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Fandom A Certain Scientific Index; Academy City


Elder Member

Character sign up template, don't forget to include whether your character is an esper, mage or powerless.

Tokiwadai and Nagatenjouki have admission restrictions to start off with to prevent everyone going to the same school.

No more than 2 characters attending Tokiwadai or Nagatenjouki;

Edit:Tokiwadai and Nagatenjouki are FULL.

No further admissions.

Skill level is also capped to start off with, maximum level allowed is 3 unless stated otherwise

Please state if you'd like to be a member of either Judgement or Anti-skill;





Classification (Esper/Mage/Powerless);


Level (only applicable to espers);




Extra information;
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/large.jpg.15fcb130809940f44d570d79d8ceb2c2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126132" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/large.jpg.15fcb130809940f44d570d79d8ceb2c2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Kakirou Lentis/ Disputatio978

Age: 16

School: None


Power: Synchronization- Like most mages, Disputatio978 is wields several spells and forms of magic, based on a common field of magic. Disputatio978 is capable of manipulating all forms of auras by synchronizing them into given patterns of emission, be them magical or AIM fields. Through this, he is capable of using the following types of spells:

*Mimicry- he can mimic a greatly downscaled version of any ability whose user he has come in proximity with. The ability gets closer to that of the user´s with prolongued exposure, being that there may be be up to 2 moths to a year before it can be used at 99.99% of the user´s own capacity, despite never actually reaching 100% as that would destroy his own abilities. An esper´s abilities that are used beyond 50% capacity will lock his powers for an hour for every 2% beyond it. An ability he has only heard about can also be mimicked, however there needs to be sufficient information on both the original user and the ability itself, plus due to lack of exposure to the actual user of the ability, it can never go beyond the basic downscaled form (unless another user with the exact same ability comes about).

*Morphism- He can use his power to control his own shape or that of willing targets. The result will always be different from the original, though, one of the most proiminent features being the inability to remove wounds or sickness.

*Induction- He can induce sensations, perceptions or even thoughts onto people. The latter, though, is only possible with willing or completely calm targets, as it takes a rather precise manipulation of the auras to do so. Can be reversed to attain information, but requires him to be rather close to the target and I very limited in what it can obtain (a random memory or a single moment´s thought per use).

*Mana Leak- He can manipulate the output of the fields, either making them more intense than usual thus improving the ability of the original user temporarily at a greater cost than any usual ones, or he can lower their original power (only applicable to mages). He can turn his own field into a partial mana source, though, replenishing his stamina and giving him greater survivability, though it is still necessary to properly care for wounds, since a person can die even if they have mana in them.

*Awareness- He is capable of knowing if a magician or esper is nearby and immediately identify their abilities.


*Great variety of uses for the ability makes him an adaptable fighter

*Able to counter opponents if he can last that long

*Good support for nearly any team

*Rather useful abilities for mundane life

*Extremely competent against other manipulation-type mages or espers


*requires the use of typical mage tools, such as the symbolic item (in his case, coins from Rome) and his own life force. The latter can make hi stamina get drawn out quickly

*not suitable for chaotic fighting or fighting based on sheer brawl

*his abilities have a limited use against espers and particularly against powerless

*all of his abilities are flawed from the getgo and his own power is limited to his knowledge and own aura. The bigger the percentage of it he is manipulating toward the effectiveness of one ability, the less of it will be supporting his other abilities, thus while he is able to chose which abilities he wants to use, using several at once is not just hard but severely limiting to all abilities involved.

Level: None (his a mage)

Affiliation: Neutral (Mercenary)

Personality: Disputatio978 is a over-excited and fun-loving young man. He is always laughing and smiling even in innapropriate times. He craves both knowledge and power, as he is a rather curious person, but also because he believes those may help achieve his goal of mutual understanding between him and...pretty much everyone else.

Strangers would say Disputatio978 is a cold and brutal person despite his cheerful demeanor. Those who don´t know him well would say he has trouble trusting. Those who do know him well, few as they are, would tell you he doesn´t trust at all. Empathy is an emotion that is foreign to him, making him a rather self-centered person, and also one with a rather pessimistic view on things, unable to see their silver lining. However, it would be wrong to call him narrow minded: He is actually a rather curious, resourceful and open-minded person, one that is quick to think. He is quite understanding, actually, and unless someone is on his way somehow, he´ll let them live their lives however they want.

In fact, he is even quite aware of his situation. He realizes his own lack of empathy can often drive people away, however, he isn´t able to express it. Hence, he chooses try to ignore his easily hurt feelings and spend his time in solitude. He is one of charming words he rarely keeps and will not hesitate to tell a lie. He wouldn´t hesistate to take the frontlines either, though, or a bullet for anyone that could make him sympathise for them.

Disputatio978 takes things more seriously than he looks, though he doesn´t look like he takes anything seriously in any way. He easily gets lost in though if calm, a rare occurrence. He keeps most comments to himelf and is humble rather than competitive or critical.

Bio: Even as a young kid, Kakirou was a problem child, much to the grief of his zealously catholic parents. He would often hurt other children or steal things without a second thought. His attitude did change, not through a change of heart, but out of fear for the punishment which were often violent in nature, either due to people just easily resorting to it, or people driven to desperation by his lack of response towards lecturing or scolding. He learned how to make himself appealing and easily make friends , soon going from just feared to popular. However, behind the mask, he continued to be a bully. He didn't cease to steal or hurt, only from doing so in public. He would mock people and pull pranks, which could range from silly to actually dangerous. He would just laugh it away, and over time, people started getting away from him, until he was all alone. He never really realized this, though, until the way when, during a field trip, he tripped and hit his head, passing out. Nobody bothered coming to look for him until the teachers found out there was a student missing when they were getting back on the buses. Hence, he spent three whole days and nights wondering alone. The experience marked him for life, as that was the time when he first realized he was missing out on something important, something he couldn´t grasp.

Encouraged by the fact Kakirou wasn´t so popular anymore, one kid tried pulling a prank on him, resulting in Kakirou loosing his temper and beating him up. He was caught on camera doing so, and soon his parents were deemed unfitting or raising him by a court. He was taken away from them, into an orphanage. Once more, he knew true loneliness and isolation, which drove his wish of being able to understand and be understood. Eventually, that wish became powerful enough for him to begin developing talent in magic, thus he was yet again taken away, this time by a church organization, anihilatus, due to his abilities allowing him to sense the auras in order to manipulate them. Thus, he was raised by this organization and received his magic name as well.

As Disputation978, he was greatly sought out by other groups, including the Roman Catholic Church. Having been raised in great part by the orthodox church, but in an attempt to nevertheless honor his parents, who were catholics, he decided to quit both and go his way, instead working for the highest bidder. This wasn´t taken well, but after defeating several other magicians, both churches realized it would be more profitable to try to bribe him rather than to attemot to force him into anything.

Having come to believe the extension of his power is connected to the fulfillment of his wish, Disputatio978 has become power-hungry and knowledge-hungry. He has travelled to academy city now to get acquainted with the citie´s espers, hoping to assimilate knowledge and abilities.

Extra information:

Theme song:




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Name ; Kurohana Ayano

Age ; 14

School ; Tokiwadai

Classification ; Esper

Power ; Electromaster

Known as the ability to manipulate electromagnetic fields, Electromaster allows its user to generate and manipulate electricity, and sense phenomenon related to it. All electric fields from the surrounding nature, as well as information from their electromagnetic and magnetic fields, are retained subconsciously, whether or not the user approves of it. Also, Electromasters have the ability to be influenced by disturbances in electromagnetic waves. Currently, Ayano shows some potential to achieve "Railgun", though she has yet a lot of learning to do, and her electromagnetic burst still needs work.

Level ; 3

Affiliation ; None

Personality ;

Bio ;

Extra information ;
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Absolute Law;

Absolute law is a psychokinetic ability which grants the user the ability to manipulate almost anything,so long as it is physically possible and the users will is strong enough.

This ability includes but is not limited to the application of other esper abilities, though the ability in question must be physically sighted and the user must have a fundamental understanding of how it works .

At its present level, absolute law can only be enforced for a period of
5 minutes.










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Level (only applicable to espers);



Academy City Board of Directors

(science side)



Extra information;​
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Ayane Chosinsei






Tokiwadai middle school



Appearance Description:

Ayane is a petite girl with fair skin. she had long brunette hair in her own unique style which honestly even she couldn't explain. She can always be seen in the Tokiwadai middle school uniform mostly because she personally likes it. She has rather strange eyes with them being red a characteristic she sheared with her father so in hindsight it wasn't that strange. She is rather small being only five foot but that had never bother her.


Hot-blooded and outgoing. Ayane is the type of girl to run into things headfirst without looking up to see the problem. She'll take to any situation with extreme fervor, always eager to get the spotlight and to "save the day." Being a Level 4, she tries her best to conduct herself with respect and leadership, but it's frequently hard for her shotgun voice to refrain from spouting a few profanities or vulgarities here and there. She's not afraid to speak her mind! She often finds herself going through periods of rest and chaotic energeticness. She generally has a positive outlook on life, and never seems to feel something is impossible or too hard to do.

Giving up or giving in is not something she'd easily do. And neither is failure. She is the type of person who takes losses and bad outcomes rather poorly; losing her temper and self-control over anything she can't seem to complete or succeed at. From simple arcade games to debates, her respect can take quite a severe turn for the worst. She can be sneaky and underhanded at times when push comes to shove, but she never loses her sense of honor and fairness; "An equal opponent is a perfect opponent!"

Ayane also acts like she blasé about everything even new things, she acts like she as already seen everything and never seems to be impressed by it. They is a few odd occasions where she has been surprised in which it takes her mind a few seconds to process what going on and how it happened, which she wont move until her brain seems to have a solution normally ending badly.

Although hot-blooded and outgoing normally they is times when Ayane can get very serious mostly when the situation calls for it. When this happens her personality slightly changes mostly seen that she goes mostly quiet and stoic, she also begins to think things thought more and more rather than just running in. Personally she hates this factor but she can't do anything about it, its like a second person takes over whenever this happens and stays until it she finishes doing whatever it is she is doing.


+ Anime/Manga

+ Art

+ Food

+ Animals

+ Sleeping

+ Sports

+ Fighting

+ Movies


- Spiders

- Scary things

- The cold

- Upsetting others

- Rotten food

- Rejection

General Skills:

She has an extremely high understanding of science mostly physics. This is because of her ability without this knowledge her ability would be mostly useless. She learned this during the years she spent training and trying to discover what else her ability could do.

She is a master chef mostly from her living alone for a few years and at the house she was staying at she was always cooking for herself and her 'mother'.

She has knowledge of first aid thanks to Judgments training but it is only a very understanding CPR, bandaging and more things along these lines nothing advanced.

She has a advanced understanding of the human anatomy knowing where to hit to take down an opponent without injuring them too much.

Affiliated Group:


Esper Power:

Kinetic Drive Level 4:

The ability to manipulate kinetic energy in its base form. She can absorb, expel, and store kinetic energy from any moving or impacting object. Any force she casts with her own body upon another object generates kinetic energy which she can absorb, thus she can create energy for herself, though this method is much slower than others. Because temperature is the direct measure of atoms average kinetic energy, she can therefore also decrease temperature of anything touching her. Extremely hot things as explosions or fire can be rendered inert to her body, though pure energy forms like electricity which lack kinetic energy are unable to be stopped by her.

She can absorb a maximum amount of energy of around 75'000MPH, or around 21 MPS(miles per second). She can inject kinetic energy into moving objects as well, creating projectiles using ordinary objects.


Ayane was born to two rather loving people but as it was she a mistake they had not wanted children just yet but alone came Ayane to ruin things. Ayane mother died while having Ayane and her father tried to raise her along but it was very stressful for him working a full time job and trying to put the food on the table as well as raise a young child. Ayane was normally alone, her father working, her mother dead but she never let it get her down always studying and having fun it seemed to be the only thing that was able to put a smile on her fathers face was the fact that this care free child was so happy with what little they had. That's when everything changed, her father didn't return from work for three days fact is he needed the money so he worked three days over time. Then it happened he died from being overworked. So Ayane was left alone. Luckily she wasn't alone for very long as her neighbor a youngish women decided to take Ayane under her wing and even got her into Tokiwadai Middle School when she was of age.

Though not born a naturally gifted esper that's a fact she was originally seen as a level 2 and even weak for a level two standard at that. This didn't bother her for a while until others began to pick on her still life went on and she was still weak. That was until she deiced to explore what her ability can truly do. Not so long after that she discovered her ability could do much, much more than what she initially thought and she began to train it more and more.

Once she began training she did garner the abilities she now possesses rather quickly. Ascending the ladder of power levels came easily and quickly, becoming a 5 before she even left primary school. Her ability to control is astounding, but it is still a long ways off from the other big shots in town.

She attends the famed Tokiwadai Middle School as a senior. In her school life, and with her rowdy self, she has had a few run-ins with both those lower and higher than herself in terms of strength, labeling her as a delinquent to most. Such titles have seemingly lowered her chance to present herself as a responsible 'leader' or sorts, but she still tries hard to change her ways. They don't really budge much nonetheless.

She joined Judgment during her first year of middle school as the crime spiked slightly and she could see it having an effect on her classmates as well as the town. It wasn't a massive spike of crime but enough for it to be noticed. She at first decided to ignore it but after a while it was the last straw especially when she saw one of her friends being attack on the street. Now her friend wasn't even an esper neither was she in any shape to defend herself being pregnant that is. So she approached the situation and asked them nicely to stop at first but then one of them made the mistake of pushing her, a mistake that would prove drastic. Judging from the one doing all of the actions it would seem he was the boss in this little gang so taking him out the rest would give up. She simply walked back over to him and flicked him in the knee, using her ability the boss fell to the floor and he guess was right the rest ran or tried to anyway. Picking up some lose change on the floor she increased its kinetic energy so it would travel faster. The coins she threw hit them then finally someone from Judgement arrived only to notice to problem has already been dealt with. Ayane decided to join from that day in order to help other and with a level 4 esper on judgement the crime went slowly back down.​
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/miracute.jpg.33fc8b5b2914462790748006b605b394.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="125752" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/miracute.jpg.33fc8b5b2914462790748006b605b394.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> ( the others at first glance... might seem innap ( only because of design ). So I used this one. perfectly cute still! )

Name; devon nova

Age; 16

School; -

Classification (Esper/Mage/Powerless); esper

Power; - insert one punch man jokes - ( super speed, and increased strength. )

Level (only applicable to espers); 2

Affiliation; -

Personality; - never used indeedy -

Bio; -

Extra information; ( I don't like bios mostly. because how the hell would someone know that. Plus, if someone could look at someone's memory. I would just rp it out.



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Name: Takahiro (Nii) Watanabe

Age: 26

School: Math Teacher at A Certain Highschool

Classification: Powerless

Affiliation: Anti-Skill


Takahiro was raised in a simple household with his parents and his sister, Rin. The best way to describe his childhood would be with the word 'Average'. He went to an average school, lived in an average house and enjoyed his average day. As a child, Takahiro had always been on the softer side and was sometimes an easy target for bullies, but his younger sister Rin, who was much stronger then he was, would always protect him. Takahiro always considered Rin his best friend and spent more time with her then most of his actual friends. However, during the age of 12, Takahiro and Rin got held up in a hostage situation with various other people inside a bank. The bank was the target of some would-be bank thief espers. The hostage takers were nervous and scared, they hadn't planned on taking hostages and didn't know what to do when the bank was surrounded. When the authorities started to move on the bank, one of the espers went crazy and killed a few hostages with his power hoping that'd keep the bank from being raided, all it did was cause someone to shoot him from outside. Takahiro's sister was one of the hostages killed. While he didn't show it, her death affected him greatly and never was truly able to get over it. Once Takahiro graduated highschool, he became a teacher and joined Anti-Skill. He felt that if he helped protect other people then he could repay his sister who always had been helping him. Takahiro still carries a picture of Rin and Himself on him at all times.

Personality: At first glance, Takahiro seems like a lazy and somewhat irresponsible individual, who'd disappear at the first sign of hard work, because that is exactly how he is. Takahiro is one of the few people who never fully grew up, still acting childish and only works hard at getting out of work, in both teaching and his work as an Anti-Skill officer. But while 'taking a leave of absence' from his duties is a common practice for him, he'd never abandon work where anyone but himself would be in trouble or would never leave someone in need. Takahiro tends to try and use humour in most situations, whether it's to try and cheer others up, diffuse a potential violent situation or hide his own feelings. Overall, Takahiro is an interesting person who would never let others come into harm even if he's laziness and irresponsibility would make it seem otherwise. In rare occasions, mostly during dire situations, Takahiro can become serious and calm, a complete 180 from his usual self.

While he would never show it or say it, Takahiro has a hard time trusting espers because of his sister's death.

Extra: He owns a decommissioned Security Robot that was damaged in the line of duty and was lined up to be deconstructed. He "saved" the robot, managed to get it back in somewhat working order with some help, and named it "Cy". Cy follows Takahiro around for the most part but due to being damaged cannot preform most security tasks anymore.


Orsan Blair

Age; 18

School; Previously attended A Certain High School but dropped out two years ago due to poor grades and behavioral issues

Classification; Esper

Power; Gravity Change - Orsan can manipulate gravitons, the theoretical particle that governs gravity, which allows him to move objects in a manner similar to telekinesis. He has to make physical contact with the object and the changes only remain in effect in a ten-meter radius around him.

Currently, Orsan is limited to changing which direction gravity pulls on something, as well as how much gravity pulls on it, allowing him to "launch" himself and small objects in a single direction at speeds up to 50 MPH. He can also use this ability to make a small "wall" of gravitons for defense and to give his punches and kicks an extra boost.

Due to his current level of skill Orsan can't move anything heavier than himself and tires quickly with repeated use.

Level; 2

Affiliation; None

Personality; Orsan is the type of guy who refuses to take crap from anyone, and as such often comes off as rude or aggressive, and has been known to throw a punch at the slightest provocation. He doesn't do it out of pride, however; Orsan is more than willing to turn tail and run when faced with someone stronger. Instead, he does it due to a combination of a lifelong bitterness towards his fate and because he believes that people who are weaker than him shouldn't waste anyone's time with posturing, and that those who are stronger than him shouldn't have to.

Outside of this, Orsan is polite but distant to strangers, lazy, stand-offish, and sarcastic with acquaintances, and competitive with friends, few and far between as they may be. Because of his combative nature, most people who know him tend to go out of their way to avoid him, and though he'll never admit to it, this makes him feel like an outcast and lonely, often driving him to pick a fight just for a bit of attention.

Bio; As far as Orsan can remember, he started life in Academy City as a Child Error at the ripe age of three. Who his parents were, what they did, and even what they looked like are total mysteries to him. Though his early years were spent in an ignorant bliss, as he aged Orsan began to resent his parents and became bitter, causing him to be rude and combative to the other kids at his orphanage who had either accepted their fate or were still unaware of it.

This bitterness never left Orsan as he grew, putting a sour overtone on everything he did and everywhere he went. Even when one of the many companies in Academy City saw potential in him and funded his education, Orsan continued to pick fights and disobey authority figures. Eventually, due to poor grades and repeated offenses, Orsan's funding dried up as the company that had backed him gave up. With no way to pay for school, Orsan dropped out and became another one of the many delinquents in Academy City, spending the last two years of his life picking pockets and fighting with other delinquents.

Extra information; Because of his pick-pocketing habits, Orsan has become skilled at picking out details and sleight-of-hand tricks. His constant fighting has also made him dangerous in a fist fight without any formal training.

Also due to his pick-pocketing, Orsan has been at odds with Judgement for some time, though he has yet to be caught.

When he's not stealing wallets in one of the busier districts, he can be found hiding out in District 10.

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