3 random facts about yourself

1. I'm called Spencer
2. I'm a coward
3. I've skipped class 2 times (which was pretty easy and makes me feel guilty)
1. I love marmite and peanut butter

2. I will stay up until 3am just making puns about eggs

3. I have a lack of irl friends
  1. I've skipped part of class and spent half of my free hour with my girlfriend of whom dumped me the next day.
  2. I'm a wannabe anime artist but frankly I hate my work.
  3. I'm a DC Marvel comic fanatic and I hope for the day my vast knowledge will come in handy.
  1. I do jiu jitsu, MMA, Muay Thai and kickboxing and enjoy it all very much. I like to think I'm good at it too.
  2. I prefer salty (and, like, other non-sweet) snacks over sweet ones. Especially if they're spicy.
  3. I use the word 'like' in, like, every sentence.
1. I've been to a Fifth Harmony concert.

2. I have 17 cousins (not including second cousins; but tbh I think that's a lot of cousins).

3. I am transgender (male to female)
1. I once had 13 pillows and three blankets. 

2. I have..  Basically no social life. 

3. I'm in love with the idea of adopting a kid. 
1. I have a massive sweet tooth.

2. I am a massive history nerd.

3. I have No more then 10 people in real life that I consider friends.
1. I had some homicidal thoughts at the age of thirteen.

2. I'm one of the two only people that likes Physics & Chemistry in my class

3. I like chocolate, but I don't like sweets.
1. I have a subtle OCD quirk that will not, under any circumstances, allow me to open more than three tabs in any web browser, whether on PC, Mac, or mobile.

2. I have Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, and I've been suspected to potentially be autistic.

3. The only interesting things I can say about myself are my mental disorders, because of my lack of a social life.

(sad face)
1. My favorite color is orange.

2. I'm neutral to all teams in football but I still like insulting  teasing my own team.

3. I think pie is disgusting.
1. I am transgender

2. I prefer Vanilla or Cherry Coke over any other soft drink

3. I probably have PTSD, Bi-Polar disorder and MPD
1. I am what is called Gender-fluid (I can't decide on what gender I am so I tend to swap to being either feminine or "normal".)

2. I am a Femboy Fanboy, and I both love and hate it.

3. I have a huge crush on someone in my family and they'll sadly never know.  :(
i love pretending to be vegan; it's a fun time

i write with my left hand which is a constant struggle especially with notebook spiral thing in my way ughh

ngl im kinda stupid, i make so many dumb decisions, but it's whatever.. you live and you learn right?? lol that's just an excuse heh 
I'm a 2nd Dan in Kendo/Aikido

I'm a competitive CFV/YGO player

I dislike Loli's espically Bermuda triangle only because of the three to nine attacks a turn.
  • I'm a fudanshi (male equivalent to fujoshi)
  • I can surf
  • I like giving pet names to people (some, not all, people find that a bit disturbing when you call them "honeybun" or "sweetie")
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  1. I hate being called cute.
  2. I love acting, but I can't deal with people at parties.
  3. I hate being called short. {5 ft, 3 inches tall. >.>}
1. I am a really good wingman. 

2. I can easily talk to a crowd of hundred of people but i have trouble talking to someone face to face. 

3. I AM AN UBERMENCH. (I really like Nietzsche ideas.) 

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