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Fandom A Chance Meeting at Ilex Forest

"Oh, a battle? She's not in danger is she?" She asked, already getting in a defensive stance.
"Nah, but we'll probably have to fight."

"Go, Empoleon!" shouts the other trainer.

"Here we go -- Sugar, you're up!" their trainer calls.
Sugar went up, prepared to fight for her trainer. "Hi, no hard feelings empoleon."
Sugar was ready to dodge, but waited for a command .. isn't that how these work?
Feeling relieved that she didn't have to choose she unleashed her flamethrower at the empoleon.
Sugar attempts to dodge in return. She wondered if she would be good at this
She did as told, her eyes glowed and a light orb emanated from them twirling and swirling in front of empoleon.
"Ok!" She said excitedly before launching another flamethrower.
She giggled. "She knows me so well she knows what I mean!" She said happily.

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