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Fantasy A Fragile Peace

Romero Valentine

That's all Romero could think of for the past week. He had finally returned to the castle, where he would be reunited with his beloved Rionah. He delicately combed his hair with his fingers, letting his hair cover his forehead and most of his eyes. He clenched and unclenched his hand with the feeling of nervousness biting his rear end. Romero stumbled upon a halfway, confused of his location. He hadn't been to Loyaneyal in a while, so he forgo the interior of the castle. As he heard two guards approaching, Romero quickly turned left. Where are you, Rionah?
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LeviathanL said:
"Sure thing father," answered Anya, eager to leave the rooms.

She and Faris went on their way, one day, she mused, she could set two steps outside of her father's line of sight without needing a babysitter. She glanced over her shoulder at Faris, always walking close behind her. But today is not that day. He never bothered with so many attendents back home, she could spend days in the woods without making him worry. Well, no more then he usually did. The rumors about armed soldiers must have really rattled him, even if he doesn't show it.

She wasn't in the Vaayan wing, as told by one of the shaabaathi retainers. They told her she was heading for throne room. That was bad, Anya didn't know how long a meeting with Kind Davarsi could last, for all she knew it could even continue into and past dinner-time. She wasn't going to wait in the hallway until she came out again. People would ask questions, her father would get worried, she would get bored out of her skull!

So she did the natural thing, she started running. She sprinted through the hallways, jumped over stairs, all in an effort to catch Emira before she arrived at the throne room. She had heard Faris give a surprised shout, and knew she would get into trouble for this. But her father said to return swiftly, didn't he? To not let anyone know the contents? The faster she got there, the faster she could get back and the less chance there was of someone stealing the letter from her.

Anya's logic was flawed, but she didn't care, she just wanted to run. Get all the tension of the day out of her system.

She had left Faris some distance behind, and for all appearances she was alone save from a few startled servants. But for the first time since leaving Altishar, Anya felt free.

The she slammed into Emira, knocking both to the ground.


Emira was going to pass by the Throne Room, before going, well, wherever her feet took her, as she rounded a corner, and found herself on the ground. She leapt to her feet, scimitar drawn, pointed at the other girl who still lie on the ground. "Think you can ambu-" She paused, noticing who it was. She sheathed her blade, offering out a hand instead. "My apologies, Anya of Altishar," she said, with a nod and an awkward blink. "I did not see where I was going. Anyways, what are you doing sprinting around through the always like that anyways?" she asked, raising her good eyebrow in curiosity.

Anya had never been more embarrassed in her entire life, and she kept her head down while she took the Emira's hand and got up.

"I was looking for you, I heard you were going to the throne room and I wanted to beat you too it." Her voice was soft with shame, barely audible in the open hallway. "My father send me with a message," she murmured. Fitcheting in her pockets for the envelope. She couldn't find it, it must've fallen out of her pocket when she smashed into the ruler of a nation. The thought alone made her sick in her stomach, and she looked around the ground for the message.

There it was, and she picked the envelope up. No, that wasn't right, this one didn't have Altishar's seal on it, it must be a different one.

"My apologies, lady Emira, I think I made you drop this," and she handed the envelope to Emira. "I think my father's lies over there, I believe you are standing on it."

Oh, what she wouldn't give to be a Carronan noble right now, then she could make the ground open up under her and make it swallow her whole.



The old man sat silently in his chair. What was happening to his family? Such irresponsible behaviour, at least from the male side, and now even open rebellion from the master of trade? His own blood-relative? All he ever wanted was a peaceful life with his books, why were they even here, in Carranon? This morning he would have said peace, but so far there has been nothing but threats, from the faith, from Davarsi, and now from one of their own.

"What do you think, Farshad?" he asked his grand-nephew. The poor boy had been standing right outside during the fight, they didn't even hear his knocking over the sound of their own flared tempers. "Was I too harsh on Tazzim? Did I push Emira to an overly rash decision?"


Farshad slowly stepped in and closed the door. He scoffed as his great uncle and flopped down in a very cushy chair, "Are you honestly asking MY opinion, uncle?" He laughed. He rested his head on his hand, and his elbow on the arm of the chair. He was so tired. He closed his eyes. "Why was I summoned uncle?" He asked, his words slurred and his eyes still closed.

@IlovetanksMBT @IlovetanksMBT @SirDerpingtonIV @anyone else in the hallways.
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"I was worried," Abar confessed, "this place is getting to me. The stunt the faith pulled at the ceremony has me sitting on the edge of this seat. Not a moment goes by where I don't expect some of Davarsi's lackeys to start knocking on that door, informing me that one of you have had a 'tragic' accident. I don't think I can live through any more death in my family, I have seen far too much already."

Abar's blind eyes stared into the wall, as if he could still see the funeral shrouds of his brothers and nephews etched into his cornea.

"But forgive a tired old man for pulling you away from whatever you were doing. I know I complain that you only spend your time in bars getting into brawls with strangers, but I know you actually provide much for your house, more then is noticable at first glance." Abar turned his empty eyes to his great nephew.

"So, Farshad, what were you doing before my paranoia dragged you back here?"

Farshad forced a laugh out from behind a grimace, "I would not be so repenting uncle, I've been doing the exact thing you complain of. I was drinking and getting into a bar fight." He was beginning to feel the impact of the man's superior fighting skills. "But I made acquaintances with a man... uh sellsword." Farshad opened his eyes and found a pitcher of wine on the table and began drinking from it, "of the name Kaervek. Heard of him?"

Darrow relaxed a bit, shoulders sagging,"It is a pleasure to meet a closer friend of Rionahs." Darrow said while looking her up and down, examining her. She looked capable, and the eye scar showed that she had seen action.

"I am glad you are joining us. " Darrow replied, coming to a decision regarding his thoughts on her.

"Greetings Princess Kiera, I would enjoy making your acquaintance and exchanging pleasantries but I and Toroc have business we must attend to. Lady Rionah I would appreciate it if you met me in your rooms within a few hours. I have news we must discuss." Darrow stated before nodding goodbye and walking away with Toroc, who nodded in greeting as he passed and winked at Rionah. A more friendly things are good wink.
Tazzim- "Current Master of TRADES/ Apparently Ex- Master of Duraqiim Trade."

Tazzim frowned thinking of his options. Well I don't care the old hag. (Cuz someone just altered their age....) Can try her best. He didn't look at his aunt as she walked past him and he didn't look back to Abar. He simply smiled and made his way out the door. He past Farshard and rolled his eyes as he passed him. "Farshard." He said somewhat disgruntled.

Yule waited for Farshad to pass him. He stood there in respect to Farshard. Yule had been commanded not to bow to any royal, ever. Not even Tazzim. Tazzim said that Yule was a human begin and no one should be forced to keel towards another human unless they wanted to.

Tazzim called out to Yule to come and Yule looked at both Farshard and Abar "Sirs." (No I did not misspell sire. You don't get that.) Yule turned and walked down the hall and made his way next to Tazzim. "Lord, what will you do now? If she does what she says."

"She won't. Deep down the woman loves me, and even if she does.. Well she knows nothing of me. All she would have done is betray a loyal supporter and send her country to ruin. He sighed, he genuinely looked a little sad. He hated the short fuse his aunt had. All he wanted to do was have a little fun. "Oh well, it's time to assure my standing with one of my most popular trade country. I mean Master of trade is Durraqiims title, but she still doesn't know I trade under a much larger name." He turned to Yule and grinned happily, "Let's see how that glimmering sunstone is doing shall we?"

Yule sighed, "Lord you do know she hates you dearly for sleeping with her sister."

Tazzim reared his head back and laughed. "Which one?!"

@The Suspicious Eye

(Yes I tagged myself. Humph!)

Abar did not, or at least, the name didn't ring a bell. It is not as if he took note of every mercenary the duraqiim employed over the years, few in number they may have been. His asisstant however, did seem familiar with the name, as the normally silent young man gasped.

"Haqim? You know of this man?" Abar asked.

"Kaervek the Merciless," Haqim stuttered, "I have heard of him. My sister uses his name to scare my nephews into behaving."

It seemed his sister's stories also succeeded in scaring the young scribe, as the poor lad was almost shaking.

"Years ago," Haqim said, "my uncle's village was terrorized by bandits. They would ride into town and steal anything of value, and destroy nearly everything else. When soldiers came to deal with them, they would just dissapear into the desert, not even the army's scouts could find them. The soldiers couldn't stay in town forever, and when they left, the bandits would immediately come back.

They basically owned the town for nearly a month, that was when the village elder had enough. He traveled to the nearest port city and hired a mercenary to solve the problem, his name was Kaervek. We didn't expect much, after all, how could one foreigner do what the Shaabaathi Riders could not?

But the next time the bandits had occupied the town, this sellsword did it. At nightfall, when most of the bandits were either partying in the tavern or raping the village girls, Kaervek appeared, slitting the throats of the bandits' horses and running their sentry through, ensuring no bandit could get away or would be warned of his presence. He then started killing. Cutting their throats when they were too drunk or distracted to notice him, and striking down any who did. By the end of the night, no bandit was left alive, and Kaervek's sword was crimson with blood. The village thought they had been saved, but it was the day after we learned why he was called 'the Merciless'.

Kaervek demanded his payment, and the village elder who hired him invited him into his home to settle the debt. I don't know what happened in there, but it was likely the little money we had left didn't cover the sellsword's fee. Whatever the reason, it ended with Kaervek cutting the village elder down in his own home -while he was a guest of the man- and fleeing on one of our horses, we never saw him again. It was as if the desert swallowed him whole."

Romero Valentine

and Ryko of the Desert!

Swish swish.
That sound repeatedly echoed through the halls. Romero turned around, panicking. As soon as he saw who it was, he frowned. It was Ryko. He was walking calmly, as always and his sand was holding two guards who seemed to be dead. Romero scratched the back of his head and peered closely at the bodies. Ryko saw his expression and the sand let the bodies fall like ragdolls to the ground. "Do not worry Romero, they are not dead. I was tempted though." The sand flowed smoothly from the gourd and swirled around his body like a spring. As he walked closer to Romero, it followed his movements like it had a mind of it's own. Romero nodded and brushed his hair back. He bent down to the unconscious bodies and smirked. "You're a bad liar. I can already sense that they are dead. Nice try though." Romero stood up and looked at Ryko. His expression was still the same.. well it was nothing. Romero turned around and patted Ryko on the back as to say 'well done.' Ryko twitched and flexed his fingers.

"Do not touch me. How many times do I have to tell you? By the way, since I'm here with the sand and such.. won't the princess know that I am from Duraqiim?"
Romero nodded and shrugged his shoulders in boredom. "Don't worry, I'll make sure no one lays a hand on you. Rionah will be nice enough to take you in.. I mean if she's the way I remember her to be. Then again there's the possibility of her knowing your true identity." Romero laughed, quite amused. Ryko's face was positioned forward and he started to walk a bit faster. "Enough. I can sense her, the sand has told me. Let's go."

@The Suspicious Eye k
LeviathanL said:
Anya had never been more embarrassed in her entire life, and she kept her head down while she took the Emira's hand and got up.

"I was looking for you, I heard you were going to the throne room and I wanted to beat you too it." Her voice was soft with shame, barely audible in the open hallway. "My father send me with a message," she murmured. Fitcheting in her pockets for the envelope. She couldn't find it, it must've fallen out of her pocket when she smashed into the ruler of a nation. The thought alone made her sick in her stomach, and she looked around the ground for the message.

There it was, and she picked the envelope up. No, that wasn't right, this one didn't have Altishar's seal on it, it must be a different one.

"My apologies, lady Emira, I think I made you drop this," and she handed the envelope to Emira. "I think my father's lies over there, I believe you are standing on it."

Oh, what she wouldn't give to be a Carronan noble right now, then she could make the ground open up under her and make it swallow her whole.



The old man sat silently in his chair. What was happening to his family? Such irresponsible behaviour, at least from the male side, and now even open rebellion from the master of trade? His own blood-relative? All he ever wanted was a peaceful life with his books, why were they even here, in Carranon? This morning he would have said peace, but so far there has been nothing but threats, from the faith, from Davarsi, and now from one of their own.

"What do you think, Farshad?" he asked his grand-nephew. The poor boy had been standing right outside during the fight, they didn't even hear his knocking over the sound of their own flared tempers. "Was I too harsh on Tazzim? Did I push Emira to an overly rash decision?"


She nodded, chuckling at the girl. "It's alright. You did beat me there, after all," she grinned, taking the envelope when the girl handed it to her. "Oh? I didn't know I had this on me......" she said, face furrowing into a confused expression. "But whatever," she said, stepping backwards, picking up the other envelope. "Thank you Anya. You have done your job well," she said with a nod. "Anything else?"

"Just... Please don't tell my father I almost killed a head of state. He'll never let me hear the end of it."
The Suspicious Eye][H][I][COLOR=#b3b300]Rionah[/COLOR][/I][/H] [CENTER] [imageFloat=left] [IMG]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/42/77/20/427720f4b1bf9b645a803005226e1899.jpg[/IMG] @IlovetanksMBT @IlovetanksMBT [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/7258-sirderpingtoniv/ said:
@SirDerpingtonIV[/URL] @anyone else in the hallways.

"I meant someone with the power of stone," he answered, with a slight shrug. "And I told you, I am not a royal. King Davarsi told me that throughout my training. I was just an........ anomoly," he answered, with a slightly strange tone. He was an anomoly. That's why he had his armor. So no one would see him.


LeviathanL said:
"Just... Please don't tell my father I almost killed a head of state. He'll never let me hear the end of it."

Emira grinned. "No worries. I won't tell your father. And it takes more than that to kill me," she chuckled.
The Suspicious Eye][H][I][COLOR=#b3b300]Rionah[/COLOR][/I][/H] [CENTER] [imageFloat=left] [IMG]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/42/77/20/427720f4b1bf9b645a803005226e1899.jpg[/IMG] @IlovetanksMBT @IlovetanksMBT [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/7258-sirderpingtoniv/ said:
@SirDerpingtonIV[/URL] @anyone else in the hallways.

"My plans. Well. I am here solely to prevent Gondheim from entering war. But seeing as this is Carranon. And it's King Davarsii. I have to prepare to tell my kingdom to prepare for war. Has the divine said anything specific? Like unity?" Keira asked



Somehow, she'd managed to separate herself from the rest of the Mayans. It started with the boat. She'd been below decks, carefully avoiding anyone and everyone, when she noticed that the ship was no longer moving, and that there were no sounds except, perhaps, the occasional scurrying of a rat across the floorboards. So, the princess left the ship, pausing for a moment at the sight of the humongous red walls surrounding the city. Then she began looking for her sister.

She called out the Queen's name a few times, but that simply made the natives stare even more at her. She wasn't quite sure why they stared. Maybe they'd never seen a Mayan before? Unlike the women she caught giving her shrewd looks, her hair was undone, the black locks flowing silkily behind her, occasionally caught in the wind. Her clothing, her favorite white top with a pink stripe and the matching skirt that left her stomach, hips, legs, and behind open to the public. It was very thin, cool cloth, and it was rather hot, she supposed. The sun heating her tan skin felt good to her, but the natives in their long, stuffy dresses were sweating.

She was nearing the castle (though she doesn't know this) when a man grabs her. He looks to be about 50, and he pulls her toward a building. She looks toward it and sees many women of varying ages, and even a few boys. "Come on, I'll get a good price for you," The man says, his voice rough and scratchy. At his words she realizes that the building was a whore house and begins struggling against his grip. As hard as she could, she pulled against the man, but her bare feet gained little purchase on the street, and she wasn't very strong anyway. Zyanya couldn't believe this was happening. They had brothels in Myana, sure, but no one was ever stolen off the streets!

Farshad became wide-eyed at the story, and was amazed that he had started a fight with such a dangerous man. He chuckled insensitivity at doing such a foolish thing, but realized quickly that he was being insensitive, and stopped laughing abruptly. "That is... an incredible tale Haqim. Maybe I should more carefully examine my company eh?" He shrugged and gave them a frank look.
Haqim shrugged back. "It's just a story my uncle told us, and the man is known for certain... embellishments in his tales. It might not have been the same man, and if it was, I doubt he is truly is as strong as the tale says.


Kaervek was back to wandering the streets. The duraqiim lad had took off, fetched by some of the house's guards, and afterwards Kaervek didn't feel like drinking anymore. Still, the liquor had finally hit him, the sellsword was quite disoriented now, and he had to catch himself from veering to the side multiple times.

What should he do now? Going to an inn was out of the question, Kaervek tended to postpone sleep for as long as possible when not under employment, he dreaded what waited for him there. So instead he staggered around town, looking for any distraction. He found one.

He hadn't been back in the Red City in ages, but he recognized a whorehouse when he saw it. Maybe a few tossings with an ugly broad would exhaust him enough to ensure a dreamless night, and the sellsword made his way to the building.



Continuing to struggle, Zyanya sees a man going toward the whorehouse. "S-sir? Sir!" She cries, hesitant at first, as her common tongue was a bit rusty. She had no cause to use it at home. "Help! Please sir!" The Mayan struggles against the whore master, who growls an excuse as to why she was struggling.

The girls feet slip and she lands square on her ass. Again, she calls out to the staggering man.


His head was killing him, they didn't call it Golem's Punch for nothing, he noticed. It took a bit longer then it had with the Shaabaathi lad, but Kaervek sure felt it now. His vision was a bit blurry, was one of those figures over there yelling at him?

Oh, it was just one of the whores, probably a new one, based on the sound of hope in her voice. They always hoped a knight in shining armour would save them, but knights only saved princesses from towers, they didn't bother with an abused prostitute. This wasn't Taccola, you only became a whore in this town if you had no other options, or the choice was taken from you by force.

Still, it didn't affect Kaervek. He just wanted to... what was he doing here again? It's a whorehouse, he probably came here for the whores. But why again? Yes, that was it, he wanted to sleep without dreaming, because whenever he closed his eyes he always saw her face.

Then the girl fell down, and Kaervek saw the face with his eyes open.

Kaervek really shouldn't have drunk so much in so little time, it was hitting him in quick succession, and his dizzyness soon turned into delusions. Where first there was just another naïve prostitute, he now saw the woman of his nightmares.

She, she was the reason his life was crap. He had saved her, and she betrayed him. Called him a rapist, a monster. She condemned him to the mines for ten years, ten years. Every torture, every insult was because of her.

"You!" a drunk Kaervek yelled clumsily at the girl, "you did this to me. You destroyed my life!" A man tried to grab the girl and pull her away from him, into the whorehouse, but Kaervek punched him in the jaw with his gauntlet-covered fist, knocking the man out. He wanted to continue yelling but then he saw what 16 year old Kaervek saw. Just a girl, being taken against her will by evil men. Young Kaervek had always wanted to be a hero, and that was the first and last time in his life he got to be one. The poor bastard had no idea what he condemned himself too.

Men came running out of the building, blades drawn. They would gut the one who suddenly attacked one of their own, and tried to steal one of the whores they had just stolen themselves.

Kaervek always thought that if he could do that night over, he would do it differently. That he would ignore the pleading eyes and just walk away.

He took his shield from his back, adrelanine made the drunken haze fade a little.

Kaervek thought wrong, and he charged, roaring loudly.


Zyanya's eyes, wide with fear, turn toward the man she'd pleaded to, as he begins shouting at her. "No," She protests, though her words are caught in a gasp when the man who'd originally grabbed her was knocked to the ground, unconscious. She struggles to her knees, touching the man's cheek where there was now a gash, oozing blood. The man had tried to take her, yes, but he was older, surely a punch was too much?

The Mayan looks up to see many armed men rushing toward the one who'd saved her. He pulls his shield from his back and charges toward them. There was no way that one man could take on all of them, and surely there was some sort of rule against brawls in the streets. Zyanya stood, watching, wishing she could stop what was happening in front of her.

@LeviathanL ((Sorry I was at a basketball game))

It didn't take long for the man, William, that Dastan had sent too find Rionah. And so here he was, rounding the corner and coming before her with a short bow, "Lady Rionah. Your presence is requested by Prince Dastan. I will lead him to you when you are ready." The man stated.
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The Iron Angel Lua Zorzo

Lua looked at him, she was sure that he had no be a royal. There are no anomalies in blood, he must have some royal parent. "I don't believe in anomalies, evey thing and everyone has meaning, a reason for being who they are. Usually those with the oddest anomaly are the ones with the greatest destinies." She smiled at him as they continued to walk with no real destination. As they walked Lua could feel the iron on the ground. They had nearly circled the castle twice. With a flick of her wrist the iron silently embedded itself in the walls. She didn't want it to be swept away, although sweeping didn't seem like one of their strongsuits. She looked back up at him and smiled "so tell me about your parents do they live in the castle as well?" She was curious about the man who would not show her his face it made him a mystery. As they were walking they were fast approaching Rionah, Keira and the others.

@IlovetanksMBT @IlovetanksMBT @Atom @Dogmatic99 @Wuya

@SirDerpingtonIV (what we the seating arrangements?)

@lightofthemoon (don't forget that you are sitting to my left)

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William frowned slightly with thought. He needed a way to inform her that Dastan had summoned her for matters less formal, a discussion he wished not to have in public.

"I must insist Lady Rionah. It is of utmost importance and cannot be discussed in such a public place." William said after a moment, choosing to be blunt rather than subtle in this matter.

William was preparing to say more before a voice cut him off, causing him to grimace and lower his head, "Important enough that I found it more convenient to fetch you myself." Dastan said from behind William.

William gritted his teeth in frustration, if only she had listened to him the first time. With a sigh he turned and bowed his head to the approaching Prince, "Apologies Prince, I tried to inform her-"

"I know William, you did what you could and you did nothing wrong." Dastan said, waving his hand as he cut him off.

"I dearly need to speak to you Lady Rionah of matters of importance. For the both of us possibly." Dastan informed her directly, this time his face was an unreadable mask, as hard as a cold cliff face it appeared. But it was obvious that he meant every bit of what he said concerning importance.
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Romero Valentine

and Ryko of the Desert!

Ryko chuckled under his breath. Romero looked at him questionably and backed into the shadows. The sand swirling around Ryko settled down and trusted itself back into the gourd. "Peace under an illusion is not peace. It is only meaningful if the real world manages to accomplishment. Do not take this badly, but I do not think your precious Rionah will succeed. The world is much more darker than she thinks." Ryko flexed his fingertips and looked in Rionah's direction with discomfort. Romero growled but Ryko raised his hand to silence him. "That reminds me.. weren't you extremely excited to see your beloved princess? Why aren't you rushing out crazily to hug her, or whatever?" Romero hissed and watched Rayne warily.

"I would like to watch for now. Especially Rayne and Darrow. I'd like to see how things have.. changed first." Ryko smirked and turned around, sinking into the shadows. He cracked his knuckles and turned left. "Whatever, let's find a library.. I need to look at something."

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