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Fantasy A Guild of Heroes - Out-Of-Character Chat

and this is why he definitely isn't evil - people like you not giving a poor lonely not bad man flowers!
Guess you'll have to prove it then.
In years, probably. But who knows how slime maturity works? I mean, there's a lot of conflicting information out there, if day one is anything to go by...
Oh, i just thought it would be quite funny if the ship Wobb x Chloe was an actual thing.
Bruh! Both of the two are as innocent as the angels from the heavens. It will work!

Dude! You just read my mind! You just debunked Baxter. So much for something as a form of a joke.
Graystone713 Graystone713
mind if I change Han's position and have her close to the dining hall? do want her to interact with the guys in the guild and its probably not going to happen in the woods LOL
Alteras Alteras Nice way to integrate the vile monster into the story! Looks likes the hunters and prey needs to team up to take on an even greater foe!

Also, I feel so bad. While everyone else is fighting the dragon, Vern is holding on for his dear life as he attempts to ride the dragon. It's like he's on a rodeo and is desperately trying to stay on the bucking bull.
Alteras Alteras Nice way to integrate the vile monster into the story! Looks likes the hunters and prey needs to team up to take on an even greater foe!

Also, I feel so bad. While everyone else is fighting the dragon, Vern is holding on for his dear life as he attempts to ride the dragon. It's like he's on a rodeo and is desperately trying to stay on the bucking bull.
Actually, the "vile monster" is just svala...
Ooooh, I thought that it was the hinted monster lurking in the forest. I thought that it was a sperate being from our party. So the dragon did notice her huh? Oh well, some other day then.

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