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Colosseum (2v2) Nevermindlauren and johnnywonton vs NightcasterZ and DennisR


Junior Member

Name: Sarcarel

Abiilities: Psychic Abilities.




Name: Celestiel

Abilities: Flight and charm with seraph daggers

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/large.jpg.e35d5de658d1dea6f0a67bee4b8b518e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="87718" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/large.jpg.e35d5de658d1dea6f0a67bee4b8b518e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/gw2-seraph-dagger-3_thumb.jpg.82ee3d550a5562855acccd3cad118747.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="87719" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/gw2-seraph-dagger-3_thumb.jpg.82ee3d550a5562855acccd3cad118747.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Jack.

Gender: Male.

Race: Devil.

Age: 21

Rank: 30. (no clue what this means)

Weapons: Chaos spear and uses magic.

Equipment: Anubis Sacred Gear. Uses it to give him Anubis Armour.

Occupation: likes to go on adventure.

Appearance: White blueish hair, black leather jacket, black jeans, black shoes, brown eyes and brown skin.

Personality: Very strong, Isn't really a bad guy because he protects the persons he cares for.

Bio: relative from his eEgyptianAncestors. He once went to a trip to Egypt in search of the ancient Anubis Sacred Gear.







Half Human - Half Robot





Deadly, Strong, Mysterious


He died many years ago but an evil force resurrected him using the advanced technology of the future. After being awakened, he slayed the evil forces and became a fighter.


Technoshift: Allows him to shift one of his hands into multiple tools and weapons.

Destiny's Cloak: His cloak resurrects him once after dying. He is only bought back to life with 20% health though.

Sword of Death: His trusty blade is made to keep him safe and allows him to temporarily increase his power once during a fight.


Celestiel absolutely loved her descendent back into the crumbled humanity also known as Earth. It was the wasteland, a place ridden with lost souls and few human survivors. She couldn't possibly deny the job of killing off the remnants of humanity aka those pesky survivors that stood in the way of colonization of angels on Earth.

So here she was now strutting down broken towns, inhaling the beautiful stench of rotting humanity. She turned over to face her assistant, Sarcarel. Sure she was human and Celestiel should hate her, but, thankfully, she was a betrayer. Sarcarel was exiled from her own kind after they deemed her psychic abilities sinful and demonic. So when Celestiel offered Sarcarel a deal to become an angel in exchange for her guidance in the human world plus her abilities, she couldn't refuse.

As Celestiel's mind was muddled with meandering thoughts she heard a grind of a gear. Freezing in her footsteps, she lets out an uffish sigh. Her slender hands gripped tightly onto her dagger in her cloak as she quickly spun around at a dizzying speed.
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"ugh this place looks afwul!'' Jack walks through the wasteland, he looks around searching for any life. He noticed Shadow walking in the distant. ''Yo! Over here!'' he gives Shadow the signal for come over this way.
Sarcarel trailed behind Celestial in annoyance. The long day was already getting to her, and she was starting to regret her decision of informing Celestial of her visions. She sighed in aggravation. She never would've thought her life would turn into some wild television series. The innocent her would've thought her life impossible, had she not been exposed to her latent psychic abilities, or the other divine world, where the angels dwelled.

"I don't understand what we're doing here. They're obviously all dead. Maybe my vision was impaired or something." She whined in her feeble attempt to convince her partner in crime to take a break. They had been burning down homes and murdering innocents for hours. This was too much. Celestial may have been some immortal glorified bird, but Sarcarel was still very much human with pesky human needs. She needed sleep. However this train of thought was disrupted when a flash of light blinded her and sent her flying into another one of her clairvoyant visions.

"They're here." She relayed. "I can almost sense their disdain."
"You should really oil your gears I can hear you a mile away." Celestiel smirked as she turned to see that Sarcarel disappeared.

She kept her daggers hidden beneath her cloak, but she ran through all the routines of stabbing and slicing motions in her head. Her days as an assassin remarkably improved her fighting skills. However, she soon retracted her arm from the blade.

Suddenly, the wings that were secretly hidden in tightly wrapped cloth unfurled into her glorious white wings. Celestiel ran towards the opposing duo to only launch herself in the air. Letting her voice ring across the sky she mumbled foreign words that only angelic beings could understand. She was calling her brothers and sister, the Angel Armada has been released into the wasteland. Angels rained down from the sky hollering and shrieking with their blades at their ready.
"great! more angels to slaughter!'' He smirks as he draws his spear, he looks over at his partner and nods. Jack shoots a single fireball at the Angel Armada, little would they notice that this isn't a normal fireball, indeed it's one of Jack's destrutive moves: Anubis Blast. Strong enough to oliberate an entire army.
"Face my power you clods!" Shouted Sarcarel. Raising her hands in front of her, she channeled her psychic abilities into a single blast of force that split the ball of fire in two. The arc of flames lashed wildly at the angels, however the psychic blast managed to redirect most of the flames. Only but a fraction of the angels were down for the count, but many more rose and took the place of the fallen.

Sarcarel leaped down from above a crumbling building, her long purple curls swaying in the lifeless wind. Waving her heands to her head, she channeled her supernatural ability into a dead tree. Lifting the lifeless vessel from it's foundation, she launched it towards her enemies.
In the midst of the fight a message popped in from Sarcarel. Celestiel was thankful for their telepathic link they created through a ritual of sharing their blood. One of our opponents is hidden keep your eyes peeled.

"To the skies my armada!" Celestiel screeched and flew high in the air. "Release the seraph dagger storm my brothers and sisters. You believe hell is the real nightmare, but wait before you taste heaven!"

The daggers shot down from the sky and Celestiel studied her enemies below her with a cherubic smirk.

Jack dodged the tree, he saw daggers raining down from the sky. Jack held up his spear and began spinning it around to deflect the daggers. ''nice job!'' he yelled deflecting some daggers back at the armada.
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Sarcarel smirked at the foolishness of her opponents. Her illusion worked. Little did they know that seraph daggers can only be seen by angelic beings and those daggers they deflected were her illusions. Utilizing her supernatural abilities, Sarcarel lifted piles of drift wood from the cracked soil, and launched them towards Jack.

As if blinded by a flash of light, Sarcarel's future sight forewarned her of enemies hiding within their midst. Taking a page from the opposing side's book, Sarcarel faded into the mist.
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Shadow wandered to the opposite side of the battlefield silently and unnoticed. It was almost time for him to strike.
Great work Sarcarel! Celestiel thought, watching the daggers fall from the sky unnoticed by her opponent. She could feel her brothers and sisters daggers tasting flesh. Now it was time to unleash the Angel Armada's true power.

"Let us open the gates of Heaven for our foes." The armada raised higher in the heavenly skies. Chanting the song their ancient angel ancestors taught them as younglings.

Our father let us show the darkness the light,

may the clouds part,

may the seraphs sing,

and breach light into the shadows.

May no creature tread in darkness

without the revealing and

guiding light of Heaven.

Open the gates we chant

open the gates of Heaven!

Bright, blinding rays of light shot from the sky as the angels cheered. The light pierced the Earth, revealing every figure in the shadows and in every possible dimension because there was no way of hiding for God's light.

''yawn, pretty light! But that won't work on me!'' Jack rams his spear in the ground. His eyes start to glow white, suddenly red tornados of destruction rose from benath, wiping all it touches from the earth.
In the midst of the chaos, Sarcarel locked her sights on to Jack. As the heavenly light washed away the mist, Sarcarel leaped up into the air. The red tornadoes were too much for her, and she doubled over in pain. However, as she was falling in mid air she utilized her psychic grasp on Jack to toss him into one of his own vortex's of calamity.
"Sacarel!" Celestiel shrieked as in an instant she swooped down and absorbed the plasma blast.

She crumpled to the ground for a second and twitched rapidly for a minute. Until, the mutation was finished. As an angel one bittersweet fruit was her ability to mutate. It terrified her every night when a mysterious creature would bite her in the midst of her sleep and she was left in shocks of pain.

The pain faded and when Celestiel woke up she was no longer just an angel she was a dark angel. It felt conflicting inside withe darkness and light battling inside of her, but she stood strong.
Jack got sucked in as he saw Celestiel transform. ''how is that possible?!'' He crashed into the ground. He stands up. He thinks to himself. ''projectiles don't work... but that Armada is still roaming....'' Jack looks around. ''ofcourse!'' He ruserects a couple of killed angels to work against the Armada. ''hope this works!''
"Haha! Feast your eyes on the angel of death you clods!" Sarcarel laughed maniacally as she landed. She pounced into the air once more and raised her hands to her temples and telekinetically forced one of the tornadoes into another, dissipating them.

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