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Fantasy A fighting chance


Grammar is hard
Lupi kingdom of the humans declared war on all the other races on the surface, the races that lived in harmony with each other formed an alliance. The humans outnumbered were losing the war they started for 30 years. The dwarfs that lived underground resurfaced after 50 years of mining to sell their wares, they were greeted into a war the alliance offered them peace but the humans offered them treasured beyond count. The greedy dwarfs accepted the human offer and join the humans to create the “Ferri Lupi” alliance. The dwarfs built their killing machines from the iron and oil they dug from their mines burning entire regions, the humans scarified an entire city of mixed race creatures to create the philosopher stone to fight against strong mixed race wizards. The humans with their new allies pushed the mixed race alliance back and thus started the age of the “Ferri Lupi” the age of the iron wolf. The dwarf returned to their mines while the humans plundered any mixed race city and village raping and enslaving any one that survived.

Revocavi is the last city of the mixed race alliance they are hidden from the rest, deep in the forests surrounded by traps and wild beasts. Revocavi is the base of the resistance the last hope for the mixed race to live a free life.

You are part of the resistance you got ordered to meet someone in the Drunken Duck, you are told it’s a secret mission that even your superiors don’t know what it’s about. You are told you were handpicked to join this mission, you will get more information once you get there. Once there you will talk to the inn keeper and when he asks you if you want a drink tell him you want “a glass of pickled onion juice” and he will guide you to the meeting place where you will meet your squad and get a briefing.
Aawut walks into the Drunken Duck followed by luka they stood at the bar, as they noticed the bartender eyeing them as he walks towards them, he asked "whatcha' getting fellas", they take a pause looking around seeing what seems to be an ordinary pub, Aawut looks back at the bartender and says "ill have some pickled olive juice" Luka sighed and with a somewhat angrily tone said "its pickled onion, ONION! for crying out loud" the bartender looked weirdly at them, with a shake of his hand he gave them the sign to follow him, he took them to the kitchen with only one woman in it beating dough, she looked at the two for a brief moment and turned her sight back to the dough, the bartender checked that no one was looking and pulled a torch, the stove has moved and opened a way to an underground room with one table a few chairs, "your the first ones here,make yourself comfortable while waiting for the others" before they could even ask anything he shut the passage and they were all alone, the Xmask was raised and kuwath cursed "WHAT FUCKING OTHERS!?!?".

( @Evergreen98 - @Cadin shadow lord )
A girl with long pink hair, wearing an emerald green top with black shorts and dark red knee high combat boots walked into the Drunken Duck. She looked around as her black devil like tail swayed a little ' i wonder if I got the right place...' She thought as she went over to bar area and sat down, the black and white dual guns in there holster made a clicking sound. She put her elbow on the bar table and rest her chin in the palm of her hand. Her golden eyes scanned the bar for the bartender should seem not be here 'maybe I did get the wrong place...' She got of her seat and was about to leave when she heard someone say "what csn I get for young lady??" She blinked and looked at the person and it was the bartender. She smiled kindly at him and said " a glass of pickle onion juice please " the bartender smiled back and lead to the same secret passage that he used a few seconds ago. " right the way" he said and the girl walked down the path to see 2 people here. She looked at them as she went over and took her seat at one of the chairs.

Isaac walked into the Drunken Duck and sat down on one of the bar stools wondering "Is this the right place it seems like any regular old pub to me." As he waited for a bartender to ask him for a drink he unsheathed his swords. "The were in perfect condition from when he had sharpened them earlier so he sheathed them once again and waited for the bartender. When the bartender finally came and asked "What can I get you young man?" Isaac replied with "A glass of pickled onion juice please." then the bartender said "Follow me." and he led him through the secret passage and he took his seat along with the others who were already there.
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The mass of man and fur wandering through the streets of the rather large town was almost impossible to miss, upon closer inspection this figure would seem to resemble a man but even then one could second guess themselves. This 'man' was not a simple human, however, that much was evident, those with knowledge of the wilds would mark him as one of the Beastkin, it was largely out of place for him to be in a city according to this bit of information. But so it was and so it would be. His objective was quite clear, the tavern that he headed for, the Drunken Duck, a name that caused him to briefly question if there would even be any quality booze, seeing as ducks probably didn't drink all that much.

Opening the door the Beastkin wandered inside before taking a seat with a heavy thud, his weight causing the wooden stool to creak beneath him, a whine of disapproval at the sudden strain it seemed. The bartender regarded him for a moment before piping up, "What can I get ya?" a simple query, one befitting of the establishment. Dougaim had to resist his natural urge to grumble 'mead' or 'ale', instead he eyed the bartender with what could be considered a glare, even if it wasn't intended, he was trying to figure out what the hell he was supposed to say again. "... Pickle juice?" That had been it, wasn't it? No, the confused expression told him that this was not what he'd been told to state. Um. Damn. What was it again? Oh right! "Onion juice." A look of understanding passed over the bartender's features but he didn't speak up, seemingly waiting for the Beastkin to get it right, possibly knowing of the species' ability to get enraged at the drop of a pin.

Finally it clicked, "Glass of pickled onion juice?" When the bartender's expression went blank once more Dougaim was about to flip the bar before he spoke up, "Right this way." Oh good, he'd gotten it right after all. Following the bartender through the hidden passage, he felt an odd amount of discomfort, he missed the free movement allowed to him by the wilds. When he came to a room with a few others already present he paused, the bartender left him with the strangers and he looked back to them. What an odd bunch. "Yo." Was all he said before taking his seat, another chair that strained under his weight. They needed better quality chairs.
with the Xmask still on you could tell (if you knew) that it was still Kuwath who's in control, taking a nap he only peeked with one eye when the beautiful young maiden walked in, with no interest whatsoever he had another shut eye and went ahead with his nap, a few moments later this handsome young man comes in looking dazzling, Kuwath's eye were stunned by the sight, he could barely contain himself, he regained... some composer, went up to the man, with calm voice he said "excuse me young man but i just could not avoid this confrontation, you are nothing less then magnificent, please tell me what you are called, i want to be the first to hear your voice and name" as he was finished talking a large beastkin definitely not his type was mushing through the passage, the beast kin somewhat awkwardly stood and said "yo" and went to sit down on the one chair that was actually new, he ignored him and turned his look back at the handsome man saying "my name..." only to be interrupted by a wood elf coming in from a different entrance and shouting, as he looked at the elf he was silenced and the Xmask came off.
"Um thanks..." Isaac said as the man approached him yeah sure he'd been given compliments on his looks before, but he hadn't been given the compliment by a man before but he said to the man "My name is Isaac nice to meet you." He said offering his hand to shake adding "What's your name?"
The girl with the pink hair looked around the room ' am i the only girl??' She thought as her tail swayed again from side to side. She mentally sighed as she waited for the meeting to start. She glance at the man that just complimented the other man ' heh.... is that guy gay??' She thought as she tilted her head and watched the two interact.

A wood elf looks around forty with a bow and arrows strung to his back, walked into the room from a different entrance than the one the group used he eyed all those who were present almost if evaluating their strength. He then noticed that one of the individuals was talking so he shouted “Shut the hell up and sit down boy” calming his voice he continued “You were chosen for this mission because of your race, not because you are special or capable in any significant way. But because the humans like demon and angels and rare races like beastkins, as their slaves.” The wood elf eyed the group again then released a sigh as if he was disappointed by the group individuals “You are to be sold into slavery to a known slave owner, If you know how to fight you will most likely be sent to the arena if you know how to heal you will most likely be a healer for the arena slaves and if you don’t know any of those things you might become whores or servants. Your tasked to find and retrieve the stone the humans built to supress our wizards magic if you succeed you will return it here and that all you need to know for now. If we get the stone we can turn the tides on this god forsaken war. You are to leave immediately there is a cart waiting for you outside you can talk on your way to the human’s capital, while I have very little faith on your success I wish you good luck. Now if you will follow me to the cart.” The wood elf extied the room from the entrance he came from without looking to see if any one really followed him

Luka sat silently watching as three more people came into the room watching them and trying to measure their strength, watching as the less favorable side of his brother tried to hit on one of them. Then hearing the girl comments about his brother “Well only sometimes.” He said with a grim. Luka wanted to introduce himself but was interrupted by the wood elf, Luka felt somewhat insulated by the wood elf’s speech as he didn’t seem or sound very impressed by the group Luka and Aawut were part of. The task sounded simple yet incredibly difficult the humans would have many guards on the stone and even finding the stone locations might prove to be impossible. Luka followed the wood elf silently and then got up on the cart.
"Hold wait a second." Isaac said to the man that just gave them their mission as he followed "How do we know they won't just kill us on the spot?" He questioned as he entered the cart saying to the other man on the cart "Nice to meet you my names Isaac." He said offering his hand to shake.
"good to be back, oh hi there the name is Aawut" he said before being interrupted by "but you can call me Kuwath handsome" shaking right back to Aawut "just to make some stuff clear that was Kuwath... the other me, i... HE, likes man go figure, but i certainly am not fond of the forbidden love" he said as he slides closer to Lilica "i am definitely interested in the lovely maidens, so what is your name my fair lady" he said with a smile and a twinkle in his eyes... or so he thought.
The girl blinked and stared at the guy " umm....." she said as she slid back a little weirded out the man and how close she was a little to close to her " lilica... nice to meet you" she said with a small smile " and um..." she said as she looked at him "... you have split personality... don't you..." she said to him.

"Okay Aawut and kuwath nice to meet you both." He said then turning to the girl across from him saying "Nice to met you Lilica my name is Isaac." He said once again offering his hand to shake silently thinking about a cluster of random things such as is this the entire team, do Aawut and kawath count as two people or one, so on and so forth.
Lilica smiled and shook his hand " nice to meet you Isaac" as she looked at his weapons "oooo...." she as she leaned forward and shooked at them " can I looked at you swords??" She asked curiously as she eyed them. By looking at the hilt she can tell that the sword well made with good metal 'hmm...'

"that's right sugar pop that's exactly what i... he said" Kuwath jumped out again seemingly irritated a bit, "shut up you'll ruin it for me" mumbled Aawut as he looked at her with a weird smile "do not worry beautiful i will protect you, no one and i mean NO ONE! will lay their hands on that silky smooth skin of your's", "hello again handsome, oh and by the way this is Luka my lovely ADORABLE brother of mine" Kuwath said while hugging and squeezing Luka giving him almost no breath, "so did any one bring any booze...? yo hairy what about you, you look like you don't leave the house without a bottle" he said with a smug smile.
"Yeah you can look at my swords, but be careful I just sharpened them before we came here so just be careful." He said unsheathing his two swords and holding them out for her to take them he really stressed caution because not only were they dangerous, but they were the last gift his mother gave him before she made him leave town.
Lilica's eyes lit up when he said yes. She nodded and carefully took the swords and place them on the table. She took one and expertly examined them. She smiled as she saw the shape they were in that he really cared about them "these are beautiful..." she commented as she ran her her hand her hand on top of the flat side of the blade. She hummed " soo...." she started and then asked " who made these?? Who gave them to you??" She asked as she started to looked at the designs on the hilt. She smiled again.

This was already proving to be less than fun, he got here and was completely ignored until some guy with pointy ears started yelling stuff about how they were going to be enslaved or somesuch and how humans were going to do this and that. He didn't really care at all, he would have interrupted if he hadn't known that this would likely impact his involvement with the future slaughters that were bound to come this way. Dougaim sat there with his head angled upwards as the 'man' continued explaining himself, this was soooo booooring, he was already sick of all of this, he could have just gone on a war raid himself.

Then the talking stopped and he could actually do something, that something being to walk, oh how joyfully fun this was turning out to be. Standing from his seat the Beastkin rolled his shoulders back so as to pop them before someone caught his attention, an individual was speaking to him, one of the weirdos in the room.

Insulted in a single breath, the expression on Dougaim's face was a blank one, he had no words to express himself in that very instance, his mind was blank and needed a moment to catch up. "I am Dougaim!" Was what he finally roared, his expression one of fury, completely unjustified fury, "Last of the WarBorne! You will respect that puny man!" Once again, completely unjustified, but his physical aggression was restrained. For now.
Luka pushed Kuwath off him, Luka was always annoyed when his brother became Kuwath he always was loud and obnoxious. "I would like to apologize for my brother's behavior i promised he is annoying only half the time" Luka said smirking, it was always funny to explain people his brother's condition mainly because of their reactions.

Luka suprised as Dougaim roared his name and title but quickly regained his composure "Nice to meet you Dougaim last of the warborne" Luka said somewhat sarcastically "Im actually suprised none of you have a problem with becoming a slave, altough i admit im kinda looking foward to fight in the arena i dont think im going to enjoy anything else in the human capital" Luka asked suprised that the group was chatting after they were told their almost impossible task.
"They were a gift from my mom she ah... she gave them to me before I had to leave town that's why I used so much caution they carry quite alot of sentimental value with them." Isaac said remembering that day his mom had given him those swords knowing that he'd need them even though she most likely didn't like it, "Making her son leave to keep him safe must have been hard on her." he thought to himself as she examined his swords.
Lilica's eyes softened as she set the sword down on the table " your mom gave you these huh..." she said as she put a hand on her guns ".... my dad gave me these guns.... before... they passed away...." she said as she remembered their dying faces. She then blinked and looked at Luka " wow... wow wow wow... back up... what did you just say?? We're becoming slaves and are fighting in an arena to the death???.... why???" She asked him

Luka looked at Lilica with a supirseing look making sure she was serious "Didnt you listien to what the wood elf said back there? We are to be sold to slavery to get into the human's capital and then we some how need to find and retrieve the stone they used to win the war, he also said the warrios will most likely fight in the arena as slaves. Although its looks like even the wood elf doubted the missions success" Luka rubbed his chin thinking to himself "The resistance must be geting very desperate if they send us on this kind of a mission"
"I sorry for your loss." Isaac said to Lilica as she told him how she got her weapons "My only question is will we be able to keep our weapons, and if not where will they be held." He said directing his attention to Luka, they had two people who had extreme attachment to their weapons so he wanted to know if they would be safe somewhere. @SaintHound
Luka swiched his gaze to Isaac and as he heared him speak he felt bad for being insensitive for both of the pair stories, Luka lived in Revocavi for so long where stories of people losing their familes is soo common that he almost felt numb to hearing them. "Im sorry for your losses" Luka said lowering his head in shame "I dont know luckily i never been a slave untill now that is, i do not know how the human handle their slaves although i do think that if we werent allowed to bring weapons we would have been told by now" Luka said while rasing his head back up. Searching for something to do to distract himself from his feelings he pulled on of his saber claws from its sheath and played with it cuting the air slowly while examining it making sure it still felt good.
Isaac let out a sigh of relief that everything with his swords would be okay and for Lilica who's guns meant alot to her saying "It's okay as long as I don't go back to my home town my mother should be fine." Isaac said he knew that the townspeople wouldn't hurt her as long as he didn't come back to her for help and she didn't tell them she knew he had powers but he turned to Luka and asked "What's your story?"

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