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A Demon Crossover

Satan growls, breaking through Mason's smoke and standing. Elizabeth refused to leave. She quickly went to her third stage, which had made her hair grow longer and her eyes go completely black. Black wings formed behind her, her hands were similar to Mason's, and medium sized horns formed on her head.

"Shit, shit." Mason took a step back. His father's temper was worse than his. If Satan wanted to, he could kill Mason, Daniel, Maven, Conroy, and Elizabeth in a single blow. Mason could go to his fifth level immediately and keep Satan from doing anything at all, but that would spell trouble for his sanity. Maxwell, what do I do? His brother would know exactly how to handle this. He would help. Together they could both be on their third levels and send their father straight back to Hell.

But Maxwell isn't there.

Fuck it.

Mason cautiously goes into his fourth level. Huge black wings bigger than Elizabeth's tore through the back of his shirt. His body got a bit bigger, and his eyeballs go completely red. His horns got bigger as well, causing some hair to fall on his face. Veins all over his body rose.

Satan stayed in the same form, and attacked his son.
Daniel was waiting. Just watching and waiting... that was all he could do as the demons fought. Conroy returned a few seconds after Mason had moved to his fourth stage, and shouted, "Daniel! Heads up!" Daniel laughed and caught the glowing orb, and there was a quick flash of light. Once the light faded, Daniel was wearing a full suit of shining plate armor. It fit him perfectly, as a gift from a god should. Between the plates was a layer of durable leather which allowed him both movement and protection. His helmet also allowed full movement and visibility. The intricate armor was steel with a silver coating and pure iron edges, and the darker iron was used for a number of runic designs. Silver and pure iron were lethal to most dark creatures, so it made sense that his armor was covered in it.

Daniel chuckled for a moment as he looked himself over, then charged into the fray. A weapon could mean accidentally hurting Mason or Elizabeth, so he would hold back as long as he could and just use his hands. His first move was to grab Satan by the shoulders and literally throw him away from Mason.
Satan got thrown back, but quickly caught himself and got up, moving to attack Daniel and throw him to the ground and out of the way. He didn't care about the half-human. Satan's tendrils of darkness lashed out at Mason like sharp whips, cutting at Mason's clothing and skin and causing him to bleed all over. Mason looked unphased. The tendrils didn't hurt him, at least not yet.

Elizabeth threw her arms out to either side of her, palms facing the fighting father-son duo. She cast a shield much like skin for Mason to protect him from the lashings. The darkness couldn't slice through the second skin now given to Mason.

Mason dodged Satan's hits of dark magic, and while dodging, pulled a pure silver dagger out of his belt and mumbled some words to it. He had cursed the dagger with a holy spell, something he learned to do while speaking to an angel who had ignored God's orders to kill demons. In a swift movement, he tossed the dagger towards where Daniel was lying. The dagger spun through the air and looked like it was going to stab Daniel once it reached him, but it didn't. The dagger stopped just short of Daniel's body, hovering in the air.

"It's cursed!" Mason calls. "Use it. Conroy- holy spells-" he stuttered but was cut off by a hit to the gut, to which he quickly responded. Fire formed around Mason's hands, and he shot streams of fire to burn Satan. Other magic does damage, but the strongest damage is done by holy magic.
"Already on it!" Conroy was finishing creating a ball of pure light in his hands. He hoped this attack worked well, since it had taken so much time. With a quick prayer to whatever God would listen, he threw the ball at Satan, hitting him directly in the chest. No time for celebration thoigh, they had no time. Conroy was already preparing a similar cast.

Daniel chuckled and grabbed the dagger. Innately knowing exactly how to handle it, he spun it around in his fingers before throwing it and hitting Satan in the back, then following it by pulling Satan further from Mason again before throwing him aside a short distance (after he'd taken the dagger back).
Satan cries out in pain. The dark tendrils repair him and his wounds, but they take a long time. "You pathetic creature," Satan turns to Daniel, his veins now black through his skin and looking inhuman. He sends a shot of darkness to Daniel, making them surround him and sting him. Those tendrils around the dagger seem to burn and hiss, however.

Satan puts up a block against the next blow from Conroy, only bits and pieces of that magic actually touching Satan. He turns to Mason, who is giving him too much trouble.

"Child, how dare you arm others against me." Satan narrows his eyes. Elizabeth attacks now, seeming to form a weapon out of fire in her hands and run at Satan, hitting him, only to be thrown to the ground much like Daniel was before as the tendrils yet again worked to repair him.

Mason was standing, ready to fight, in front of his father. Without warning, though, Mason's eyes suddenly widen. "No..." He whispers. "No, no, NO! Get out of my head!" Mason grips the sides of his head, grimacing and starting to tremble.

His father smirks. "Now, will you stay down?" Satan hums and turns to the mage and the warrior. Mason seems to shed tears, collapsing to his knees on the grass and still gripping his head. His fourth stage disappears, leaving only tattered clothes and a man now looking boyish and weak. He screams and cries out in agony, the screams full of sorrow and terror.
Daniel would have felt bad for Mason if he had been able to. The dark tendrils somehow found every cink in his armour to sting him, and that was besides keeping him fro attacking the cause. The what he was waiting for happened: a blast of holy magic from Conroy, aimed at Daniel. The tendrils were torn apart by the glowing thorns of the attack, then both disappeared. Conroy quickly put up a Holy shield around Mason to prevent Satan from getting to him while he was down.

This has gone on too long. "Roy, quick!" Conroy looked at Daniel for a moment, then nodded and reached into the black bag he was still carrying. He pulled out another orb, which he threw to Daniel, but this one turned into a battle axe that was over six feet high, weighed well over 100 pounds, and had a silver edged blade. Daniel moved in front of Elizabeth so she'd have time to recover, and swung his axe around in one hand, waiting to put it up in a defense stance if it was needed.
Elizabeth quickly recovered and stood, standing next to Daniel. Now with rose vines coming from her hands, she uses one thick one like a whip and stands defensively. Satan looks at the pair of them and chuckles.

"A demon and a demon hunter, standing side by side and fighting together." Satan shakes his head. He's already in his third level, the third out of ten. "How... heartwarming." Satan has his darkness mimic the shape of Daniel's axe in his hand, the form exactly the same. He smirks and swings it with both hands at Daniel. If he blocked it with his own axe, the two would likely be evenly matched. If he couldn't dodge it, it would send Daniel flying. Elizabeth swung her rose vine at Satan's dark axe, weakening the strength of it just enough so that the tendrils would hold together, but the force would at the most send Daniel back a few feet.
Daniel looked over his shoulder to check on Elizabeth, then back to Satan. He had just enough time to move his axe up in a high block, though the force threw him back a few feet. So they were evenly matched. But was Satan as practiced as Daniel? Daniel was back on his feet in a moment, and rushing Satan. He brought his axe up for a high, arcing hit, but at the last second moved the axe low for a shot at Satan's midsection. If it was blocked, there was enough force to at the very least make Satan stumble back. If it hit, it would certainly cause considerable damage.

Conroy cast a shard of pure holy magic at Satan, aimed directly at the axe he'd made. All he could think of was the need to end this fight before something happened... if Satan decided to use a mind-magic attack on Daniel, there was little either of them could do. Conroy would have to go fully offensive and hope it was was enough to stop the demon king.
Satan's axe seems to evaporate, the tendrils screaming until more of them are formed out of his body. With a rose vine in each hand, Elizabeth rushes behind Satan and whips them at his arms. The vines wrap around his wrists and arms and the thorns prick his skin. Elizabeth tugs the vines back so that Satan can't form another axe and is left without the use of his hands. She knew well enough that in this stage, he couldn't do much more than Mason could in his fourth. While training in the past, she proved she could hold her own against all but one of Mason's forms. More vines come up out of the ground, wrapping around Satan's ankles to keep him in place.

The Devil yells in frustration, cussing Elizabeth out in their demonic language. Elizabeth has put Satan in an optimal position for anyone's attack. She gives both Conroy and Daniel quick looks, as if to tell them to hurry their asses up because she can't keep a tight grip on Satan for long.
Conroy didn't need another window. He glanced to Daniel, who nodded, then he took a step forward and threw a spear of pure light right into Satan's chest, which was followed immediately by Daniel using the blunt side of his battle axe to hammer the spear deeply into Satan's chest. Once inside the spear of light began to crystallize and shatter, making many more tiny Spears that stabbed inside the demon and spread, causing massive internal damage.

Daniel immediately took a step back, since he wasn't sure if Satan was down or not, and waited. But he felt something odd on the back of his mind, like a memory was trying to surface. Something was pulling at his attention... but was it important enough to take his attention off of the battle at hand?
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A deep, pained growl is heard over the sounds of magic, weaponry, and Mason's sobs.

Elizabeth releases the vines, and Satan falls to his hands and knees as the darkness around him runs for cover and the light inside him eats him from the inside out. He lets out a yell and a pulse of black comes from him, sending the light out of him and the darkness back in.

He goes back to his basic form as he collapses. He is spent, to say the least. "I give in." His voice is raspy, and he winces. A higher form and this wouldn't have phased him this much. Why did he underestimate these children? He looks up at them. "You have given me a good fight." He groans and holds his stomach. The darkness works to heal him, but he needs to go back to Hell to heal fully.

"I will be seeing you all again. On better terms next time." Satan half smiles, looking satisfied and fading into a gray mist as he sends his physical form back to his kingdom.
Daniel slowly relaxed, half waiting for the demon king to return. He wanted to be ready just in case, since his demon allies were down. He couldn't afford to lose them if Satan did return, though Mason had been rather easily defeated.

Maven walked outside from the inn where she'd been hiding and moved to Elizabeth's side. "Don't worry, I'll be quick, then you can get to Mason, and I'll heal you more after that." She'd have gone to Mason, but he needed to calm down some before it was safe to work with him. Hoping that her magic would work on demons, she gently took Elizabeth's hand in hers. The dark whips had caused some damage, which Maven set to healing. The healing magic left a gentle, warm, numb feeling as it healed Elizabeth.

Once Daniel was certain that Satan wasn't returning, he started clawing at his helmet, searching for the latches to get the helmet off. He hated helmets for a number of reasons, among them the fact that they were stuffy and that they made him seem more intimidating than he was. He didn't like seeming scary.... But he was delaying taking his helmet off, because he didn't want Maven to work on him before Mason or Elizabeth. Conroy walked over to him and looked him dead in the eyes. "You okay?" Daniel glanced at Conroy and nodded, then sighed a bit. Conroy was silent for a few moments before quietly saying, "I thought you were going for a minute there."

Daniel looked away. He didn't want to admit that he had been, but only for a second. The close proximity to such dark magic had made him susceptible, and the strain on his body hadn't helped. Finally he looked back to Conroy. In his armor, Daniel actually had a slight height advantage to Roy, and for some reason it seemed especially evident at that moment. It also seemed especially evident that he was more powerful than Roy.... Daniel shook his head a bit. "I may have been.... Go tend to Mason and Elizabeth."
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Elizabeth thanks Maven, then hurriedly rushes to Mason and holds him close. His wounds are slowly healing by themselves. He hugs Elizabeth and rests his face in the crook of her neck, shaking. Whatever images Satan had put in Mason's head had shaken Mason to his core. She strokes his hair, and he is still crying although the images are gone. She assures him that everything is okay. Elizabeth knew this trick all too well, Satan uses it against Mason whenever he wants to render him incapacitated.
Seeing that the two demons were busy, Daniel reached up and slowly removed his helm. A number of cuts along his neck and jaw showed where the dark tendrils had crept into his armor and cut him. He stayed silent as he tapped the rune on his armor that made it return to its sphere form, leaving him with cuts around his elbows and wrists. His shirt was cut around those places, and stained from the blood slowly seeping from the wounds. However, his face remained impassive, even as Maven began healing the wounds. If he showed anything, it was discomfort and maybe a disconnected bit of melancholy. Everything felt a bit... odd, as if he were dazed. He glanced over at Mason and Elizabeth quite a few times, though, and his thumb started slowly rubbing the wooden ring on his finger. Maven quietly asked him, "You okay?" Daniel glanced down at her and gave her a bit of a forced smile that didn't show in his eyes. "Yes. I am, thank you." That was a lie, because he wasn't okay. He was upset by how he had been brought to feel his demon side so easily, and he was missing Celeste desperately.
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Elizabeth lets go of Mason, helping him stand up. Once they're both standing, Elizabeth guides Mason to the others. He looks rather dead inside and is staring off at the ground, seeming lost in nothingness.

"Are you all okay?" Elizabeth asks, noticing the wounds. "I can't believe Satan lost his cool like that." She sighs and looks apologetic.

Mason lets go of Elizabeth, his knees feeling weak. Like before, only worse this time, he was feeling empty. Mason walks off and sits on a rock nearby, putting his face in his hands and rubbing it. He needed to get over this stupid fear.
Daniel smiled a bit to Elizabeth. Maven was still working on healing his wounds,but he wouldn't hold still. He put his armor orb in the back bag, then returned his axe to its sphere form and put it in the bag too. For some reason, it just felt like if he held still he'd be overwhelmed by something. Perhaps that was just his adrenaline wearing off, though. "No harm done. I have to say, he can give criticism and the like, but he can't take it." Daniel had a new way of looking at Elizabeth, though. She knew about Celeste, at least vaguely.... And, of course, she had fought alongside him.

Conroy was still just absorbing how lucky they were that Satan hadn't decided to use mental magic on Daniel. There was little that could stop his friend when he lost it. He looked over at Mason with visible pity. Not even a Demon deserved what Satan had done to him, to have their mind played with and used against them.
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Elizabeth nods. "Yes, he's far too prideful to take criticism. It's his biggest sin." She glances to Mason, then looks back to the others. "Satan has the power to put memories or images into people's minds. He did that with Mason. Mason had to relive some horrid memories. He's a fragile being, and I believe it is best to leave him alone for awhile. He will come to us when he feels he is ready." Elizabeth would have told them exactly what Mason had seen, but felt it was a bunch of useless information that would waste their time.
"Very well. I think he's earned some time alone." Daniel's wounds were mere scratches by this point, thanks to Maven's healing. They stung, but they didn't impede him in any way, so he wasn't very concerned. The sudden absence of adrenaline was making him rather weary, so scratches weren't his biggest concern. He had questions now.... Did they have to find new lodging? Did they have to worry about Satan's return? Could the King of Hell possibly send someone or something after them? The fact that demons such as he could jump dimensions made this possible was problematic enough, but past that, what else could he do...?
Elizabeth and the others made their way back to the inn, leaving Mason to get his bearings. Elizabeth was worried, of course, but there was nothing she could do to protect Mason from his thoughts. Comforting him doesn't work in times like this. She goes back to her and Mason's room, considering packing up and moving out. After thinking about it for a few minutes, she rushes back downstairs and to the trio. "I have a proposal." Elizabeth says to them.
Maven had been trying to apply a bandage to a cut on Daniel's cheek when Elizabeth had returned. Daniel was in the midst of pulling away from the healer as a child would their mother. And Conroy was leaning back in his chair and laughing at them both.

However, all three of them stopped what they were doing to look up at Elizabeth. Conroy was the first to reply. He had come to have some great respect for the she-demon, and was more than willing to listen to her. "What is it?"
"Mason and I will assist you in tracking down or killing the demons in your world, whatever you may need. We'll also protect you if Satan or his pets come back- we know what they are capable of, although I do not think they will be coming back. In exchange, I'd like us to be assured a peaceful stay and as much protection from angels as you can give us while we are in this realm." Elizabeth says, looking hopeful and praying the three will agree. Honestly, it's a good offer, if she does say so herself.
Conroy looked to Daniel, who Maven had managed to successfully bandage, much to the hunter's irk. Daniel returned the glance and then looked back to Elizabeth. I wasn't a bad deal, but they really didn't need much help with demons. It was Satan and these new, more powerful demons that were the concern. Daniel nodded a bit and sighed. "Well, there are no angels here. I honestly don't know what an angel is, but they sound like some holy kind of being. We have no interference from the Gods." He paused for a second, then added, "Well, near none. Your only issue would be potentially with the Order, since you have such powerful dark auras. However, we can promise you as much of a peaceful stay as possible."
Elizabeth nods, seeming satisfied with the agreement. "Splendid. Well, then, it's settled. Once Mason comes back I will let him know. Maybe you will teach us how you go about this 'hunting' business, yes?" She reaches into her satchel, pulling out a necklace of sorts. "This necklace repels creatures who have escaped from Purgatory- the divide between Hell and Heaven in our world. With this, they cannot touch you, and a shield protects you from their magic to an extent. They are very powerful. Satan tends to use these escapees as his pets before he kills them for disobeying and escaping. Please, keep this nearby. See it as a peace offering. A gift." Elizabeth says and holds out her palms, where the silver necklace is lying with an opal charm on it. She has a slim grey Victorian choker on with the same opal charm, although it is just a bit smaller.
Conroy thabked Elizabeth, took the necklace and slowly looked it over. The magic in it was evident, but he didn't know how much use it would be in their realm. But now that Satan had visited, it was better to play safe than sorry. He didn't need this, Daniel didn't really need it... Conroy turned to Maven. As their least powerful fighter yet possibly the most essential member, she needed protection wherever she could get it. And Roy wanted to keep her safe as well. "It will help protect you... would you wear it?"

Maven had stayed silent while the deal had been made, and now that she was offered the necklace, she smiled and nodded. Mostly because she knew that Conroy was just worried about her. Strategically, though, it did make sense for her to have it. It was also a very gorgeous necklace which was a plus. She pulled her hair aside and let Conroy put it on her, his touch as gentle and tender as ever. Once it was around her neck, she looked down at it and grinned. It was a very nice necklace.

While Conroy and Maven had been busy, Daniel had said to Elizabeth, "Of
course we'll teach you. We'll also have to teach you how to avoid the Order. They're not as understanding as we are and they don't take prisoners either. Eventually If you two want to settle down, though, you can."
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Elizabeth nods. "That sounds wonderful. Thank you," She says. Just then, Mason comes inside the inn. He looks slightly disheveled, but better than he was looking before. Elizabeth goes to him and hugs him, asking him if he is okay. Mason hugs her back and says that he's just fine.

In truth, he wasn't. Mason was still shaken, still upset. His relationship with his father has been going nowhere but downhill. He suspects it is because there's not long until Satan is put out of commission by the angels attacking Hell. He may be trying to toughen Mason up to take the throne.

"Mason, I asked them about the plan we thought of last night. They agreed," Elizabeth says, looking bright and happy. Mason smiles fondly at his wife's happiness.

"That's lovely, we can definitely make a home out of this place," Mason says, happy to take the attention off of himself. Elizabeth knew that, and did well in changing the subject to take the focus off him.

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