handsome jail guard'll let you out."
Castiel kept a smile up and looked at the hunter though he felt his heart pounding more than ever; probably enough so that Dean could hear the pulse as well. He felt himself grow more nervous at Dean's every touch, every move before he closed the door. He was in no way prepared.

But he wasn't exactly innocent either, and he knew what was coming. Even half looked forward despite his nerves.

"Sounds like the handsome jail guard wants to keep me as his pet moose forever." Sam rolled his eyes, then stopped.

Had he just-?

No way. Uh-uh.

There was no way Sam Winchester had said that, much less meant it.

His hazel gaze flickered up to Gabriel and he blinked before straightening himself as if those thoughts had never occurred, as if nothing had ever happened in his mind.

"You okay, Cas? We don't have to do this, if you don't want to." Dean uttered, desperately not wanting to make his partner do anything he didn't want to do. If Cas wasn't ready, he wasn't ready. And the hunter wasn't going to take advantage of him. That was just sick.

Face breaking into a large smile, Gabriel laughed, "Haha! I knew you'd come around! I am quite the convincing character. Probably how I got you into jail in the first place." The archangel also noted how it was kind of cute how Sam tried to act as if nothing happened.
Castiel's blue gaze flickered back up to Dean's green. He bit the inside of his lower lip. "I-I. I do. But..." He blinked slightly and breathed in. "Yeah. Y-Yeah." His nervousness was clear; he wouldn't deny that. "I'm fine. Nervous." He said.

He didn't want to ruin it. Didn't want to ruin anything for Dean. Especially because he was just nervous. Besides, he really did want this.

Sam sighed and rolled his eyes, letting his composure break slightly. "Fine, fine. I'll admit that." He said, hand raised in a defensive position.

Kissing along the angel's jawline, feeling the stubble against his own, Dean replied, "S'okay. Just do what feels right and tell me if anything feels wrong, Cas."

Feeling more confident, after Cas told him he wanted this, the hunter started to unbutton the angel's shirt, kissing each fraction of flesh that he saw as the shirt came apart.

Patting the taller's shoulder, the archangel departed from his close space before going to the corner of the room, sitting in a comfortable chair and opening up both a Playboy and Playgirl magazine.

He didn't have any shame.
Castiel felt small shivers fall against his skin each time the hunter's lips pressed against it, and small, nearly inaudible gasps escaped him. He arced his strong back up into his kiss, fingers winding their way into Dean's dark blond hair, and slowly down his neck.

Sam looked at the cover of the magazine and did a slight double take at the title, then rolled his eyes. He really wasn't surprised, actually. He just hoped he didn't have pictures of Sam hidden in there.

The angel's small gasps keeping his going, Dean pressed a little harder with each kiss, relishing and committing the feel of Cas' skin against his own to memory. Feeling his partner's fingers lace through his hair and travel down his neck had the hunter shiver in excitement. It seemed this was going to be exhilarating all the way through, and Dean looked greatly forward to it.

Seeing Sam roll his eyes at his choice of reading, Gabriel spoke behind the magazine, "Wanna borrow a copy? I got a bunch."
Castiel let his fingertips grace along Dean's neck. He shivered and gently pulled the hunter closer to his skin.

Sam rolled his eyes and looked away. "No."

With Cas pulling him closer, Dean locked their mouths in a kiss, breathing in the scent of cotton, dust, and something deep from the angel, and it soon becoming his new favorite smell. Running his hand down Cas' side, ending at the sharp hipbone and running his fingers along its shape, the sound of his pounding heart filling his ears.

"Suit yourself, kiddo." Gabriel replied, expression telling Sam he was seriously missing out on the fun. Flipping through pages of the magazines, the archangel voiced his opinions on the models by sharp intakes of breath, mildly inappropriate comments, and a rather loud wolf whistle at one point.
Castiel deeply inhaled Dean's scent consisting of whiskey, leather, and gunpowder with a musk that made the angel's head spin. But it was a good sort of spin. He shivered and breathed in sharply against Dean's lips as soon as he felt the hunter's touch against his skin. Castiel reached up to mess with the collar of Dean's shirt, vaguely expressing he didn't want it there anymore.

Sam turned away and rolled his eyes again. "You never take anything seriously, do you?" He asked in exasperation.

Beginning to remove Castiel's clothing, starting with his trenchcoat, which was surprisingly heavy and a bitch to remove, then Dean slowly undid the next button's of the angel's white shirt, kissing the skin revealed once more.

Feeling his partner reach to mess with the collar of his own shirt, Dean smiled behind the kiss. He didn't want it there either.

"If I did, then who was be the life of the party? And come on, Sam, you take things too seriously sometimes. Loosen up!" the archangel suggested, a faint hint of odd whining in his voice.
Castiel moved his fingers to the top button of the hunter's shirt, and unbuttoned it, fingertips gracing Dean's collarbone. He found that particular shape pleasing to follow, and moved his fingers across Dean's clavicle once he'd opened the hunter's shirt. He smiled and another small gasp of pleasure escaped the angel at feeling Dean's lips against his skin.

"Really. You're telling me to loosen up? I'm as uptight as can be." Sam said in a muttered tone, rolling his hazel eyes.

At this rate his eyes would roll right from his head.

A spark of pleasure ignited from the angel tracing his collarbone, Dean felt a cool rush of air as his shirt eventually became undone. Moving his hips against Cas' own, to a rhythm that was composed of their pounding hearts and gasps of breath.

Working his way to the blue-eyed man's belt, Dean nipped against Cas' lower lip, fitting perfectly between his teeth.

"That's why I said it, kiddo. Now we're sounding like a married couple," the golden-eyed man remarked exasperatedly, before closing his magazine and putting it back on the table, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
Castiel felt his face warm but he didn't really care. He both heard and felt the exhilarating symphony that was Dean and himself, and he loved it. He pressed his upper lip against Dean's and moved his lower between Dean's teeth.

"Except for the fact that you have that insanely annoying nickname for me." Sam snapped, done with this 'kiddo' shit. He'd only just tolerate it with Dean, and his older brother didn't do so very often.

Failing to tamper back a low moan of pleasure, Dean slid his hand behind Cas' head, threading his fingers along the dark hair and pulling ever so slightly. Their mouths moved together in unison, coming apart and coming back even stronger, each rush of love, lust, and electricity becoming more and more exciting than the last.

Rolling his eyes, Gabriel sighed, "What else do you want me to call you, then? I've got nicknames for everyone."
Castiel felt adrenaline buzz through him, filling him completely. He also felt the love for Dean and yes, the lust, though he'd rather not admit so. He pressed his body against the hunter's, and noticed the way they fit so perfectly. How Dean's hips fit perfectly against the curve of Castiel's, how their lips interlocked flawlessly, even how Dean managed to touch the angel in exactly the right spots, though Castiel didn't let out moans as the hunter did; he was a quiet lover more than anything else.

"Here's a genius idea; How about just Sam?" Sam growled in irritation. He really wished people would just call him by his name. What was wrong with it? Nicknames were stupid, petty things anyway.

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"You're awfully quiet," the hunter breathed, a smile behind each of his kisses, as he continued to move his body, it being as natural as breathing and ever more enjoyable. Aching twinges of pleasure rocked through the areas where Cas touched him, furthering his pounding heart and intakes of air. None of his previous lovers managed to get him to act like this...but maybe it was because he was never in love with any of them. Love makes the world go round, after all.

"Fine, Sam. But don't get all angry at me when I slip up!" the archangel retorted sharply before standing up, and swaggering over to Sam. "Hey, I'm kinda hungry, wanna go somewhere, or are you a dinner-at-home-then-sex-after kind of guy?"

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