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Colosseum (2v2) Nevermindlauren and johnnywonton vs NightcasterZ and DennisR

As her opponent tried to resurrect the angels she gave a wry smile. She didn't want to do this, but she swooped over to the "possessed" angels and bit their necks. She turned them into undead dark angels. It took them a second to turn as they jolted rapidly until they fell onto the ground screaming. Their white wings fell apart as black ones replaced them, their teeth sharpened into the same vampiric fangs that Celestiel had, and their eyes glowed red.

The other undarkened angels gasped at her. But she simply opened her mouth,"Fear not my brothers and sisters we are all angels. I am still your sister let us continue to defeat our foes!"

It took a moment for all the other angels to cheer and when they did Celestiel prepared her next attack. "If a simple dagger storm can't kill you," she said looking at her opponent,"maybe Hell's fire can."

Celestiel clenched her hand as a searing sensation built in her body, overloading her senses. Suddenly, flames began to lick the rubble and dirt until it became a roaring fire.

"Get roasted!" She yelled as the fire engulfed everything and even her with it.
Jack flies up, probably not a wise decision but it´s better than to be burnt alive. "Die already!" He shoots a single Chaos Blast, an flaming arrow that can penatrate,devils and other supernatural beings.

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