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Fantasy A Guild of Heroes - Out-Of-Character Chat

Honestly though lets cross our finger that Mora can join you guys back. Bcs we need her and Glitch in the same place so something/one doesn't blow up. I mean it will happen anyways. OK but like a standoff, them just staring at eachother.
sorry ive been a bit quiet despite my interactions - I'm going into Higher Education at college (if anyone has done that before they'll know exactly why I'm so busy) and I haven't had time to read the posts - ill get on it now.
Yeah I couldn't get a post in last night cause I ended up leaving work around 11:30 and just wanted to sleep when I got home lol. Today I'm working from 12 to probably around 11 again so...probably be tomorrow before I post again XD
We're on the same timezone right now, I'm in Arizona

Woo! Timezone buddy, haha :P

You guys are probably mostly in America, know a couple are from Asia and one other than me is from the UK.

True. I think it's really cool interacting with people from different timezones though. It kinda blows my mind sometimes that we can easily talk to people literally across the world from us.
Woo! Timezone buddy, haha :P

True. I think it's really cool interacting with people from different timezones though. It kinda blows my mind sometimes that we can easily talk to people literally across the world from us.
Still, it's a little annoying seeing you guys rping and doing stuff while I'm asleep cause it's 4 am XD
Still, it's a little annoying seeing you guys rping and doing stuff while I'm asleep cause it's 4 am XD
I have the same problem though, even when I go to sleep at like 1 am and wake up at 7, those 6 hours are enough for my rpn to blow up with notifications xP And then while I'm at work, oh man >.> But I just figure I'll catch up when I can, I can always retro in a few minor things if I have to *shrug*
I have the same problem though, even when I go to sleep at like 1 am and wake up at 7, those 6 hours are enough for my rpn to blow up with notifications xP And then while I'm at work, oh man >.> But I just figure I'll catch up when I can, I can always retro in a few minor things if I have to *shrug*
I'm in a rp on Discord with the same problem, ton of stuff happens when I'm not there and I'm like "Well my character's missing all the action... AGAIN! :xFfrown:

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