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1x1 looking for partner guide


Brain Buster
Since I'm a chronic 1x1 LFP lurker (it's like reading Craig's List for me), I've seen a number of potential RPers post, bump several times in frustration, and then leave. I think that having a pinned guide in that subforum would help relieve some of the angst that comes from looking for that certain partner. Please see the example below, which is open for criticism or mod copy/edit to the appropriate subforum.

Welcome to the 1x1 section of the site! There's lots of people on RPNation, all looking to find creative RP partners like you. In order to increase your chances of finding a partner that you will enjoy, please take a look at the tips below.

Before you post, do a search of this forum for the type of RP that you're looking for! How do you do that? Go to the search line at the top right of the site while you are within the 1x1 forum and key in any subjects that you are looking for. Want that creepypasta romance? Type that phrase in. An outer space scifi adventure? Try that one. Elven high school? There's probably someone who has already posted looking for it. Even if the query post is old, try messaging that RPer. Odds are good that they are still on the site and would be open to RPing with you. And of course, be open to creating with them. Just because they want to play in a slightly different version of your universe, doesn't mean that they can't still satisfy the creative ideas that you are looking for.

Have something more specific? Try posting in a format similar to the entry below. This will make your query easy-to-understand and searchable. Maybe your ideal partner will show up a month down the road. How will they find you if you aren't searchable?


Genres desired-Fantasy, scifi, fandom, original, slice of life, etc.

Relationships-Platonic, romance, romance-possible, family, etc.

Pairings (with relationship types)-MxM (platonic, romantic, family), MxF (platonic, romantic, family), FxF (platonic, romantic, family), etc.

Typical Gender-male, female, etc.

Partner age range preferred-18+ (romantic), all ages (platonic, family)

Typical length of posts-sentences to paragraphs or approximate word count

Fandoms desired-


Original plots-


And don't forget to be patient! Some members visit the forums every day. Some visit once a week. Some take a hiatus for work or personal drama. So long as your query is understandable, and you try searching for a similar query, you will find someone eventually.
I've been thinking we need something more along the lines of some basic etiquette.  The thing is this type of post will more than likely be overlooked or ignored until they complain and someone links this to them.  I would say you could make this post in a non-official format as a suggestion that you can link to people when it is brought up that they desire some advice.
I've been here little more then a year and I only do 1x1 rps.  I've also managed to find some of the best partners and bring RPs to a satisfying ending.  

I find it's more about finding a partner who's compatible.  They have to want to RP the same stories as you, they have to have a similar outlook on RPs as a whole as you, same age range helps, and they have to want to play a character which goes well with yours.  

So, I'm a little more serious as I've got a minor in English and I'm using my RPs as a way to improve my writing.  I also tend to enjoy romance, MxF only.  Annnnd I want to play the female.  So, I only take on partners who want to play the male.  Not partners who are just willing to be talked into it, no I don't even want it to be a question.  I never double, unless there is a REALLY good reason to do so.

If someone wants to do well in the interest checks, they need to list what they want in a partner and what they can provide.  Then, list plot ideas to work with.
The staff will need to discuss this first, but I will be more than willing to add this to my list of things to do. :)
My primary concern is that I've heard a couple of members mention that they didn't realize that there was a search function. So I'm hoping that a pinned post similar to that will encourage people to use it and encourage them to make their queries more searchable.

Yes, there will be some that don't bother reading, but if it reaches a quarter of the people that get frustrated and leave, then it will be that many more people that actually find partners.

And thanks @Musician. That is just a sample, and I expect that you guys will come up with your own version of it.
My primary concern is that I've heard a couple of members mention that they didn't realize that there was a search function. So I'm hoping that a pinned post similar to that will encourage people to use it and encourage them to make their queries more searchable.

Yes, there will be some that don't bother reading, but if it reaches a quarter of the people that get frustrated and leave, then it will be that many more people that actually find partners.

And thanks @Musician. That is just a sample, and I expect that you guys will come up with your own version of it.

The search function isn't the greatest tool for finding RPs in my opinion.  I get many old/dead threads in the results.  Without standard tags (except for basic genre) and tags that have typos that means someone could type 1x1 as a tag or another person could tag that as partner search.  Elf vs Elves.  Werewolf vs Lycanthrope.   I'm not trying to shoot down your idea... it's just I've tried to do such a thing other places and believe me when I say... you've got to (as a friend says) "keep it simple stupid."  I think perhaps creating a search tutorial would be more helpful if this is what you want to focus on, because I've only used the search function a few times myself and just tossed my arms up in the air and gave up filtering the results.
I get many old/dead threads in the results.

There is an option to reorder the threads from "relevancy" to "date".  The "date" option will reorder it so you will see the most recent topics.
There is an option to reorder the threads from "relevancy" to "date".  The "date" option will reorder it so you will see the most recent topics.

Ah, last time I tried to sort the search results, nothing literally happened.  I had brought it up a while back about the "sorting" problem, but nothing ever came of it.
It may have been something that had been fixed with the small software update.  Try it again.  If it doesn't work, @The Dark Wizard can probably work on finding a new fix.
I personally find it easier to make friends on the site and then talk to them about starting up a roleplay, it's worked for me everytime plus it's more fun cuz who doesn't like to roleplay with their friends?

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