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Fantasy A fighting chance

Lilica sighed in relief and smiled " okie that's good... I guess.." she said as she looked back up at him and blinked as she looked at his weapon " by the way... can i look at those??" She asked as she eyes his weapon "pleeeeaaaassseee"

Luka sighed handed his saber claw to Lilica then began telling his story “Me and my brother used to live in one of the last mixed race villages the village elder used to cast a spell to keep the village hidden but one day a human wizard found the village and dispelled it. The next day the human army came, the warriors of the village fought them but they had no chance, almost every man died in the fight, me, my brother, and all the women and children hid in the caves but the humans found us. The village elder casted a fire ball spell that distracted the humans and me and my brother escaped unfortunately we are the only one that made it, This is also when my brother….. well became two brothers.” Luka stopped having to catch his breath and looked at his brother he felt like he was reliving that moment but continued quickly after “We were traveling at a random direction when we found the forest that surrounds this city. The resistance picked us up gave us a home feed us and trained us so we can kill the humans that did this to our village and to many other villages and cities." Then realising that his story was way too long and too detialed he apologized "Im sorry, i didnt mean to burden you."
"Hey if were going to be working together might as build up trust as fast as possible and it's no real burden both me and Lilica told you are stories so there's no need to apologize." Isaac said turning his attention to Lilica saying "Why do you have such an affinity for weapons?"
Lilica giggled as she examine the claw, it was nice and sharp. The blade wear clean which ahowed that luka took good csre of them and it was comfortable to wear and was just the right weight. She hummed as she gave it back to Luka "those are a good pair of claws...." she commented and then looked at Isaac " my parent were blacksmiths and could make any type of weapon.. they were the best and I wanted to take over their business when I grew up..." she said as she put her hands behind her head and looked at the ceiling. " soo.... when this is all over.... and if I am still alive... I am gonna open up a shop and make weapons like they did..." she said with a smile.

"That sounds like a good plan." Isaac said to Lilica she seemed to have things planned out for herself which was good Isaac hadn't really thought what he would do if he survived but he just simply picked up his swords and resheathed them and sat down.
Aawut agreed with Isaac, "yeah if we get out of this alive" he said with a tremor in his voice , i'm thinking of opening a healing center, surrounding acupuncture, it really helps your chi and calming, i'm really good at it you should let me give you a needling some time in the near future Lilica" he says with a purvey look in his eye's and heavy breathing, when Kuwath busted out "oh shut it you PUSS!, it aint gonna happen, and we are not opening a Fucking "healing center"... freak, we are opening a brothel, man only, yea man only... and you are vip handsome."
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Lilica scooted toward Isaac " uhh... I am good" she said to him, feeling uncomfortable around him. She now has an unwanted image in her head. She looked at Isaac and then back as kuwath. She looked at Luka " if we're done here.... i... am gonna go and get some fresh air..." she said and left.

Isaac slowly and subtly scooted away from Kuwath saying "Thanks...." Then quickly adding "I've never really thought of what I would do if we survived, but if I has to do something it would probably have something with training young people to fight and defend themselves." Isaac said as Lilica left.
After weeks of traveling on the side roads trying to avoid any human patrols, the cart suddenly came to a stop the group was close to the capital you could already see the walls in the distance. But they weren’t going to the capital just yet they will meet the slaver in a village close to the city there the elf will “sell” them. The elf came to the back and said "alright now, all of you give me your weapons, don't worry you will get them back... maybe" He then threw a few metal chains towards the group “tie yourself up, you need to look like captives I wouldn’t recommend tying yourself too hard though” The elf said waiting for the group to give him their weapons.

Luka gazed at his claws and held them tightly, he sighed and gave the elf his claws then proceed to chain his legs first then his hands, he did so very loosely so he could easily break free just in case but they were still tight enough to give the impression that he was bound.

“For some reason I thought we will just walk to the capital and join the arena, I should have known we would be tied up” Luka said under his breath as he chained himself.
Isaac reluctantly gave his weapons to the elf saying "Take good care of them, and don't sell them either." He then proceeded to grab the chains the elf threw at them and bound his feet together loosely and binding his hands the same way making sure it looked they were bound to where he couldn't get out but he could break them if need be.
Lilica stared at her gun and gripped them tightly. She sighed a little and handed them to the elf " please don't loose them..." she said to him as she looked at the chains and can tell they can be broken easily. She tied her feet up in a way to show that they were tied up when in reality these will come off easily when she just pulls the chains in a certain way. She did the same thing for her hands. She faintly smirked at her handy work.

the elf took the pair of guns from Lilica then looked at Kuwath "what about you "bigmouth" where are your's" Kuwath looked at him grinning "why i have not idea of what you are talking about i'm anything but armed" he said as he hid the needles with his coat, "i have no need for such... tool's, did you not know, Aawut is a healer".
as the elf finished gathering the weapons he put each one in a separate bag, each colored differently, blue held Lilica's guns, purple held the twin claws, and the brown one had the swords,he tied them all up together, the elf then put on a hooded cloak it was hiding most of his face and pointy ears,he got back on the cart and they kept going, after a short while of heading to the big city he took a turn.

you arrive to some sort of an encampment where the slavers are planning an auction, it is a risky move for all of us could start a battle before entering the camp if some one notices his ears... good thing you are "cuffed" as you approach a stage the elf quietly said "prepare yourself for the big show guys... lady, make it believable" he stopped the cart behind a stage and said "wait until i call you to get up then introduce yourselves..."

he got up and started saying to the crowd "ladies and gentleman, i promised to come here and bring you the best fighters in all the land, now most of you think i brought humans but, BUT! i have here a really interesting bunch, these sacks contain their weapons" he tuns and puts the colored sacks on a table, "even their weapons are top notch, welcome you next main income, HERE THEY ARE."

Aawut turns his look at the bunch saying "well its show time who is gonna go first... well guess its gonna be me," he checks his shackles one last time mumbling "hey Kuwath... have fun."

he got up on stage but not before tightening the shackles real tough now it would be hard for any one to get out of them, he gets up on stage waving and smiling "hello, HELLO! my name is...", "Kuwath" he shouts as the mask rises almost magic like he did not even touch it, "now some of you are here to buy slaves to die in that arena, but i purely with all my sincere heart tell you that me, and the "slaves" that will come after me will be the best there ever were in the coliseum's history" he then made a swift movement towards his leg and and the chains fall over some of them look like they have been eaten by some thing, he raises both of his arms shouting "and this is just a small showcase of our real powers, i am really expecting a big price on us.... and NOW welcome the next one who will definitely will amaze no less then i did here they COME!."
Isaac stood up saying "I'm going to hate this." To himself then climbing out of the cart and onto the stage saying "What my friend speaks is is true we are the best warriors you will ever lay eyes on!" Isaac shouts at the crowd adding "But where are my manners my name is Isaac and if you wish to buy me I expect nothing less than so much money that you'll go bankrupt, but don't fear because when i'm put into the arena I will get ten fold the money you paid to get me!" Isaac yelled out the crowd.
Lilica blinked and looked at Luka " i am not sure about this...." she said quietly feeling nervous. She checked her shackles and took a deep breath. She head off to the stage and gave everyone a innocent smile " hey everyone!!" She giggled " i guess you didn't expect a lovely and innocent looking lady like me to be one of the best fighters huh?" She said with a cute wink that made all males stared at her with a lustfull look in their eyes. Her tail swayed and grinned " but... if you put buy me... I will give you a run for you money in the arena. I am not just a pretty face and I'll prove it... oh.. and i am Lilica" she finished up. ' I hope that was good...' She thought nervously but still had a smile on her face.

“I am not sure about this...." Lilica said to Luka quietly, "Don’t worry you will be great" Luka said winking at her then watching as she get up on the stage and did her part in the show. Then before he got up on stage he said quietly so that the crowd won’t hear but loud enough that the group he was part of will, "You do know that the money they pay for you, will not be yours right?" shaking his head he got up on the stage. "Hello humans, just like those who came before me I’m one of the best fighters money can buy" Luka looked at the chains he tied them for real before he got up on stage, then after taking two deep breaths with all of his strength he broke the chains by spreading his arms wide as he roared. Looking at the crowd Luka moved towards the sack of weapons, Luka picked it up and put it on the ground slowly so the humans won’t think he is trying to take arms. Then after one deep breath Luka punched the table shattering it. To be honest breaking the chains was a lot harder than shattering the table but shattering the table looked a lot cooler and the whole point of this was to show off. Luka shouted “And this is only a glimpse of my strength!” while spreading his arms wide.
The elf let a little smile escape his face he looked satisfied from the group’s performance, “As you can see these gladiators are one of if not the best you will see tonight. Now we are short in time so we are going to sell them in a bundle instead of one by one. Minimum offer is 200” Quickly three hands went up in the air then men started shouting numbers, each higher than the last. In the end only two humans were left fighting for the group. The fat one from the pair offered 1000 gold coins and it looked like he was about to win the auction. A tall slim man with pencil mustache, he had a formidable look and wore a black suit, the suit did not appear too expensive or flashy but a pocket watch chain was peeking out of his front suit pocket and also a cowboy hat attired with precious stones, when suddenly his voice echoed all over saying "2500 gold coins". You could see the fat guy that "wining" wanted to offer again but he stopped himself when he saw who it was who made the bid, the slim man that bought the group came to the stage shook the elf’s hand and pointed him towards a cart north of the stage where the gold coins were lying in a chest. The slim man took the bags of weapons from the ground then introduced himself as Alonzo. Alonzo lowered his hat in greetings then told the slaves “I’m a business man and from now on you are my products, I take good care of my products that’s just basic business. But if the product is damaged by nature I will not waste my time on it and I will dispose of it immediately.” Alonzo gave the group their weapons back and ordered them to follow him to a cart, Alonzo then untied Isaac and Lilica and didn’t bother to tie the group again knowing it’s futile, instead he casted a spell on the group “Don’t worry this spell is only so I can know where you are just in case you run away or something”

The group entered the city and ended up staying in one of Alonzo’s mansion, Alonzo gave them a quick guide showing them where they would sleep where they would eat and even showing them the upstairs rooms but he forbidden them of going there unless he ordered them to. Eventfully they got to their rooms and Alonzo leaves them saying “Your first fight is tomorrow you will fight as a group against another group of slaves, I expect you to win”

Luka sat on one of the beds and said "Well we got to the city now how the hell are we supposed to find the stone?" Luka said angry that he was now officially a slave
"Well if we take it slow and gain Alonzo's trust he may let us roam freely, but as long as he has that spell on us that won't work very well." Isaac said across from him on the other bed adding "For now all we can do is what he tells us to do so let's win the fight tomorrow and go from there." He said scanning the room for objections.
Lilica rubbed her wrists when the man took of the chains from her hand and casted the spell. She mentally as she didn't like but didn't complain about it seeing as it was futile. She mentally sighed when the man showed them around the house, it was fairly nice house.

When they were in their room alone, lilica laid down on her bed and weapons. That man gave of a weird a feeling and she didn't like it. She yawned as her angel wings popped out and curled around her " he is right... we should take it slow... rushing things will ruin what little progress we made...." she said to Luka.

Kuwath looked at Isaac "yes i do agree, but how about we make a few fights and then offer him a deal..." he said with a cunning look "we will fight for about a month and then we will tell him the truth, we will tell him what we are here to do and ask him for help and cover, if he disagrees... well we simply kill him and haste with the plan.", he then rushed out the door to call Alonzo "Sir, is the kitchen in our free disposal?" he asked with what he thought was an innocent smile, "Alonzo didn't say a word he just nodded and took his hand out of his suit pocket, "Kuwath then turned back and asked the guys... and lady "anyone up to some grilled meet?" with an actual innocent smile, when it comes to food Kuwath is a totally different man.
"Sure I could go for something to eat." Isaac said standing as he looks back at the rest of the group asking "You guys want anything, i'm sure there's a whole lot of food down there." Trying to coax anyone into coming with if they didn't want to.
Luka sighed "I don’t think telling a human that we plan to steal their most powerful weapon will work out. But like you guys said I guess for now we just fight in the arena and follow orders" Luka looked at Lilica's wings with admirations I wonder if she can fly Luka thought to himself. Luka then smiled as Kuwath suggested to get grilled meet "Oh hell yea, I missed your cooking" Luka said almost drooling.
Lilica sat up and her wings flapped " i want some!!... I haven't eaten anything since yesterday..." at that moment her stomach growled and she blushed and her wings covered her face. It was odd for her to be around so many guys.

"There's no need to hide everybody gets hungry it's just a natural body response, but irony that's something I don't know how it works." Isaac told Lilica as she hid behind her wings he found it pretty funny that her stomach growled at the same time she said she wanted food. @Evergreen98
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Kuwath smiled saying "now ladies and gentlemen the "maestro" is going to take over the kitchen and if anyone enters they die..." the mask was pulled down, and Aawut replied "that is not a joke neither of me are joking, Isaac, Luka stay out".

he entered the kitchen closing the door and blocking the keyhole so no one can even peek inside, he went to something, a metallic box very cold almost closet like, he never saw anything like this before yet he still opened it and what he saw he was amazed meat full of it goat, lamb, chicken, cow... every kind of meat he could imagine and some he didn't even know existed, but he decided to take it slow first thing, something every one knew he took some pork threw it on a grill covering it with a lid, he smoked with some broccoli for a while till it was bit charred, he did not add any sauce just bit salt and pepper, that was for Kuwath... but he still made enough if anyone else would take any, he then thought to make something for the lady, he chopped some lettuce with cherry tomato's, some green herbs lemon juice and just a tiny bit of garlic, one head, he did not salt it any bit for that is a mystery of the consumer only, he then proceed to to chop some fruits, bananas, strawberry, and a secret ingredient to give it that small push over the edge, he put in milk and and used a knife to stir it up real good, thanks to his speed there were practically no chunks, he then thought of Isaac and Luka what would they like, he figured those two were quite similar so he beat some dough grounded some meat and again with that same secret ingredient, as he wrapped the meat with the dough he poured some wine over it and threw it into a stone oven, he took it out just as it turned golden brown and sliced it into eight pieces, for the finale course he made some Carpaccio as something light to finish up before dessert, he took some beef and sliced it very, very thin he threw a dash of salt, and a few drops of lemon juice, and decorated it in a pretty round shape with some cilantro to add some color,

finally he took some coca beans and grounded them with some milk and sugar, after the batter was done he put it in small cups wooden and threw them in to the stone oven covering them so the wood will not burn, when it came out, it was beautiful soft, he laid it all out on clothed table and poured wine into a few glass, all in all it took him to make everything at about one hour maybe one and half, he opened the door and rang a bell calling everybody to eat.

but then decided to do something risky, since he was not allowed to come upstairs, he wrote a letter and tied it to one of his needles and threw it at Mr.Lorenzo's door, in the letter it said that he is inviting Mr.Lorenzo to dinner since he did not see any butlers or maids it would make him happy to hear what he thinks of some homemade cooking , he wanted to gain his trust... starting with his stomach.

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