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Fantasy A fighting chance

Luka was quite impressed by how quickly Lilica finished the serpent, then as Lilica sat down he said with a smirk “Well I didn’t think it will be that easy”. After watching Lilica fight it just made Luka more excited, Luka knew he probably shouldn’t actually be happy to fight in the human’s arena but he couldn’t help it, he wanted to fight.

The announcer shouted once again “ladies and gentlemen after a quick victory Alonzo’s new gladiators look promising, but can Isaac defeat the all mighty Thraex?!” the crowd roared again as Thraex entered the arena spreading his arms causing them to even roar louder.

Luka examined Thraex then said to Isaac “Doesn’t look all mighty to me, show them it wasn’t a fluke” and patted Isaac on the back.

"You know I will." Isaac said standing up and jumping into the arena and drawing his sword saying "Tell you what Thraex if you just lay down it will be over really quick and painlessly." He said waiting for him to lay down because he took it seriously but Thraex said "You Dare insult me you will pay!" Isaac just sighed as Thraex charged him he used his super speed and as Isaac moved past him he all the major joints in his legs and arms he could see and as he moved he made it seem very flashy as if there were more than one of him, but was just simply moving very fast and as Thraex was falling to the ground Isaac knew he'd won so he made his way back to his seat and sat down. (Going to bed.)
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"I beg you for forgiveness!" The man cried out as Mars bent his arm a farther back, her eyes were glowing white while the large black wings behind her could intimidate anyone who tried to attack her. Unfortunately this human male believed he and his foolish friends could take her out while she walked down the path. 5 bodies of his companions littered the floor, blood was already oozing around and it was clear that the man had walked into a nightmare.

"Forgiveness... hm... I don't believe I have any left for your kind," Mars murmured before giving a small yank and the sound of his bone popping out of place was like music to her ears. Brilliant.

"It would be so beautiful to hear every single one of your bones breaking but I do have a schedule to uphold... I'll let you off easy," She sighed, letting his arm go and pulling him up by the collar of his shirt. A look of relief washed over the man's face but it disappeared the moment Mars jumped into the air and flew. The wind softly caressed Mars like a gentle friend and then she looked over into the distance, seeing that her destination wasn't that far, and let the man drop from her fingers. His scream made her grin before she quickly flew toward the man she knew was familiar. She landed solidly on both feet right in front of Aawut, who was sleep. Leaning forward a bit, Mars opened her mouth ever so slightly and allowed a low but sharp tune to escape from her lips. Mars avoided paying attention to the fight that had just happened, it seemed like it was an arena and unless Aawut said otherwise, she wasn't getting involved.

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