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Realistic or Modern A departure toward fate - A world just like us [Casual - Superpowers - Semi Horror]



It's the morning. The sun is up, and your smiling because you're going to a party with people you cherished, some friends of yours. But, this travel may feel weird. Everything will be the same. The scenery, peoples, everything! But, not knowing why, something is disturbing you. Something is not in the right place. The travel won't affect everyone that much the first day, but the next days will be entirely different. A chair may not be at the right place, same as your car key. People won't act the same way they're used to. The sun is going down too fast. Sounds and light feel entirely different. Your back started to tingles more and more as the clues became more and more evident. And that's exactly what something truly want, something called the entity.

It wants to make you feel disturb, because the very soul residing in your own flesh will be easier to be broken once fears will start growing inside you. And when the moment truly come, you will be hopeless, the thing consuming your soul more and more until you're not the same person anymore. But it won't kill you. It wants to play with you. Hope and heroism will also feed his hunger, power and his one true goal. Becoming powerful enough in order to crash its world into reality, only wanting revenge against the one who made him that way, appeasing his endless rage. The entity hate himself, but they made him worn that mask. The one holding all the world's evil in its own body and soul.

If they weren't there to help you, you would probably not be able to to stay sane. But you're not alone, remember that. You have your friends, and others who're investigating on the entity who brought you in a different place where you used to be, the reality. Will you escape this world with your sanity intact? With your friends? Alone? Or will you be consumed, becoming something you had always feared? That will depend on you and everyone else, and your newfound powers that's slowly awakening inside you as time passed in this new wold.


-Cursing is allowed, but keep it low! We don't want the rp to be banned.
-Rpnation's rules.
-Romance can be cool! But don't push things too far.
-Don't make your characters too powerful, it will ruin the fun of everyone.

please don't post right now
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