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Fantasy A Fragile Peace

The Iron Angel Lua Zorzo

Lua sniffled and looked at her older sister. "Don't joke about that. You know how much I despise war." It was true Lua like many people in their country were not a fan of war. It originated from the scars of the Great War, but have now become a social norm for the younger generation. Lua looked up to her sister she didn't want to see her hurt. She knew that Keira was a great warrior strong and brave. But she was so kind and trusting as well. Although she loved all these aspects of her sister it would get her sister in big trouble. That is why I must do everything in my power to protect my sister even if it means laying down my own life. She trained with her sister's encouragement, but her goal was to protect her sister no matter what. And she had already failed.

She stood there for a moment and let the guilt and shame sink in. If only I had been there, if only I hadn't gotten lost. She started to tear up again, but held back her tears from falling. She tuned her head to the officer that spoke and then quickly turned her head away. He was male, and she couldn't look a male in the face without.. Oh too late... Her face was bright red and her heart was racing. She looked up to her sister as she said they were going to their quarters. Arms outstretched she went over to her sister and held onto her arm. "Sister. Never leave my sight again. I'm going to stay by your side and protect you."

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[QUOTE="The Suspicious Eye]The Iron Angel Lua ZorzoLua sniffled and looked at her older sister. "Don't joke about that. You know how much I despise war." It was true Lua like many people in their country were not a fan of war. It originated from the scars of the Great War, but have now become a social norm for the younger generation. Lua looked up to her sister she didn't want to see her hurt. She knew that Keira was a great warrior strong and brave. But she was so kind and trusting as well. Although she loved all these aspects of her sister it would get her sister in big trouble. That is why I must do everything in my power to protect my sister even if it means laying down my own life. She trained with her sister's encouragement, but her goal was to protect her sister no matter what. And she had already failed.

She stood there for a moment and let the guilt and shame sink in. If only I had been there, if only I hadn't gotten lost. She started to tear up again, but held back her tears from falling. She tuned her head to the officer that spoke and then quickly turned her head away. He was male, and she couldn't look a male in the face without.. Oh too late... Her face was bright red and her heart was racing. She looked up to her sister as she said they were going to their quarters. Arms outstretched she went over to her sister and held onto her arm. "Sister. Never leave my sight again. I'm going to stay by your side and protect you."


"Your magesties." One of the Gondheim offocers said waiting outside.

"I think we should hurry. We are not suppose to be here."

"Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. It's your safety that I am worried about. And besides. I have two amazing officers of Gondheim here protecting me." Keira said. She looked at the officer before nodding.

"Lets get back to our quarters." Keira said to Lua as she guided her out. The two officers and Keira all had tbeir hands on the handels of their swords as they made their way to their quarters.

Rionah put a lot of faith in her uncle's judgement. She calmed down and nodded to her uncle. "Uncle I trust your judgement on this matter. I am just so fearful. I have just found my dear friend, I have seen you after so long and I have allies here. I don't want to have that taken away by the king and the witch of a sister the Queen is. I feel as if she sent me here with a target upon my back." She was furious again at the possibility that her sister sent her here to be wed, knowing that she might die. She took another deep breath and calmed her heart rate.

Rionah tried to find her center, she thought about how she can make this work. She thought about how she can reign in her skills and use them to her benefit. She then came up with a solution and smiled. She looked at her uncle and spoke "thank you uncle for your wise words and kind proposal. I am so honored that you would do that for me. However, I am sure that with all my guards I will be safe. I would like to offer you one of my personal guards to protect you and Anya. You have a lineage to protect." She looked down at Anya and smiled, she wished that she would have a child just as kind and intelligent as her.

Rionah looked back to her uncle and continued. "I heard the news of plotting from Lucien of House Anguis." (Insert Eye Roll Here) "I know he is.... callous in nature, but he is usually very astute to these situations. Much more than I. I do feel as if a there is a threat upon all of us. I feel as if the king would rather have us all dead or at least enough to instigate another war. Carranon would proper greatly in another war. We must be cautious. Most of the leaders of great territories are here. While there castles sit empty. I may be the only disposable delegate in this Peace summit."

Her voice grew steady and she reverted back to normal english and was loud enough for passerby's to hear. "I will not let negotiations of peace be destroyed. If it means I must paint a target for King Darvasi to see so be it. But I will not let these negotiations fail." She raised her hands up and parted the thorn wall and curtsied to her uncle. "I'm sorry uncle" She said in the Tongue of the Forest. "But I will not let you nor Anya die. I will play my part as a beautiful distraction. It is all that I am good for is it not?" She smiled at him a little sadly and turned to leave.

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Atom said:
Some Random Page "YOUR MAJESTY!" A voice cried out, rushing into the throne room quickly. About halfway in he tripped and went flying, his face smacking the ground hard as he rolled across the floor. It took him a moment to stand again, his front teeth now missing a single tooth on the left side as he continued his speedy approach, nose broken and bleeding.

"Your majesty....Urgent news!" He panted, trying to catch his breath.

"P-Prince Dastan has returned early! He's on his way to the castle now!" The page informed him quickly.

Prince Dastan had been out on a hunting trip, one that was supposed to keep him away until after the visiting houses were gone or dealt with. This was possibly bad news for Davarsi, which was why the page had hurried as fast as he could manage to deliever this news.


King Davarsi looked up from his throne, a scowl on his face. "My son has returned so early?" he asked, rising from his throne. Rook re-entered the hall, but was informed by a guard of his new orders. He lumbered off towards the kitchens. The King scowled. "Why is my son returning from his hunt? The whole fucking point of that was to keep him occupied!" he hissed at his servants. "Go bugger yourself in some corner, Ser Clumsy," the King snarled. The return of his son could ruin everything he had laid out. That certainly did not favor his plans.

However, as the three servants began to speak, he was most interested. "Interesting material," he muttered, thinking. "How... loudly.. was the Head Of House Altishar saying that one of my children was going to betray me? I would hear of something like this, in a castle filled with my watchers before he would."

As Rionah left the sphere of thorns Aeneas turned to her. "Rionah, please, you needn't endanger yourself - you are all I have left of my sister. We will find a way to keep you safe..." Rionah left the sphere and Aeneas stood forlorn, wishing that he could find a way to keep the King from creating a cause for war. As he lingered in thought, he let his focus over the thorns wane, and soon the chaotic mass of life slowed, and then fell, dissolving into the ground. "Anya, dear, we must find a way to protect your cousin - she is not as expendable as she likes to believe."

As he turned to leave he saw two of the King's children sitting, watching what used to be what was most likely an unusual sight. Aeneas sighed, "Faris, please take Lady Anya to my quarters - and check every corner. Get one of the shamans to speak to a rat - I want to know every possible way they can get into my quarters. And find some plants and trees in the market - liven up the room."

((End Forest-tongue))

Aeneas walked over to the two wayward children of Davarsi and bowed his head to Dastan. "Your grace, I do not believe we have met - I am the Khoja of Altishar, Aeneas. I have heard tell of your skills in the hunt - if it pleases you we must go on a hunt together sometime." He turned to the Princess and performed the usual formalities.

"The mass of thorns was simply to provide a safe place to speak - I hear House Anguis has quite the number of spies throughout the world." Aeneas smiled a knowing smile - of course House Anguis was probably listening, but he certainly didn't care. "Your brother Prince Cedris is an... interesting fellow. He has certain views of the Monarchy here in Carranon..." Aeneas furrowed his brow and let the silence hang in the air - it would say far more than he would ever need to.

"Now. I'm not ruler yet. But I will be soon." Keira said as she still had one hand on her sword handle as she also scaned the surriunding every so often.

"Savages indeed." One of the officers said looking at the painting hung on ghe walls.

Dastan completely ignored his siblings, he'd never really made a good relationship with them, long ago had he tired of their attempts to use him in their plans.

But the Khoja of Altishar on the other hand, interesting, "Nay, we have not yet met. I'm actually surprised to see you here. I have just returned from a hunt I had to cut short, I had no idea the Khoja was visiting. Are you the only one?" He asked with some real curiosity.

A visiting house during a hunting trip he'd been suggested to take... this did not bode well. What was father up to now? Sneaky bastard...
The Iron Angel- Lua Zorzo

Lua smiled "but you might as well be. You are the greatest." She giggled and snuggled closer to her older sister and smiled. She looked at the officer who spoke and nodded. "I-I-I agree.... th-they a-are quite cruel." Lua turned away and hid her face. She groaned at her lack of social skills. I really need to learn to talk to men.



Instead of leaving instantly Rionah simply walked a few paces away and sat on a stone bench. Hidden behind the plant life she took a moment to herself. The words of her uncle sat with her. She hadn't thought about what her death may mean to her uncle. She preferred to think of herself as a expendable woman rather than someone of importance.

She has been treated as a expendable plaything for four years. She sat there for a moment and looked at her uncle and Anya they mean the world to her. She must do what the Queen asks or it will be the death of The Eternal Forest. The Queen had found the secret tunnels Rionah and her childhood friends had used to sneak through. If she didn't do as the Queen asked she will storm the forest with millions of soldiers. Soldiers who are ordered to kill everything in the forest.

Rionah sighed she got up and peeked though the bushed and looked at her uncle. She noticed him talking to the Royals and took a deep breath. She didn't want him close to them, she wanted him safe. She slowly got up and dusted off her dress. Taking a deep breath she made her way out of the flora and she looked at them and smiled. "Your highnesses, what a pleasure it is to see you all here." She walked past her uncle and nodded to him. "Khoja Aeneas." She hoped he didn't try to tell them that she is his niece. It would put him in a position of danger for what she had planned next.

She glanced to the two princes and blushed a little, looking as innocent as sheep. She walked past them and stood next to Cedany. "Cedany, I have thought about our luncheon earlier and agree. Peace and freedom are lovely aspirations." She smiled at her and took a few steps closer to her brothers. "I have yet to meet these other fine gentlemen." She smiled at the two boys and let the light catch her golden eyes and hair. "Would you do me the honor of introducing them to me?"

@lightofthemoon @Atom @LeviathanL
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Cedany & Chauncey

As Aeneas and Rionah stepped out of the thorn whirlwind, all made sense. She smiled and did a little bow to Aeneas, but Chauncey bowed lower. "We understand completely Lord." Cedany said graciously to Aeneas. She was about to tell Aeneas what a pleasure it was to meet him when her brother, who haven't greeted her at all, engaged him in a conversation. She was quite angry at him, but thought that his cold nature was likely because he was not told delegates would be visiting. Chauncey reminded himself to ask his brother if he would want to compete in his festival. Cedany turned to Rionah when she spoke."I am so glad you have come to that conclusion." Cedany said, and it was true... but she wish she had not said it in front of everyone else. "Of course my dear Lady, I will introduce you to them," Cedany got up to stand next to Rionah, but not close enough to cause Rionah to feel threatened, "This is the noble Dastan Carranon," Cedany gestured to Dastan, and then shifted her gaze and gestured to Chauncey, "And this is the kind Chauncey Carranon." Cedany made a tiny jab at her other brother she hoped he noticed. Meanwhile, Chauncey was completely taken with Rionah's beauty. He gave her a slow bow and kissed her hand.

"We've met once before dear sister," Chauncey told his sister while keeping his eyes glued on Rionah, "but I am overjoyed to see you again, Lady Rionah." He smiled warmly at her.
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Aeneas nodded to the lady of House Carranon and turned back towards Dastan. "No, my grace, there are representatives of all the great houses here today - the King has called a meeting." He wondered why Rionah had decided to return, and what she was planning on doing with Cedany. "I am under the belief that he intends to secure his power in a more direct way by the end of this conference of minds."

Aeneas quietly waited for the next turn of phrase from the King's children.

Rionah smiled as Cedany obliged her. She was pleased to know that Cedany and Rionah are still on cordial terms. She looked at Dastan, he was handsome but seemed rough around the edges. Which to her was appealing and made her curious. Then she turned to Chauncey. She remembered him from long ago. It was when she was a child she was sitting in her garden, crying on a rock. She had snuck away from the court to cry. Her sister had said something hurtful about her mother again. She had already lost Romero, and was very vulnerable. Rayne was consoling her, however she left to get Rionah a handkerchief for her. It was then that Chauncey came by and talked to her. She listened to him talk and he cheered her up. He was the reason she was interested in the Carranon family. He was a kind and caring soul, which made it fascinating that he came from such a dark King.

She blushed a little as Chauncey kissed her hand. "Oh my Prince Chauncey, there is no need for much formalities." She looked at him and smiled. "It is a honor to see you again as well. It has bee quite a long time since we last saw each other. It must be around three years, since we last met." She smiled at him and clasped her hands together in pure excitement. "You must tell me of your adventures around the globe sometime. I would love to hear and see all the kings you have leaned." She had the highest regard to Chauncy. He was kind to her in her moment of weakness. Which she swore would be her last. She still had the handkerchief he had given to her when she was a child. She had hoped to return it to her when she came back from the home.

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Cedany & Chauncey

Cedany looked at the two and was puzzled, Chauncey never told her that he had met princess Rionah, Which was strange because every time he returned home he would spend the whole day relaying to Cedany what happened. She decided it probably didn't matter and she put it out of her mind. "I pray your forgiveness, but I must retire to my chamber to collect myself for dinner. Rionah," she did a small courtesy, "Khoja Aeneas," she turned and did a small courtesy to him as well. After that she left and made her way to her room.

Chauncey smiled at his sister as she left and turned to Rionah, "I'm a little surprised honestly that you remember that my Lady." He chuckled, "but I would be happy to tell you of all the places I've been, maybe someday I can arrange to have you travel with me to some different cities. Would that not be fun?" He mused happily. The best thing about Chauncey was that he really meant it, and in the most innocent way possible. He often wished he had a traveling companion, he felt so alone in some cities when he visited. Unless they were located in Vaaya. He always felt right at home with them.

Roinah noticed from the corner of her eye that Cedany looked perplexed. Maybe she hadn't realized they had met before. Rionah curtsied to Lady Cedany as she left "I understand Lady Cedany, rest well." She smiled at her as she walked away and turned back to Chauncey.

She laughed lightly and smiled "of course I remember. I remember you handing me your handkerchief and cheering me up. I am grateful for your kindness that day." She blushed a little, she didn't want to admit that she still had the handkerchief. She smiled at him a genuine smile. Being around genuinely kind people made her open up a little.

She smiled at him "I would love both. This voyage to your castle is the first time I have left the continent of Aldar. It was such a thrilling time for me. I was so very excited. I would love to go on a voyage with someone as experienced as yourself. The world is such a beautiful place. I want to explore all of it." She loved all the items that she would get from the trading ships in the cost. She looked at him happily she didn't think that he mean anything of inviting her, however she was still grateful. And who knows maybe there is a deeper meaning. "We should sit together this evening and you can tell me all about your travels."

@Atom @lightofthemoon
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Chauncey was glad she accepted his invitation. He was shocked, however, that she had never been outside Aldar. He would take her to Taccola first, because it was always very welcoming to tourists with its exotic delights and beautiful bustling harbor. "Oh! I'd almost forgot!" He laughed. He turned to everyone and clasped his hands together grandly, "there is to be a festival! The day after tomorrow. With jousting and swordfighting competitions, a parade for the commoners and a grand feast for all the visiting delegates." He exclaimed excitedly, "I apologize for the short notice but the idea came to me only this morning." He added quietly, as if it were a secret. "I will be competing in the jousting events, it's been so long since I last competed." He sighed, "I hope I still have the vigor I had in the last competition." He laughed. He was reigning champion, but it had been a while since he had been in a jousting field.
You guys have nooo idea how hard it is to post right now e.e I need interneeeeet. Anyways I have to leave my house and go down the street to post so I will check this in two hours time depending on the circumstance.


Dastan took in everything going on quietly, Cedany was obviously up to something, the Khoja hinted at beliefs that his father was also up to something. And Dastan's hunting trip had been planned to be longer until he cut it short...

It was then that Dastan came to the conclusion that something dangerous was going on. He wasn't sure what but he'd be sure to find out. At least he would soon, pausing in his thoughts as Lady Rionah entered the scene. Dastan tilted his head a bit as he examined her, the curiosity on his face undisgiused. Dastan never was one to hide what he was thinking.

Dastan turned as Cedany excused herself, one sibling gone...

"Chauncy. I believe father needed to speak to you. Something about a festival..." Dastan informed him.

Dastan waited quietly for Chauncy to acknowledge his words and go.

(Due to my posting limitations the following post is only applicable after Chauncy leaves, if he leaves. If not then ignore it.)

After Chauncy did so Dastan stepped forward, looking Rionah up and down, "Lady Rionah is it?" Dastan asked.

"I don't believe I've ever had the chance to meet you." Dastan added.

Dastan continued to examine her while he waited for her response, she had a certain innocent beauty to her, one that contrasted with the way she carried herself... very... curious...

Rionah smiled brightly the second she heard the word festival. It was as if her entire persona lit up with the sound of it. "A festival?" She absolutely loved festivals. The sun, the smell of food coming from the street vendors. Jousting, juggling and acrobats she loved everything about festivals. Which is why when there was one of the few festivals in Lonaneyal, her sister the Queen made sure that Rionah never could go. In Rhoenwein, there are very few festivals that don't involve a religious sacrifice or church piety. Festivals for fun are rare in the Kingdom of Lonaneayal.

She looked at Chauncey and smiled. She put her arm on his shoulder and spoke, her tone sweet and light as a warm breeze. "I simply adore festivals Prince Chauncey. It seemed as if you enjoy them as much as I do. Yet I did not know you jousted. I am certain you will do well regardless of you time away from the mount." Suddenly the prince Dastan who was inspecting her spoke up. She thought this might be a way to distract Chauncey for some odd reason. She looked at him and smiled. "Surely the king doesn't need him so suddenly. Prince Dastan was it? Lady Rionah of House Lonaneyal" She politely curtsied to him and looked up.

She looked at Dastan the curiosity obviously written on his face. He was very readable like a book, which was new for her. She could tell he thought of her as a mystery he wanted to uncover. Although she knew that at some point she might be found out, but rest assured it will come out at her own time. She smiled at him for a moment, giving him a hint of seduction underneath her eyelashes. She then turned back to Chauncey "I would like to know more about the festival. If I could be of any assistance, it would be my honor. I don't have much experience with festival preparation, but I can only do my best."

(I really want to find someone who can challenge Rionah. Bring out that dark side of her.)

@Atom @lightofthemoon

@Paeniteo Azrael
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"Here it is." One officer said opening a door to one of the rooms. "We have taken the liberty of re organizing the room for your convenience."

"There is paper and ink if you wish to write to their magesty the king and queen. If there is anything that concerns you or endangers you, please do anyhlthing to make a loud noise and we will come to your aid." The other officer said. The two officers then proceeded to close the door leaving the two alone.

@The Suspicious Eye

(If you'd like. The Kaveens could accomplish that. They might find her worthy of letting her have a glimse of their massacre during their war with Goondheim)

Chauncey saw the effect the mention of the festival had on Rionah. He was extremely pleased with her confidence in him. Chauncey was shocked when his brother mentioned that the king needed him about the festival... he seemed so disinterested when Chauncey had asked permission to do a festival. Chauncey highly doubted the king had anything to ask Chauncey that he could not send a servant to ask, blasted man. "I'm sure it isn't urgent my brother." He noticed Rionah putting her arm around his Shoulder. He was shocked, but not uncomfortable. "Actually I would enjoy you're input on where to place each house. I don't have a very political mind, you see." He chuckled, slightly embarassed

Dastan did his best to hide the aggravation he had at Chauncy, shortly before becoming confused. Dastan pondered to himself a moment why he'd care if Chauncey was grabbing the Lady's interest. With no explanation as to why Dastan simply shrugged it off and turned, "Well I have things to attend to. Perhaps another time Lady Rionah, it was a short but curious pleasure to meet you." Dastan stated before setting off, mulling things over in his head.
The Iron Angel Lua Zorzo

Lua nodded to the officer, not wanting to talk again. She didn't want to embarrass herself more than she already had. She waited until the officers left and stretched. "Finally! I didn't think they'd ever leave." She happily threw off her dress and went over to the suit of armor waiting for her. "I never understood why mother told me to wear a dress. I mean you got to wear your armor." She quickly moved the iron armor onto her body and let out a long sigh of relief. She felt better with a crown over her head.

She turned to her sister and smiled shuffling the multicolored iron wings to settle. She looked at her sister and smiled. "Are you going to write a letter to Mother and Father? I think I might write to them, but later. I suppose the dinner will be commencing soon." She looked at her sister and smiled as the iron braided parts of her hair. "So what are we planning for the Carranon court? Are we going to play a power game or are we going to sit back and watch others." She looked at her sister expectantly.


"You think my resistance to alcohol is high? I think yours is just weak." He laughed at his own joke, he hadn't really laughed in way too long. This kid was all right. "Tell you what, let's change that, shall we? I'll order some more spirits, build up your liver a bit, and you'll get too see me drunk before last call. Alright?"



(I'm going to assume here that Emira entered her quarters and hasn't noticed the envelope)

The scribe of the sands was in the Shaabaathi quarters, dictating the day's events so far. "And thus we arrived in Caileith, unfortunately I was not able to be present during the entrance ceremony. If I was, there wouldn't have been enough left of that so-called high messenger to feed to the dogs. As is custom when the ruling Duraqiim is insulted by outsiders." The door to the quarters opened, and Abar's assistant leaned in to whisper in the blind man's ear. "Speaking of the ruling Duraqiim, where have you been young lady? I'm not an outsider, I can insult you all I want, and I promise if you don't explain your lengthy absence you will get an earfull you won't soon forget."



The heir to the Khoja repressed the urge to stamp her feet on the ground and demand to join her father. But that would be quite indignified for a future leader, more importantly, it wouldn't make Faris budge even a single milimeter. Sure, she could understand the need to make certain their quarters were secure, but there was also a big need to protect her father and cousin! For all she knew armed soldiers could be scouring the halls, killing everye delegate in their path. Ayna wanted nothing more then be with at her family's side, protecting them even a little bit. Sitting here doing nothing in a dead room was driving her crazy.

Then the plants and the shaman were brought in, giving the room much more needed life, but that didn't settle Ayna's heart.

@Paeniteo Azrael


The commander burst into the Lonaneyal rooms, already talking: "A group of guards have armed themselves and have took of to somewhere. They might be coming for.. Wait! What is he doing here!" She shouted at Lucien, her hand moving towards her sword.

[QUOTE="The Suspicious Eye]The Iron Angel Lua Zorzo
Lua nodded to the officer, not wanting to talk again. She didn't want to embarrass herself more than she already had. She waited until the officers left and stretched. "Finally! I didn't think they'd ever leave." She happily threw off her dress and went over to the suit of armor waiting for her. "I never understood why mother told me to wear a dress. I mean you got to wear your armor." She quickly moved the iron armor onto her body and let out a long sigh of relief. She felt better with a crown over her head.

She turned to her sister and smiled shuffling the multicolored iron wings to settle. She looked at her sister and smiled. "Are you going to write a letter to Mother and Father? I think I might write to them, but later. I suppose the dinner will be commencing soon." She looked at her sister and smiled as the iron braided parts of her hair. "So what are we planning for the Carranon court? Are we going to play a power game or are we going to sit back and watch others." She looked at her sister expectantly.


"I don't know exactly." Keira said. "I guess I would present our demands. And see if the others agree. But i am guessingthe King of carranon will disagree." Keira said resting a hand on her chin.

"I'll write to our parents. But right now I should think abouthow we will present our case to the king and the other houses."


(You said you wanted a challenge for your character. Here it is. The Kaveens.)

A deep voice could be heard. "Look. This. Way. Look. This. Way." The voice would not have been heard by other people. In the distance, there stood a tall black creature with the most nighmarish appearance. The monster's hands were rested on top of his sword which dripped with black liquid. The creature looked up as it began to walk towards Rionah as the creature could not be seen by the other people.

Rionah nodded to Dastan as he spoke and smiled at him "Yes Prince Dastan, it was a pleasure to meet you. I do expect that we will see each other soon." She enjoyed his curious honesty, it made her wonder what he wanted. He intrigued her and was slowly entering her mind. However, now was time to focus on Chauncey.

She smiled at Chauncey and removed her hand and clasped her hands together towards her chest. She looked at him and was nearly glowing. "I guess I could assist you wit the preparations. I did spend a lot of time studying politics. I didn't have much to do in the castle other than read and study politics." She blushed a little and turned her head trying to hide the apparent rose color of her cheeks. She didn't like to talk about her time in the castle, they were unhappy memories to say the least. She spent most of her time either in the garden or the hall of history. Her only joy was her childhood friends and her uncle.

Suddenly she felt it first, a feeling of darkness, of a hollowness. Her face changed from rosy red to pale. From the corner of her eye she noticed it. The slow dripping of dark black. She turned around and her golden eyes glazed over revealing her second sight. Rionah looked up at the towering monster in front of her. She had seen many things with her second sight. However, this was too much she screamed in terror and fainted.

@lightofthemoon @Atom
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Aeneas had been quietly listening in on the conversation. This Chauncey fellow seemed less like an idiot or schemer than his fellow siblings. Perhaps he'd make a good match for Rionah. Just as he started to feel somewhat secure in his next steps forward, Rionah screamed and fainted. Aeneas rushed over to her side as Chauncey kept her from falling over. "Rionah! What has happened to you?!" Aeneas looked around for anything- any sign of what was going on, what could have possibly caused her to come to harm? The garden seemed empty but for the birds and the Royals.

He wondered...

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