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Fantasy A Guild of Heroes - Out-Of-Character Chat

That's funny cause if I'm rping in Discord I always end up pressing enter when I don't want to but when I'm rping here I end never pressing 'Post Reply' when I have to
It's just good that the website saves your post before you send it and not delete it if you tab out otherwise it'd be way more annoying
Hey Zafiro and Hananya are free to be interacted with. Anyone know the whole registration process for the guild?
I am waiting for a response from Alteras Alteras , since my last post he sent an attack towards the dragon i believe. I think lena dropped the rp, and last I checked, kylesar hasnt been online in a while
Ahh, if kylesar hasn't responded in while, then I'll go ahead and make a post for the dragon.
Alteras Alteras did Swift's attack have any effect on the dragon?
Ok, so swift's attack is actually making it even tougher for the dragon to control itself, due to pain and lack of concentration. So basically the taint is gaining control over it.

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