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Fantasy A Fragile Peace


EMIRA turned, looking to the door as it opened, to see one of her "favorite" people standing there. She let out a breath of air, a sigh that lasted through his entire greeting. When he was done, she stood up, looking at her nephew. "I'd honestly prefer not to Tazzim," she admitted, "Both you and I know that aren't exactly the cleanest of people," she added, with a tone of something akin to disgust. "Nephew, you reek of vomit. At the very least, please tell me you did 't vomit all over someone." She muttered, "Nephee, do you have any idea how hard it is to manage foreign relations with the lords and ladies of other countries when your thoughts are preoccupied wondering whether or not your drunk of a nephew has managed to get himself killed or not?" She asked with a snarl. "You may be good at your job, Tazzim, but I can't fucking tolerate this sort of shut from my Master of Trade any longer." She demanded, getting to her feet. "From now on, you need my permission as the head of Housr Duraqiim to leave this castle, do you understand me, Tazzim? I've grown sick and fucking tired of you drinking all the time. Next thing I know, you'll be appointing prostitutes to the Merchant's Guild!" She hissed. "Now what was it you came for?" She asked with a smirk, sitting down.


"Yes, I would like us to be friends too, Lua," he said with a nod, continuing to lead her through the armory, watching her as she browsed through the weaponry. However, on one axe, he noted that she seemed like get caught, and before he knew it, weapons were falling to the floor, a loud and clamorous domino effect going throughout the building. He thrust his arm out, as an axe fell downwards, it's cruel edge aimed for her head. The falling axe glanced off his stone, leaving a small dent as it fell to the ground. He reached out, engulfing her small hand in his massive stone one, running with her out of the armory' side door, a few seconds before soldiers ran in. After a few minutes of the quickest jogging he could manage, he collapsed against the wall of an abandoned corridor, releasing her hand. "I'm sorry," he whispered, his breaths coming out in heaving gasps. "Do you think they saw us?" He asked, reaching for his helm to take it off, before seeing her, and hesitating, and lowering his hands.

"I wouldn't know, nor do I care. Now either give me your name or continue drinking."



The old man started rubbing his temples with his hands. Why were all of his brother's male descendants idiots? Did they have any idea about the dangers this gathering could bring, and the importance to keep their wits, not drown it in liquor?

"Tazzim, where have you been?" he dreaded the answer, but he could always hope the boy did anything productive in between his drinking bouts. He was still a merchant, after all.

@The Suspicious Eye

Rionah looked at the woman as she entered. She had a strong air about her that was wrapped in innocence. Rionah automatically knew that the woman must be a year or two younger than her. Rionah has a sort of aggressive nature towards, women. She doesn't hate women, she simply sees them as potential threats. This was caused by enduring years of betrayal and torture from her own sisters. She looked at the woman's armor. She must be a knight or a warrior of some kind.Suddenly, Rionah noticed the Gondheim armor and crest. She smiled softly, ask and you shall recive. Maybe she knows who might be the woman the spirits were talking about. Or better yet the woman they are mentioning. What luck would that be?!

Rionah looked at the woman and smiled. She waved her hand to Rayne. "Nonsense, Rayne. I am fine." She gracefully walked over to her. "I fear I have not seen a girl matching that description. However, I am happy to accompany you while you search. The more people searching, the quicker we will find her." She smiled at the woman and added. "Besides, you may be able to asist me as well. I am also looking for a woman of Gondheim who has seen the (I'm probably going to fail at writing this) Keveens."

She looked at the woman intently reading her face for a show of surprise or truth that could her. Her face held a warm light smile, however deep in her mind she was hoping that she knew something. Hoping that the search would be this easy. Eyes do not lie she must know something of them. She hoped more than anything that she did. It would make this job much easier. Rionah had simple plans for herself. Follow her sisters, orders and be wed to a Carranon prince. Those were the demands given to her by her sister and she fully intends to follow them.

@IlovetanksMBT @Atom @Dogmatic99 @LeviathanL
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When the woman mentioned the Kaveens, Keira's expression changed a bit. How does she know about the Kaveens? I'm pretty sure that only the people of Gondheim can only see the Kaveens. Keira thought to herself. Could it be that she also saw them? How? She's not of Gondheim origin. I thought the Kaveens only show themselves to Gondheim humans. But since the divines that I met are basically gods, I guess they could do whatever they want. Keira looked up. "I appreciate your assistance."

@The Suspicious Eye
Tazzim Duraqiim- "The Master of Trade/ The Silver Tounge"

Tazzim smiled at her aunt and sighed. He shrugged, his hands palms up in exasperation. "Dear aunt how could you ever think I would do anything like that? Me your own flesh and blood, I'm hurt." He put his hands over his chest and pretended to have been injured. "To think such a lady would use such vulgar, language it pains me. Ah! My father turns restlessly his grave."

He walked over to Emira. He placed his arm over the chair and cast his shadow over her as he spoke. "Now, dear Emira. I came for your pleasure, you are very..." He trailed off thinking of the right word. Then shrugged as he went for the blunt answer. "Well brutish in your judgments and a flea has more political charm than you. You need me here. I have been to this country many times and know many of the people you supposidly claim peace with." He leaned towads her, getting in her face. "More importantly, I don't hold a grudge to Carranon as you do."

He knew that hit something so he smiled and leaned back. He began to walk the room looking at the trinkets and items. As he messed with the paintings on the wall he began to speak again. "As for your demand I decline. I don't take orders from you Emira." He turned to her and smiled. "Duraqiim needs trade. And I, and I alone and the most prominent and profitable tradesmen you have. I hold the world's exports and imports, Duraqiim is not my only tether. I make my own profit without Duraqiim. My ships are my own, my shops are my own, the company is my own. I may be your master of trade, but my business, personal or other. Neither is yours to command."

He turned to her and smiled making his way over to Abar. "Don't fret my dear aunt if Duraqiim goes bankrupt, at least you have your looks. prostitutes are paid quite well for their time." He put his arm on Abar and grinned, "Abar knows what I mean."

Yule watched his face and body straight as a statue in respect for the royals. He watched the situation intently. Tazzim had much power, and he could easily separate from Duraqiim without any problems at all. However, Yule knew that pushing Emira may turn out unfavorable. He stood still but was ready in a moments notice to protect Tazzim. Even if it meant killing his country's leaders.

@LeviathanL @SirDerpingtonIV
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The blind man frowned, and brought his shaking hands to a bottle on his belt.

"Emira is the ruler of House Duraqiim and the Shaabaathi people. All shaabaathi resources you command are those entrusted by you thanks to your position as master of trade. Your ships, your shops and your company are yours and yours alone, but everything they sell, buy and transport are the property of the Shaabaathi people, commanded by Emira.

If you feel you don't need the Duraqiim name, I would be happy to erase your blood ties from the records. But until you officially make the decision to cast away your position or Emira exiles you, you will obey your ruler, and will not insult your family in my presence."
The Iron Angel Lua Zorzo

Lua looked at him panting as well. She had to run twice as fast as Rook to keep up with him. He was really fast and had longer legs than her. She was lucky that she didn't trip and fall on her face. She was relieved when they finally stopped running. "I think we lost them...."

She caught her breath and lowered her head "I am so sorry! I'm such a klutz, my friends always tell me I'm bad luck. You aren't hurt are you? " She inspected him making sure he wasn't injured. The last thing she wanted to cause a international incident. She noticed that there was a dent in his armor. "Oh I'm so sorry. Your armor it's dented." She slowly reached out to his arm.


Farshad was considering telling Kaervek his name when a shabaathi guard walked in. He looked lost and confused. The guard was all dressed up in traditional shabaathi armor and he, of course, looked very different then the rest of the heartlanders in the room did. He was searching around the room with his eyes. He looked embarrassed, like he wasn't supposed to know that the Prince of his people would hang out in a place like this. The guy was about to give up when he spotted Farshad and breathed a sigh of relief. He bumped his way through the crowd of people and when he reached Farshad he said, "Lord Duraqiim, your sister and great uncle have requested your presence in their quarters." Farshad groaned. He took the last sip of his ale and did a casual salute to Kaervek, "another time, my friend." He said reluctantly, "good riding." He quickly added, knowing Kaervek, having been to Shabaath, would know it was a normal phrase or greeting everyone said there.

Farshad began walking up to the castle, awkward guard member in-tow. The guard became even more uncomfortable when Farshad stumbled and walked into people and he had to help him up. But, when Farshad finally made it to the castle the guard left him. Farshad wandered through the hallways swaying and getting weird looks from the maids and servants until he came to the Duraqiim quarters. He gave four spaced out knocks and leaned on the door post because he was unsure he could stand any longer.

Rook looked up at her as she lowered her head in a very Carranonian gesture and apologized. He could feel himself almost smile under his helm because of her concern and care for him. "I am fine," he assured her. He had felt no pain on his arm "And I don't think you're bad luck," he added quietly, after a moment of silence. He noticed the dent in his armor and nodded. "It's alright. It is only stone, I can fix it," he assured her. He clenched his fist and made a small grunting noise, and the stone pulled back from the dent, allowing a glimpse underneath. However, underneath where the skin was, it was... grey, and looked like it had a pebbly texture. Or crude scales. As quickly as this bit of "skin" appeared however, it was gone, the stone forming back over it. "See? Fixed."
Tazzim- "The Silver Tongue/ The Master of Trade"

Tazzim wanted to laugh, did these simple minded people really only believe he would have one source to trade from. He had hundreds of rich areas all over the world where he takes his resources from. Many of which are areas he himself owns and operates. Tazzim may act like a foolish drunkard, but he was most certainly intelligent enough to know not to place all his hens in one coop. However, Tazzim had his reasons for staying with the Duraqiim family. They were honorable, but a select few (only Yule.) know the true reason why. Tazzim rolled his eyes at the old blind man and took his arm off him. "Very well Abar. However, you do remember, that I gave Emira that position. I supported her rise of power and her standing as ruler while my cousins fought against her, I stood in support. Do you not recall? Or is age causing you to loose your memory as well as your sense of humor?"

He walked past him and over to Yule. Tazzim noticed that Yule had moved his hand by a quarter of a inch. Tazzim smiled and glanced up at Yule before turning around back to Emira. He grinned and bowed. "Well aunt Emira, I do apologize for my rudeness, although it was nearly met in kind to your own. If it seems you don't need my skills I will simply put all the trade negotiations for Duraqiim on hold and laze about the castle. Since that is what the lady wishes." He looked up at her and smiled. Turning back to Yule he nearly sang Yule's name "Yule."

"Yes Lord?" Yule said still standing as still as a statue. He had only moved that quarter inch during the entire event. Yule knew what his master would say and if in any other company, he would groan. However, this was the Ruler of Duraqiim, and no such casual interactions should be made in her presence.

"Put all trade negotiations with Durraqiim on hold. Only the ones that I have that are outside the castle. I must wait for my dear aunt to release me from this castle. How many meetings will be postponed?" Tazzim knew that Yule could never lie. It was embedded in his training as a guard and assassin. Most importantly Tazzim knew that Emira knew that Yule would not lie either.

"Sixty three my lord." Yule said with a flat tone.

"Ah yes sixty three. And how much Duraqiim product will sit in their ports?" He nearly chimed.

"41 shiploads of product will sit on the Duraqiim coast. 2000 rugs and textiles. 650,000 spices, 1300 horses.... "

"Yes, yes thank you Yule." Tazzim smiled to his aunt, "well it seems I have a clean schedule now to laze about in the castle until you give me permission to rome the world again. Let's use this time to our advantage shall we?" and bowed once more. Emira may think she is powerful, and truly she is. He admired that about her. However, when she thought she could out maneuver a man who navigated the seas. His admiration for her turned to distain. How could someone be so ungrateful and childish. It is not that she is a woman, but that she is a judgmental and spiteful woman that worries me. I did not come here for my health, she should know that she needs me. Oh well, I could use some vacation days. It's not as if my business will be hindered.

He turned and began to walk away from Emira.

@SirDerpingtonIV @LeviathanL

(Tazzim is WAY worse than Rionah. I DARE YOU to piss him off. I Dare you. I double dog dare you. I triple dog dare you.)
@SirDerpingtonIV[/URL] @LeviathanL

(Tazzim is WAY worse than Rionah. I DARE YOU to piss him off. I Dare you. I double dog dare you. I triple dog dare you.)

The ruler of the desert sat, legs crossed, waiting until both her Great Uncle Abar, and her brother had finished completely, and had remained silent, as Tazzim turned to leave. But, just as Tazzim was opening the door, Emira smirked, and turned to Abar. "Dear Great Uncle, could you write me a few letters?" she asked, with a wolfish grin. "Firstly, to the lords of the cities in which Tazzim's ships are currently in port, secondly, to whoever Tazzim has set to manage the lands he owns, thirdly, to our lords back home, and lastly, to the Taccolan Merchant Guild." her one eye peeked to see if Tazzim was hearing this. "All of these letters shall say the same, precise thing," she said with a nod, before she cleared her throat.

Dear (Whatever respective person is reading this letter),

As of today, the Twelth of the Season of HighSun, Lord Tazzim Duraqiim has been expunged from his role in this great land of Shaabath, as Master of Trade, Travel, and Finances. This has been done at the command of Lady Emira Duraqiim, ruler of the Shaabathi people, and is effective immediately. All incomes provided by this title and position are stripped from Lord Tazzim, and instead shall go to the new master of Trade, Travel, and Finances, when he or she is appointed to the position.

Additionally, all lands and facilities, at home and abroad, ships in foreign ports or not, income, and wealth of Lord Tazzim Duraqiim is now forfeit, and shall be sequestered by Shaabathi administrators until further notice. After an unspecified ammount of times, these resources will be dealt out to the Merchant's Guild of Taccola, who will hence forth manage all of these items. As these items are owned by Tazzim, a Shaabathi citizen, the House Duraqiim is capable of simply confiscating his properties. Those who fail to cooperate with this mandate will be fined or imprisoned.

Lastly, as of now, Lord Tazzim Duraqiim is placed under captivity, and will be shipped back to Shaabath for imprisonment on the morrow.

Signed, Lady Emira

Once done, she let out a sigh, and looked towards the door to see if Taziim was still there. She smiled, "Thank you, dear Grand Uncle. Perhaps this will teach him his boundries?"

She raised a finger. "One more thing."

House Carranon will carry out these confiscations abroad, as House Duraqiim does not have the ability to cross the seas and enter the lands of others.

She stood, with a nod to her Grand Uncle. "Now, if you would excuse me, I have a meeting with the King to attend to. Some certain trade arrangements must be made," she stated, before leaving the room, not noticing Farshad's presence behind the doorway, and striding down the hallway, headed towards the Throne Room.
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Aeneas had spent a fair amount of time within his quarters, preparing himself to look more like a lord and less like a forest-dweller, despite the clothing being hideously uncomfortable. He worried about the state of affairs in the castle - his various spies and confidants had told him of the many happenings within the castle - the queen of Gondheim and the actions of the Desert Queen Emira, among others. While the Lords and Ladies of all the houses of Ielyth squabbled and fought with each other, Davarsi was organizing his men, centralizing his power, and preparing to crush his enemies. Every moment, the prospect of unification against a common enemy grew dimmer and dimmer. Every moment, the threat of annihilation and obscurity grew. He must find allies. Rionah would do her best to get House Lonaneyal on his side, and the Taccolans seemed keen on the idea of mutual assistance. Many of the King's children were conniving schemers, but poor at finding help. Aeneas turned his attentions to the Duraqiim delegates - a powerful army the likes of theirs would be useful, in addition to their claim over parts of Carranon's holdings.

They would be his next target for an alliance.

He ordered a servant to take the following message to the Queen of Duraqiim:

To the Eminent Queen of the Shabbathi Homelands, Queen Emira Duraqiim;

It has come to my attention that we may have some business to discuss - potentially regarding the fineries of trade agreements and the state of court here in Caileth. I would very much like to meet you at some point tonight, preferrably before dinner. I have much to discuss, and I believe that you may find it quite interesting to hear.

Truly Yours,

Khoja Aeneas of Altishar - The Eternal Forest in the Common Tongue

He hoped to receive a response from her in relative haste, but he did not expect her to be as reasonable as the Patrician. He had heard stories about the Duraqiim. He only hoped that she would see the benefit of a strong, independent peoples under her reign.

Aeneas turned to his daughter Anya, who had not yet left his sight. "Anya - perhaps you could take this message to the Queen of the Shabbathi peoples, Emira - take Faris with you for protection. Do not let anyone else read this message, it is for her eyes alone. As soon as she gives you a response, please return as swiftly as possible. Do not reveal information to her about the things we have overheard in our exploration of the castle, however." He gave his daughter a kiss on the cheek and sent her on her way, as he prepared to send other messages to the other delegates.
The Iron Angel Lua Zorzo

Lua looked at a him worriedly. She felt horrible for putting him in danger. Then she watched as he clenched his fists and the stone slowly fixed itself. She noticed the gray underneath for a movement, but passed it off as sub armor. She looked at the fully repaired armor. "Oh wow! That's amazing! So you control stone!!"

She was truly amazed, she had never seen stone move before. She was surprised at first. It was smart to use your element on you. It is why she loved her iron armor. However, she never though of using her powers to repair. Then the question popped into her head. "But I thought only royals could use the elemental powers...." She looked at him curiously, "Rook, are you a member of the royal family?"


"Sure thing father," answered Anya, eager to leave the rooms.

She and Faris went on their way, one day, she mused, she could set two steps outside of her father's line of sight without needing a babysitter. She glanced over her shoulder at Faris, always walking close behind her. But today is not that day. He never bothered with so many attendents back home, she could spend days in the woods without making him worry. Well, no more then he usually did. The rumors about armed soldiers must have really rattled him, even if he doesn't show it.

She wasn't in the Vaayan wing, as told by one of the shaabaathi retainers. They told her she was heading for throne room. That was bad, Anya didn't know how long a meeting with Kind Davarsi could last, for all she knew it could even continue into and past dinner-time. She wasn't going to wait in the hallway until she came out again. People would ask questions, her father would get worried, she would get bored out of her skull!

So she did the natural thing, she started running. She sprinted through the hallways, jumped over stairs, all in an effort to catch Emira before she arrived at the throne room. She had heard Faris give a surprised shout, and knew she would get into trouble for this. But her father said to return swiftly, didn't he? To not let anyone know the contents? The faster she got there, the faster she could get back and the less chance there was of someone stealing the letter from her.

Anya's logic was flawed, but she didn't care, she just wanted to run. Get all the tension of the day out of her system.

She had left Faris some distance behind, and for all appearances she was alone save from a few startled servants. But for the first time since leaving Altishar, Anya felt free.

The she slammed into Emira, knocking both to the ground.

"Am I a member of the royal family?" he asked, looking up at her, slightly confused. "No, I am not. I am the King's Bodyguard," he answered, saying exactly what he was told to say. "Why? What makes you think so?" he asked, tilting his head to the side slightly. He paused, beginning to think about it. Weren't royals the only ones who had elemental powers? And he had always had these powers... maybe he was related to the Carranons in some way?


Rionah looked at the girl and noticed her change in expression. It was sclera to her that she knew what the Kaveens are and she had possibly seen them. She looked at her, her eyes wide with acknowledgment. She knew who they were what they were. She was so curious she had millions of questions. However, she decided to hold back on her questions. She needed time.

She looked at the woman and smiled "it is no trouble. I am so pleased to help a friend in need. We are friends Princess Keira of the Gonheim House." She knew the instant she walked in the room where she was. Gracefully she took the woman's arm and lead her out of her room. She began to walk down the halls looking of the girl. She beamed light as she continued to walk. When the princess spoke of the Kaveens she smiled.

"I am a daughter of death. Some of the royal family members have the ability to see and enter the second world. I was blessed with that gift." She said this in a kind and light tone as if it were no big deal. Anyone looking at them would assume she was talking about a rabbit or a happy story. "The Kaweens pulled me into their world." She looked at her a bit more serious. "They left me with many questions. What are they and why did they demand I find a member of your country to negotiate peace in the world?"

@IlovetanksMBT @Atom @Dogmatic99 @LeviathanL

The Iron Angel Lua Zorzo

Lua looked at him. She could tell from his tone he was confused, but it made sense. "Well, you have elemental powers and you've lived here all your life. I just assumed... I mean it made sense to me." She looked at him. "You must have some royal blood in your veins. I should know, I mean I am a royal of Gondheim...Oh!" She covered her mouth, she didn't want to tell him that. She looked at him worried she might think less of her for being a royal.

I shouldn't have told him that. Now he probably think's I'm super important. I really liked talking to him too. She looked at him bright red and her face a little sad. She shifted her iron wings and was afraid. Afraid that he will treat her differently.

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@Atom[/URL] @Dogmatic99 @LeviathanL

The Iron Angel Lua Zorzo

Lua looked at him. She could tell from his tone he was confused, but it made sense. "Well, you have elemental powers and you've lived here all your life. I just assumed... I mean it made sense to me." She looked at him. "You must have some royal blood in your veins. I should know, I mean I am a royal of Gondheim...Oh!" She covered her mouth, she didn't want to tell him that. She looked at him worried she might think less of her for being a royal.

I shouldn't have told him that. Now he probably think's I'm super important. I really liked talking to him too. She looked at him bright red and her face a little sad. She shifted her iron wings and was afraid. Afraid that he will treat her differently.


Rook simply nodded, deeply lost in his own train of thought. "I.... Guess that would make sense he muttered, before hearing her mention being a royal of Gondheim. He simply blinked, and looked at her for a moment. "Oh," was his answer, as he got back up to his feet. "How is it?" He added, after a bit of silence. He didn't really care that she was royal, but he didn't know whether he should be talking to her as she wa she cuss do her high status.
Before Keira had a chance to reply, she was dragged out of the person's room. The lady introduced herself as the lady of death which made Keira start to guess which kingdom she was from.

"Oh. Um. The Kaveens, they are mythical creatures that live along side Gondheim. I've learned that a century after Gondheim's creation, the Kaveens declared war on us, and for three years, we lost half our population and they only suffered minimum casualties. Now, they respect us and we respect them back. A lot of people speculate that they are the protectors, but I think that they are just very neutral and won't do anything unless they are directly threatened. They're taller than humans. We don't know much about them either. We don't even know how many there are. But we're guessing a massive population since they were able to amass an army larger than ours."

"Oh yea. Well, I really don't know why the divine gods told me what they told me. But you should know that Gondheim still has a powerful military force. Carranon is not stupid to invade us. The king knows that. If he tries to invade, we know our own territory better than him. We can launch anything from terrorism, to guerilla warfare and kill the carranon army in numbers so high. We also did have a very significant role long ago. The divine maybe thought that Gondheim would be able to assist with it's military power and it's still very strong influence. But I don't like that. Because that goes against what Gondheim stands for. I would never have the Gondheim armies march to war unless, there was a reason why."
The Iron Angel Lua Zorzo

Lua looked at him surprised. She just stared for a moment taking in his question. Then she laughed. She laughed a joyful laugh and nearly fell over. After she finished she smiled and wiped a tear away. "Oh, I'm sorry for laughing. It's just... 'how is it?' That's the first time anyone's ever said that. I take it back. You are certainly not a royal." She looked up at him and grinned before she hopped up and stood in from of him. "And I think I like that more. I don't need fancy talk or bowing."

"As for how it is...pfft." She he'd back another laugh as she spoke. "Sorry. It's nice, kind of boring. I'm pretty much the klutziest princess alive so I don't get to do much. My big sister does most of the important stuff. I pretty much spend my time training." She looked off into the distance and clenched her fists. "I want to protect my sister with my life and finally be of some use." There was a glint in her eye. A glint of hope and determination. Lua realized she was gazing off and turned back to Rook "well, that's my goal. But... My sister is much stronger than I could ever be. Besides, I'm usually being the one rescued." She bashfully blushed, it was true after all. The ratio of being savior vs saved was a huge 0 to 27. I guess now it s 0 to 28. Maybe if I get to 30 my savior will marry me for free. She laughed a little at the joke.

(NUDGE.....NUDGE.... WINK WINK. @SirDerpingtonIV )
@SirDerpingtonIV[/URL] )

"I....I just..... Sorry," he murmured, as she began to laugh at him and his question. "I am... Happy you don't enjoy the bowing and scraping," he said quietly, before adding, "That doesn't sound too much fun, really," after she answered his question. When she was finally done, he nodded and said, "Not forever," he assured her simply, before asking, "Where to now?"

Both Toroc and Darrow rounded the corner, coming into sight of Rionah as they spoke.

"And you can guarantee this?" Darrow asked.

"I'll ensure it myself." Toroc responded with a nod.

"Good. That should help. And our rooms are secure and safe to speak in right?" Darrow asked.

"Indeed. I personally guarantee it. Although Davarsi does move against my men he does not do so lightly. He's already had casualties and his men are numbered." Toroc replied.

Darrow nodded and looked forward, "Ah, Rionah. I have good news. Later though." Darrow informed, looking the Gondheim woman over with a scrutinizing glare before be spotted Rayne following close behind Rionah. "Who's this?" He asked, stepping forward slightly before Toroc laid a hand on his shoulder, "Relax and let the lady explain." He stated firmly.

Darrow gave a slight frown but relaxed, awaiting Rionah's answer while watching Rayne.

Rayne regarded Darrow calmly, waiting for him to make a move if he intended to. She stood poised to attack if he attacked her, until Toroc made him relax, and she did as well, hiding her sigh of relief.

@The Suspicious Eye



Dastan turned with a growl as he ripped his arrows from the target dummy, causing it to spin around on it's rope again. "Reset it." He growled to the man in the rope. With a nod the man began working the ropes, causing the dummy to swing back and forth through the air, creating an even harder target due to only being the size of a head. A target Dastan sank three more arrows into with ease.

Dastan retrieved his arrows, not paying much attention. Dastan was lost in thought again. "Reset sir?" The man asked.

"No..." Dastan muttered, taking a seat he rubbed his temples, "This entire situation confuses me immensely..." Dastan muttered.

"Aye. I'm having trouble wrapping my head around it as well." The man agreed, taking a nearby seat as well.

"I need answers... But my siblings are obviously in on it to some degree, and I certainly won't get anything from father..." Dastan muttered.

The man looked up suddenly, "Why not ask one of the delegates?" He asked suddenly.

"Hmm? Ask a delegate? Do you think they would even know?" Dastan asked.

"Possibly. And if they are in danger then there's a chance you might get answers from someone at least in an attempt to earn your favor. You are a Prince after all." The man pointed out.

"You're right I suppose..." Dastan murmured, "But who would know anything?" Dastan asked.

"I do not know. But perhaps you could just ask them one by one? If the ones you ask don't have answers then I'm sure the rumors that follow will bring someone with answers your way..." The man suggested.

"Yes...I suppose you're right... in that case send for Lady Rionah. Tell her I wish to speak to her privately. I doubt she'll know anything but she's in contact with the Khoja. I'm sure she'll mention it to him. If we're lucky he'll seek me out." Dastan decided.

"Yes Dastan." The man replied before setting off.
The Iron Angel Lua Zorzo

Lua looked at him and blused a bright crimson. She was glad he was going to tree her normally. She smiled and shuffled her feet. "Thanks...." She looked around of a moment before turning back to him. "Well, where do you like to go in the castle. Preferably somewhere where I can't destroy anything or injure people." She chuckled a little.

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Rook nodded, with a smile under his helm. "No problem," he assured her. "Where do I like to go?" he asked, looking at her. "Everywhere. I love this castle," was his answer, as he shrugged slightly, gesturing all around him. "So much stone is quite comforting to someone like me," he admited, before choosing a direction, and walking off, turning back to see if she was following.

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