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Fandom 1x1 Borderlands Roleplay


New Member
Hey there! I am looking for a Borderlands RP!
In terms of timeline I'm completely open to any of the borderlands games (as I've played them all) but I would love to do a roleplay during BL3 if possible (possibly involving one or both of the calypso twins I'm a sucker for villains.)
I am open for whoever you wish to RP as though, however, I do wish to stick to canon. As for myself, well I'm looking to preferably RP as Angel or Lilith.
I am open to AUs.
I do work so my days are pretty busy but my nights are fairly free.
In terms of plot, I did have a couple ideas in mind, one involves the twins possibly finding Angel alive. This would basically be an AU of sorts where by some magical Vault shit Angel somehow comes back to life. Being unaware of the current events or what has happened since she's been gone the twins can pretend like they're actually good to use her for her powers, twist Angel's mind into thinking that they're vault hunters so she'll help them. Obviously you don't have to RP both the twins and there could be a focus on just one. Or perhaps they wish to use Angel to get into some remaining hyperion tech that is still about. Or if you wish to RP as a vault hunter we could do a rp where Angel never died in the first place and instead has been under the rehabilitation of Tannis to lessen her dependency on eridium. I'm also open to ideas of course. Just DM me if interested! Or you know, just respond below. We can either roleplay here or Discord.
Thank you!

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