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2 questions for staff


First question:

If we aren't allowed to post content that links to outside RPnation then why does the site support auto embedding of youtube videos?

Second question:

What is it like in the daily life of a staff member? What responsibilities do you have? Is there a minimum requirement of activity/work each day? and how can we non-staff help aid you guys?

I know there's more than 2 questions but please make an effort to answer each question if it's not too much trouble :)
I think that's a rule towards links for other roleplay sites and advertising, not necessarily all I don't think.

Don't quote me on that though, just a guess. 
1.  It's largely because of the advertising rule, like StoneWolf said.  Off-site links aren't automatically against the rules, just certain ones or certain cases.

- Some sites (like Tumblr) are disallowed because of certain content that's all-too-readily available there but against our rules for legal reasons.  Anything with ERP, for example, is definitely out.

- YouTube is allowed because they follow basically the same laws we do, and enforce them pretty well, so we know we won't get in trouble for links to them.  

- We have an FAQ in the works that should answer more on this.

2.  Much like it was before I was staff, except I get to see things and help with things I couldn't before.  Moderators handle reports, answer questions, and are helpful all around the site.  Admin do much of the same, plus a lot more behind the scenes stuff to help keep the site running smoothly (such as warning/ban appeals and donation goals), and fun things like issuing badges.  We don't have any "quotas" for our staff, but we do expect to see them on and doing something regularly unless Real Life has interfered (as it has a way of doing, pesky thing).

2.b.  Just keep on being friendly, helpful, and non-drama ^3^   
Second question:

What is it like in the daily life of a staff member? What responsibilities do you have? Is there a minimum requirement of activity/work each day? and how can we non-staff help aid you guys?

I'm part of the moderation team myself (a newbie)  and I can say that it isn't like having another "job."  There isn't a strict quota as, honestly, something like that would probably end up being counterproductive.  As far as what you can do to help, what @Kaerri said.  I just wanted to pop by with a drive-by comment.
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1.  It's largely because of the advertising rule, like StoneWolf said.  Off-site links aren't automatically against the rules, just certain ones or certain cases.

- Some sites (like Tumblr) are disallowed because of certain content that's all-too-readily available there but against our rules for legal reasons.  Anything with ERP, for example, is definitely out.

- YouTube is allowed because they follow basically the same laws we do, and enforce them pretty well, so we know we won't get in trouble for links to them.  

- We have an FAQ in the works that should answer more on this.

2.  Much like it was before I was staff, except I get to see things and help with things I couldn't before.  Moderators handle reports, answer questions, and are helpful all around the site.  Admin do much of the same, plus a lot more behind the scenes stuff to help keep the site running smoothly (such as warning/ban appeals and donation goals), and fun things like issuing badges.  We don't have any "quotas" for our staff, but we do expect to see them on and doing something regularly unless Real Life has interfered (as it has a way of doing, pesky thing).

2.b.  Just keep on being friendly, helpful, and non-drama ^3^   

I'm moderation team myself and I can say that it isn't like having another "job."  There isn't a strict quota as, honestly, something like that would probably end up being counterproductive.  As far as what you can do to help, what @Kaerri said.  I just wanted to pop by with a drive-by comment.

Thanks for the quick replies :)  I'm thinking about becoming staff but wanted to gauge if I would even have time before I applied. Thanks for clearing these questions up
We don't really take applications, but rather we pick from the people we've seen being helpful and having a positive attitude, after watching them on the site.  Thank you for your interest though! ^3^  
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-cough stalkers cough- <3  @Kaerri
We don't really take applications, but rather we pick from the people we've seen being helpful and having a positive attitude, after watching them on the site.  Thank you for your interest though! ^3^  

Ah okay. Just used to having forums like this having that as option ^^" my bad
We just like the we come to you policy instead.

That sounds like one of those Russian things.

In America, you find party.
In Soviet Russia, party finds you!
4 hours ago, HarleyQuip said:

What is it like in the daily life of a staff member? What responsibilities do you have? Is there a minimum requirement of activity/work each day? and how can we non-staff help aid you guys?


Staff members are just like any other member on this site.  There's nothing excruciatingly special about us.  We do what Wizard tells us to do, just like everyone else. :)
Its fine :).

We just like the we come to you policy instead.

It's weird because I've been here since the previous site and never noticed there wasn't an application. Then again I wasn't really looking. Well since you're all here I'd like to thank you for the hard work you guys put in to keep this site as friendly as it is. Very rarely have I had a confrontation with someone and I know that's due to you guys. Kaerri has already helped me with some support stuff. Musician (speak of the devil she just replied) has been very friendly whenever I've run into them, and Welian.... well... Welian just made some really awesome bbcode back in the day.

I'm seeing new faces around RPN and I really appreciate this community you guys have built, so thank you. :)
It's weird because I've been here since the previous site and never noticed there wasn't an application. Then again I wasn't really looking. Well since you're all here I'd like to thank you for the hard work you guys put in to keep this site as friendly as it is. Very rarely have I had a confrontation with someone and I know that's due to you guys. Kaerri has already helped me with some support stuff. Musician (speak of the devil she just replied) has been very friendly whenever I've run into them, and Welian.... well... Welian just made some really awesome bbcode back in the day.

I'm seeing new faces around RPN and I really appreciate this community you guys have built, so thank you. :)

I'm still here!! I don't work in HTML as much because I'm lazy, but I'm always down for sweet-ass design.
I'm still here!! I don't work in HTML as much because I'm lazy, but I'm always down for sweet-ass design.

I know you're still here! That's why I mentioned you but I'm just sad we lost the bbcode. HTML is more complicated and kind of a pain sometimes but it has more customization options which is good... anyways enough rambling about that


I might stop by your roleplay and check things out I'm so glad you actually saw this <3  

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