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[1x1] To High Seas (DrHuggies & SC)

Cassandra stared quietly while they fought rather briefly, suppressing a smile when the man fell to the ground. When Kai retreated to his cabin, she hesitated for a few moments, before putting the shirt aside. Maybe she'd keep her shoes on while around the crew. It'd be easier to hurt their feet if they were to touch her. She made her way over to the other side of the deck, stepping over the man and leaning against a cannon. "So, how many hours until that merchant ship comes by?" she glanced around.
"Half an hour," Kai whispered in her ear, as if he appeared from nowhere. "How did you like the little entertainment earlier?" Kai laughed taking a long swig from the bottle of rum he was holding. Kai had equiped two cutlasses that hung at his sides, and a blunderbuss in a pouch on his back. He was ready for the raid.

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When Kai spoke, she jumped, clinging onto the cannon. She frowned at him, about to chide him for sneaking up on her, before sighing. "Well, alright. I hope you don't expect me to fight at all, because I won't. Not in this dress, not in my shoes. It's far too stiff, my feet would be killing me, and I don't think I can properly fight at the moment." Cassandra paused, before lifting her chin up a little. "And it's not ladylike to fight. Not at all." she sighed, straightening up again.
"There can you see that over there dear?" Kai pointed to the horizon, "finally a chance to rid me of some boredom," Kai smiled, climbing onto the side of the ship, staring off at the distant merchant ship, ready for battle.

Once the boat was close enough, the black flag was raise, and the merchant ship was boarded.

Kai was the first onto the boat and he quickly slashed the throat of the nearest sailor. He then impaled a sailor infront of him with his cutlass. Then, pointing his gun to the captains head, said, "Congratulations merchants, you have met me, the mighty pirate Kai, now hand overall your food, weapons armor, clothes and shoes, or this captain and all your crew die.

After unloading the ship and all the things they needed, they let the ship sail away for a bit then Kai gave the order, "Sink'm lads!" 5 cannons were shot into the side of the merchant ship sinking it.
Cassandra had, for the most part, stayed out of sight while they fought, deciding it would be best if she didn't engage the merchants. She began to go through the clothes, frowning when it occurred to her that there were only men's clothing. She watched quietly as they sank the merchant ship, looking over at Kai.

"Don't you think that's a little unnecessary? Well, there's only men's clothing here. Nothing I can wear, it seems." she sighed, straightening up and putting her hands on her hips.
"No one can know we are in these parts sweetie, not even innocent merchants." Kai smiled, "And as for the clothes, I think that is enough, you're a pirate now honey, dress like one, and you may have a slight chance in surviving." Now, onward we sail, to some pirated waters! I have a little argument to settle with cap'n Jace." When Kai said that name many angry snarls escaped the crew members mouths, they all knew and hated Captain Jace.
Cassandra sighed, picking out a few pieces of clothing and getting to her feet. "Well, fine. You have fun with your little pirate squabbles..." she frowned slightly, tilting her head, before heading down to his cabin. "I'd better be able to lock this door." she muttered, pausing and glancing back at the crew. "And I'll cut the hands off of whoever tries to come in here." she closed the door, locking it behind her and beginning to get changed.
Kai smiled and leaned against the door, "anyone tries to see little missy here naked, is gonna get more than there hands cut off, and I'm sure you will regret it." Kai winked as Cassandra got into his cabin to get changed. "You might want to get that hair of yours cut as well, we don't want anyone grabbing your hair do we? Don't worry, I'll go the cutting, you don't need to worry at all sweetie, just come out when you're ready and changed.
"Cut my hair?" she asked as she fumbled with the dress, flinching as it fell to the ground. She picked up the shirt and pulled it on, buttoning it up. "Hmm. How short? My father never liked having my hair cut any shorter than my shoulders, so... it's always been quite long. Easy to tie up, at least." she tugged on the pants, pausing to smooth out the fairly baggy shirt and pants. "Although, new appearance, as well as a new life. Maybe I'll even be given a new name. Ha. Imagine that." she shook her head, picking up the boots.
Kai walked inside his cabin, hearing that Cassandra had finished. Kai pointed at a chair and said "sit down, I'll cut it quite short so you look nothing like yourself, and Cassandra is such a non-pirate name, we need to get you a nickname, any ideas?" He pulled out a knife and looked at Cassandra's hair from different angles, fiding the best way to cut it.
"I don't know." she sighed, sitting back a little and frowning, glancing around the room. "Um, you do know how to cut hair, right? A woman's hair? Properly? Please don't screw this up." she stared down at the boots she had put on. "Hmm, well, what do you suggest for a fake name, then? Surely something that has both elegance and a... uh, pirate-y quality to it." she sat up a bit, frowning in thought.
Kai laughed, "nope, this is my first time," Kai started hacking off bits of Cassandra's hair humming away to an old pirate song. "Hmm, and elegant pirate-y name.... hmmm let me think... how about Dolores, sounds good in'it?"
She muttered something under her breath as he began to cut, frowning. "Dolores sounds fine, sure. How- just how short are you cutting? Because it feels like you're cutting a lot of it. Oh, my poor, beautiful hair..." she pouted, crossing her arms and tapping her foot. "And you'll make sure it's cut neatly, correct?"
"Sorry, can't hear you over my humming," Kai laughed, he knew she wouldn't like it if he told her he was cutting it really messily but he didn't care. It was for her safety. With scraggly hair, and boy clothes, she looked nothing like Cassandra, she truly was, Delores.

Kai showed her to the mirror in his cabin, "How do you like it Dolores? It fits you much better than that princess look he had before." Kai laughed. He found her a lot more attractive like this. He had to control himself, love makes you weak. Kai remembers his previous experience of love. It didn't end well.
She frowned as he continued to cut away, straightening up a little as she stared in the mirror. She was still and silent for a few long moments, her brows knotting. Then, she turned to face him, pouting. "You butchered my hair. You're really so inexperienced with this!" she sighed, turning back to her own reflection. "Well, no one would recognize me." For that, she was thankful; if they were hunted down, she wouldn't have to go back to her dull life with her father and Edison.
"Ehem," Kai cleared his throat dramatically, "manners," Kai raised his eyebrows expectantly. He felt good that Cassandra agreed with him, at least she looked nothing like the princess she was before. Kai sat down on his chair and watched Cassandra try to fix her hair to make it look as nice as possible. If only there was a way to win that girl over, Kai thought.
After some time with trying to fix her hair, she gave up, pulling on a broad-rimmed hat and frowning. "This will have to do. I wish you would actually cut more carefully, rather than just hacking away at whatever is hair." she sighed, putting her hands on her hips. "Honestly. Now, then, what's the plan now?" she asked, looking over at him.
" I have a debt to settle with another pirate and his fleet." Kai answered, "yes, I said fleet, which means many ships." Smiling Kai jumped into his hammock. "Sleep well dear, the chances of us surviving are very slim, live life to the fullest while you can." Kai laughed spooking Cassandra out. Although deep inside Kai knew that his chance of living was very slim, but he didn't need to live anyway, the whole British navy was looking for him.
"Well then, don't you think you should spend some time preparing?" she raised an eyebrow, heading over to the other hammock but not getting in. After a few moments, she smiled slightly. "...you know that, uh... Edward fellow? You know, the man who was there when you 'killed' me." she glanced over at him. "Yes, that Edsel fellow... he's in the Navy, you know. Just thought you might want to know that, seeing as he might come full force somewhere down the line. Shouldn't recognize me, though, dear thick fellow..."
Kai laughed, "and I will enjoy meeting him, as to answer your question, no I don't need to prepare, I was on my way to get him when my ship was destroyed in a storm, so I would like to thank you, thank you for preventing me from getting hanged for piracy, or drowning in the sea, I wouldn't really like either one." Smiling Kai swung his hammock a bit, took a swig of rum from the bottle below him and fell straight into a deep sleep.
Cassandra sighed, pulling the hat and boots off and setting them aside, climbing into the hammock. She sat there for a few long moments, quiet as it swung gently, before lying down, staring at the ceiling. After a few long moments of thought and going over the day's events, she turned onto her side, staring at the wall, soon drifting off into a deep sleep.
Kai woke up in the middle of the night. Kai usually had trouble sleeping, but he normally fixed it with a bottle of rum. Kai got out of his hammock and grabbed a chair from the table. He set it beside Cassandra's hammock and watched her sleep, admired her beauty. The moonlight that shined through the small window illuminated Cassandra's body, making her seem like she was glowing like an angel, come to help him, and swoop him away from his hellish life.

Kai awoke in his chair, rum bottle still in his hand. He quickly wiped his saliva off his mouth and started cooking bacon and eggs for him and Cassandra.
Cassandra awoke slowly, and lay in her hammock quietly for a few long moments. Then, she sat up slowly, carefully climbing out of the hammock. She picked up her boots, pulling them on and running a hand through her hair. She picked up her hat and glanced around briefly, before stepping out of the cabin and onto the main deck, approaching the edge of the ship and leaning on the edge of a cannon.
When he had finished cooking breakfast. He took it out on a plate to Cassandra who was on the deck.

"What a lovely morning to die," Kai smiled sadly. He knew there wasn't much chance of him surviving the battle against Captain Jace's fleet.

"So, are we going to eat inside? Or out here, to enjoy the view?" Kai didn't mind, he liked either one, the only problem with eating on deck, was of course the remarks they would get from the other crewmen, but he reckons he could cope.
"I'm not sure. Do we have to have to blindly charge to our deaths fighting with someone far more powerful than us?" she raised an eyebrow, taking her plate. "I suppose we can eat in the cabin. It's a little chilly out here, anyways..." she sighed, straightening up and sighing. "I suppose I can't possibly convince you to not engage that Captain Jace fellow. I mean, why are you determined to fight him, anyways?"

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