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Fantasy A Gods Picnic


Once every 100 years the Gods hand their duties to lower demi Gods for 9 days while they go have what is called a Picnic. This is a floating single island in the middle of space and time for Gods of all nature to come and spend time together, or alone, depending on what they need to recuperate.

This island is 60 acres long, with a castle surrounded by a large field, a few small lakes, and then a north forest only four acres long.

Once they arrive, a God will be greeted by a house keeper who will help them with anything they need. Sometimes they come with luggage, something all that they need is already in their room. Their room can be from any era, any size, and style and will still fit perfectly within this heavenly castle. Once they feel settled they will head out to the lavish picnic waiting for them.

This will be a casual advanced roleplay with posts that stem between 2 and 6 paragraphs. We will loosely move the days on until 9 days are over. So be aware of the time and try not to make all the weird dramatic stuff happen before the first day is over.


Goddess of Death

"Welcome, Morteus. If you would follow me to your room." The maid said, weaving behind the goddess to grab her bags. Morteus simply nodded and followed the maid into the castle, silently observing how grandiose it was. Suppose it was to be expected, a building must be to hold so many divine creatures.

"Here we are, madam. Is everything to your liking?"

"It will suffice. What is the schedule for today?"

"The rest of the divines will arrive within the hour and converge in the Great Hall to meet each other and have lunch." The maid said, studying the schedule she'd pulled out of her pocket.

Morteus nodded thoughtfully and turned away from the maid to go lay on her bed. The maid shifted uncomfortably for a few minutes and finally left to go greet the other divines.

((We're continuing even though our mod is gone. uwu ))
Kyols grinned as he saw the back of Morteus's head disappear from view. He had arrived, in the... Weird building of ghosts? Wait, no, that's his schizophrenia. Nevermind that. He hummed a song as he waited in the waiting room. His mask made his breath steamy, which slightly annoyed him. When a figure appeared in front of him, he nodded. Even though his body felt cool, his face didn't. The mask felt like a bother, but then suddenly it didn't, and all he could think about was sorrow. Not his own sorrow, but the sorrow of others... Which there was only one source of. He looked up at this source as they bowed.

"Your room is ready, sir. Come with me." the person said. Was it a male or a female? It didn't matter, actually. He followed, looking around and still seeing the weird ghosts, then finally came to his room, and all the ghosts disappeared. His suitcase was in his hand, but then in a few seconds it wasn't, for he had jumped face-first into the white padded room. He bounced slightly, not getting actually injured, and smiled. He took off his mask, sat down, and waited for everyone else to arrive.

(sorry text size was weird so I had edit it a bit)

Kailei arrived just as Kyols got led away by a house keeper. As she looked about the room, she found it lacking somehow. She couldn't put her finger on it. But the carpet was soft on her bare feet. Most called Kailei eccentric, and it didn't bother her abit, as most gods and goddesses were somwhat eccentric. After a moment of looking around the lobby, a house keeper appears. "Your room is ready." The housekeeper speaks quietly, without emotion.

It takes a few moments to get to her room, but when she does she stops outside the door and turns to the house keeper. "Thank you, very much." Kailei turns away, her black waves swirling about her face. The door makes a small creaking sound as it opens, the smell of lilacs radiating out into the hall. A requested, her room contains many flowers, most of which are lilacs. She inhales the smell, a small smile pulling up the corners of her lips.​

Goddess of Death

Day 1

12 pm

"Madam? It's time for the gathering."

Morteus sighed at the maid's words and silently stood up to go start the meeting. At some point, she'd been unofficially chosen as the coordinator for these events since she was the oldest and quite frankly, one of the only ones that was sane enough to handle any sort of responsibility.

Not that insanity is necessarily a bad thing Morteus thought as she entered the Great Hall. "Inform the rest of the gods that we're meeting." The maid nodded and quickly bustled off to spread the message.


Morteus inspected the room, silently approving of the arrangement. It was grand enough to placate the gods but simple enough not to overwhelm the more...eccentric ones, shall we say. With a soft chuckle, Morteus reclined back in her designated throne and waited for the other gods to come in and fill the thrones around her.


((You don't have to add a pic of your throne, I just wanted to.))
Kyols was humming another song in his head when the person opened his door. Even without his mask, it was still difficult to find out the gender of this person. He put his mask back on and walked out of his bouncy room. The light was bright, but it barely effected him due to his mask. He grinned inside his mask as the brightness of the room he was led into assaulted his eyes. The grand hall. It probably smelt good. Should he have brought his formal clothing? He took a deep breath before seating himself on his throne, made of bright white marble pillars with two theatre happy mask sad mask symbols on his armrest, and a light pink brain at the top of the throne. He put his hand on his chin as he waited for the rest of them to come in.
An old tired bus drives in front of the castle. There's only one passenger, a old looking man in a bathrobe with a t shirt and boxer shorts. Waving his thanks to the driver, he sets off for the castle entrance. Thinking to himself, of how long it's been since they all met and if he's the only one that's changed. He usually is. Usually.

Dismissing these deep thoughts, he begins to compare the bodies of the goddesses. Before he's realized it, he's at the door. Pushing it open, he steps inside. Startling him, a well dressed butler addresses him, "Welcome back Sir Dude. Please follow me to your room." Jumping in place, the man exclaims, "S*** Jeeves! I f***ing told ya to stop f***ing sneaking up on me! It's f***ing creepy. And for the last f***ing time, it's The Dude!" "Yes Sir The Dude. Please follow me Sir The Dude." As the butler walls away, The Dude follows, exhaling a sigh telling of having danced this dance before and expecting to do so again.

Arriving at a ill-maintained door, with its blue paint curling off, the butler announces as he hands The Dude some keys, "You room Sir The Dude." Taking them, The Dude replies, "Yeah, thanks, uh man." As the butler walls away, The Dude unlocks the door. He walks into a messy, but comfortable, apartment. Visibly relaxing, he falls down onto an old couch. Pulling out a toke and a dirty, in more ways the one, book from nowhere, perks of being a God, he prepares to relax.

"Sir The Dude, it is time for the gathering." Jumping into the air, The Dude turns around, exclaiming, " F*** MAN! STOP F***ING DOING THAT!" Taking calming breaths, The Dude laments, "Man, I just f***ing got here. How f***ing uncool."

Sighing, The Dude snaps his fingers and is now in the throne room (he didn't feel like walking). With another snap he summons his current throne (
) and sits down in it, yawning to himself.
Morteus wasn't particularly impressed by the attendance rate so far but then again, she didn't really expect much. The gods were a forgetful bunch and it's more than likely that most of them would trickle in as the day went on.

She tipped her head back so the crown of her head hit a skull on the top of her chair with a hollow thump.

"So, Kyols. How's life been, my friend?" Her low drawl cut through the heavy silence. As she was speaking, Dude had entered the room but she didn't bother to acknowledge him.

Kyols looked at Morteus, turning his head sideways. He had heard a noise, quite hollow, and it seemed to come from Morteus. He simply nodded, slightly disturbed my Morteus's noise-making.

"It's been... Er... Quite well?" he said, his voice barely audible. He slid his mask up his head, only revealing his mouth, and spoke the same words again. He then slid the mask back down. He squinted at Morteus, then at The Dude. He resisted the urge to fall asleep, for his body was getting quite tired, by hallucinating.

@Dark Elfling
A sliver of amusement curled through Morteus at Kyols's response. She had almost forgotten how difficult it was to hold a conversation with him; insanity takes quite a toll on him. Of course, that's why all of the divines are here. To recover from the top their jobs take on their psyches.

She didn't bother responding to Kyols's response, deigning to just close her eyes and allow herself to sink back into her thoughts.

((Everyone's in the Grand Hall. @Kaira ))
Kailei knew she was late too the meeting with the other gods, and goddesses, of course. A maid hadn't come for her, so she ha attempted to find it herself. That had worked spledidly, for the first couple minutes. But unfortunately the halls all looked exactly the same. After a while of walking around, she had spotted a maid, and asked for help finding the chamber.

Kailei arrived to the chamber in no time at all, after graciously thanking the maid, she turns to the others. She inclines her head to them and smiles. "Hello. Please excuse me for arriving so late." After speaking she takes her seat, the only empty one and tries to catch up to the conversation.

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Kyols waved hello to Kailei. Her seat was so elegant, and he slightly admired it, then remembered that he hated the color pink. He stood up, then sat down again, confused on what he was going to do, and smacked his mask with his hand, slowly dragging it down. He was furious at his confusion, making him even more confused. He twisted and turned in his seat, then stopped, his body limp and his hand holding his other hand's wrist. He pulled it down, laughing a bit as the chairs turned into space snakes. No, that was still just an illusion of the mind. He laughed louder, then abruptly stopped, sitting up in his chair and waving hello to Kailei again.

Morteus sat up a bit straighter when she saw Kailei enter the room. "Not a problem, Kailei, we were just about to start."

She rose from her throne gracefully. "Welcome, deities. Once again, we have gathered to recuperate in peace. I doubt I need to explain what's going to happen next to any of you but I will for the more forgetful among us. We shall each go around the room and express one difficulty we have each been having over the last decade. I shall begin. I am Morteus, and the constant wars between the Americas and Europe have been causing an overwhelming amount of death that my underling and Thanos are unable to keep up with. Who's next?"
Kyols raised his hand eagerly, squirming around in his throne.

"I'd like to go next, I'd like to go next!" he shouted, his excitement easily detectable in his voice. He stood, sighed, and looked back up again, his mask now changing to give a blank expression rather than a jolly grin. He had turned somewhat serious.

"The drug addicts and suicidal teens are exhausting me. They're hallucinating and getting depression, which overloads me with those illnesses at horrid times. And it's just... Hmm, how can I put it? Insane, the amount of people gain these illnesses." he said, smacking his mask and sliding his hand down it again. He sat down, and thought unreasonable things about toast, jelly, and sheep.
Kailei watches as Morteus announces why they are meet. Though she already knows why they are there, she still listens intently. She smiles at Kyols, lifting a small hand and waving at him. He's sweet, though he does have quirks. So do the rest of the gods, including herself.

The gods problems are all very pressing. Very little people know that being the Goddess of Life, isn't all sunshine. Kailei decides to go next, and rises gracefully from her seat. "I am Kailei, and though life is a beautiful thing, many problems have arrisin in the last couple centuries. The forests are dying, and they have no place to regrow. And humans are multiplying much faster than anticipated. The earth is having problems sustaining such life." Kailei keeps her voice even an calm, though the problems are constantly on her mind. She smiles at the others and gestures for someone to go next.
Narxi suddenly dropped out of the air down into the room of the god's in a flurry of feathers and gust of wind. His arrival was always like this, belated, unsuspected, disruptive, after all he had just decided upon coming five minutes ago. Wether or not Narxi's would even show up for the God's Picnic was always debatable, this was the first one he'd attended in four decades.

Presently Narxi stood up and brushed off his knees, he was in his childish form at this time, his black hair sticking out at every angle of his small head, a feathered headband with glass beads trying to pulling this wild hair into submission, his wide and dark sea-blue eyes violent, ever-changing, and mostly noticeably a scrappy beige loincloth hanging low off his narrow, boyish hips, leaving very little to the imagination.

"Ah," Narxi's glanced about as if he didn't realize he had arrived here until this very moment. Then his curious expression shifted easily into a grin,

"Good afternoon everyone! It has been a while hasn't it?" Though Narxi's didn't show any other signs of greeting or respect as he made his way to his own seat, his small feet pattering against the marbled floor.

Narxi's throne wasn't much of a throne at all, instead it was a bed of silken cushions and thick, fur rugs which Narxi had requested himself, he wasn't quite partial to chairs or most furniture.
Morteus carefully reigned her temper in at Isaere's flippant comment. She'd deal with him later, there was no time now with Narxi's sudden appearance. "Good of you to join us, Narxi. We were all just sharing a problem each of us were having with the humans. Any pressing issues?"

As she spoke, she was mentally drawing up a list of issues they all needed to attempt to resolve before the picnic ended. Kailei's problems concerned her the most, which was unsurprising since she had such a big role. Kylos just needed a way to control the effects of insanity, it was unhealthy how hard it was impacting him. As for Isaere...well, she would deal with him last; give her a while to simmer down.

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The Dude, previously bored with the proceedings of the meetings, noticeably perks up at the arrival of Narxi. Giving a lazy smile, The Dude says, "Yo little Bro, what took ya so long? Been a while since I seen ya at these boring meetings." Narxi is one of the few gods that he can stand. Not a stuck up c*** like Morteus, a crazy f*** like Kyols, or straight up a**hole like Isaere, Narxi was a nice little guy that was pretty chill most of the time. Of course the dude was biased, as Narxi's existence was linked to humanity, but eh.

(Kailei is too nice for The Dude to dislike.)
Narxi grinned fondly up at The Dude, and rose his high, childish voice for only his friend to hear.

"Hey it's really good to see you here, I had some pretty serious business earlier, I'll fill you in more later. And you know I don't like to schedule things."

Narxi got along well enough with most of the gods, he was a easy-going guy after all, especially in his child-like form, but he and The Dude had always been as thick as thieves, and Narxi admired the other god perhaps a bit too much.

Now Narxi turned to reply to Morteus' request, his expression and demeanor respectfully calmer,

"There's not much new on my end of things, you all know how humans are, they like to settle things themselves, even if it's not for the best. And I allow them the free-agency to do so." And even though he said this in one of the most convincing tones he could muster, the gods had known each other for centuries, and the more observant gods could probably easily guess that something was concerning Narxi.

He was wiser at times though and he seemed to wish to keep the matter to himself for now.
Kyols jumped up and pointed at Narxi. He seemed completely out of breath.

"It's... It's... It's... FREEEDOOMMMM!" he yelled, his voice echoing. He grinned, as if he had discovered the secret of the universe, then sat down. His legs kicked, still excited, as he giggled at his remark. Of course, Narxi wasn't actually freedom, but it still sort of made sense. He started pondering his own remark, of course not why he said it, but rather why it was so philosophical and deep. He shook his head numerous times before he actually said hello to Narxi. He was still internally giggling, though.

Kailei was amused at Kyols antics. The other gods had started appearing, thankfully. She had believed the other gods would show up and one by one, thy had. She was fully aware that most gods believed they had better things to do and most didn't like stuctured, scheduled events. She was happy none the less.

As she crosses her legs, sweeping the black waves of hair out of her face, she drifts into her own thoughts.

Kailei, like most of the Gods, had been alone since they were created. She didn't know about the rest of them, but she relished these nine days. Being around the others.. Well it always lifted her spirits. Some of them might be a bit grouchy, crazy, or careless, but they all had such responsibility. Kailei loved seeing the good in every one. She laughed a bit at Kyols yelling freedom.

(Kind of bleh, sorry guys.)

Kailei was amused at Kyols antics. The other gods had started appearing, thankfully. She had believed the other gods would show up and one by one, thy had. She was fully aware that most gods believed they had better things to do and most didn't like stuctured, scheduled events. She was happy none the less.

As she crosses her legs, sweeping the black waves of hair out of her face, she drifts into her own thoughts.

Kailei, like most of the Gods, had been alone since they were created. She didn't know about the rest of them, but she relished these nine days. Being around the others.. Well it always lifted her spirits. Some of them might be a bit grouchy, crazy, or careless, but they all had such responsibility. Kailei loved seeing the good in every one. She laughed a bit at Kyols yelling freedom.

(Kind of bleh, sorry guys.)
Narxi's expression was one of amusement at Kyols shouting and he shifted to slouch down upon his pillows as he nodded his greeting with a boyish laugh,

"Hey Kyols."

Narxi had always dealt with Kyols as one would with a sibling who was only a year or two younger, Kyols was unpredictable, though it was an amusing sort of unpredictable, and though Narxi wasn't always sure of how to deal with the other god and sometimes was annoyed by his interruptive antics, but they got on well enough. Better than some gods did with one another.
Morteus eyed the bunch in front of her with mild exasperation. They were all starting to give her a headache. "Very well. As a sign of good will towards your fellow gods, I ask that you all think upon each others issues and offer advice and support." She said, her voice monotonous as she repeated the same passage that she and everyone in the room had head a thousand times. She rambled on a bit about divine cooperation and unity and finally ended with "Please feel free to stay here and interact with each other or wander off. No matter what you do, please report back to the main garden at 6 pm tonight for dinner. Oh, and help yourself to some ambrosia." She waved at the small feast that was being set up by the maids at the end of the hall.

With her part done, Morteus sunk down into her throne and closed her eyes, attempting to find some kind of peace. Being surrounded by this much noise was frankly far too overwhelming for her. Death was peaceful and silent, and no matter how much she tried, her role did affect her personality significantly.
Isaere was still bored. He needed to do something that wasn't fussing over everyone's problems like a bunch of teenage girls at a sleepover. But having problems with the insects downstairs was better than nothing at all; the world was getting far too peaceful for his liking. It was never chaotic enough, and as a result, dull. How he wished he could get going and start fucking some shit up already.

"You know, you should really try and think of something different to say next time. Its pretty yawn-worthy." Isaere commented, a sharp-toothed grin on his features. But wait - Chaos was no longer sprawled across his chair. He had somehow disappeared, and reappeared sat on top of the back of Morteus's throne, one foot resting on one of the spiky bits as the other hung down the other side, swinging gently.

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