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[1x1] Untouchable

Violet immediately clutched the horn of the saddle with one hand as the horses started moving, even at the slow pace. Violet bit her lip uncomfortably, but she was grateful that Micah was leading the way and hopefully wouldn't notice her struggling behind him. It would look silly to see a princess acting so awkwardly on horseback, she figured. "Of course, I-" Violet began to huff defensively at Micah's question but then sighed. "Well...not really, no." Is it that obvious? she thought, defeatedly. "I mean, I've been out in town a few times with my parents, but that's it really..." Violet relaxed a little as she started getting used to the horse's rhythm. She also felt more relaxed due to the fact she was out of the palace where people were scrutinizing her every move. To be honest, this knight didn't seem like such a bad guy, so perhaps he deserved some honesty. "I imagine you've been all sorts of places, being a knight and all," she said, a bit envious.
Glancing back over his shoulder while he kept a steady hold of his horse's reins, Micah could see a defensive look in Violet's eye. "Well that's nothing to be ashamed of," the knight replied, hoping he hadn't offended her. "To be honest, I've lived near a town far from here for most of my life. I barely got out to go shopping. I only really left when my mother passed away and she told me to try and find my father." Micah shrugged. "But since you're out and about now, I don't see any problem with us exploring and letting your broaden your horizons a little. If there's anything you've ever wanted to do or ever wanted to see, you're welcome to let me know and I can see if we can fit it in our schedule." The blond knew they didn't have a tone of extra time, but then had a little bit of time to do some things, at least.
"R-Really? You mean it?" Violet tried to hold back her excitement when Micah mentioned exploring and seeing new things. Little did he know, she had been longing to hear someone say those words for most of her life. Violet grinned brightly for what felt like the first time in forever, and it felt good. "Okay...can I say something crazy?" She sighed a bit dramatically and continued. "All my life has been a series of doors in my face, and then suddenly I bump into you. I mean, I do find it a little strange that you don't go out a lot either, since you're a knight and all. Though I am sorry to hear about your mother." After a pause of what felt like awkward silence to Violet, she spoke up again. "Ah...sorry, I didn't mean to get so worked up. Of course, I understand we should probably just where we're going without much delay. It's just...you would think that a princess, of all people, should be able to do whatever she wants, right? Well, I've always felt like I live in a world full of 'no'...have you ever felt like that?"
Micah kept his horse going at a casual pace, surprised to see Violet grin so brightly from hearing his words. When she asked if she could say something crazy, he was surprised again, but nodded. "I love crazy," he replied, teasing a little. Listening to her words he chuckled a little. "No, don't be sorry. I was thinking the same thing. I've had many no's thrown at me. And to be honest, since my mother died, I've been searching my whole life to find my own place. I ended up working with my a man near the kingdom who helped me become a knight." Micah wrinkled his nose though. He really didn't like being a knight. What he wanted to be truly was something he could never be. "But anyhow, I really am serious when I say we can make a few stops to see the sights. This may be your only time to do so."
"Wow, really?" Violet thought for a moment as he spoke. She noticed Micah's apparent distaste for the job. She hadn't really thought about the fact that he might not like being a knight. Violet felt a little guilty for a moment. It sounded like he didn't really want to be here right now either. "Well...if it makes you feel any better, I'd trade places with you if you'd rather be a princess," she said with a slight laugh. The girl wondered when they would come across a town or anything that had any sights to see. Of course, she didn't know what to expect since she barely went outside the castle walls. "Hm...I don't even know what I want to see exactly. I mean, I guess I'd be content with just about anything that's not a castle. Do you think we'll find a waterfall? They always look so pretty in paintings. Oh, and well I guess we'll have to eat something sometime. Is commoner food different? I've heard that there are shops full of candy in some towns. I think they must look so colorful and inviting. Ah, well if there's anything you think is interesting, I'm sure that will be good enough for me," she smiled slightly.
Micah listened to her speak and smirked a little. "Well I would take you up on that offer and trade places with you, but I don't think fancy women's dresses would look good on me," he joked before gently reaching out to pat his horse on the head. "But yes, I'm sure we will come across a waterfall. I didn't see one on my way up, but there are ones around. I'll just ask some people in the next town we head into where it might be possible to find one. But as for food and shopping yeah, we can do those things. We can do them this evening, in fact, before we leave the town we're going to pass through. It will take us a couple hours to reach the next town though, so I suddest you get comfortable on your horse for now. Oh, and if you want to stop to take a break at all just let me know." He paused before saying, "And if you want to get out of that side saddle, I won't be offended."

(By the way, I might highlight my words sometimes, but other times I won't because my mobile tablet doesn't let me. xD )
Violet smiled a little at the dress comment, unable to imagine a knight (even if he disliked being one) in such a garment. They barely look good on me, the princess thought to herself. Violet nodded in agreement, though she really had no experience talking to common people- that was more of her father's thing. Even the queen was rarely seen outside of the palace. The women were treated more like dolls, Violet decided. They had roles, but only a few certain duties. Other than that, they were there to look pretty and collect dust. If she had any real worth, she wouldn't have been traded off like this to some stranger. Violet bit her lip a little when Micah mentioned they were a ways from the next town and would be on horseback for awhile. Indeed, I would like to get out of this sidesaddle, but... "Ah, I um...I don't really know how to ride a horse any other way," she mumbled.

(Sorry for the late response!)
(No worries!)

"Really now?" Micah questioned, hearing she didn't know how to ride a horse any way but sidesaddle. "Just another thing I may have to teach you. I don't have anything against the way women are required to ride, but I don't exactly find it the most practical either. If we were being chased by an enemy, for example, we would have to ride very quickly to get away, and with riding sidesaddle, you could possibly slip and fall off. We wouldn't want that to happen." He smiled and continued to ride along. "But enough about that. I feel like I'm asking to know more about you and not giving you as much of a chance to ask about me. Would you be interested in playing a little game so that we might be able to learn more about each other?" he asked.
Violet's eyes shifted to the side. "Yeah...I guess..." she mumbled, a bit embarrassed at her lack of horseback riding skills. She nodded after Micah had finished explaining his views on sidesaddle; all of that did make perfect sense. A brief moment of fear came into Violet's thoughts when he mentioned being chased by an enemy. She hoped that wouldn't happen, but then again, she had often heard stories about hooligans trying to kidnap or overthrow, and even kill the royals in order to gain power. Violet quickly pushed the thoughts aside when Micah mentioned a game. "What sort of game?" she asked. "I don't really see how we can play anything while riding horses..." Violet frowned a little, a bit skeptical that this game would be any fun. Though, they didn't have much else to do and she was curious about the young man- she was curious about nearly anything that wasn't from the castle. However, she was a rather poor sport and had never been fond of losing.
Micah smiled when Violet seemed to doubt the fact that the two of them could play a game while riding. The knight was going to show her, however, that it was possible. Micah had just the perfect game they could play in mind! "It's a verbal game," he began to explain. "So we can play it while riding. All you have to do is use the alphabet. I'll say a word starting with the letter "A" that describes me and I'll explain why. When I'm done, you'll say a word starting with the letter "B" and do the same thing. If you can't think of a word you may pass and try the next letter, but whoever passes the most loses. Do you understand?" he asked with a playful smile on his face.
Violet frowned slightly. I'm going to be terrible at this game, she thought. But she wasn't going to say that, of course. "Fine then, you go first." Violet smirked, her competitive streak already awakening. Violet had never really given much thought about her personality traits or unique qualities. Suddenly, she feared that she wouldn't be very interesting. Violet recalled Micah explaining that they would switch off for the whole alphabet, meaning her letter was B. The princess pondered, her mind searching for words. the first thing that came to mind was "beautiful" but Violet decided she wouldn't say that. Had she been traveling with anyone else, she wouldn't have hesitated so much at sounding conceited. Yet, Violet found herself wishing that Micah would think of her in a good way, rather than the way everyone else saw her- even if the not-so-pretty side was more accurate.
Micah didn't catch the frown on Violet's face, because when he turned around to glance at her she had replaced her frown with a competivive smirk. He chuckled quietly to himself. At least he knew she would be able to get into this game. And speaking of getting into the game, it was time for him to go first. He started thinking of what he wanted to say for his first letter, but before he did an idea came to mind. "How about we make this more interesting? You want to let loose and have a little fun like a commoner, right? How about the loser has to do something that the winner wants? Sound good?" he offered with a grin.
Violet stiffened but didn't let her moment of weakness show. Surely he wouldn't be so cruel if he won, right? If he won, that is. "Hm, very well. Have it your way. Winner picks the loser's poison," Violet smirked. "Now, if you're done with all these conditions and rules, why don't you start? At this rate, it'll be nightfall before anything happens," she teased a little. Violet sputtered as some low, loose branches slapped leaves into her face, causing her to lose her balance for a moment. Violet reached for the saddle horn but was unable to save herself in time before falling onto the ground. Thankfully, her horse stopped when its rider fell. Violet dusted herself off and huffed. "You didn't see that," she said, folding her arms, although she wondered how she was going to remount.
Micah tried not to allow himself to feel nervous at Violet's choice of word she had used to describe the winner's decision for the loser. Did she really see it as a poison? The knight really hoped he wouldn't lose now. Violet was a princess and probably had many more years of education under her belt than he did. He was almost certain she would come up with more words than he could. "Very well, I'll start our game. "A" is for apple orchard. When I was a boy, there was an orchard that lived near my home. It didn't belong to me, but sometimes I would sneak over to it and steal some apples for my mother and myself to eat. We were poor, and they had many, so I figured it wasn't that terrible of a crime," he said.

With his head in the game so much, he wasn't paying attention to even attempt giving help to Violet when she fell. Micah gasped and stopped his own horse, turning around completely in his saddle to look at her from where he sat and make sure she was okay. "I'm not going to pretend I didn't see that. I've about had it with these silly side saddles. When we get to the next town, the first thing we're doing is buying a regular saddle for your horse. If people find it offensive to see a woman riding a regular saddle and that bothers you we can disguise you as a man for all I care. It just isn't safe for you to fall off that thing," he said, shaking his head. "But for the time being, it might be safer for you to ride with me, that is, unless you think you can manage to hang on riding in that saddle a little longer until we arrive to town."
Violet hung her head slightly, as though she felt it was her fault Micah was getting so worked up over a saddle. She began to protest. "I'm fine, really. It's just a stupid saddle. Who cares if I fall off a couple times, it wasn't anything serious..." She folded her arms. "Besides, this supposed husband of mine should be able to accept a few bruises, no?" Violet said the last part sarcastically, still bitter about this whole situation. She sighed a little. It really wouldn't hurt to switch saddles. Violet wasn't sure if Micah was serious about her dressing as a male. The thought shocked her a little but also had a certain thrill to it- probably because it would be rebelling against everything she had been told growing up. As a princess, she always had to be pretty and clean with fine clothes and delicate behaviors. "I-I'll be fine for now. I think I can manage." Riding with him would not only feel awkward, since she wasn't used to being close to men, but it would also injure her pride- something she was not willing to sacrifice yet.

"An apple orchard, huh? Apples are nice indeed." Violet listened to Micah's short story. She had no idea what it was like to be poor, and she had never had to steal before. Violet tilted her head slightly, trying to find some way to relate to the knight. The way he described it, she didn't really think that the stealing had been a crime. Violet knew her father would say the complete opposite. "Okay, well I guess it's my turn... B is for... boredom." Violet sighed. "I feel like I live my life in boredom. There's nothing to do in the palace, to be honest, and no one has time for me there. This is the grandest adventure I've ever had, and it's not really an adventure like I imagined. I always dreamed of worlds and fantasies beyond my imagination."
Micah rubbed the back of his head, unsure what to make of her reply. He honestly couldn't picture a noble prince, whom Violet was to marry, being anyone but a snob who would frown seeing a few bruises on his new bride. There was the slim chance this prince could be the type of person who didn't care about such things, similar to how Violet was, but he didn't want to take any chances. He wanted to be careful and deliver Violet to her new home as much in tact as possible. The last thing he needed was for her to fall off her horse and break her neck. Micah cringed at the thought. "Very well, but if you fall again, I'm really going to have to insist that you ride with me. It's nothing personal, I just really want to do my job right and keep you safe," he said.

"I suppose being one who is poor I find it odd that your life would be boring," Micah replied when Violet used boredom for her first word. "Don't you have a choice of things to do? If not, I don't see the point of being rich if you can't enjoy it's luxuries." He frowned, realizing he would never want to live a life like that. "But anyhow, I suppose it's my turn next. C is for chilly. When I was growing up it was always cold where I lived. So I've built up somewhat of a tolerance to the cold. My mother was sick when she raised me, so she couldn't always chop firewood. Sometimes we went without any warmth at all. I think the only reason we survived is because someone would drop off firewood for us occasionally. It was probably someone in the town close by who felt sorry for us." Micah, however, had a feeling that the person who helped his mother and him out what his father.
"Fair enough," Violet agreed. If she had to ride with him, then so be it. She didn't want to be a hassle if she kept falling off. Though she didn't mind dragging this out as long as possible, she would feel guilty if Micah got in trouble for their lateness.

"Perhaps if I was another person, I would have a choice," Violet replied. "Although I have no idea what they do, I would assume my parents enjoy luxury and enjoy free time. All I have is free time, save lessons about etiquette and academics. The funny thing about free time is, it's not fun if it's never spent." Violet shrugged, remembering the countless hours wasted, staring at the ornate walls that quickly became plain to her eyes. "Where I do have some liberty to entertainment, even that is limited. Activities are normally limited to indoors, and my mother says too many films are bad for my eyesight. I'm terrible at sewing, and eating apparently doesn't count as a hobby. I do enjoy reading, art, and music, but I can only do those things so long before getting impatient."

The princess was surprised to hear about his life, what little she had learned through two letters. Violet was sure that he would have much more to say about his life than she would about her own. Her brow furrowed slightly at the letter C. "Your mother…chopped wood?" She couldn't imagine anyone having to raise a child alone and chop firewood, much less a woman. It was one of those things that never even crossed her mind, since she never had want for warmth. "Wow…she must have been a very strong woman." Violet ruminated on the subject a moment longer before speaking again. "D is for dreams. I think we all have dreams, but I probably daydream more than the average person. That's what I do with most of my free time- dream of being elsewhere. Do you dream often, Micah?"
Micah listened to Violet talk about her life and hobbies, surprised at some things she said while not surprised about other things she said. He was surprised that her parents could enjoy their free time but she was having a hard time enjoying hers. What didn't surprise him, however, was that she had to partake in etiquette and academics classes. Most nobles had to deal with those kinds of things. "Well, if none of those actives are appealing for you to enjoy long term, what would be appealing to you? Because most of the people I speak with who are bored with their lives tell me if they had access to a library, films, music, and luxury they wouldn't be bored anymore." Micah had a feeling what she really desired was... freedom.

"Yeah, my mother did chop firewood," Micah replied. "She did everything a woman would do and a man would do to help raise a child. She had to. It's not like she had anyone to help. Like I said, sometimes people from the town would help, but they couldn't always. She was a very strong woman" He went quiet after a moment, listening to Violet speak her next letter. "I do dream a lot. There are many things I dream about. In fact, that leads into my next letter. E is for equality. I hope that someday most people in this world can be equal. Even the mages. I know they are outlawed and executed because some of them did bad things in the past, but they can't all be bad, right?"
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"Well I am interested in films, but my mother believes that they turn one's brain to mush or something like that. So, I'm allowed to watch a few, but not as many as I'd like. I would really love to do something outside, perhaps go to sporting events or learn how to play a sport myself." Violet wanted to do things- to use her legs and arms, experience modern culture, and really learn about the kingdom she lived in outside of the walls.

Violet couldn't imagine her own mother doing that sort of thing, and she could just picture her mother's scorn for physical exertion. Violet's eyes narrowed a little as she decided that her own mother would not be so loving as Micah's; she would probably tell Violet to just do things herself or leave if she had complaints. Micah's mother sounded nice, like the mothers she read about in storybooks who hugged their children and made sure they were always safe.

The girl was a bit surprised to hear the knight mention the mages. She sort of assumed that those who worked for the kingdom would not support magic. The concept of magic always intrigued her, but she never even saw anyone use it before since magic was banned in the kingdom. "Equality... yes, I understand. You're right, not all of them could be bad, right? Just as not all ordinary people are always good. I mean, if magic exists, then it must exist for a purpose, right?" Violet tilted her head. "I've never met a mage before," she said. "Well, I guess it's my turn again? F... hm... ah...do we get any skips?" She laughed lightly. "Umm...F is for Fairytales. My nurse used to read them to me when I was young, and I always imagined I was like those princesses, and that all princesses had happily ever afters." Violet shrugged. "Well, your turn again."
“Sports do appeal to me very much,” replied Micah. He had always enjoyed partaking in sports when he was young, but never really had too much time to play after his mother began to get sick. “I used to kick a ball around with some children who lived in the town next to me. I wasn’t very good, and I didn’t usually have enough free time to join in, but I did enjoy it a lot when I had the chance. If you’d like, that’s another thing we could try. I’d teach you a sport if you wanted me to.”

Micah nodded, relaxing a little when she didn’t seem to turn her nose up at the idea of equality for mages. “Oh yes, I’m sure it has a purpose. It must sound odd coming from a knight who works for a king who is against magic, but I believe a person is a person, and magic is just a talent that some people are born with. They shouldn’t be executed just for something they were born with and couldn’t help.”

Ignoring the part where Violet said she had never met a mage before, Micah almost wanted to say, “Yeah, well, you’ve met one now.” He held himself back from saying such a thing, however. The secret of his bloodline was something he had never told anyone and he wasn’t about to start talking about it now. It was a secret he intended to take to the grave unless for some reason the kingdoms ever stopped executing mages.

“Yep, your turn again. You could have skipped if you wanted to, but you would have lost one of your skips just like we talked about. And if you use up all your skips, you lose,” he replied, shooting her a teasing wink over his shoulder. “Fairytales are nice though. My mother didn’t even have enough money to buy books to read, so she just made up stories,” he added with a shrug. “Anyhow, yes, it’s my turn again. G is for… give me a minute and I’ll think of something…” He laughed. “I’m just teasing. I’ll come up with something in just a moment. If I take too long, I’ll just have to give up one of my skips.”
Violet was surprised at how much Micah seemed to be willing to teach her. She sighed. "I appreciate your kind offers, but I really don't know if it'll do me much good, you know? If I learned how to play a sport, I doubt I'll get to use my skills against my new husband or anything like that…"

"I see, I've never really thought about it so much,"
Violet replied to his thoughts about mages. "You seem so…understanding and compassionate towards people," she said thoughtfully. It was true. Micah hadn't said a mean thing to her that she could recall. Violet knew she wasn't the easiest person to get along with, but she found it wasn't very difficult to get along with him. She found she was less argumentative than usual around him. Part of her wished that the journey would last a little longer than she expected it would. Then there was that escape plan… Violet hadn't eliminated that decision yet, but there was a part of her that felt like it would betray Micah and the trust he seemed to have in her. For some reason, she didn't want to see him disappointed in her.

Violet huffed and made a pouty face at Micah's teasing. "Well, whatever. I don't plan on losing to you, anyways." The princess folded her arms before quickly grabbing the saddle and the reins again. She still felt a little unconfident in her riding skills, so she didn't want to lose her focus for long.
Micah said nothing right away in reply to her comment, actually silently agreeing with her. Violet was right. There would likely never be a reason for her to use any of the skills he could teach her again after arriving there. "I agree with you... partly. You are right that you'll probably never get to use any of the skills I might teach you at your new home, but you're wrong about them doing you no good. In the end, they'll be more experiences to add to the list of things you've done in your life. They'll help you grow as a person. Not to mention, they'll make nice memories--and possibly stories to tell to your children, maybe even your grandchildren. You might as well have as much fun in your life while you can." Micah narrowed his eyes, almost sadly for a moment. "Because you never know when life could come to an end..."

"Well," Micah began to say, chewing on his bottom lip. "I had a friend once who was a mage. He was executed in public just for having magic. He wasn't a bad person though. Seeing something so cruel has given me a more compassionate heart. But forgive me if you have a different viewpoint on mages than I. Many people are offended by them, so if that is the case with you, I apologize for bringing it up." Violet didn't seem to be offended by anything he said, but Micah wanted to be careful just in case.

"Yeah, we'll see about that," Micah replied with a smirk when Violet said she didn't intend on losing to him. "G is for... gardening. One of the odd jobs I did as a child to help my mother out was working on a farm." Micah frowned. "I did a lot of odd jobs growing up. Many of them I wasn't too good at either. But I actually did pretty good with working on the farm. I suppose I have a green thumb, or a way with plants..." More like, Micah knew a magic spell to make plants grow big and healthy. He probably shouldn't have used his magic in public like that as a child, but if he didn't have a little magical support to help him work better at his jobs, there's no way he would have earned enough money to support his mother and himself.
(I'm sorry, I thought I had replied!)

Violet was a bit shocked at Micah's statement. 'You never know when life could come to an end…?' That was a little too ominous for Violet. And then she shuddered at the thought of having children and grandchildren. Um, no thanks…

Violet laughed a little nervously, suddenly more uncomfortable with the mention of children than the thought of mages. She shifted on her horse when the topic turned back that way. It made more sense now why Micah seemed so…passionate, perhaps…about mages. If he had a friend show as one, then Violet felt she could understand his viewpoint. "Oh no, you're not offending me. I just, well, I never really thought about them, to be honest. I don't exactly interact with mages in the palace, and magic isn't something I hear about on a daily basis. Actually, I rarely hear about it at all. So don't worry about me, it's just that I've never heard someone so influenced by it all. It's interesting," she said.

"Gardening? Hm, I see. I guess you do seem the type," Violet said with a slight smile. She decided to let him interpret what that meant on his own as she continued the game. "H is for Hairpins. The two I'm wearing right now, to be exact. My mother gave them to me when I was little. She used to really like me. I think it's because I was new- I was young and didn't know any better if I behaved badly. She would have little tea parties with me, and we would play the piano and walk in the garden together. We can barely stand each other now, but I can't seem to stop wearing these things…"

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