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Fantasy A Guild of Heroes - Out-Of-Character Chat

Ahh, I guess I need to make posts for my characters >.> sorry guys, I was a bit busy today, once I get home if I'm not too tired I'll work on catching up on what all i missed and make posts and all
Hey guys I was at my great grandma's funeral last night and this morning. Then I have to work as soon as I get home so...probably won't post until late tonight.
Aw... That totally sucks.

It's always sad but she was 96 and whenever I went to visit her she always said at least once that she was ready to go...all her brothers and sisters are gone, her husband... she lived a full life and left tons of kids lol. 7 children, 22 grandchildren, 22 great grandchildren. I got to see a lot I didn't know about her in pictures and heard lots of awesome stories. It was a really nice, wholesome time.

But now I have to go to work :\

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