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Fantasy A fighting chance

Lilica moved her wings and looked at Issac "i never hung out with boys before... so I feel kind of awkward being the only girl in this group" she said shyly as she her wings flapped a little and her tail swayed. She felt really shy right now.

When she heard food was ready, she got up " food!!" She said happily and she took luka's and Issac' s hand and ran off to the kitchen " come on you two slow pokes!" She teased and giggled. Her wings disappear as she said that.

Isaac followed behind Lilica as she pulled him along he said "Well that awkward feeling will eventually go away, besides you don't seem very shy right now." He told her he didn't know if she had noticed it but her mood had drastically changed. @Evergreen98
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Luka was surprised when Lilica dragged him towards the kitchen “Alright we are coming jee.” Luka said while matching Lilica’s phase, no longer being dragged but following Lilica. “After you tasted my brother’s cooking you will not want to eat anyone else’s” Luka said with a cheeky smile on his face. Luka couldn’t wait both to eat his brother’s cooking again and to see Lilica’s and Isaac’s reaction when they first taste his brother’s cooking.
Lilica just giggled " yeah.. I know.. I am weird..." she said to Issac as they arrived at the kitched. She looked at Luka and smiled " i am looked forwards to it" She said smiled as she sat down at the table. Her tail swayed side to side happily

as he threw the letter Aawut came back looking at them as they eat, he got a wired look in his eyes, almost crying he weeping, he managed to spew out few words weeping the whole time "how.. does... it taste..?" and for a brief moment Kuwath came out yelling "JUST TELL HIM, I WONT GET TO EAT TILL HE HEARS IT OUT LOUD!!" and straight back to the weeping Aawut.
Isaac sat down also saying "No problem with being a little weird." He then answered Luka saying "yeah I can't wai-" Isaac turned his attention to Aawut saying "It tastes delicious." He hadn't even tasted it yet, but he didn't want him in a worse mood.
Lilica smiled at Issac and ate the food he made and blinked " holy cow this is delicious!! Better than my cooking that's for sure.... you have to let me cook with you sometimes. Pleeeaassee" she said giving him a puppy dog look.

Isaac smiled back then took a bite of his food and was awestruck "This is really amazing." He said as he began to eat more of it then asking "How did you make all of this?"
when he herd the joy in their voice he calmed down, after hearing Lilica asking to cook with him and Isaac asking for how he did it, Kuwath woke up saying "listen lollipop, Isaac its impossible to cook with him, well not so sure about Isaac he might keep up... when we told you not to enter it was not a threat it was a warning, we, and our brother are similar kind to Isaac, but the thing is while we all have our speed... well Aawut is so passionate about his cooking that he goes "over charge" its almost insane, i mean did no one wonder how it was made so fast, so much food, he is like a living thinking typhoon." he said all that while covering his ears so Aawut will not know what he said.
"Well that's very interesting I didn't know Aawut had super speed." Isaac told Kuwath adding "I'm pretty sure I can keep up with him though, and I really didn't question how fast he made the food because I was really hungry."
Lilica nodded slowly in understandment as she ate some more food " okie then...." she hummed a little, enjoy the rich flavor in her mouth. Everytime she ate it felt like a bomb exploded in her mouth. She giggled again " i wanna cook for you guys sometime" she said to the three boys. she felt like she was eating with a family, which was odd since they were all slaves at the moment, but that didn't stop the feeling. She smiled again.

Luka waited before he ate he wanted to see the expression on Isaac’s and Lilica’s faces when they first tasted the food. Then just grimed as he saw it, He took a bit of from his plate “Just as good as I remember” Then taking another one he said “Maybe even better then I remember” Luka laughed.

Then as Kuwath explained the process of making the food Luka nodded and added “Speed isn’t really the issue he just doesn’t notice anything else besides cooking he almost sliced me up while cooking a deer we caught because “I was in the way””

Then as Lilica offered to cook Luka had an idea "We should do a food competition me and Isaac would be the judges, and you will go against my brother. It will be mainly for fun of course” then excited he might get to eat more of his brother’s cooking and excited he could taste Lilica’s food that he fantasied would be just as good as his brother he started drooling again
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"That doesn't sound like a bad idea, but two things one stop drooling two what if Aawut and Kuwath worked together then Lilica would need a partner?" Isaac asked the group waiting for a response.
Kuwath face palmed with shame, "you guys just don't understand, First i don't cook i eat and second unless we have two kitchens i don't believe i can ensure any one's safety, when he is cooking that's when his demonic side comes out, not even i can control him." he looked at Luka bit shamed, "oh and Luka you were cut actually lost a lot of blood that time, he didn't want to tell you but... you were treated only after he was done cooking, and i used one of my poisons to make you forget..." he quickly changed the subject "by the way poisons did no one notice anything strange about the food? especially the meat bun and the milkshake."
Isaac stopped eating his food immediately saying "I really hope that was a joke, and if it's not what can I eat and what can I not eat?" Isaac asked looking over the food as if it was going to kill him, scanning for any abnormalities.
Luka stopped eating and you could see his expression changing “You did what?! I will let the fact that you fucking cut me while cooking and only treated me after you were done slide for now. But what did you put in our food?” Luka stood up being on alert in case Isaac or Lilica will react violently, after all they were trained fighters if any of them will think their life are in danger you can't know what they would do. He knew his brother won’t kill them not now not after they were already weeks together, but he was still scared of what his brother might have put in the food.
Lilica blinked and as she stopped sipping her milkshake "....... what did you do and what do you mean??" She asked him as she eyes the food and hoped she won't faint of anything from poison of anything. Her body isn't really that resistance to poisons.

((If you did something you can lilica fainted or something of that nature))

Aawut started giggling "oh, man that look is almost as priceless as hearing that people like my food, calm down he only calls it poison... in actuality its a spice but Kuwath uses it to annoy his "Toys" and when i say toys i mean people that annoy and pick fights with him, a short explanation its called a Chili its kind of pepper that goes perfect with meat... and it gives a tingling sensation with milk in your tong it basically improves the taste by a tenfold, and well when it gets under the skin or in your eyes its really annoying itching and might leave a slight burn under the skin... i learned it the hard way, but its great in food, and Luka this was your first time swell cause i only found it couple days before we left to the Drunken Duck." in acuall... actuallity he thought it would be great trust building exercise since they will all have to work together, that is also the reason he came clean to Luka, from now on any secrets will only break the team, but he did not dare to say that part for he still needed to observe them.

((oh calm down im innocent ( ;) ) ))
Luka sighedas walked over to Aawut then punched him in the shoulder not hard enough to injure him but hard enough so Aawut will feel some pain. ”This for cutting me and not treating me immediately afterwards. Now pull up the mask I need to talk to Kuwath” Then Luka punched him again “And this for scaring the shit out of everybody here” Luka sighed again and sat back down resumed eating his meal.
Lilica sighed in relief and resume eating her food as well. She hummed a little as she thought about the fight tomorrow " who do you think we'll be fighting tomorrow??" She asked as she sipped her shake, her tail swayed from side to side slowly as she waited for her answer. ' speaking of which.. I need to clean my guns....' She thought to herself.

Isaac let out out a sigh saying "Your guess is as good as mine." As he began to once again eat his food as he glanced around the room saying "Maybe we should go ask Alonzo?" He asked.
"oh, am Alonzo yea im sure we wont see him till tomorrow, i invited him to eat with us..." he then looked at Luka "oh and OW! not cool... and i cant Kuwath is sleeping, what do you need anyway?".
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Luka sighed again as he finished his meal and milkshake and said to Aawut “Well then when he wakes up give him a punch for me would you?” Luka then turned his head to look at Isaac “I don’t think we should bother Alonzo we questions really also we aren’t allowed to go upstairs so we can’t really ask him anything.” Luka got up and stretched “Anyway we should go to bed we don’t want to be tired for our first fight” Then started walking towards their beds slowly waiting to see if any one followed him
Lilica sat back on her chair and thought for a minute, before she finished up her food and followed Luka " do you like cats?" She asked him out of nowhere for no reason at all " i like cats... I wanna pet cat..." she said to him looking at the ceiling. " do you have any hobbies?" She asked curiously again for no reason at all. She just felt like asking questions about things to distract herself and get to learn more about the people of the team. She always wondered what hobbies guys had and since this her first time alone with them, she wanted to know more about each one of them. She looked st Luka and waited for his answer.

Isaac finished eating his food and drinking his milkshake saying "Yeah you're probably right I can't wait for tomorrow." As he followed behind Luka he turned his head to Aawut saying "Thanks for the food." As he walked away.

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