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Fantasy A Fragile Peace


Dastan looked up as Rionah awoke and relaxed further, "Ah, you're awake... good. Might I ask why you fainted?" Dastan asked.

Before Rionah could answer Rayne rushed into the room and hugged her tightly, "Lady Rionah you're awake!" She said quickly with joy. Rayne leaned into the hug further, putting her mouth by Rionah's ear, "I have interesting information about the Prince over there..."She whispered quietly before releasing her and stepping back.

@The Suspicious Eye
The Iron Angel Lua Zorzo

Lua looked at him and blushed as he handed her the bits of iron he collected. "Ah...T-thank you.." She clutched the bits of iron in her hand and looked up at him. She was truly curious as to who was behind the helmet, but decided not to bother with it. Instead she tried something she hadn't done in ages. Communicate. "I-I am... I'm actually just wandering around for now. But, I'd love a tour if you're free. I haven't seen much of the castle. Well much that made sense to me and I'd love to have someone to show me around so I can get a understanding of this maze." She was talking a little bit faster than normal, she was flustered.

She hadn't tried to talk to someone for a long time. Yes there was the occasion agreement or question, but to ask some man to join her was a huge step. She looked up at him, worried he might say no. What do I do if he says no? She clutched her hands together, clasping at the iron, trying to hide her shaking hands.


Chauncey ran out into the hallway to find a physician, but since someone had already sent for one, he bumped into the physician at full speed in the hallway. He fell, and gripped his forehead where it had collided with the old man. "She is this way," he said, getting up and jogging to the room. When he arrived, however, Rionah was already awake. The physician threw Rayne from Rionah and knelt by her to check her temperature. "Stupid boy," he mumbled under his breath. Chauncey wished they had a court physician with a little less of a temper. "Follow my finger." The physician cooed to Rionah. He passed a finger before her eyes, back and forth. "Permission to touch your ladyship?" He asked. He gently felt right under her chin, by her neck, for any swelling. "Hmm.." he mused, leaning back and putting his hands in his lap, "why DID you faint?" He asked with the sound of an old, wise voice.


Farshad nodded, "I have no problems with this." He said, his thick, Shabaathi accent coming through. He took the bottle and took a huge gulp. "Hey, sellsword, what's your name?"
Rook simply nodded as she took the pieces of iron from him. "A tour?" he asked quizzically. "I can give you one, I'd suppose," he said, slightly nervously, looking around. His King had told him not to interact with any of the guests, and taking them on tours was certainly not something he should be doing. Although he decided, that.... perhaps one little tour might be acceptable. He immediately turned, and began walking down the hallway, leading her throughout the castle, showing her a collection of greater and minor halls, and a few wings.

Rionah was a little taken aback by all the excitement she had just woken up and it was hard for her. She looked from Dastan to Ryane as she held her. She was so very surprised, by all the sudden questions and information. She looked around surprised and saw the physician bust in.

He violently threw Rayne to the ground, and proceeded to check her temperature. She held up her hand to Rayne to not retaliate. Hoping that Rayne would keep her calm. She followed his finger and nodded when her asked permission to touch her. She took a deep breath, the words of the spirits still resonating in her mind.

She looked at Chauncey, then to Dastan, and Rayne. "I...." She looked at Rayne, who knew of her connection to the second world. She however, didn't usually faint. The only times she did was either when she was summoned to the spirit world or being shown something. Usually she could move about without the constant need of fainting. Rionah looked to Chauncey and Dastan. She couldn't tell them what she could see, or what happened. Either could be her future husband and she didn't want them to think her a looney.

She thought to herself for a moment. Now is neither the time nor the place. I must wait for a good time. I will not fail the mission. Just it won't be as abrupt. I have more goals than one.

"It was simply a fainting spell. They occur on occasions when I use my elemental gift. I thought I had paced myself. However, I must have drained more energy than I had thought. I apologize for scaring you all. I am fine truly." She smiled at them warmly. She looked at them warmly, she appreciated their kindness and worry.

@lightofthemoon @Atom @Paeniteo Azrael @LeviathanL

Chauncey breathed a huge sigh of relief. He gave her a weak little smile, "I am so relived you are okay Lady Rionah. You've no idea the panic you caused me. Not that it was your fault!" Chauncey added quickly, "I'm just glad you're alright." he chuckled awkwardly. The physician rolled his eyes. elementals he thought scornfully. "Would you like me to stay my Lady?" the Physician asked.
The Iron Angel Lua Zorzo

Lua smiled at him happily and followed behind him all the while dropping pieces of iron everywhere. After she ran out of spare iron she walked next to him. She walked a little faster to get closer to him and looked at his face. She didn't know what he was thinking, but she felt comfortable around him. She glanced up at him and stared at his helmet curiously. "So, how long have you lived here?"

"My entire life," was his short and simple answer. "My name is Rook," he added, a bit awkwardly. "And this, would be the Gardens," he said, not wanting to go inside. He never felt right there, in his stone armor, amongst all that bright color and life. He just...... didn't really belong. "Is there anything else of the castle you would like to see?" he asked, looking down at her, seeing her looking up at his helm.

Rayne stood up with a glare at the Physician but stepped back after looking at Rionah.

After the physician was finished she stepped forward, "I believe the lady needs to have some time alone. Out out out."She ordered those in the room.

Dastan stopped a moment, looking at Rionah with a look of curiosity before looking to Chauncey and the physician,"Yes, I do agree with the lady, come gents, out as she requests." Dastan muttered, heading for the door.

Rayne gave Rionah a look that conveyed, ' Don't disagree.'

Chauncey glanced back and forth between Rayne and Dastan. He didn't want to leave Rionah. He was afraid it would happen again, and Rayne wouldn't know what to do but Dastan backed her up. He sighed, "Get your rest my Lady, I will be looking for you at dinner." He smiled at her and bowed at the door before exiting. He stopped to talk to the guard at the door, "If she screams or..." Chauncey was about to tell this man the obvious, that he should go in and check on her if she screams, before he realized that that was what the man would do anyway. "Um... nevermind." He waved his own comment away, and began to walk slowly down the hallway to his own chamber.

Rayne watched as everyone departed and turned to Rionah, "I learned something while you were out... But first I want to know what happened." Rayne asked, not bothering to hide the curiosity in her voice.

Rionah shook her head at the physician and smiled warmly. "No I am truly fine. Thank you sir for all your help. I apologize for taking time out of your busy schedule to check on me." She knew to be cordial was the best move for her. Fainting certainly made herseem weak. If it had occured in front of anyone other than the princes she would be worried. However, a woman like herself fainting is something that would play to her advantage. A man's instinct is to protect, being a prince it is not only his instinct but his necessity.

She turned as Prince Chauncey spoke and smiled internally. Well at least the theory works. Although, I wasn't planning on fainting. Rionah smiled at him nearly glowing from her rest. She gracefully lowered her head and spoke. "I'm sorry your grace. I did not mean to cause you worry. I assure you I am fine."

She looked at Dastan as well as Chauncey "I thank you both for your kindness. I am truly grateful." She smiled at both of them and then Rayne interveened. She laughed a little as She ordered them out. She looked at her lady in waiting and smiled. "It seems as if I had worried more than just the princes." She looked at the crowd in her room. "Thank you all for your concern. I will be well by dinner."



She watched as one by one they left her room. When they finally left she let out a long sigh and looked at Rayne. "Rayne, I think we are in big trouble. I was pulled into the Second Wold." She fell back in bed and put her arm over her forehead. "It was frightening to say the least. Much different from the areas at home. It was darker than at Lonaneyal. Full of war and death. Meaningless death. They told me many things, and demanded much of me. I understand so little. So very little. Her voice trailed off as she thought about what they had said. The words etched into her mind, echoing over and over again. She couldn't think, she needed to rest, she needed to think, she needed time, she needed someone to listen. She looked at Rayne and smiled, happy to have her dear friend back.

"It's nice to have you back Rayne. I miss being able to convey my worries to someone, again." She looked at Rayne and realized she had nearly forgotten the whisper she told her earlier. "Rayne what did you want to talk to me about? Was it something about one of the princes?"

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He gave the young man a look. "Kaervek," he eventually said.



The queen sighed, it wasn't fair of her to keep asking Toots for advice. It was as he said, he's a bodyguard, a damn good one, but he wasn't trained to make such decisions, she was. Azira thought on it for a while. The information given was definitely helpful, probably a sign of goodwill, but that did not make the request any less suspicious.

"Let's just see how dinner goes, I'll decide afterwards."


"Because I don't trust Carronan, that's why. I know those two can hold their own, but someone being a capable warrior won't do much against professional assasins. I'd feel better if they had their adventures closer to these quarters. Actually I'd truly feel better if we were back in Shaabaath, but I make do with what I can get. Can't you send a messenger out to look for their whereabouts?"

The Iron Angel Lua Zorzo

"All your life? That is a long time." She looked at him as innocent as a child. She tilted her head and inspected him curiously. He's been his all his life? Is he a servant? Or a slave boy? Or maybe he is a prince? Her trail of thought disappeared as she saw the gardens, she liked flowers well enough, but she liked metalwork more. "Oh wow." The flowers were so very lovely she did enjoy the nice smell the had.

She noticed that he didn't step into the garden. I wonder why. She realized that she had forgotten to tell him his name. She smiled at him and happily responded "I'm Lua, Lua Zorzo. It's nice to meet you Sir ummmm. Do you have a last name Rook?" She didn't know why he didn't tell her his last name. Maybe he didn't have one. Maybe he's a slave. Slaves don't have names right? Lua put her hands behind her back and smiled "forget about it. You don't have to tell me. Umm, I'd like to see the armory. I'm a fan of weapons."


Farshad took another gulp and thought for a second. "Kaervek." He tried the name on his tongue, "It seems to me that i have heard this name before." He said quietly, "Where have I heard your name?" He demanded loudly.

Rayne nodded as Rionah asked about news, "Yes, apparently the Prince Dastan was not only not supposed to be here but had no news about the delegates arriving. And while you were in the second world he thought aloud to himself, trying to think about what was going on. He spoke of his father and siblings with such contempt... do you think he could be of use?" Rayne asked, hoping the news would please Rionah in light of what had just happened.

Aeneas was very worried for his niece, but after the assistance from Dastan and Chauncey, he found his worry subsiding. When the physician ordered them to leave, he patted Rionah's shoulders and whispered to her "I will make sure you are safe. At any cost." and left the room with the others. He returned to his quarters and prepared to have dinner with the other delegates. He spoke to Anya who seemed quite irritated that she was forced to remain in his room.

"Anya, dear, I know that this is unpleasant - but there are strange things happening about the castle. I worry for you! I cannot imagine what I would do if I lost you. I believe we will be dining with the other delegates tonight - but until then you have my permission to explore under Faris' guidance. Please do not get lost or hurt yourself. I want to see you safe and sound... We have to make alliances to ensure our safety here and in the future..."

The princess had just finished writing the letter as she tied it to one of the birds and released it so that it can make it's way to the Gondheim Capitol. After, she had waited for a while for Lua to return which she never did. Keira had told the officers to go search but they have not comeback either.

"Where could she be?" Keira paced around the room thinking of where Lua might have gone off to, until deciding that she will go look for Lua herself.

Keira quickly put on her armour again and took her sword with her once again, as she opened the door of her room and walked into the hallway.

"Maybe the other royals might know." Keria said to herself as she decided to try and ask the other royals if they were even in their rooms if they have heard or seen anything. She decided to knock on one of the doors to see if anyone was inside.

@The Suspicious Eye
LeviathanL said:
He gave the young man a look. "Kaervek," he eventually said.



The queen sighed, it wasn't fair of her to keep asking Toots for advice. It was as he said, he's a bodyguard, a damn good one, but he wasn't trained to make such decisions, she was. Azira thought on it for a while. The information given was definitely helpful, probably a sign of goodwill, but that did not make the request any less suspicious.

"Let's just see how dinner goes, I'll decide afterwards."


"Because I don't trust Carronan, that's why. I know those two can hold their own, but someone being a capable warrior won't do much against professional assasins. I'd feel better if they had their adventures closer to these quarters. Actually I'd truly feel better if we were back in Shaabaath, but I make do with what I can get. Can't you send a messenger out to look for their whereabouts?"


Toots simply nodded. "I believe that would be a good option, my queen," was his answer, as he sat down on the floor, leaning against the wall, watching her through his face mask, deep in thought.


"Well, I know you don't trust Carranon. I don't either," she said with a shrug. "And you know I am better than them both in a fight," she teased, before calling for one of her own servants, who she gave the task of finding both of her siblings. The messenger departed, heading out into the city. "But do you think Davarsi would really execute the both of him with the threat of war so near?" she asked, raising her good eyebrow. "I don't think so."


Rook nodded. "A long time indeed," he sighed, standing at the edge of the garden, still refusing to go inside. He looked down at her. "It is nice to meet you too, Lua Zorzo," he said with a nod. Seeing her smiling at him, he almost felt something... strange inside himself. A.. fluttering of sorts. No one had ever smiled at him before. "I have no last name," he answered, "I am Rook. That is all," after a bit of hesitation, he nodded, and lead her towards the armory, showing her around. It was a large room, rows and rows of crossbows, swords, maces, hammers, axes, halberds, shields, just about anything imaginable hung along the walls and shelves. Rook silently lead her through the mace of weaponry, pointing out each classifcation of weapon to her.

Rionah looked at her and thought for a moment, "I'm not sure. I'm not sure I can trust anyone right now. I need to get my priorities straight before anything else." She tossed her head distraught. She was trying to think of what to do. "I need to find... I need to find a woman who came in with the Gondheim kingdom. That is the fist thing I must do. Before thinking of any else."

She let the pillows engulf her. She was trying to find comfort, and remember all that the spirits had asked of her. "The spirits, they told me to find a way to create a union, a united front. We need find a way to unite everyone. A man holding contempt to his family, is difficult." She sighed and closed her eyes."It's difficult for me to think about anything."

She slowly got up and looked at her. She combed her fingers through her hair. Although it was wavy and long her fingers slipped thorough her fingers like silk. She looked at her lady in waiting and sighed. "I thank you for your information. I will take it under consideration. However, it is of importance urgency that we find who is the second woman. All I know is that she was part of the Gondheim entourage. But it is so vast, I wish there was a way to find her."

Suddenly there was a knock on her door. She was surprised, by it. Rionah wasn't expecting anyone to come by. She got up and brushed out the ruffles in her dress. She sighed and gathered her wits. She looked to Rayne and then turned to the door. "Come in."



Tazzim Duraqiim "The Lover/ The Drunkard"

This guy.... I love Tazzim
Tazzim drunkenly stumbled out of his eight Carranon tavern with two girls on each arm. "Ladies!..... I'm going to make you... hic..... verrrrryy happy tonight..."

One of the women on his arm, the furthest on the left giggled. "Lord Tazzim it's still the afternoon."

Tazzim turned the woman and then looked up at the sky. The sun blared down on him and he grinned. "So it is! My fair lady you have quite a mind.." He let go of the tother gils and stumbled over to her. "Have you ever... hic.... have you ever thought of a position in the Merchant guild? I could get you in, I am a very powerful man you know?"

The woman blushed and looked at him "My lord...."

She was about to continue, but she was interrupted by one of Tazzim's guard. "My apologies, my lord, but we must get you to the castle. Your aunt has already arrived and you need to be by her side as the Master of Trade."

Tazzim looked at the guard and swayed back and forth. "Yule...Yule....Yule!"

Yule, the guard, looked at him. "Yes, lord? What is it you require?" Yule was a long time friend and strong guard of Tazzim. He knew much of Tazzim's.... interests and helped him whenever they could.

Tazzim looked at him from unsteady eyes. "Why are there two of you." Then he turned his head and vomitted on the girl.

The girl screamed in disgust and surprise "Ahhhhhhh!!!!"

Yule acted fast. He pulled out a hanky and wiped Tazzim's mouth. In one swift movement he hoisted Tazzim over his shoulder and turned to the woman. He took a bag of gold from his pocket and handed it to her. "Go back inside, clean your self up, and don't speak of this. The gold is for you and the girls." Tazzim groaned and laughed drunkenly. Yule came closer "know girl if you try to harm my master, my lord by talking about this I will rip out your tongue and I will take great pleasure in doing so."

I Love Yule.... He is going to be very surprising

Yule turned away and carried his friend up to the castle. Behind him servants, poured water down Tazzim's throat trying to dry him out before they reached the castle.

By the time they reached it Tazzim was nearly sober and was moaning about his head ache. "Uggh Yule, why didn't you let them give me wine. I want wine back."

Yule plopped him down. "If your sober enough to want wine then you are sober enough to see Lady Emira."

Tazzim streched and waved his hand as if to brush off the idea of Emira. "Bah! She's such a drag. She constantly pesters me about the state of trade. She should be grateful to me. I gave that bastard the throne and I deliver her with trade from all over the world. But do I get a thanks? No she only complains. Tazzim, you drink too much. Tazzim, you sleep with too many women. Tazzim, Tazzim, Tazzim!" He put his hand on his hips and sighed. "If I wanted a woman to nag at me I would have married by now. She may be my aunt, but she has no right to judge me!" He yawned and scratched his head as he made his way into the castle.

This would make his seventeenth visit to the castle so he knew it well. He turned to one of the sweet maids and smiled at her. "Oh, such a fair and beautiful maiden. Yule look at this heavenly woman. She is as radiant as the sun itself." He kissed the maid's hand and looked at her. "Fair lady, who conquers over the beauty of the sunn and the moon. Could you, tell me where may I find Lady Emira of Duraqiim. Will you be the needle to the compass of my heart?"

The maid blushed a bright red, flustered by the sudden wave of complements. She looked at him and saw in his face his seriousness. He seemed to be telling the truth. He truly thought all of that about her. She slowly nodded and pouted west. "It is yonder. Take a left and a right and it shall be the first door on you left."

Tazzim smiled. His power of charm never failed him. He took the woman's hand and twirled her towards him. He held her close and looked deep in her eyes.

"Thank you. You have my gratitude." He passionately kissed her and smiled, slowly releasing her and walking away. "Come Yule let us converse with dear aunt Emira."

He continued down the direction till he made it to (wherever emira is I'm not actually sure.) He stepped into the room and smiled at his aunt. "Emira! No need to fret about me any longer I am here to save you from such boredoms this drafty court has to offer. Come give your loving nephew a hug."


The Iron Angel Lua Zorzo

"Then I shall call you Rook. Please call me Lua, formalities are so boring. I want us to be friends." She smiled at him and followed him to the armory. Lua looked at all the amazing weaponry with awe. She never got to see the weaponry at home. Everyone thought she was too klutzy off the battlefield. They weren't wrong, but she still loved weapons. She looked at the weapons as she passed them by, in some she could sense the iron, while others were made of other various materials. It's odd that they have varying types of metal here. She brushed her fingers across the weapons and the turned a corner with Rook. Her fingers caught on one of the weapons and then everything began to fall like a domino set. One by one the weapons fell knocking the other around. She took a step back and covered her mouth in shock. Behind her a axe was about to come down on her head.

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Rayne nodded, I'm not saying we have to trust him but he could be useful. The favor of a Prince who holds his father in such a low regard could be useful considering his father's plans. Just a thought." Rayne stated before taking a seat.

Rayne listened to Rionah quietly, pondering the info before there was a knock at the door. She immediately sprang to her feet and watched the door to see who was coming in.

The Iron Angel Lua Zorzo

"Then I shall call you Rook. Please call me Lua, formalities are so boring. I want us to be friends." She smiled at him and followed him to the armory. Lua looked at all the amazing weaponry with awe. She never got to see the weaponry at home. Everyone thought she was too klutzy off the battlefield. They weren't wrong, but she still loved weapons. She looked at the weapons as she passed them by, in some she could sense the iron, while others were made of other various materials. It's odd that they have varying types of metal here. She brushed her fingers across the weapons and the turned a corner with Rook. Her fingers caught on one of the weapons and then everything began to fall like a domino set. One by one the weapons fell knocking the other around. She took a step back and covered her mouth in shock. Behind her a axe was about to come down on her head.

A voice from the other side had told her to come in as Keira opened the door and walked into the room. Her shining iron armour signified that she was of Gondheim origin.

"I apologies for causing a disturbance. But have you seen a girl in armour wonder around here?" Keira asked.

"She has the gondheim marking on her armour have you by any chance seen her?"

@The Suspicious Eye
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Rayne stepped forward, "Apologies but we have not. Unless you need anything else my lady needs her rest. I would appreciate it if your would go." Rayne stated.

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