• This section is for roleplays only.
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3.5 Dungeons and Dragons Adventures [Main]

Adventure Beginning
  • It was the tail end of spring, the warmth of summer pushing it's way into the land with the help of the winds. The rainy days were coming to an end, and the roads were finally beginning to dry after months of mud. Laborers, hired by gods know who, worked hard to flatten the long stretches of dirt that were marred heavily by hoof tracks and wheel ruts from the many who traveled down these paths. A small town lay quiet in this desolate area of land, miles of grass and gently rolling hills as far as the eye could see. Marred only by the Ashen Plain that lay to the east of this town, and the dark rift to the south that only a keen eye could spot from this distance. The New Road was quiet, not many travelers passing through Oakhurst this time of year. As the weeks would draw closer to Midsummer, that would certainly change.

    You, simple yet extraordinary adventurer, now travel the New Road. Whispers of a wonderous fruit that could be found in Oakhurst and the drive to make a name for yourself is what pushes you down this road. Ahead, you see the town that is your target. Oakhurst, the place where this fruit allegedly originates. As you make your way, it is just past high noon when you finally reach the town. It is certainly small, compared to what you have seen in the world beyond this quiet place. Houses dot a small area, two or three farms you can count at the outer edges. Though it is the New Road and what surrounds it that draws your eye.

    As you enter into the main part of Oakhurst, you come across a smithy, the large clouds of smoke and soot billowing into the sky. Heat radiates from the building and you can hear the distinct clang and clatter of someone hard at work. Just a ways ahead, a side road with a sign that is old and in need of care. Old Road is what the sign reads. Further, you see signs for a healer, and a general store. You can even spot a well that mars the center of the New Road as it passes through the town, and near it, one of the larger buildings in town that boasts a sign that reads, yes even from this distance, Ol' Boar Inn. The town extends further, though it is difficult to say how far or what could be located due to a bend in the road that hides the remainder of town.

    What shall you do now?

    A) Stop in the Smithy
    B) Speak with the town's Healer
    C) Go straight to the Inn
    D) Go to the General Store

    --The adventure will not further until all Party Members have gathered information and made a key decision. You do not have to "party up" at this time, as you will all arrive at a certain point at the same time. Make your introduction posts, and if you attempt to speak with any of the following listed NPCs, please tag me. (Also tag me if you explore beyond the Inn so I can place the proper descriptive texts)

    -The Inn Keeper
    -The Blacksmith
    -The Healer
    -The Store Keeper (General Store)

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