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A boy and his dragon (Telios, Robin)

Jepitha slowly walked up to the door and knocked. 'Can't wait to see her.' Then the door opened. There was Olivia. Her hair was up to her shoulders, she was a foot taller. But she still had that same face as two years ago. Her eyes filled with tears and she smiled and hugged him tightly. "Your home." She said in English. Jepitha hugged her with tears going down his face.
Selina walked out with a smile. "Welcome back." She then hugged him. Jepitha smiled as he hugged back. Olivia giggled. "Can we go for a ride?"
Olivia jumped up and down. "Yeah yeah yeah." Jepitha nodded. "Sure." Selina was hesitant. "I-I don't know." Jepitha held her hand. "Come on. It'll be fun." Selina nodded. "Alright." Jepitha walked over with her to Mir.
Selina held onto Jepitha tightly. Olivia giggled. "Yeah. Im flying again." Jepitha chuckled and kissed her on the head. "Happy birthday Olivia."

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