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A boy and his dragon (Telios, Robin)

Jepitha nodded and climbed on. The sooner we get going. The sooner we find the generals. The sooner that happens. The sooner we'll see Olivia.

The search for the generals took longer then expected. It took two years to find all six of them. But yesterday they finally killed the last one. The army was heading back home. Jepitha had a room at a tavern not to far from the area they got him. He wanted to get himself cleaned up first. Guess what day it'll be tomorrow?
Mir stayed the same, although a bit better with his stamina now. No. No drinking. Mir shook his head in denial.
Well news about our success haven't gotten to the capital yet. So nobody knows about us coming back. And that's the surprise. Our unexpected return.
Jepitha got out of the bathroom. He noticed his armor was getting dull in color. So he started polishing it. So tonight's your last chance to say goodbye to anything in the south.

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