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Fandom A Chance Meeting at Ilex Forest

"It is," he says. "You know...a lot has happened since you came to the forest. I think we're all better for it."
"I hope so.." she said looking at the ground. "Sometimes I feel like im more trouble than im worth."
"That's not true," he says earnestly. "Don't let anyone tell you that. I wouldn't even be alive if it weren't for you. Simon would never have found his brother. Bryndle wouldn't even exist!"
"Heh, thanks you.." She said nuzzling her mate. "Y'know.... I cant lie, at first I wasn't sure about us being mates... but now I couldn't imagine it any better way."
"Well, I had my concerns too -- mostly that it would bother you that I was older or whatever -- but I think we make an excellent team. You know, I bet Shelby is probably banging away at her keyboard -- making our bot buddies advance science or something along those lines. You think they're happy?"
"If they were any other family I would've taken them away from her as soon as possible." She said shaking her head. "But they're so dependent on duty and serving, and now they serve every day... it seems like they've been completely replaced with new personalities in a way, but I think that's just their pleasure in serving."
"Lucario are a strange breed," admits Cass. "Once they dedicate themselves to something, they go all in. I think Liese and her brothers are still 'in there', so to speak, but I imagine that they also consider themselves as designated machines too. It's odd, because it sounds like it should be sad, but I think...I think they're actually okay with it."
"I think that they might be happier than they were originally, now that they are always serving." She said. "You're right, I think most would look at it negatively, but they're happy with it."
"And as we both know -- they can reprogram themselves, so their decision to give up their willpower was intentional. Like I said, a strange breed -- but a happy family, as it were. I know Shelby cares about them -- she seems to understand them better than we did. I guess the A.I.R.S. did some good, huh?"
"Yeah, though im happy it didn't take you." She said nuzzling him once more.
"I doubt I would have liked being a robot much -- though I never tried it. I owe you and Simon a great deal for granting me a body again. I thought I was gonna be a marble forever."
"Hey, you were a pretty good looking marble." She said giggling a little. "But im glad too, without you Bryndle and the three little ones wouldn't exist, and we wouldn't have found Shelby."
Cassiopeia nods. "Funny how one's life can greatly impact the lives of so many others. Did you want to go home? I suppose it's about time to hit the hay, after all."
"I suppose, we don't want Shelby worrying about us." she said, still looking at the sunset.
"No im fine, I'm enjoying this nice walk." She said. "And the excellent company I have to add."
Cass chuckles. "I think I'm the lucky one for company. Oh, but here!" He claps his hands and a flurry of petals fall from the sky over the pair. "Nothing like walking home with flowers, right?"
She looked at the petals, they were beautiful. "You're such a romantic Cass." She said, leaning on her mate slightly, despite his size.
"Me? No, I just like to try and declare my affections as best I can. Oh, and look! We're not the only couple -- I see humans ahead."

This is punctuated by a mischievous smile.
She raised an eyebrow. "Not a romantic eh? I don't buy it for a second." She said before looking at the pair ahead.
She smiled mischievously with him. "What did you have in mind?"
"Hehe, you're evil. I love it. They're a cute couple, how about a plusle and minun?"
"Evil? I just like pranks. Those are perfect choices! Think we should let them see us, or just change them and watch?"

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