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1x1 with Beauty and Bittersweet symphony

"I don't want to be here.. please tell my mother," the young princess begs, near tears again.

Cynerik lays in bed, cursing to himself softly. He didn't mean to hit her. It just.. happened.
Arianna sighed softly."Are you sure Your Majesty? It just might have been a one time she thing?" She asked her softly. She highly doubted that she would get away with not marrying him. It was only omce. And that kind of thing hapens at times. She turned to go find Olivia's mother.
Olivia goes and lies on her after. She holds onto her cheek, feeling betrayed. He hit her.

With a reluctant grunt Cynerik rolls himself out of bed, changing into proper clothing to see the Princess in.
Arianna sighed and went to find the Princess mother, she hesitated before your speaking."Your Highness, the Princess wished me to tell you that she does not want to marry t he Prince...."She said softly as she looked up at her.
"What do you mean she does not wish to marry him? Where is she?"

Cynerik sits on Olivia's bed next to her, looking down on her face. She doesn't flinch away or say anything, just accepts his presence. He left the door open just in case anyone came by.
"He had a nasty hangover this morning and I guess he hit her. Not hard though..."She said quietly as s he looked up at her."Sje is in her room Your Highness. Se seemed very upset."Sje said softly as she looked at her.
"Cynerik? We're talking about the same man? Please take me to her."

Cynerik strokes Olivia's soft curls. "I hadn't meant to hit you, love. When it happened I wasn't even thinking about it. Please forgive me."
"That's what I thought. I have never seen the Prince act out violently like that."She said softly as she tured and started walking back to the Princess' room, hoping that they weren't doing anything that would get them in so much trouble. She didn't want that happening."I think it was because if his hangover and being so abruptly woken. Be was just a bit foggy headed.."She said softly.
Arianna stopped at the Princess' door, knocking on the open door lightly."Princess? Your mother is here..."She said softly as she glanced at Cynerik, then to the Princess, then down to the ground quietly, shuffling her feet.
Cynerik stands up from her bed respectful, his hands together in front of him to show her innocence. Olivia lays unmoving, too hurt and stubborn to respond.

"Cynerik, you hit her?" The Queen jumps straight into the accusations, uncaring that he was in her room alone with her since the door was open.
Arianna looked down at her hands quietly, shuffling her feet as she stood outside the room. She felt like a tattle tale. Even though she had done what the Princess had told her to do.
"I hadn't meant to, Your Majesty. I raised my hand to signal for her to leave me alone and.. I hit her." Cynerik confesses, too ashamed to look into Oliva's mother's eyes even though he had to.

((What should happen since I'm apparently every all at once lol))
((I'm mot sure....we're you wanting something to happen??? Or should I be playing the Queen???))

Arianna looked uo quietly as she watched the Prince and Olivia's mother quietly."I've never seen him be violent, Your Majesty. He's always been kind to everybody."She said softly as she looked up at him.
"I understand you men like you're alcohol, but I would appreciate it of you would have as few of these as possible. I do not like the idea that you Hut her in the first place. However, that does happen, I strongly advise you to not do it again."She told Cynerik sternly, before walking over to Olivia's bed and sitting down next to her."Olivia dear, I know you're upset because he hit you. But this does happen....She said softly as she rubbed her daughter's back gently.

Arianna just stood off to the side, leaning against the wall some, not wanting to intrude, and was still unable to shake the feeling of her feeling like a tattle tale.
"Yes, I understand," Cynerik replies, bowing his head in respect.

Olivia sits up by her mom. For comfort she lays in her lap, hugging around her waist. Olivia didn't want to stay with him, he was being mean. Mean mean meanie butt.
"Good. I think it would be best for you to leave until Olivia can collect herself."She said looking at him, before looking back to her daughter."Olivia, this will happen. Our countries are long overdue for this Olivia, and you can't let this one time, mess it up. You will have problems with your husband, no marriage is perfect. But this needs to hapoen. Besides, you just had your wedding moved up so you could married sooner, and mow you don't want him at all?"

Arianna leaned against the wall, her eyes closed as she ran her hands through her hair nervously.
Giving a small, respectful bow Cynerik leaves the room, motioning Ariana to follow and give them space. Crisis averted. He was just extremely thankful that Olivia hadn't wanted her father. That situation would have just been 10 times worse.
Arianna looked over to the Prince as he motioned ber to follow him. She did as Ge told her to, following quietly behind him. She wasn't sure if Cynerik was upset with her or not. She was hoping not."How is your hangover Your Majesty?"She asked him quietly, a bit unsure.
"It really f***ing sucks," Cynerik admits to Ariana, rubbing the side of his head, "but almost not as much as Olivia running to her mommy to fix everything like a little child. This is a prime example for my opposition of our marriage." He walks downstairs, expecting his mistress to follow.
"You were pretty wasted Your Majesry. Did you try a cold ahower? Or strong coffee?"She asked him quietly as she followed him down the stairs, following closely behind him."I'm sorry for getting her mother Cynerik, but she told me to tell her mother...."She said softly as she followed him quietly, running a hand through her long hair quietly.
"It's okay, I understand lovely," Cynerik tells Ariana to let her know that it isn't her fault. "I was actually going to get coffee right now and possibly something to eat. Have you eaten yet?"
Arianna shook her head softly."No, I often don't eat in the mornings because of my duties to the Princess. And I generally don't have time to eat until later in the say, more towards late evening."She said quietly."In which case I get a little something from the kirchen."She said softly as she looked at him, beginning to pull her Kong hair up into a bun.

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