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Fantasy A fighting chance

Luka surprised from the sudden questions Lilica asked then said “Cats? I guess I like cats we never really had any pets, I don’t think in our current situation pets are an option really. I would like to have one though….one day. As for hobbies ah I guess training and fighting are really my main go to things when I’m bored. But I don’t just pick fights with any one, I’m not a bully or anything” Luka laughed awkwardly then said “What about you? What’s your hobbies?” Luka felt awkward he wasn’t really used to talking with girls about normal stuff. He trained, fought and did missions with girls all the time but he never really had a casual conversation with one about random stuff like cats.
as everybody left the room all Aawut could say was "yeah, sure you go kids... good night i guess, ill clean... sure.. its fine... im fine." he sighed and started cleaning, after a while he stepped outside, Aawut went to sleep and Kuwath woke up and light a cigarette, as long as both of them do that they don't really have to sleep, but they still get exhausted and that might be a problem, for when the mind is rested the body is still not willing.
" i was hoping we could though.... its a shame..." she said with a sigh. Lilica then tapped her finger under chin and thought for a minute " hmm..... well I like drawing.. singing... maintaining my weapons... tickering..." she giggled " making weapons.... reading.... let's not forget cooking...reading... examining weapons and target practicing" she said with a smile as her tail swayed from side to side happily.

Turning to his brother “That’s also part of my payback.” Luka said with a smirk on his face. Then Luka listened as Lilica talked and when she finished he said with a smile “Well maybe after we win tomorrow you can ask Alonzo he might let you if we fight well. Also I would like to see your drawings sometime.” As they reached their room Luka sat on his bed with his back on the wall closed his eyes and tried to calm his nerves before the fight tomorrow.
Lilica seemed unsure " i don't like Alonzo.... he gives off an... weird feeling I don't like...." she said as she rubbed her arms. When she sat down on her bed and sighed " maybe I am paranoid...." she said as she laid down on the bed and curled up. Her wings came out and wrapped around her. She yawned a little and closed her eyes as she started to fall asleep " good night..." she mumbled.

Isaac laid down on his bed saying "I don't like him either, good night and good luck tomorrow." He said as he coverd up and went to sleep (Going to bed for real.)
Kuwath finished his smoke and went back inside just in time to hear them saying that they dislike Alonzo "I don't know whats the deal with him, but i like him he is a genuine business man, we do right by him hold our end of the bargain and he will do his right by us, i mean he doesn't even treat us like slave... fully, and he is a hunk, sorry Isaac but i need a man!" he said while laying down on his bed.
"Get out!" Isaac yelled as he threw Kuwath off the be saying "We all have our own beds for a reason so use your own bed!" He said as he tried to go back to sleep now on alert in case he tried it again.
Kuwath fell down crawled back to his bad weeping all the time "but i'm lonely, Aawut is sleeping and Luka.... LUKA IM COMING FOR YOU!" he shouted the last part, still on all four he slowly started crawling and creeping towards his brother's bed, getting closer and closer, he got to the edge of the bed, stood on his knees already huffing of "excitement" when all of a sudden!...
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The second Luka heard Kuwath yelling he already knew what he is going to try, and the instance Kuwath got close enough to Luka’s bed. Luka kicked him straight in the cheek again not strong enough to actually injure him but strong enough to cause some minor pain, Luka said with somewhat of an intimating tone” I don’t care if you don’t feel tired because you slept while Aawut cooked, your body needs sleep none the less. And you are not going to use my bed.” Then just casually closed his eyes and went back to sleep.
Lilica was fast asleep, not sensing any danger. If there was danger she would immediately wake up with her guns drawn and aimed at the person's head. Her tail swayed slowly from side to side in a hypnotic way as she slept. She snuggled into her soft wings and hummed a little " soft..." she mumbled happily.

after getting kicked in the noggin by Luka, he went and passed out in his own bed giving his body a good night rest.

some while of every ones sleep Alonzo comes in to wake everybody up knocking on a tin pot "*TING TING TING* wake up its time, lets go breakfast is out side under the cherry tree there i will explain the course of the day, and if anyone has a good joke, well then i might tell you who you are going to fight." Alonzo was a man that liked a good laugh.

(deff not for me xD )
Isaac wakes up and stretches yawing. He then walks past Alonzo saying "Thanks for the info." Then walking outside and sitting down leaning on the cherry blossom tree not eating anything yet waiting on the others to get there.
Lilica ears twitched as she started to wake up. Her wings disappear and she sat up and stretched. She rubbed her eyes and went to the bathroom to wash up before she headed over to Luka and Kuwait and woke them " hey wake up!" She said shaking the two for about a minute, she told them where breakfast was and then went off to the cherry blossom tree. She looked at and smiled "wow...." she said as she sat down next to Isaac and stared at the cherry blossom on the tree.

Luka was known for being a deep sleeper, so after Aawut woke up he got up to him and picked him up over his shoulder and sitting him at the table that was surprisingly packed with food, looked very delicious.

as everybody sat down, no joke was heard "its a shame really, i was hoping for a laugh... none of you are morning types well doesn't matter, since you wont be fighting as a team, you will be fighting... EACH OTHER!!... just kidding thats for not telling me a joke, but you will be fighting to the death one versus one, whenever you are ready put this amulets on" he says as he puts one on and puffs out, like he never were.

(they would teleport you to the sky coliseum the first one to post may give a description... hihihi, oh and first to go first to fight, if no one wants the responsibility just tell me and ill make hound do it.)
Lilica almost choked on her food when he said that they will be fighting each other. ' haha...' She thought sarcastically. She looked at Issac and smiled " yep! I am ready..." she said to him as she sipped her drink. And stared at the necklaces 'should I go first?' She thought to herself as she stared at them ' what's the worst that could happen?' As she reaches over to necklaces.

((Hmm... lady's first??))

"Sorry i'm not a mor-." Isaac stopped talking as he disappeared turning his attention to Lilica saying "Good." As he continued to eat his breakfast.
Lilica smiled and finished her drink and food. She stretched and got up " welp... ladies first" she said with grin and took the amulet and wore it " see ya later" she said and teleported to the coliseum. She blinked " wow...." the coliseum was the size of a football feild. The seats look like it's made of gold and there are multiple entrance that show that there can be multiple fights in the coliseum. She covered her ears ' god they are noisy...' there are people cheering like crazy.

The announcer had a microphone and annoyed "LOOK LIKE WE HAVE OUR FIRST FIGHTER!!" The crowd cheered louder " what's your name young lady?" Lilica blinked " uh... lilica..."

((So do I make up the fighter or do you or hounds make the opponent??))

"It's not I won't be there soon." Isaac said to himself as he finished his food and standing up and and putting the amulet on and teleporting to the coliseum next Lilica he also said "Wow, this is amazing." He said looking around the arena, As the announcer said "ARE SECOND CONTESTANT HAS ARRIVED, What's tour name young man?" Isaac turned to the crowd and shouted over top of there roar "My name is Isaac!"
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"My name is Isaac!"

"well then young Isaac and lovely lady Lilica, this will be one on one battles and while your teammates take their time getting here we will begin the first fight with lady Lilica." as he calls the first fighter of the enemy team "ladies and gentleman the first fighter from Mr. Farmund, HERE HE COMES SER-PEN-TISSSSSSS!!!" as a slimy snake like creature comes out quickly cheering the crowd, bashing his shield making them cheer wildly for him.

Luka woke up and notice that instead of sleeping on the bed he was sleeping under a cherry tree. Disoriented he looked around, he saw food and drinks on the ground and then he saw Aawut. “How the hell did I end up here? And where is everyone else.” Luka said while searching for his claws he panicked when he didn’t manage to find them but relaxed when he found them behind the tree near some kind of amulet.
Aawut still half asleep barely mumbled "i dunno something with the necklace and poof, ohh FOOD!" he shouted as he started stuffing his face "omg this is almost as good as mine" he said with pure joy on his face.
Luka couldn’t really understand what Aawut tried to say so he grabbed his claws and sheathed them then grabbed the amulet and took a bite from his food while examining it. Luka noticed another amulet near his brothers that he figured belonged to him, “So are we supposed to wear it?” Luka thought to himself. Then as he took another bite he wore the amulet, he found himself in an arena of some sort the crowd was cheering but not for his arrival but for the arrival of some kind of a creature Luka never saw. “So that’s what he meant when he said poof” Luka said under his breath with a smirk.

The announcer shouted “Alright Lilica, Serpentis are you ready to fight?!!” that got a huge roar from the crowd and the announcer clearly pleased he did his job nodded to himself while waiting for both Lilica and Serpentis to get ready. The announcer noticed Luka but ignored him for now since the first battle was about to begin.

Luka nodded at Lilica then said with a smile “You can do it don’t worry, he is just a giant snake easy.” Luka was getting excited he couldn’t wait to fight and also to see his new friends fight. Both Lilica and Isaac looked capable enough but he wanted to see how they fight and just how good they are.
Lilica looked at the serpent and was suddenly serious. After Isaac left the arena, she took her place and got ready to fight. 'The serpent looks fast...' as soo as the an ounce finished anouncing, the serpent person dashed up and tried to stab her with his spear. Lilica quick sided and was able to dodge, the serpent tried to punch her with his sheild, but lilica quickly jumped did a backflip the air and landed on the quietly " are you jusssssst gonna dodge?" The serpent asked her mockingly. Lilica smirked "nope... But I am sorry you to die soon..." she frowned.

The serpent raised an eyebrow and Lilica took out her guns " you think you can shoot me with those measssssly bulletsssss?! you'll run out be fore you hit me!!" He shrieked and launched himself at her at high speed which she was able to dodged surprisingly quick. If he had a closer look he would see that her eyes had changed and now has slits in them. The serpent was about to dodged, but felt like he was standing on something cold and wet. He looked down and saw some ice "when...." Before he could react something he heard lilica pull the trigger of her gun and felt a pellet hit his chest and his body started to freeze over. He blinked and stared at lilica who now had a cold look on her face . He tried to move but couldn't. Lilica then just aimed her gun at his head "sorry..." she said with a frown and pulled the trigger. A blue bullet can't out and hit his head, the head froze and lilica shot the a green bullet and broke the ice into pieces, finishing the job.

The crowd went silent and lilica silently sighed, the cold look on her gone. "AND THAT IT!!! THE WINNER IS LADY !!!!!!" Lilica put her guns. Avk and walked back over to Isaac and Luka. She sat down and stretched a little.


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