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1x1 with Beauty and Bittersweet symphony

Olivia answers her door, still in her robe. "I don't wish to see you..." She says to Cynerik, looking down. Her hair is still a mess on her head, eyes ringed with purple. "As you wish." Cynerik sighs, walking away.
"Do you need anything Your Majesty?"She asked softly as she looked up at her. She felt bad for the Princess. She didn't want anything to happen to the Princess even though it was a simple spanking she didn't want anything to happen.
"C.. Could you brush my hair?" Olivia asks, looking up at her pathetically. Her servant at home was like a second mother to her, but her parents wouldn't let the older woman move with her. She had been a part of the royal household since she was born forty six years ago. Now the Princess just craved her comfort.
Ariana nodded softly."Of course Your Majesty."She said softly as she entered her room, waiting for the Princess to sit down so she could brush her hair.
The Princess sits in the middle of her large bed, resting her head on her knees. She sighs softly as she waits, determined to hold out on Cynerik for as long as possible. That'll show him.
Ariana sat down behind the Princess, beginning to quietly brush the Princess's hair. The hairbrush was actually quite nice compared to the simple comb Ariana would use. Though the brushing motion irritated her lashes but because of the salve, she could handle it."Your hair is beautiful Your Majesty."She said softly as she looked at her.
"Thank you..." Olivia mumbles, sighing. Her hair was probably her favorite thing about herself. Because of that, the Princess has spent a lot of time taking care of her locks.
"Your welcome Princess."She said softly as she continued to gently brush the Princess's hair. She didn't want to hurt thr Princess's head while she was brushing her hair. Ariana herself kept her hair up, usually in a messy bun to lessen the tangles and so that it would not be in the way of her work. Her hair wasn't nearly as pretty as the Princess's, at least in her view, but then, the Princess was prettier then her in every way. She was happy for Cynerik finding a suitable wife for him. Jealous, but happy.
"Cynerik spanked me." Olivia blurts out, blushing. "Spanked me! Like a child! Bent me over his knee and spanked me." The Princess chuckles bitterly. Out of everything he could of done, he chose something as demeaning as that.
Ariana smiled, though the Princess couldn't see it."I'm sorry Princess. I don't know how he found out though."She said softly, brushing the top of her hair now, still being gentle as she brushed."I didn't know what he was going to do to you. I'm greatly sorry Princess."
"It's quite alright. He warned me." Olivia closes her eyes, relaxing. She didn't care if her hair wasn't tangled anymore, the feeling of having her hair brushed was too soothing to give up. "It was probably one of those guards who told him. He said he'd have eyes everywhere."
"Most likely Your Majesty."She said quietly as she continued, assuming the Princess was enjoying this."Do you have any plans today Princess? Anything you may want me for?'She asked softly.
"Nothing that I know of. I'm being fitted in my dress today and other than that, I don't believe I'm doing anything else." Olivia tells Ariana, cringing on the inside. She'd have to try on her wedding dress while Cynerik was unhappy with her. While she ignored him.
"Oh, you'll look gorgeous Your Majesty."She said softly as she finished brushing her hair. She was jealous. She had always dreamed of someday getting married and finding a true love. But, that would never happen. She was a servant, and servants didn't marry. They really weren't even allowed to have relationships with other servants.
"Thank you," Olivia murmurs, still resting her head on her knees. If she wasn't royalty, she could pick who she wanted to marry. In her old kingdom, even the servants could marry who they wanted and have babies. She just married who her father chose.
"You're welcome Princess, let me know if you need anything else."She said softly as she stood, leaving and walking back to her room quietly, letting out a quiet sigh.
Cynerik sits in the parlor after breakfast, staring out the window. It was awfully boring with absolutely nothing to do. Olivia was giving him the cold shoulder, it'd be too risky to be alone with Ariana, and he had no desire to spend time with his sisters. They were in the middle of shunning each other, and the Prince did not want to cause more problems with them.
Ariana left the room and went downs, deciding to go to the garden and walk around, enjoy the peace and serenity that she wouldn't ever be getting with the Princess. Sighing, she pulled out her bun, deciding to have her hair down for the time being as she didn't have any work to currently do.
Cynerik sees Ariana from the room he's in and sighs. He really shouldn't go down there and see her. There's been enough damage done over the passed few days.
Ariana sat down on a bench underneath a cherry blossom tree, running a hand through her hair quietly. Everything was messed up. Nothing would be the same ever again. She wanted Cynerik but she also didn't want to create any future problems for Cynerik's marriage. She wasn't sure if she should just go back to behaving like a servant and acting like one, or if she should continue to act somewhat intimately to Cynerik. Sighing, she rested her chin on her hands quietly.
Instead of watching her, Cynerik stands up. He leaves the room swiftly, going down to where Olivia's brothers were. Maybe they could distract him. Once in the room he sits down at the chess table with her oldest brother, George.
Ariana looked down at a flower she had picked, sighing softly. She carefully leaned back against the bench, trying to relax some as she closed her eyes quietly.
"I feel like you're cheating!" George laughs when Cynerik is gaining on him, his chess pieces dominating the board.

"Cheating? You're just losing!" The Prince smiles, leaning back in his chair to examine what his competitor will do next.

The room is noisy from all the men in there talking. They had invited some of the dukes of their land to come and meet Olivia's brothers to discuss what the terrain was like in their kingdom.
Ariana kept her eyes closed, letting herself relax more as she relaxed in the garden, enjoying the peace and serenity of the garden. It was a great place to relax.
"Cynerik?" A soft voice came from the doorway of the room, causing everyone to quiet down. The Prince puts his chess piece down, standing to face the doorway.

"Yes, my dear?" Cynerik asks Olivia, smiling lovingly at her.

She blushes at his display of affection in front of her brothers and all those stranger. "I require your assistance."

George claps Cynerik on the shoulder. The dark haired Prince goes over to his fiancee, offering her his arm. When she takes it she leads them upstairs, going into her room.

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