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Fantasy (3 SPOTS OPEN) Firefly Silk Cafe


away for a while, sorry for not responding!
New cafe opening!

A brand new cafe named Firefly Silk has just opened downtown, and it looks fantastic! Firefly Silk looks like something out of a fantasy novel, looking like a tavern on the outside and looking much larger on the inside!! Being called a daydreamer's paradise, the staff inside look like they fit in! It is currently hiring, so sign up today!​

It's interior is lined wall to wall with large shelves filled with dishware, what looks like many different potions, holds upstairs areas, balconies, a large staff area, and even three small rooms you can rent, it also holds many different machines! It's so cool!!!​


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Greetings (Character),

I heard you were in need of a job, and that living in a world full of humans that don't understand magic seems to be dragging you down. I have the solution for you. Have you read the paper yet? A new cafe in Downtown Konum, Firefly Silk, has just what you need. Apparently they use all magic, and accept mages and nonhumans unable to work at anywhere else. And they're hiring ~. I suggest you check it out.

You're oh-so welcome.

For anyone who's interested in joining!
- Any writing style is accepted, though I do wish that more than a sentence or phrase is typed.
- I understand that life gets in the way, so please at least post once/twice a week. If not your character loses their job and is living in a box under the south bridge--
- Please let your characters be at least above the age of 5!
- There are not any limited amount of spots as of now!

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Walking out from the PlayHouse area, the short girl looked around. She was waiting for people to show up, as her father had sent her a message claiming some were seeking jobs. Others might just want to hang out. She didn't mind, humming a tune as she bounced around and about, jumping high up to one of the many shelves and wedging her tiny body in the shelf to organize the potions.

Her cotton tail twitched, her short dress she was wearing allowing it to poke out when it wanted to. Sadly, she was forced to wear it to look nice. It was the nicest thing she had that fit her delicately petite figure, not that she'd really care. Luckily, she wore tights beneath the dress so it wasn't awkward when it happened, and it was poofy at the bottom so it was hard to notice.

"Hopefully they're nice," her tiny whiskers twitched, hopping down with a skip as she continued to spruce up the cafe, jumping high enough to reach the tallest shelf without using the ladder.


Adjusting her school bag as she walked from the train station, Noko unwrapped a sucker she had bought at a store before popping it in her mouth, the middle schooler still in her school uniform and sticking out with her light and fair looks.

She was quiet, with eyes that held a dullness to them that also seemed to hold something sweet, anyone who could see her would see the light in her eyes as she popped the sucker in her mouth, it's white stick poking out from between her pale lips that were lightly coated in a thin layer of pink lip gloss. Noko was heading towards the cafe, walking orderly on the sidewalk of the city.

Kimiko pouts at the mirror as she tries to pin her hair into a cascade of curls that will cover her horns. Sighing in defeat, she releases the locks to fall around her shoulders. Picking up a fedora, she swivels her ears to tuck against her horns and places the hat over them. With a last nervous glance at the mirror, she grabs her jacket and bag off the dresser and heads for the door.

Measuring her steps, she walks down the sidewalk at a normal pace. Her eyes scan over the other pedestrians as she makes her way towards the cafe. "You can do this Kiki." She whispers to herself, using her late father's nickname for her.
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A loud buzzer sounded off in the hallway of the small apartment, causing a figure laying on the couch to slowly get up. She flipped the T.V off, walking past the kicthen, last night's pizza box and soda bottles still sitting on the counters; having yet to be thrown away. Eh, Billie would do it before she left for that job interview, but she was gonna be late for that anyway, so who cared? The bathroom was still steamy from her shower she had only taken about ten minutes ago, the faint scent of cheap apple shampoo still eating through the apartment mixed with the Dollar Store Snuggle comming from the washer and dryer. Which were sitting side by side in a closet between the two bedrooms of the apartment. One was hers, and the other shared by her brothers. However, she slept in the couch most of the time anyway, so i guess it didnt really matter. Well, when she got to sleep at least. Anyway, taking the warm clothes out of the dryer, she switched the load from the washer over, before putting another one on; taking the white basket into her room.

Which, was a mess. Her bed as was matters and a box spring pushed up against the wall, near the fire escape (that had a small chair and table sitting out of the way so she could smoke outside). Her dirsty clothes were in a pile in her closet, and her lean clothes were piled up on a chair. On the unstable desk was mail. Mostly bills and stuff she just needed to put in the mail box down stairs. Hope the boys don't mind ramen to night for dinner.

As she got dressed in her normal attire, ripped skinny jeans, a dark red t-shirt, and her faux leather jacket, she would try to decide on what job she was gonna ask for. Probably a Batista or that playroom caregiver thing. Either way, it was a better job than what she had been doing...thouvh she would still probably do that for a while so she could take care of her brothers. She already felt like shit because she ran out of meds because it was either those or rent. And there was no way they were gonna be homeless again.

In another ten minutes she was back out on the couch folding laundry and keeping an eye on the clock. There was only so long she could wait.
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The short 19-year-old continued to put up potions, cleaning bottles so they'd shine and being careful with the ones that glowed. Her hood she wore over the dress wiggled and hopped with her, it's ear sleeves wrapped around her ears snuggly and tightly. She sang a tune beneath her breath as she continued to hop and bounce all over the place, making her way towards the upstairs dining area slowly.
To most, she'd just look like a child that's just not supposed to be that high up.


She continued to walk amongst the crowds of the city, tongue pressing against the candy in her mouth and rubbing against her fangs. Her tiny legs swung back and forth with her each step, stepping on the ground quietly and not making a noise with her dull eyes. She paused at a bus stop, waiting for the bus as a stray cat made its way over to her. Cats always seemed to like her, could it be because of her scent? Vampires did sometimes smell like catnip...

Her answer came along when the cat rubbed against her furiously, making her giggle as it tickled her legs. Noko only wore stockings today with her uniform, but she could easily be tickled through the thin fabric like that. "That tickles," she huffed with a giggle, "do you like how I smell? I can't take you with me, neko-san."

It let out a protest of a meow, loud and prolonged as some strain of annoyance. She let out a snort emotionlessly, feeling the stares of strangers look over at the crying cat. "I'm not a bag of catnip...!"

Jack was not running late for his interview at Firefly Silk, but given that he was the sort of person who worried about being late, he might as well have been. He was wearing a black dress shirt, and good jeans, and big black combat boots, and he stopped hurrying in sight of the cafe to tidy his hair and straighten his shirt. Satisfied, he reshouldered the backpack full of text books and entered the cafe.

Inside, the cafe was clean and brightly lit, and, as far as Jack could tell, empty. He paused in the doorway, looked around, and then stepped in. "Hello?" he called, and then saw someone very short, and very pale, with a hoodie with big bunny ears on it, bouncing up the stairs. "Uh. Hello?" He let the door close behind him with a soft and solid thunk. "I'm Jack. I have an interview this morning?"
Kimiko bites her lip nervously as she reaches the steps to the cafe and looks up at the door. Taking a deep breathe, she lifts her bag higher on her shoulder and walks up the steps. Slipping silently through the door, she notices a boy standing a little ways into the entry. Peeking past him, she scans the rest of the cafe, marveling over the expansive shelves.

Leaning against the door wall she follows the boys gaze to a short girl in a bunny hoody across the cafe. I wonder where everyone else is.. is he here for an interview too? How many people are interviewing..? Her thoughts ran wild in her head as she studied the two people.
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The pink haired girl stopped in her child-like bounds upon the stairs before looking down, her ears twitching in their sleeves. Her softly ruby colored eyes stood large within their sockets as she looked down from the stairs and towards the person who had spoken up. Then she spotted another person by the door. A boy and a girl.

Giving a wide smile that would remind one of a toddler's when they got a huge amount of candy, she slid down the stairs with a graceful eagerness before she landed, sprinting over to them. Oh..lord, they were both taller than her. "Hello hello hello!" she softly mumbled before clearing her throat with a petite cough. "My father must have sent you! I'm so happy, honestly, the cafe's only been open twice ever since it was built-" her voice faltered from it's ramble as she observed them both.

Her brows knitted together as she waited for the inevitable question, though she decided to skip that question business before it was too late. "The interview- ah, yes yes! Come along, please, towards the staff lounge, the both of you!" she gestured to them both, the petite girl of only 4''13, was craning her neck at least to some extent with the girl and not even bothering to look up at the young man. Her poor neck would ache just...so much. She turned around and skipped over towards a door behind one of the counters, her stance could remind one of a small animal, as her tail then poked out with a fluttery twitch in an excitable manner; it looked as soft as can be, making her dress skirt seemingly shake side to side.

Liv ran a brush furiously through her damp hair, eyes darting towards the clock on her wall every so often. She'd been so caught up in target practice she'd failed to remember the fact that she had an interview today. It was slightly embarrassing, a trained-from-birth warrior like her having to take up a job at some cutesy cafรฉ but she wanted to have her own money and apparently a 17-year old wasn't yet well-trained enough to have a job as a professional warrior in her society. She huffed a little under her breath as she flung on a white blouse and the smartest trousers she owned her hair now shoved up into its typical side-ponytail. Finally, she shoved a single dagger into its hidden sheath as she flew out the door.

Once she was outside she breathed a sigh of relief as her watch informed her she hadn't made a complete mess of her timings. Liv could hardly be late for an interview, even she knew that. Still, she walked quickly and purposefully to the cafรฉ, the earlier she arrived the better. As she pushed through the doors she noted that she wasn't the only one there, with two in a interviewy sort of attire and another, with bunny ears poking from her head ,who appeared to know her way around the place despite looking pretty young. She managed to catch the last snatched of what she was saying, she was talking about the interviews. Liv smiled slightly awkwardly, "Yeah," She began, "I'm here for that too so I guess... Follow you towards the staff lounge?"

The vampire snickered softly before picking up the cat with a hesitant pause. "do I remind you of catnip?" she asked as she spotted the bus coming. She snuggled the cat gently, rubbing her soft skin upon it's slightly matted yet delicate fur before she placed the cat back down and dusted fur off of her school uniform, her sucker still in her mouth.

The cat continued to almost furiously rub it's head on her legs, making the child stumbled and trip confusingly. Others continued to watch as the girl was being assaulted by a cat, if that's you'd put it. "Neko-san, please!" she mumbled hesitantly before tripping from the force of the cat, somehow, and falling on her behind. She yelped from the impact as it hurt and felt the cat rub on her again. "T-that's not nice, neko-san!! That hurt-!"

Ace Fujiwara
"The Dollfather"

A well-dressed young man was passing by in a rather quiet atmosphere. The semi-realistic dolls were following behind him, trying their pace with their master despite their stubby legs. The dolls were twice smaller than a child, having a a size of a newborn infant. Ace remembered the message sent to him about a job application. It's been awhile since he he had another job other than sewing and doll-making. Looking back he saw his dolls hardly keeping pace. "You don't have to walk like me. You are free to fly." Ace told the dolls as he stood. The dolls began to float in mid air without any wings or anything that can logically make them fly. Ace smiled to them and began walking further. He was actually on his way to Firefly silk cafe. He just has to take the train to get there. The dolls flew by his side. A few people were staring at him and his small dolls. Although, Ace ignored them.

He was carrying a rather large black leather suitcase with him, on his left hand. The contents of the case is unknown but he isn't carrying anything dangerous. He finally made to the train station. On his way, he noticed a small audience watching a small girl with a cat rubbing on her. As ridiculous as the scene maybe. Ace decided to check if he can be of any assistance. He slipped his way in the crowd and approached the girl with the cat. "Excuse miss? But can i help you with your cat problem?" He said to the school girl with a warm smile As far as Ace can notice that, this cat may not be her's for she is not enjoying a moment with them. Before he could say another word. The doll equipped with a small wood-chopping axe already took action. The doll dropped altitude, till it's feet touched the floor. The doll scratched the floor with their axe that their holding. Sparks began to light up, between the axe and floor. The doll wanted the cat's full attention. One can tell that the axe is sharp and never used. The doll then took swings in the air, hitting nothing but it made whooshing noises. The doll tried to be intimidating, while keeping a straight face.

Aestheticly_Sinning Aestheticly_Sinning
Kimiko flashed the boy a shy smile as she stepped past him to follow after who she now assumed was the owners daughter. Another potential co-worker, she thought as the newcomer spoke up, I hope they're nice. Reaching up, she nervously adjusts her fedora over her horns. She knew the message she received had said non-humans were welcome, but she still worried about revealing herself to strangers.

Giving the new girl a small smile, Kimiko turned back towards their host who was now by a door. Noticing the small girls tail twitch from beneath her dress allowed Kimi to relax slightly. Walking across the cafe, she approached their host with a warm smile.
"I'm Kimiko, nice to meet you." She said, extending her towards the girl.

The girl smiled widely as she stood on a stool by the door, opening a smaller entrance made in the door to enter it before opening it from the other side. It seemed to lead into a corridor which held an open entrance to a large kitchen and two doors. One for a staff bathroom, the other for an office space, and by the end of the corridor was a wider set of two doors that led to the actual staff room.

When given a name from the girl, and noticing the other girl, she smiled widely. "Nice to meet you as well, to all of you really! The name is Pecan Serendipity, and I'm to give you all your interviews! Who wants to go first?" she asked loudly and childishly, hopping up and down for a split second before opening the door to the office entrance with a struggle. "The others can go sit in the staff room."

She closed her eyes hesitantly after looking at a man who had been the only one to step forward, looking at the strange dolls as the cat meowed and yowled at the sparks, Noko raising dull brows before the cat rolled off of her.

She sat as her dull blue gaze returned to their usual dead-fish eyed stare, watching the doll and glancing up at the other dolls and at the man again confusingly with a strange nod, despite the doll already taking initiative. The cat backed up and hissed, backing off but not leaving just yet.

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Well, neither one of her brothers were home from school yet, but since they both had keys, Billie figured it was okay to go ahead and go to the interview. Standing up, She slipped on some maroon shoes and a black beanie; grabbing her small bookbag in the process, before leaving the third floor apartment. Like always, the elevator was broken, forcing she woman to use the stairs. She hated using the ones near her apartment, but since she was in a hurry, she had no choice. See, they were right next to a creeps apartment. And by creep I mean, drilled small holes in his bathroom wall so he could watch his neighbor shower. It was gross, but why he still isn't in prison is a mystery. Luckily, he wasn't loitering in the hall like he normally did. But, there was a group of highschool hanging out in the stair well. She tried to ignore them, until one addressed her.

"Hey! What's your number?"

"You need a babysitter?"

Laugher and a blushing face, defiantly freshman. Plus, that was pretty bad. Billie however, didnt dwell on this at all as an continued outside. There's one good thing about this cafe. It's across the street and down a little from her apartment building, I mean, how lucky is that. If the boys needed her while she was at work, she could be home in no time. Waiting for a perfect time to cross, she hurried over to the fantasy like cafe. Enterning, she didn't see anyone, but could hear them; and smell them as odd as it sounds.

Following the trails they left, Billie found her way through the cafe with ease, taking in and noting the rooms she passed. Until of course she came upon the staff room, people already inside. Being addressed by what seemed to be a child. Though, this "child" smelled a little older. Bille cleared her throat, "I hope I'm not late."

Aestheticly_Sinning Aestheticly_Sinning wickedlittlecritta wickedlittlecritta OceanBunny OceanBunny honeybee. honeybee.
Ace Fujiwara
"The Dollfather"

The doll dashed towards the cat with full force. both of hands, holding tightly to their small axe. Ready to give the cat some pain. It didn't happen though, for another doll equipped with a floor brush stopped their tracks. The doll wearing glasses stopped the beret doll by neck locking the doll with their floor brush. The doll couldn't move further anymore. The eye glassed doll kept kept neck locking him until the doll no longer moves around. The doll dragged their fellow doll, still neck locking the the axe doll. "Are you okay?" He asked the small girl politely as he held his free hand out towards her. He noticed that the girl is not much of a talker herself but he can roll with that. Aestheticly_Sinning Aestheticly_Sinning
Liv smiled in return at the girl who was already there when she arrived. She noted her fiddling with the fedora on her head and wondered what the girl had hidden under there. Liv was trained to recognise many magical creatures on sight and knew the presence of a hat could often indicate the presence of ears and the like. It didn't matter to her really though, she was here to get a job, not practice her training even if it did seem to kick in at times.
Olivia mentally noted the names she heard, Kimiko and Pecan, and nodded as the girl leading them down the corridor informed them she was giving the interviews. Liv twisted her hands together nervously, fighting criminals and all sorts of monsters... That was no problem, but an interview..? That was terrifying. She'd never had to be interviewed before and her future job as a professional warrior of Beda, well that was her birth-right so this was new. However, the warrior girl was dedicated to do the courageous thing so others wouldn't have to and she supposed this was no different. "I can go first." She volunteered, only the slightest tremor in her voice to betray her nerves. She noticed that another girl had caught up with them just before she spoke and heard the opening of the cafรฉ's door that market the entry of another interviewee. "As long as everyone else is okay with that."
Caleb Madden

Walking down the street, guitar in hand, Caleb was about to make his way towards his newest job interview. After loosing so many and busking dollars not making up much nowadays, he needed a job soon. His charisma was sometimes seen as arrogance which lead to him being pushed away from serious jobs. The fire magic wasn't great for bars because alcohol was a thing. Once hearing for this new cafe opening, he headed down to get a job interview and today was the day.

He walked into the cafe before noticing that he was late. Damn! Why is it always him? He sighed and went to the staff room with the others. The amount of interviews he'd been on had concluded to Caleb that he had no idea what clothes to wear so a red hoodie and blue jeans seemed to be the only thing acceptable in his closet. He looked at the others in the room. Different species of all different shapes, sizes, colors and gender. This place seemed nice. He hoped a job would be waiting or him.
Ebere noticed someone walk past her that had the same exact mood as her, maybe he also had the job interview. She quickly followed him hoping the person wouldn't notice.

Each step she took as she entered deeper into the cafe set her worries through the roof. The last thing she wanted was a repeat of her last interview. It was ingrained into her head and she would remember it forever. After the first questionEbere bursted into tears pathetically. Thinking about it didn't help her paranoia at all. Trying to shove it into the recesses of her mind, Ebere continued until they finally got there the staff room.

The room had a nice atmosphere that calmed her a tad bit down. Noticing the person she followed looked at the occupants she did the same. They were all strangely unique in their own ways while Ebere was as boring as anyone could get. She quickly sat in one of the chairs hoping their interviewer wouldn't notice an extra person in their room.

MoxxyMoxx MoxxyMoxx honeybee. honeybee. OceanBunny OceanBunny wickedlittlecritta wickedlittlecritta Aestheticly_Sinning Aestheticly_Sinning
Kimiko sighed in relief as the girl who'd entered behind her volunteered. "I'm alright with it." She said with a grateful smile. "I'll be waiting in here for my turn." She stepped forward and opened the staff room door, holding it for the others in the hall. She smiled nervously at them as more people came in. 'Thats two boys and 3 girls so far, she thought, studying the group. Maybe more people will show up before Pecan gets through all of us. She smiled to herself as she moved into the staff room and looked around before taking a seat.

She smiled goofily with a nod, noticing how others were coming along and joining. Oh, yay! The bunny girl felt her whiskers twitch along with a wag of her cotton tail. "That is totally fine! Yes, yes, go inside and everyone can go sit down in the staff room!" she giggled, looking to the girl who spoke up with a gentle and welcoming gaze before bouncing into the office area, it was highly decorated in a welcoming smell of marshmallows along with white and soft colors, colors that matched the natural colors of the small girl.

With a bit of effort she bounced in a highly comfy seat, a few pillows being used to raise herself up so the tiny young woman could be seen. There was a nice and soft white loveseat, decorated in an array of cute pillows; a whiteboard was covered in black and red marker in doodles and sentences, ideas about the menu and other things. The entire room could remind one of a simple minded girl's bedroom, just without a bed and dressers and it was filled with a serious aura of sorts.


She glanced around again silently before taking the man's hand gently, very inhumanly soft fingertips could be noticed. Her entire hand was soft, almost like it was made out of fabric. The cat had been scared away, giving a yowl and hiss along it's quick and uneasy bounds.

"I think I am..." Noko mumbled with a nod, dusting off her school uniform, "I just hope I doesn't bruise," her voice was monotone, dull of any emotion except for perhaps a faint click of concern as she looked at her legs, her bare thighs that her stockings didn't cover already appearing to be red from landing on the ground so hard. Who knew a cat could use such force?

Noko looked at the man again with dull eyes.

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Her mouth watered.

It disturbed her, deeply, but itnwasnt exactly her fault. She was a wolf and the small one was a bunny. Billie quickly swallowed, "Yeah whoever wants to go first, go," She said, looking around. Observing everyone. There were a few other animals there, which was comforting. So, maybe she wouldn't have to explain why she needed three days a month off. Full moons suck ass, and not many people seemed to understand that. How hard it is anyway, it's probably the one fact humans got right in all those movies.

Sitting down on one of the chairs, She kicked her feet up on another one nearby. "So," She started, "I'm Billie. Nice to meet you all." The girl figured, why not introduce myself to possible coworkers? And, why wouldn't she? The worst that could happen was someone asking why her name was Billie. That's a story she didn't want to get into.

wickedlittlecritta wickedlittlecritta OceanBunny OceanBunny SheepKing SheepKing MoxxyMoxx MoxxyMoxx honeybee. honeybee.
Caleb Madden

The fox looked towards the were that was introducing herself. It was clear to a fox that she was a wolf. He smirked. A wolf's temper was fun to mess with. He snapped out of it. He could prank his fellow co-workers later. As for now, subtle teasing and punny jokes were what he had to work with.

He zipped up his jacket and spoke, "'Sup Wolfie. It's cool to see another fellow canine here. You could say I'm howling with joy." He laughed and did the bedumtss. Caleb continued, "I'm only joking. You could say I'm barking mad but I just want to dig my claws into this job." He giggled. Puns were fun and never went out of style. It was pretty obvious that his attitude could make him both a good and bad employee. That was up to others to decide.
Billie was unimpressed. "For fox sake, is that the best you can do?" She asked cocking an eyebrow, "I live with two you her brothers, puns are something I'm very use to. And the ones I hear at home are way better than those," She said. "One of them only made bread puns for a straight week. It was awful." MoxxyMoxx MoxxyMoxx
Kimiko smiled at the bickering couple, making note that they were a wolf and fox by the traded puns. While being near two predators was slightly unnerving they're banter was reassuring. "My names Kimiko, it's nice to meet you too." She said, giving Billie timid smile. She glanced at the others around the room, waiting for more introductions.

FireMaiden FireMaiden MoxxyMoxx MoxxyMoxx
Ebere sighed, of course now they had to talk to each other. Trying to get her's done as fast as possible she muttered barely over a whisper "I...I'm Ebere, it's nice to meet you all" which was a complete and utter lie. They all seemed so extroverted which would definitely be better qualities for a job. By now Ebere seriously doubted she could even compare to them.

OceanBunny OceanBunny FireMaiden FireMaiden MoxxyMoxx MoxxyMoxx wickedlittlecritta wickedlittlecritta honeybee. honeybee.

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